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Republic of the Philippines


Nabua, Camarines Sur
Tel. No. (054) 288 -4421 to 23 (loc. 164)


Name: _Jane C. Basagre_________________ LTS Section: _LTS-8____________

Address: _San Vicente Gorong-Gorong, Nabua, Camarines Sur________________________
Activity: Home Base Literacy Program Date Conducted: May 5, 2024

Home Base Literacy Program Narrative Report

Part I.
Part II.

1. What is your preparation to conduct the home base Literacy Program in your community?

My first step in the preparation process is to identify the potential learners within the local
community who could benefit from the literacy program. After that, the learners are identified, I
focus on preparing the necessary learning materials. This includes creating or sourcing
appropriate reading, writing, and numeracy resources that are engaging and relevant to the
learners’ lives and experiences. I will also design and print personalized name tags for each
participant to help foster a welcoming and inclusive environment. In addition to the learning
materials, I will carefully consider the physical setup of the home-based program. Ensuring a
quiet, comfortable, and distraction-free space is crucial for effective learning. This may involve
rearranging furniture, providing adequate seating and lighting, and creating a warm and inviting

2. How you conduct the home base Literacy Program?

As an LTS 8 student, my approach to conducting a home-based Literacy Program would be

grounded in the knowledge and skills I have developed throughout my last training program. I
would leverage my understanding of effective instructional strategies, differentiated learning, and
community engagement to create a meaningful and impactful program for the participants. To
begin, I would carefully assess the specific needs and learning levels of the participants in the
program. Drawing on my training in formative and diagnostic assessments, I would work closely
with the learners to identify their strengths, challenges, and personal goals. During the program
sessions, I would employ a variety of teaching methods, this could include interactive read-
alouds, hands-on literacy activities, small-group discussions, and one-on-one tutoring. By
incorporating elements of direct instruction, guided practice, and independent learning, I would
strive to create a dynamic and engaging learning environment.

3. How important to conduct your home base Literacy Program in your community?

The home-based approach enhances accessibility and inclusivity for community members who
may face barriers to accessing traditional educational resources. By offering the program in a
familiar, comfortable setting, it becomes more welcoming and accommodating for individuals
with transportation challenges, childcare responsibilities, or other personal circumstances that
make it difficult to attend programs outside the home. This increased accessibility ensures that
the program reaches a wider and more diverse audience, providing educational opportunities to
those who may have been previously underserved. In conclusion, the importance of conducting
a home-based Literacy Program in the local community cannot be overstated. It enhances
accessibility, promotes personalized instruction, empowers community members, creates
sustainable impact, and strengthens community ties – all of which are crucial for addressing the
literacy needs and fostering the overall well-being of the community.

4. What challenge you the most in your home base Literacy Program and how you overcome it

One of the most significant challenges in conducting a home-based Literacy Program is ensuring
consistent engagement and participation from the learners and their families. In a home-based
setting, there can be various distractions and competing priorities that can make it challenging
to maintain a focused and productive learning environment. To maintain the learners’ interest and
attention, I would incorporate a variety of learning modalities, such as hands-on activities,
interactive technology-based resources, and opportunities for physical movement and
collaboration. By diversifying the instructional approaches, I can cater to different learning styles
and keep the participants engaged and motivated. Regularly acknowledging and celebrating
the learners’ achievements, no matter how small, can help reinforce their progress and foster a
sense of pride and accomplishment. This could include public recognition, rewards, or
opportunities for the participants to showcase their work to their families and the broader
By implementing these strategies, I can effectively address the challenge of maintaining
consistent engagement and participation in the home-based Literacy Program. By fostering
motivation, establishing routines, engaging families, diversifying learning experiences, and
celebrating successes, I can create a dynamic and sustainable program that empowers the
learners to achieve their literacy goals.

5. What is my reflection of the day of my home base Literacy Program in my community?

As I reflect on the day of my home-based Literacy Program in the community, I am filled with a
sense of pride and accomplishment. The energy and enthusiasm that filled the air were palpable,
and I couldn't help but feel a deep connection to the individuals who had entrusted me with the
responsibility of guiding their educational journey.

The day began with a warm welcome from the participants, who greeted me with genuine smiles
and a willingness to engage. I was struck by the sense of community that permeated the space,
as neighbors and friends gathered together to support one another's learning and growth.

One of the most rewarding moments came when I observed the learners actively participating in
the literacy activities, their faces alight with concentration and determination. Whether it was
practicing their reading skills, working on writing exercises, or engaging in interactive discussions,
the participants demonstrated a genuine thirst for knowledge and a desire to improve their

What truly humbled me, however, was the level of trust and openness that the learners and their
families displayed. They welcomed me into their homes, shared their personal stories, and
expressed their hopes and aspirations for the program. This level of vulnerability and trust was a
testament to the strong bonds we had forged through our previous interactions and the genuine
care and support I had shown them.

As I reflect on this day, I am filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. The home-
based Literacy Program has not only enriched the lives of the participants but has also deeply
touched my own. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this transformative journey, and
I am committed to continuing to work tirelessly to support the educational and personal growth
of the individuals in this community.

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