Unit 9 - Session 1: I Love It Here!

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where is the girl ?

she is in Cuzco / Machu Picchu .

what is she doing ?

she is looking at the fantastic landscape

what's the weather like ?

the weather is cloudy.

/ foggy Unit 9 | Session 1
I love it here!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about travel and vacations
Unit 9 | Session 1
I love it here!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about travel and vacations

Lesson overview
1 GET STARTED: Tickets, please.
2 PREPARE: Travel
3 PREPARE: “This” and “these”
4 PREPARE TO SPEAK: Describing a picture of
a place
5 SPEAKING: Describe a picture of a place
Tickets, please.
Which word doesn’t belong in each group?
1 vacation tour work
2 ranch farm ticket
3 boat hotel bus
4 ticket plane friend
5 country town city

what word doesn't belong in number ___ ?

in number ____, the word that doesn't belong is...

Complete the texts about the vacations.
Which place do you prefer for a vacation ?
Travel For a vacation, I prefer ________ because...

Which vacations do you like? Why? Tell your partner.

I like the vacation in Tokyo

because I like big cities and
river tours.

Tokyo ?

Mexico City ?

Moscow ?
PREPARE this = singular

“This” and “these” these = plural

Complete the conversations with “this,” “these,” and the words in the box.

museum our tickets photos your train

1 A Is __________
this __________?
your train
B Yes, it is. We’re going home.

2 B Are __________
these __________?
our tickets
A Yes. We need them for the bus tour.

3 A __________
This __________
museum is really nice.
B Yes. It has a lot of beautiful pictures.

4 A These
__________ __________
photos are cool.
B Thanks. They are from our vacation.
PREPARE TO SPEAK picture = photo
Describing a picture of a place
Complete the description of the photo with the words in the box.

country flowers mountain

picture vacation

This is a 1_______
picture of my sisters. They’re walking

in the 2country
_______ in Canada. This 3 _______
mountainis big.

These 4 flowers
_______ and trees are beautiful. It is a

great place for a 5 _______!

Describe a picture of a place
Choose a photo on your phone or draw a simple picture of a place you know.
Think about the people and the place in the picture.
Then tell your partner about your picture.

This is a picture of my sisters. They’re walking

in the country in Canada. This mountain is big.
These flowers and trees are beautiful. It is a
great place for a vacation!

This is ... .
This ... is ... .
These are ... .
These ... are ... .
Now I can …
❑ use travel words.
❑ use “this” and “these.”
Unit 9 | Session 1
I love it here!
LEARNING OBJECTIVE: Talk about travel and vacations

Thank you!

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