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Rerum Novarum (1891) - "On the Condition of Labor" - This encyclical, issued by
Pope Leo XIII, is considered the foundational document of modern Catholic social
teaching. It addresses the rights and duties of workers, the role of the state, the
principle of the just wage, and the importance of social justice in response to the
challenges posed by industrialization and capitalism.

2. Quadragesimo Anno (1931) - "On Reconstruction of the Social Order" - Released

by Pope Pius XI, this encyclical commemorated the fortieth anniversary of Rerum
Novarum. It delves deeper into social and economic issues, advocating for the
establishment of social order based on the principles of subsidiarity and solidarity,
and addressing the rise of totalitarian regimes and the dangers of both capitalism
and socialism.

3. Divini Redemptoris (1937) - "On Atheistic Communism" - Also issued by Pope

Pius XI, this encyclical condemns the atheistic ideology of communism and its
suppression of religious freedom, human dignity, and the natural rights of
individuals. It serves as a response to the spread of communism and its threats to
both society and the Church.

4. Mater Et Magistra (1961) - "Mother and Teacher" - This encyclical, promulgated

by Pope John XXIII, updates and expands upon the principles of Catholic social
teaching in light of the changing social conditions of the time. It addresses issues
such as economic development, international relations, and the responsibilities of
individuals and nations towards the common good.

5. Pacem in Terris (1963) - "Peace on Earth" - Issued by Pope John XXIII, this
encyclical focuses on peace and justice in the context of the Cold War and the
threat of nuclear war. It emphasizes the importance of human rights, the rule of
law, and international cooperation in promoting peace and addressing global
6. Gaudium et Spes (1965) - "Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern
World" - This conciliar document emerged from the Second Vatican Council and
addresses the Church's relationship with the modern world. It discusses various
social, cultural, and economic issues, emphasizing the dignity of the human
person, the importance of social justice, and the Church's role in promoting the
common good.

7. Populorum Progressio (1967) - "On the Development of Peoples" - Promulgated

by Pope Paul VI - this encyclical addressed global development and economic
justice, calling for solidarity and cooperation among nations to address poverty,
inequality, and underdevelopment.

8. Octogesima Adveniens (1971) - "On the Eightieth Anniversary of Rerum

Novarum" - This apostolic letter by Pope Paul VI commemorates the eightieth
anniversary of Rerum Novarum and reflects on the challenges and opportunities
of the modern world, including urbanization, social unrest, and the role of the
Church in addressing social issues.

9. Evangelii Nuntiandi (1975) - "On Evangelization in the Modern World" - This

apostolic exhortation by Pope Paul VI focuses primarily on evangelization but also
touches on social issues, emphasizing the inseparable connection between
evangelization and the promotion of justice, peace, and human dignity.

10. Laborem Exercens (1981) - "On Human Work" - Issued by Pope John Paul II,
this encyclical explores the dignity and value of human work, the rights of workers,
and the challenges posed by technological advancements and economic systems.
It emphasizes the importance of work in fulfilling human potential and contributing
to the common good.

11. Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (1987) - "On Social Concern" - Also by Pope John Paul
II, this encyclical reflects on the condition of the world 20 years after Populorum
Progressio. It addresses issues such as poverty, inequality, and environmental
degradation, emphasizing the Church's commitment to social justice and solidarity
with the poor and marginalized.

12. Redemptor Hominis (1979) - "The Redeemer of Man" - This encyclical, the first
of Pope John Paul II's pontificate, reflects on the dignity of the human person, the
mission of the Church, and the importance of love and solidarity in building a more
just and peaceful world.

13. Centesimus Annus (1991) - "The Hundredth Year" - This encyclical, also by Pope
John Paul II, marks the centenary of Rerum Novarum and reflects on the
challenges and opportunities of the modern world, including the collapse of
communism, the globalization of the economy, and the need for a renewed
commitment to social justice and human dignity.

14. Caritas in Veritate (2009) - "Charity in Truth" - Issued by Pope Benedict XVI, this
encyclical addresses the global economic crisis and emphasizes the importance
of integral human development, economic justice, and environmental stewardship.
It calls for a more ethical and sustainable approach to economics and globalization.

15. Laudato Si' (2015) - "Praise Be to You: On Care for Our Common Home" - This
encyclical, by Pope Francis, focuses on the ecological crisis and calls for an
integral ecology that recognizes the interconnectedness of environmental, social,
and economic issues. It emphasizes the need for ecological conversion,
sustainable development, and global solidarity to address environmental
degradation and promote the common good.

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