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Assignment in ABE 132

ABE Integrated Course II

Deadline: Friday (May 10, 2024 – 12 noon)

Directions: Write your answer on A4 bond paper. write only on 1 side. Show your
solution to receive full marks.
5 points each
1. A 20-com well penetrates 30 m below the static water table (groundwater table
level). After a long period of pumping at a rate of 1,800 lpm (liters per minute),
the drawdown in the observation Wells at 12m and 36 meters from the pumped
well or 1.2m and 0.5m, respectively. Calculate the transmissibility of the aquifer.
Ans. 666.3 m3/day
2. Same as in the previous problem, determine the drawdown in the pumped well if
the radius of influence is 300 m.
3. A fully penetrating well installed in a 32 m thick unconfined aquifer with a
transmissibility of 198 m2/day is pumped at a constant rate. The drawdowns in the
observation well 8 meters and 22 meters from the pumped well were 1.42m and
0.44m, respectively. Calculate the steady-state pump discharge.
4. The thickness of a confined aquifer is 5m, the well diameter is 40 cm, the radius
of influence is 250 meters, K = 10m/day, the height of the water in the pumping
well is 1325 meters, the height of the piezometric surface is 1,500m. the steady-
state discharge is?
5. A single-stage pump to deliver 200 〖𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓〗^3/𝑠𝑠 against a head of 400 feet at 450
RPM and with the positive section head, including velocity head, of 10 ft has an
impeller diameter of 6.8 ft. The pump being too large for a shop or laboratory test,
a model with an 18-inch impeller is to be tested at a reduced head at 320 feet. At
what speed and capacity should the test be run.
6. A centrifugal pump is initially operating at 1000 rpm against a head (H) of 45 ft at
500 gpm discharge flow (Q). If the pump speed is increased to 1100 rpm, what is
the resulting H (ft) and Q (gpm)?

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