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A Strong Partner for Sustainable Development

GE 4



College of Arts and Sciences

Module No. 7 - 8

Specific Issues in Science,

Technology, and Society: (1)

1st Semester 2021-2022

Harmann Rey D. Golez

Instructor 1

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Chapter 3: Specific Issues in Science, Technology,
and Society

Note! Pre-test and Post-test will be on google forms and will be uploaded
on the group chat or you can answer it directly to the google classroom.

Lesson 2: Biodiversity and the Healthy Society

Concept Mapping [20 pts.]. Directions: List down several concepts
that the society or human beings benefit from biodiversity. On the other
circle, enumerate the different challenges and disadvantages that
biodiversity suffers as we work our way to acquire the benefits. On the space
where the two circles meet, list down possible ways and strategies on how
we could acquire these benefits and needs without compromising the
growth process of biodiversity.

Challenges and
Concepts that
the society
benefit from

Possible ways
and strategies
on how we
could acquire
these benefits

Concept That the Society Benefit from Biodiversity

» Food and Nutrition Security
» Energy

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

» Development of Medicines and
» Pharmaceuticals and Freshwater
Challenges and Disadvantages that Biodiversity Suffers
» Habitat Destruction
» Habitat Fragmentation
» Habitat Degradation
» Overexploitation of Species for Human Use
» Introduction of Exotic Species, and
» Increased Spread of Diseases.
Possible ways and Strategies on how we could acquire
these Benefits
» Government legislation
» Nature preserves.
» Reducing invasive species.
» Habitat restoration.
» Captive breeding and seed banks.
» Research.
» Reduce climate change.
» Purchase sustainable products.
» Sustainable Living
» Education

E. Evaluation/Post-test

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Note! Pre-test and Post-test will be on google forms and will be uploaded
on the group chat or you can answer it directly to the google classroom.

Lesson 2: Genetically Modified Organisms: Science,

Health, and Politics

Research Work [100 pts.].
Directions: Write a simple reaction paper on the impacts of GMOs on the
following topics:

a. Golden Rice of the International Rice Research Institute

» When the Golden Rice Project was first announced, it was advertised
as an exciting solution to VAD in developing countries. However,
opposition to the GMO formed, blocking the expansion of the project.
Countless people and organizations including Friends of the Earth,
MASIPAG (a farmer-led network of organizations based in the
Philippines), and Greenpeace made arguments trying to halt the Golden
Rice Project. At the same time, supporters of the project, including the
International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the Humanitarian Board
for Golden Rice, continued touting its benefits. It is clear that the golden
rice debate is about not only golden rice, but also GMOs in general.

b. Genetically modified organisms produced by Philippine researchers

» Productivity growth of the country’s corn industry was estimated to
be 11.45 percent higher due to GM corn adoption, according to the study.
The total welfare gain, as measured by the equivalent variation of income,
reached $189.4 million, or nearly a tenth of a percent of total household
income. “Not only was the gain positive for all household income defiles, it
was also inclusive: lower household income defiles benefit from the GM
technology more than richer households,” the authors wrote. “The middle
class benefit the most.”
c. Issues on Philippine biosafety policies
» The Philippines Biosafety regulations started out strong in
biotechnology and leads the southeast Asian region. However, Regulatory
issues and concerns surfaced that slowed down the progress of the country.
Initiative are currently being done to answer and bridge that gaps. There
are need to establish a liability and redress mechanism to address potential
damage from genetically modified organisms ( GMOs ). However,
ratification to the Nagoya- Kuala Lampur supplementary protocol on
liability and redress is yet to be considered as the Philippines still lacks the

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

capacity to implement such the supplementary protocol. The proposed
changes in language of the inclusion of socio- economic considerations
( SECs ) from “ Shall take into account” into “May take into account”
Aligns the regulation with the language in the Cartagena protocol on
Biosafety, while also limiting the possibility of politicization which is
experienced in countries with regulation shaped by SECs. Finally, the
emergence of New breeding techniques allowed the regulation to be
product- based, as compared to the previous process- based regulation of
genetic engineering products. Further steps in regulatory reform should
then be sensitive to scientific development, while also aiming for
international regulatory harmonization. The initiatives will be important
as the Philippines prepare for future biotechnology developments.

Note: You need to research the following topics first before you write your
reaction. It should be based on the findings or contents of the topics listed
above not the topic in our lesson.

Your scores will be based from the rubrics:

Criteria 50 40 30 20
The reaction paper The reaction paper The reaction paper The reaction paper
was deep and was deep enough was deep enough was too shallow and

contains citations to and contains and contains some lacks citations to

support citations to support citations to support support
explanation/reaction explanation/reaction explanation/reaction explanation/reaction
The 3 topics are The 3 topics are There are at least 2 There are missing

complete and was complete and was topics discussed and topics are contents

explained excellently explained well with enough are not discussed

explanations properly

E. Evaluation/Post-test

Note! Pre-test and Post-test will be on google forms and will be uploaded
on the group chat or you can answer it directly to the google classroom.

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Congratulations for completing this module!

Student’s Information

Name: Ngani, John Vincent L.

Program: BSABE
Year and Section: 2-B
Contact No.: 09774146067
E-mail address:
Facebook Account: John Vincent L. Ngani
Messenger Account: John Vincent L. Ngani

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

Vision 2020
WPU: the leading knowledge center for sustainable
development of West Philippines and beyond.

WPU commits to develop quality human resource and green
technologies for a dynamic economy and sustainable
development through relevant instruction,
research and extension services.

Core Values (3CT)

Culture of Excellence

WPU-QSF-ACAD-82A Rev. 00 (09.15.20)

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