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Each group member contributed to the project in the following way:

No. Group member name Contribution to the project

1. Retaj Zakariya 52750
2. Ayah marhoum 47810
3. Athoub hussain 49035


Umaima Imtiaz

Contact Information
Address: 123 Rose Avenue, Kuwait City, Kuwait
Phone: +965 1234 5678
LinkedIn: umaimaimtiaz-beauty

Professional Summary
Exuberant and inventive Cosmetics Product Manager with more than 5 years of experience
in the beauty and skincare sector, focusing on the creation of eco-friendly and socially
responsible products. Demonstrated history of successfully guiding multifunctional teams to
deliver cutting-edge products. Driven by a deep desire to craft innovative beauty solutions
that not only deliver exceptional results but also prioritize the well-being of our planet.

Work Experience

 Senior Product Manager

Natural Essence Beauty, Kuwait City
May 2019 – Present


Played a pivotal role in spearheading the advancement and successful introduction of an

innovative range of naturally derived skincare solutions, leading to a substantial upsurge of
30% in overall organizational earnings.
Worked closely with marketing teams to develop impactful campaigns, with a strong
emphasis on leveraging the power of social media and strategic collaborations with
influential individuals.
Performed extensive market analysis to identify emerging patterns and discern customer
demands, skillfully tailoring our product offerings to meet these evolving requirements.
Verified that all products complied with regulatory standards and sustainability objectives.

 Product Development Specialist

Glow & Shine Cosmetics, Kuwait City

July 2016 - April 2019

Contributed to the development of innovative organic cosmetic products, with a specific

emphasis on expanding the range of foundation and tint options.
Collaborated extensively with suppliers to acquire top-notch, organic ingredients.
Utilized cutting-edge methodologies to acquire valuable customer feedback, enabling us to
enhance our product through insightful insights.
Collaborated closely with the sales team to meticulously examine market trends and fine-
tune strategies accordingly.


Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Kuwait University, Kuwait City

Graduated 2016
Bachelor of Science in Cosmetic Science

Kuwait University, Kuwait City

Graduated 2014


 Product Development and Management

 Market Research and Analysis
 Sustainable and Organic Product Knowledge
 Cross-Functional Team Leadership
 Social Media Marketing and Branding
 Excellent Communication and Interpersonal Skills


 Arabic (Native)
 English (Fluent)


 Certified Organic Beauty Formulator

 Sustainable Business Strategy Certification

 Available upon request.
Application letter

Umaima Imtiaz
123 Rose Avenue,
Kuwait City, Kuwait
+965 1234 5678

Hiring Manager's Name

Flawless Beauty
[Company Address]
Kuwait City, Kuwait

Dear Retaj Zakariya,

I am writing to express my keen interest in the product team head at Flawless Beauty, as
advertised. With a profound passion for the beauty industry and a strong background in
organic and sustainable product development, I am excited about the opportunity to
contribute to a company that values high-quality, natural beauty solutions and ethical
In my recent role as a Senior Product Manager at Natural Essence Beauty, I led a team to
develop and launch an innovative line of organic skincare products, which not only garnered
positive customer feedback but also contributed to a significant increase in company
revenue. My experience in collaborating with marketing teams to create compelling
campaigns, especially leveraging social media and influencer partnerships, aligns perfectly
with Flawless Beauty's dynamic marketing strategies.

Having specialized in organic product development, I resonate deeply with Flawless

Beauty's commitment to offering beauty products that are not only effective but also kind to
the environment and the skin. My expertise in formulating beauty products that align with
such values, combined with my proficiency in market research and trend analysis, positions
me well to contribute to your team.

One of the aspects that excites me most about the possibility of working at Flawless Beauty
is your dedication to inclusive beauty standards and the mission to cater to diverse skin
types and preferences. I am particularly impressed by your approach to blend traditional
beauty wisdom with modern, sustainable practices, as reflected in your branding and
product range.

I hold an MBA from Kuwait University, which has equipped me with a robust
understanding of business strategies and operational management, further enhancing my
ability to contribute effectively to your team. Additionally, my Bachelor of Science in
Cosmetic Science has provided me with a deep technical understanding of product
formulation, crucial for creating innovative and safe beauty solutions.

I am eager to bring my expertise in organic product development, team leadership, and

market strategy to Flawless Beauty and am enthusiastic about the opportunity to be part of a
company that is redefining beauty standards. I look forward to the possibility of discussing
how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your team.

Thank you for considering my application. I hope to have the opportunity to discuss how I
can contribute to the continued success and innovation at Flawless Beauty.

Warm regards,

Umaima Imtiaz
An imaginary candidate’s LinkedIn profile


How to write a successful CV and application letter (300-word blog)

How to Write a Successful CV and Application Letter

Creating an impressive CV and application letter is the initial stride towards securing your
coveted professional opportunity. These documents serve a purpose beyond mere
formalities; they act as strategic instruments for promoting your personal brand. Here's a
foolproof method to make them truly shine and capture everyone's attention.

1. Tailoring Your CV
It is imperative that your curriculum vitae transcends the mere enumeration of your previous
endeavors. The document in question necessitates a strategic approach, necessitating
customization to align with the unique requirements of the position for which you are
seeking employment. Begin by meticulously perusing the job description and
comprehending the essential prerequisites.

2. Professional Format
An impeccably organized and pristine arrangement is of utmost importance. Please utilize a
sophisticated typeface and guarantee that the arrangement remains uniform across the
entirety of the manuscript. It is advisable to limit your CV to one or two pages.

3. Writing the Application Letter

The application letter, also known as the cover letter, provides you with the opportunity to
communicate directly with the employer. Begin by acknowledging the hiring manager by
their specific name. Intriguingly captivating, allow me to introduce myself and unveil the
depths of my fascination for the role at hand.

4. Showcasing Your Value

Please provide a brief overview of how your skills and experiences align with the
requirements of the position. Provide concrete instances and personal anecdotes that
showcase your proficiency in resolving challenges akin to those encountered by the

5. Closing with a Call to Action

Conclude your application letter with a forward-thinking tone. I am absolutely thrilled about
the opportunity presented by this role and would be honored to be considered for it. I kindly
invite the employer to carefully review my CV and reach out to me for any additional
information or to discuss further.
AUM e-learning course
Summarize the E-learning course: Audience and Purpose in Business Writing. List at least
3 tips from the course that you used in writing your CV, application letter or blog. (100 –
150 words)

The e-learning course "Audience and Purpose in Business Writing" places great emphasis
on comprehending the intended recipients and the underlying motives behind corporate
correspondences. This knowledge is essential for crafting highly influential and
compelling business documents, encompassing a wide range of written communication
such as emails, reports, CVs, and application letters.

Three crucial pointers from this course that I skillfully implemented while crafting my
CV, application letter, and blog are:

 Understanding your audience is crucial when it comes to customizing the content to

their specific needs.

 Effective communication in the business world necessitates the utilization of clear

and concise messaging. It is imperative to convey information in a straightforward
and succinct manner.

 Purpose-Driven Structure: It is essential for every written composition to possess a

distinct and well-defined purpose.

By homing in on these facets, business writing can be rendered more pertinent,

captivating, and compelling for its designated readership.

1. E-learning certificate
Paste here the digital certificate proving that ONE of you took the course “Audience
and Purpose in Business Writing”. Note that your score must be over 80%
Checklist for students’ reference

The document shows originality and creativity; ✓

Format, layout, and document presentation are reader-friendly and appealing; ✓

The document includes CV, application letter, a LinkedIn page link and screenshots, blog, ✓
E-learning course summary, and the certificate of completion;
It follows the project guidelines;
The document shows good sentence skills; appropriate web-based language, and citations; ✓
appropriate word choice, grammar, capitalization and punctuation; it observes net etiquette
and creates a professional, businesslike tone
CV is effective; course book guidelines are followed; ✓
Application letter is effective; course book guidelines are followed; ✓
A blog is effective, creative and follows the course book guidelines; ✓
Students followed the guidelines in creating an effective LinkedIn profile; both link and ✓
screenshots are provided; all necessary details are included;
E-learning course is summarized; at least 3 concrete examples are given; ✓
AUM e-learning course certificate is added; the score is above 80%; at least 3 tips are ✓
listed and supported;
Grading rubric – Project Deliverable 2

Criteria Excellent Very Good Satisfactory Needs

90 - 100 80-89 70-79 0-69
Organization Exceptionally well- Well-organized and Adequately Poor organization
and organized and cohesive; Good organized and and incoherence;
Coherence cohesive; Logical flow and somewhat Disjointed flow
flow and seamless transitions; cohesive; Some and transitions;
transitions; Clear Noticeable unity flow and Lack of unity
unity across the across the transitions; Limited across the
document; document; unity across the document
Analysis and Exceptional Strong analysis and Adequate analysis Weak or superficial
Critical analysis and critical thinking; and critical analysis and
Thinking critical thinking; Sound insights and thinking; Basic critical thinking;
Deep insights and original ideas; insights and Lack of insights
original ideas; Good support with original ideas; and original ideas;
Exceptional examples and Some support with Inadequate support
support with evidence examples and with examples and
examples and evidence evidence
Content and Comprehensive Solid content Basic content Insufficient content
Development content development; Good development; development;
development; In- exploration of Limited Superficial
depth exploration topics; Adequate exploration of exploration of
of topics; coverage with topics; Noticeable topics; Significant
Thorough coverage minor gaps gaps in coverage gaps in coverage
with no gaps
Sentence Exceptional Strong sentence Adequate sentence Weak sentence
Skills and sentence skills; skills; Good skills; Some skills; Frequent
Mechanics Flawless grammar, grammar, syntax, grammar, syntax, grammar, syntax,
syntax, and and vocabulary; and vocabulary and vocabulary
vocabulary; Adherence to issues errors
Originality Exceptional Strong originality Basic originality Lack of originality
and creativity originality and and creativity; and creativity and creativity
Adherence to Precise adherence Adherence to Partial adherence Poor adherence to
guidelines to guidelines guidelines to guidelines guidelines

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