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Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

Why do we use it?

In the world of Aviation, there is a different way of learning your ABC's.

The Aeronautical Alphabet is not only used by the military, but also by Pilots,
Air Traffic Controllers, and Agents within Airlines. It is a great way to make
sure you are understood because there are sounds that sound similar when

Pairwork: Think of some aviation-related words and play hangman with

a partner, using the radiotelephony alphabet.

Aeronautical Phraseology
1. Read the article about phraseology and answer the following
questions. (you will debate them in the online class)
You can use an online dictionary, for example, .

Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

Phraseology Versus Plain Language by Barbara Harper

According to ICAO, (International Civil Aviation Organization) “pilots and air

traffic controllers need sufficient language proficiency to manage all of the
potential requirements of communications, which can range from routine
situations to circumstances not addressed but the limited phraseologies, as well
as non-routine situations and outright emergencies.”

Verbal communication between pilots and air traffic controllers directly affects air
transportation safety and performance. Communication errors in aircraft
operations can have irreversible consequences and contribute to runway
incursions, accidents, and loss of life. Accordingly, proper and effective
application of communication skills by pilots and air traffic controllers is an
important element in reducing the risk of misunderstandings that can result in
disastrous crashes. Pilot and air traffic controller communities have given much
attention to improving communications through training by emphasizing the
importance of using standard aircraft operational phraseology.

Phraseology is the specialized language used by pilots and controllers to conduct

unambiguous and effective communications. Phrases were created to cover the
most common and routine situations in air navigation in order to ensure safety in
communications. Still though, when facing situations for which phraseology does
not exist, pilots and controllers must resort to a more natural language known as
'plain language'. Plain language has recently been defined as the "spontaneous,
creative and non-coded use of a given natural language, although constrained by
the functions and topics that are required by aeronautical communications, as
well as by specific safety-critical requirements for intelligibility, directness,
appropriacy, non-ambiguity and concision" (ICAO, 2010: 3.3.14).

Is your phraseology sloppy, non-conformative, unintelligible and plain down right

wrong? In order to conform to ICAO language proficiency requirements, pilots
and controllers who use English in communication must be at level 4 operational.
Level 4 covers comprehension , responses that are usually immediate
appropriate and informative, basic vocabulary, along with pronunciation. ICAO
has 6 levels of language proficiency standards. Rate yourself on where you
personally stand on this scale from 6 (highest) to 1 (lowest)? Level 1: Pre-
elementary; Level 2: Elementary; Level 3: Pre-Operational; Level 4: Operational;
Level 5: Extended; Level 6: Expert. And, not published, but thinking about
establishing, Level 7: Read my lips if you can.

Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

2. Answer the following questions:

What is the difference between phraseology and plain language?

What is phraseology? Explain it in your own words.
Who uses it and what for?
What is ICAO? And how is it connected with phraseology?
In what ways are the following three pictures related?
Try to find some examples of phraseology.

Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

On the following list, we can read some set phrases and words that
can be heard in aeronautical communications.

Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

Summing up

Phraseology enables us to communicate quickly and effectively despite

differences in language and reduces the opportunity for misunderstanding.
Standard phraseology minimizes the risk that a message will be
misunderstood and aids the read-back/hear-back process so that any error
is quickly detected. Ambiguous or non-standard phraseology is a frequent
causal or contributory factor in aircraft accidents and incidents.

3. Listen to ten ATC (Air Traffic Control) and pilot transmissions. Are they
in standard phraseology or plain language?

1. Request taxi for departure to Montreal.

2. What is the condition of your injured passenger?
3. What can you see on the runway?
4. Report level.
5. Report the extent of your damage.
6. If you’re going around, climb straight ahead to 2,500 feet and
contact the Tower on 119,75.
7. What is the situation in the cabin now with the hijackers?
8. How much assistance will you require on landing?
9. Request ILS approach Runway 28 Right.
10. Say how much your manoeuverability is affected.

4. Listen to six transmissions. Match the transmissions (1-6) to the reasons

(a -f) why each one has been, or could be misunderstood.

a. vocabulary confusion
b. a readback error
c. non-standard phraseology
d. incorrect or imprecise use of grammar
e. a garbled message
f. incorrect pronunciation

Universidad de Ezeiza – Licenciatura en Gestión Aeroportuaria

Inglés I - Unidad II

5. Listen to the exchange as a long-haul flight approaches its destination.

a. What is the main communication problem?

b. How did the pilot try to help the controller understand?
c. How did the controller deal with the situation?

5. Listen again. From each pair of words, tick the word you hear

a. violent vibration e. aggressive angry

b. rude unruly f. ground around
c. hit hail g. services service
d. drink drunk h. remain remove


1. Phraseology (liveworksheets)

2. How it works: Phraseology (Youtube video)

Final Task:

Revise the whole unit and write a short paragraph about the
difference between standard phraseology and plain language.
Mention the importance of using phraseology in aviation

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