God of Gita Is Shiva and Not Krishna

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Actually God of gita is actually not the number one divine physical personality (= human deity) Sri Krishna. It is the incorporeal, most beloved Supreme God fat her of all souls who is also known as Shiv. Efforts are put to explain this. Eve n the following are explained. a)Lowkik sanscrit gita does not have enough truth b)Teachings of (God through) BKWSU resembles closest to even lowkik gita. c)and hence the True/real gita is the teachings of (God through) BKWSU. Some initial questions 1)It is said that gita was sermonized at the end of Dwapur Yug/Age by Sri Krishn a. If so- why after Gita episode the worst Kaliyug came? Dharma/religiousness in Kaliyug is lesser than in Dwapur Yug. If Sri Krishna did establishment of dharm a, how can Kaliyug come next to Dwapur Yug? The best Satyug should have come, is it not? Some say- It is law of time. According to kalachakra (Time cycle), Kaliyug should come after Dwapur yug. If so, then what is the significance of incarnation of Go d? Is his(Gods!) effort/incarnation waste? Some say- Sri Krishna came to reduce burden(population) on earth. If so- then wh at is need of preaching gita? God could have created natural calamities to reduc e population. Or it would be enough if people fought with each other. Is there n eed of God to make people fight with each other? Or is the Gods work is to make p eople fight with each other? It defames God, is it not? There is no need to come and teach religious matter to create a war. People figh t among themselves. God need not preach dharma to make people fight. In fact, re ligious matters are to be taught to follow non violence. Another thing- If Sri Krishnas purpose was to reduce population, why did he crea te millions of children from his 16108 queens/wives? [In Bhaagavat it is written crores of braahmins were appointed for education of Sri Krishnas children create d by his 16108 wives] 2)It is written in gita- sarvadharman parityajya maamekum sharanam vraja, ahum t waa sarva paapebhyO, mokshayishyaami maa shuchaha (18-66) = Sacrifice all the re ligions and surrender to me. I will liberate you from all your sins. Now- what all are the religions to be sacrificed? What all are the religions tha t did exist in Dwapur Yug? If all the religions are to be sacrificed, what is th e meaning of establishing dharma/religion? (Because it clearly said in gita- I h ave come to establish religion). What are dharma, swadharma, saddharma, paradharma, adharma? 3) It is written in gita- Sacrifice all the religions and surrender to me. I will liberate you from all your sins- (18-66). Now- What all are the sins committed by Arjun? From this it implies that gita kn owledge is for those who commit sins. Was Arjun the highest sinner? Also- was gi ta preached/needed for just one person? Was he alone sinner in the world? Ok- let us agree that god spoke just to one person, but it is applicable to all. I n that case, what is the procedure to become free from sins? When did Arjun prac tice yoga to purify himself? Will physical war (violence) increase sins or reduc e? Does it mean to surrender to God one should do physical war? If so- then what about others who also attended war, but did not listen to Gita? Can we say- eve

n they also surrendered to God? Were those sins due to just of that one birth of Arjun or is it the total accumu lated sins including his previous births? In which birth did he commit most sin s? Should we consider all (or at least higher percentage) of his actions till h e listened to gita were wrong/sin?Why in Mahabharat these things are not mention ed or discussed? Gita says Arjun was highest sinner in the following shloka. Do Gita people belie ve so? Can they explain this? So- does not this imply that the life of Arjun til l listening of Gita was bad and waste? Api chedasi paapebhyaha, sarvebhyaha paapakruttamaha, sarvam jnaanaplavenaivavru jinam santharishyasi (4-36) = Even though you are more sinner than all the sinners, with the help of boat of knowledge you will cross the whole ocean of sin successfully. 4)It is said- AHIMSHAA PARAMODHARMA (= NON VIOLENCE IS THE HIGHEST RELIGION). Th en how can god of gita whose duty is to establish dharma can teach/direct to do physical war on others? Because for a yogi, peaceful atmosphere and mind is nece ssary. Can establishment of dharma be achieved by physical war? If for a kshatri y physical war is his duty, is knowledge of gita applicable to kshatriya categor y only? In that case, authority of gita should have been more in the hands of ka shatriyaas than braahmins, is it not? [but today braahmins read/preach it more than anybody else!]. Also- is war fiel d right place to give education? If yes, then it clearly implies that it is only for kshatriyaas. Other varnas need not study gita knowledge, is it not? Also ks hatrya varna/sect should have been given the highest place. But there is saying - BRAAHMANO DEVATAYA NAAMAH= SALUTES TO BRAAHMINS WHO BECOME D EITIES OR SALUTES TO BRAAHMINS AND DEITIES. But in the varnas, kshatriya is give n next place to braahmins and deities. Why? 5)It is said- Arjun got attachment with his relatives at war field. And that was the main concern. Now- just think- How many such incidents had occurred BEFORE in history? It is shown no such incident (attachment with relatives and relatives as enemie s) had occurred before. If no such incident had occurred before, then what is th e significance/use of previous incarnations? If nature of climax is different in different times/ages and God plays his role according to that situation, then i t implies gita is useless after Mahabharat war. Its praise should end after Dwap ur Age, is it not? If it is useful till the end of Kaliyug, it (can) also imply that it was necessary even in other ages. Then why gita was preached only in 8th incarnatio n? Also- people say Vedas are great scriptures and existed from anaadi (the very beginning itself). In that case, why world got degraded? Some say Vedas are mor e important than Gita. In that case, why Vedas could not protect India/Bharat an d/or dharma and there came necessity of Gita? Also when it is said- SARVASHAASTYRAMAYI SHIRIMANI GITA= GITA IS PARENT/SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHER SCRIPTURES, and RELIGION IS MIGHT, -why could not India protect it self from attack of other religions? How can it be said- Vedas are greater than gita? 6)Does knowledge of gita say to fight against ones own brothers? Or does it say t he maximum possibility of fight will be always with ones own brothers!? That isif somebody becomes my enemy, the highest probability is that- they would be my own brothers only? Or is knowledge of gita applicable to only such a few cases w

here one gets attachment with his cheating brothers? There is no any incident mentioned in scriptures about Kouravas troubling or tor turing the citizens of the country. The kouravas had enmity or hatredness just o ver their brothers, pandavas. Then how can that situation be called as climax (d harmaglaani)? If kouravas did injustice just to pandavas, is it correct to destr oy all the people? In case, if all the people of the country were irreligious, is it correct just t o kill just male category? Were all the women religious? In the war, fight was s hown just among the male category. Can we say- Gita is scripture just for males only? 7)God is incorporeal (bodyless). Sri Krishna is corporeal (physical personality) . Then how can Sri Krishna be God? God is neither male nor female. But Sri Krish na is male. In gita, it is written BHAGAVAANUVAACH. BHAGAVAANUVAACH means versio ns/words of BHAGAVAAN(GOD). When Sri Krishna has no real eligibility to be calle d as Bhagavaan, how can he be God of gita? 8)If Sri Krishna , Sri Rama, etc all are avatars God, then even words of Sri Ram a should have been as famous as BHAGAVAANUVAACH. There should have been another scripture which consists of Bhagavaanuvaach (versions/words) of Ram. But why wor ds of Ram are not called as Bhagavaanuvaach? Why not even words of Sri Krishna d uring other incidents are not as famous as Bhagavaanuvaach? [The third avatar is shown as pigs. So- can even the cry of that pig be called as Bhagavaanuvaach? ju st a joke]. 9)Just see- In India, the oldest temples are Shiv temples. Glory of Shiv temples is much more than other temples. Even in count, the number of Shiv temples is h ighest. Shiv temples can be seen even in hills as well as village/town/cities. P eople take very high risk and effort in visiting Shiv temples (Eg- Amarnath) th an other temples. All these imply Shiv is higher than Sri Krishna or any other deity. Even in Maha bharat, it is said- Sri Krishna did tapasya of Shiv and obtained the highest wea pon SUDARSHAN CHAKRA from him. There is no mention of god Shiv worshipping anyon e. When Shiv is definitely greater than Sri Krishna, his scripture(biography) sh ould be greater than that of Sri Krishna, is it not? Since gita is the highest s cripture (sarvashaastramayi shiromani = mother of all the scriptures), Shiv only can be its sermonizer, is it not? 10) It is written in gita- Sacrifice all the religions and surrender to me. I wil l liberate you from all your sins- (18-66). Sri Krishna belongs to a particular religion (Yaadav kul). So how can he say sacr ifice all the religions? Is it ever said yaadav kul is greatest among all the re ligions or varnas? It is said- braahmano devataya naamah. Braahmins and deities ar e considered to be highest among the different varnas/sects. No person from Sri Krishnas religion (Yaadavas) is famous or worshipped (except v ery few like Balaram (that too to some extent, not much)who is considered to be his blood relative (own brother). If Sri Krishnas religion is the best, yaadavaas should have been the best, is it not? But in fact, yaadavaas are shown as highl y egoist, low character people in scriptures. Then what is the religion of Sri K rishna? If you say- Sri Krishna is above religion matters, then what about his body? He has his own body. He has parents! He got body from them. So definitely he is bou nd by the religion of his parents, is it not? Still even if we take it for granted that Sri Krishna is above all the religions , he got body just to discharge his duties, then it implies one should not remem

ber or worship physical body of Sri Krishna during meditation (yoga= dhyaana), i s it not? But people remember physical body of Sri Krishna during meditation. It is clearly mentioned in gita to sacrifice body consciousness. If we remember a bodily personality, can we become free from body conscious? In gita, it is said- REMEMBER ME(GOD) ALWAYS IN EVERY ACTION. Sri Krishna is shown as died just from an arrow of hunter. So body of Sri Krishna really perished. S o how can Gods real form be that of Sri Krishna? GOD IS CALLED AS TRUTH/ETERNAL. So his form can never change, is it not? When the body is perishable, why to rem ember perishable things? Many people say- God has no name and form. Then what is the importance of name a nd form of Sri Krishna? Why do they direct to chant name of Sri Krishna and wors hip his physical personality/form? 11)Was Sri Krishna bound by laws of karma?:- Some say- yes, he was; because he w as in human form. It was shown that he died by a hunters arrow. Now- did he exper ience pain while dying? Most probably devotees of Krishna will not believe so. T hen how can they say he was bound by laws of karma? Also- it was shown that he d id many miracles. So, it looks as if he was bound by laws of karma. If he was not bound by law of karma, what teachings do we get from his biography ? [killing many irreligious people and doing miracles]. So what is our duty? Sho uld we also begin to kill such people and try to do miracles? Can we achieve to do miracles? I think all will agree that we human beings will not be able to do such miracles- let he or she be 100% devotee of Sri Krishna. So it implies that Sri Krishna or God himself comes to kill bad people and rescu e good people, then it implies that there is no need to teach anything for the g ood people, is it not? In that case, what is the need of preaching gita? If foll owing gita teachings uplifts us automatically, then what is the need of killing so many people? If it does not uplift us and there is still need of God and war to kill such people, then what is the use of gita? Can following teachings of Gita we will be able to get such weapons and to do mi racles? We study biography of great people either to follow them or implement their rese arch activities (what they gave to society). For example we study biography of M ahatma Gandhi to adopt at least some of the values he had in his life. We study biography of Isaac Newton to bring his inventions to practical so that it can ma ke life better. Now- see the biographies of personalities of heroes in the scriptures. Sri Krish na did miracles. There were brahmaastras, varunaastras, paashupataastras, etc. J ust by chanting some mantra a grass would become some great astra! Bhim (= one o f the pandavas) had power of 1000 elephants, etc, etc. Now- by studying such stories are we going to get such powers? What is the teach ing they give us? Are their teachings and actions (miracles and extra ordinary p ower) similar to one another? It is said- ones words should be according to his a ctions. But there is no coincidence in their teachings and actions. Then what be nefit we will get from them? [Of course we can enjoy it like a movie or novels] 12)Is Gita scripture of just Hindu religion? If yes, why not the word Hindu men tioned in gita? If gita is applicable to all the religions, in which category other religions (E g:- Muslim, Christian, etc) should be placed among different varnas (braahmin, k

shatriy, vaishy, shudr)? Also how can the other religions be convinced that gita is applicable even to them? Because all the religions believe GOD IS INCORPOREA L/BODYLESS. They do not believe corporeal Sri Krishna as God. Some say Hindu is not a religion, but it is way of living. But even then why the re is no name of Hindu is gita? So- does it mean gita has no value for Hinduism ? 13)In gita, it is said- Paritraanaaya saadhunam (4: 08) = I come to protect saadh us. Now who are Sadhus? Meaning of sadhu is ONE WHO DOES SAADHNAA (EFFORT). Then how can todays saadhu/saints who put effort to reach/realize God help us? Does no t that imply these saadhus are also ignorant, weak and sinners? Some people believe Sadhu means one who is pure and honest. In that case, why do they need protection of god? Why should god of gita say- I come to protect Sadh us. [BECAUSE GODS PROTECTION IS NECESSARY ONLY FOR IMPURE/WEAK PEOPLE, IS IT NOT? DOCTOR IS NECESSARY FOR PATIENTS AND NOT FOR HEALTHY PEOPLE]. God is most neede d for impure people, is it not? There have been countless number of Sadhus/saints in India. (There were many goo d saints also). Still why India lost its independence? How come other religion/c ountries got capacity to loot Indias health and wealth? That too they looted even from temples! Many Sadhus who read, preach and teach gita say sadhus are already protected. So - how come the above word in gita? Also- if they are protected, then why do they do saadhnaa(effort)? 14) Scriptures say, Now it is just beginning of Kaliyug. The life of Kaliyug is 4 ,32,000 years. Just about 5000 years of Kaliyug is crossed/passed. That is, accor ding to them Sri Vishnu incarnated as Sri Krishna 5000 yrs before from present a nd preached gita. It was eight avatar according to them. It is also said that th e ninth avatar was that of Buddha. It is well known from the history that Buddhas time was around 2250 yrs before. So did dharma established by Sri Krishna got d egraded just in 2750 (5000 2250) years and God had to incarnate as Buddha? Ok, l et us agree. Even then- according to them Kaliyug will exist for 427,000 years (=432000 5000) from today/present. Scriptures believe God will incarnate as KALKI at the end o f Kaliyug. Now the question here is- did dharma created by eighth avatar Sri Kri shna got degraded in just 2750 years and that created by Buddha will sustain for 427000 years? Ok, let us agree even this. In that case, is avtar of Buddha more powerful than Sri Krishna! If yes, do/will gita followers suggest worshiping/praising Buddha more than Sri Krishna? Not on ly that- If Buddha was ninth avatar according to Hinduism, then how come Buddhis m got named as separate religion and has separate scripture? Hindus worship Rama , Krishna, etc. But why not even Buddha? If Buddha was ninth avatar according to Hinduism, then from the period of Buddha, did gita lost its value? 15)It is written in Mahabharat that Sri Krishna married Jambavati = daughter of Jambavant. Jambavant is shown in Silver Age during period of Sri Rama. Sri Krish na is shown at the end of Dwapur Age. Now the question arises- what is the life span of Jambavants daughter? Can she live for one full age (from end of Silver Ag e to end of Dwapur Age)? Did she remain virgin for the whole age and then marrie d to Sri Krishna at the end of Dwapur age? Ok, let us agree so. Even then was she young lady while marrying? If yes, then w hat is the period of her marriage life? Because Sri Krishna was shown as died or

departed from the world soon. How did Jambavati die? What about history of othe r queens of Sri Krishna? Did they die before him? Or did they get title widows? Is this not ridiculous? 16)When it is said- sambhavaami yuge2 = I come in every age. there should be just four avtaars(incarnations)- one for each age, is it not? How come ten incarnatio ns? 17)It is said Vyyaas Bhagavaan. But in Mahabharat, it is shown that Vyas failed in an incident but his son succeeded and his son is given higher place than Vyaa s. Then how can he be called as Bhagavaan? 18)Some say- The 16108 ladies were those who had been under bondage of Narakaasur (a demon). He was killed and then they got released. But no one was ready to ma rry them. So Krishna married them. But in Ramayan, it is shown that Sri Ram sent his wife Sita to forest (that too- after passing in the fire test (agni pareeksh a)] just by a comment/criticism of a dobhi. They say Ram did so to respect kul m aryaadaa of the citizens and respect the society. Just see- So how can Krishna accept even those ladies who were not really belong ing to him, but Ram rejecting his own innocent wife that too after passing the t est? So- whom, should we follow- Krishna or Ram? Can such a Ram be called as Maryaada a purushottam? Because while marrying the husband takes oath that he will take c are of his wife in righteous way/dharma. Now was Rams acts towards his wife were according to dharma? Ok- let us agree that Rams action was as according to dharma. Then do we need suc h a ram rajy? It is also shown in Ramayan that Ram fought with his own children. How can such a rajy(kingdom) be praise worthy? Some say- The Sita sent to forest was not real Sita. It was just an illusion. TH EN WHAT IS TEACHING OF RAMAYAN FOR A COMMON MAN? Should he send his wife to fore st if someone criticizes his wife? If yes, then how can that Sita be just illusi on? If not, then what teaching the incident of sending Sita to forest teach us? 19)It is said in scriptures that - the ashareeravani spoke- THE EIGHTH CHILD OF DEVAKI WILL KILL KANSA (Devakis elder brother). Hearing this Kansa imprisoned her with her husband. Now the question is- why did he put them together? He could h ave imprisoned separately, is it not? Then no child will take birth. Ok- let us agree that he was a fool. Now- when De vaki was seeing her every child being killed one after the other by Kansa, how c an she think of bearing next child? Devaki and her husband continued to do sex i n prison!? Just think- A satwik person if put in jail, he is not likely to do su ch actions(sex). But the couple continued till the eighth delivery! Ok- let us b elieve that everything was Gods Maya. Now- Is this part of ancient culture of India? What spiritual power a person wil l get by reading/following such ugly stories? So- do all these stories say- ever ything is Gods Maya and there is no need to put spiritual effort for progress? -----------If we think sensibly1)GOD CANNOT INCARNATE IN EVERY YUG/AGE. HIS INCARNATION PERIOD CAN BE ONLY AT T HE END OF KALIYUG:- IF GOD comes in every age, it becomes illogical. Because th

e purpose of incarnation of god is to establish dharma. Hence after his incarna tion, we should go back to the previous yug/age. Actually we should go back to t he first age, Satyug. Because dharma is best in Satyug and worst in Kaliyug. Also note that God cannot incarnate till the end of Kaliyug. Because dharma does not become fully before the end of Kaliyug. So how can he come (=how is it logical for God to incarnate)? Usually a house is not destroyed in its middle of the age. The whole of its life span is utilized before it is destroyed {forget todays exceptions where man is ready to do anythin g with greed. Today is time of climax and anything can happen). Similarly God wi ll have to wait till the near end of Kaliyug is reached. [It is said in scriptures-- Religion/dharma has four(100%) legs in the beginning of SatYug (Golden Age) and three legs(75%) in the beginning of Silver Age. In t he beginning of Copper Age, it reduces to two(50%) and in the beginning of Iron Age, it reduces to one(25%). At the end of Iron Age, it hardly exists. That is t he time when all the religions become irreligious]. Supporting points:a)God is called as Purifier. Hence after his incarnation, pure (golden) age shou ld get established. b)God is called sarv ka sadgati-daata (Benefactor of all). So God will have to c ome when the population is maximum. That is- when all the souls are present in C orporeal world. It would be during the end of Kaliyug only. Because before incar nation of God no one can go back. Because to get sadgati(= true status or good s tatus), Gods company is needed). Also sarv(all) should be in durgati(degraded state) when God descends. Today we can see it. Even the human Gurus have degraded and are caught by ego and also by worldly laws of Kaliyugi politicians. Just see- a Kingdom becomes weak when the King is weak. So religion also become s irreligious when its heads become weak or irreligious, is it not? Today we can see the religious heads (the so called Jagadgurus, Mullas, Popes, priests) are weak and adharmis. So God comes when sarv (= all, even these human gurus) are in durgati (degraded state). c) Significance of sarvadharmaan parityajya maamekum sharanam vraja, ahum twaa sa rva paapebhyO, mokshayishyaami maa shuchaha (18-66) = Sacrifice all the religion s and surrender to me. I will liberate you from all your sins. In scriptures there is no mention about what all were the different religions du ring the end of Dwapur Age. Hence it implies that the gita written is not applic able for that time. That is- it implies gita is incorrect. But it can/may imply that some event had occurred long before (say - in previous kalpa= time cycle) a nd gita is an attempt to recollect that event. Since there is obviously long gap (-explained shortly) between the event (establishment of dharma = incarnation o f God) and writing of its scripture, there could be error. Note that- if there is more than one religion at a time, it implies that all those religions are weak. For example- a lady needs just one husband. If sh e has two, it implies that both are weak or degraded. So- if there is more than one religion it implies all those religions are irreligious. Also note that when there is true religion, there cannot be scripture. Because a healthy/religious person will not have medicine/scripture at home. One who has fear or experienced at least some ill health only will keep medicine. It is said

one realizes unhealthiness (irreligiousness) only after losing 50% of health. S o it is clear that scriptures can come only after Dwapur Yug when dharma degrade s to below 50%. So- Now- if we assume that time is cyclic and has four ages, in the first half o f the cycle, religion is religious (= religion is above 50%), there can be only one religion and it should not have scripture. That should be in Satyug (Golden Age) and Treta Yug (Silver Age). After Copper Age, the/this religion decreases t o below 50%, that is it becomes weak. Then only other religions can take birth. Else when the first religion is good and powerful, no one could be attracted/con verted into other religions. If the first husband is powerful, wife wont get devi ated. So this implies that God will create just one religion and other religions will be created by human beings. Also God will not rule the world, because in that ca se, the world can never get degraded. So- God will descend at the end of kaliyug and establish saddharma = true religion and return back and keep quite. This wi ll put an end to kaliyug and transform it into Satyug and then that true religio n will begin from satyug. In this way the time cycle is sustained. Since from Satyug God is absent in the physical world, the true/best/first relig ion starts degrading. Now- when time reaches/enters into Dwapur Age, other relig ions come one by one. Since they already had disease in the beginning itself (th ere was violence from the very beginning of some religions and they were never d ivine), They needed scripture immediately for their existence/maintenance. So fo llowers of those religions created/wrote books of their religion. Since they had written their scriptures very soon after the period of their religious fathers, they had enough data with them and hence errors in their scriptures are less. Also since by Copper Age, even the first religion also had got degraded, they al so write scripture of their religion. But two ages had already passed and they h ad no enough correct data to write. So there would be maximum confusion. SO- IT IMPLIES THAT THE SCRIPTURE OF THE FIRST/BEST RELIGION WOULD BE PREPARED MUCH LAT ER AFTER ITS ESTABLISHMENT AND HENCE WOULD CONTAIN MAXIMUM NUMBER OF ERRORS. Sothere is long gap between the establishment of the religion (saddharma = sanata n religion = Adi sanatan devi devtaa dharm) and the scripture. Since any scripture is imperfect (since all get formed only after Copper Age), n o real guidance is obtained and all go descending and time of climax reaches by the end of kaliyug. Then God descends and gives true knowledge. But God is bodyl ess and hence needs a body to give knowledge. So- he needs to enter a persons bod y to speak/give knowledge through mouth of the person. Since God does work for n ew Time Cycle/ kalpa this work of transformation is also called as creation. Hen ce the name of the person in whom God enters is called as BRAHMA. Gods entrance i n a human body is called as divine birth of God and celebrated as Shivratri with most simplicity. [ A proof of Shiv entering a persons body and using mouth:- During Shivratri, in some Shiv temples, a human face is put as a cover on the Shiv ling. Like as if t he ling wears the face. This implies that Shiv enters a person and uses just his mouth (to give knowledge).] [A note:- If scriptures are enough to get sadgati, then God will lose his import ance! Hence it is clear that just scriptures cannot bring sadgati. (Also, it is evident that- even though there are numerous religions and scriptures, the relig ious power in society goes on degrading). And when God needs to descend, then in front of God, the scriptures will have no value. So it is waste to find God jus t from scriptures].

Those who have listened to Godly knowledge at the end of kaliyug only will get t ransformed into deities (will attain a state of dharma more than 50%) and get en trance to heaven. Shiv is also known as mahaakaal = the greatest death. God is bodyless. When he c omes to this world and completes his role, natural calamaties and civil and atom ic war will take place and all the souls get death (liberation from impure bodie s). Please note that Krishna is never called as mahaakaal. There is temple Mahak aaleshwar in Ujjain which is one of the 12 jyotirlingams of Shiv temples. In Mahabharat, huge destruction and mass death is shown. But Krishna is never ca lled as mahaakaal. Why? This also implies that Shiv is more near to the post of God of gita than Krishna. All the religions know date of establishment of their religions and their respe ctive religious fathers. But Hindus do not know their religion. They are even co nfused about word Hindu. Some say Hinduism is not a religion, it is a way of liv ing, etc. This also implies that the present gita of sanscrit is false or cannot give enough truth. Today there are many religions. Also all these religions have become ir religious. They fight in the name of God. They do not have any power in them. Al l the religions have expectation from others. They even beg from politicians for their existence. That is- there is no power in religion today. They also fight or do violence on one another. Significance of the shloka 18-66= sacrifice all the religions and surrender to me. Since it is wise to sacrifice ego all these religions (Hindu, Islam, Bud dhism, Christianity, etc)- because all are weak and irreligious. So this clearly implies god of gita- the real God descends/incarnates during the end of Kaliyug (because that is the only period when there are more number of religions) and d irects to sacrifice all these religions and surrender to him. This clearly impli es no religion or scripture created by human beings can help human beings. d)Significance of dharmasamsthaapanaarthaaya, = I come to establish dharma:- God co mes to establish SANAATAN religion. The word sanaatan is very famous in Hinduis m. But Hindus cannot explain its meaning. On one hand they say sanaatan is the o ne which is oldest but they say- Sanaatan Hindu religion. Indians say- SANTAN HINDU RELIGION. But the word HINDU is given by Persians and hence not ancient. So how can the saying SANAATAN HINDU RELIGION is correct? {BKsexplanation:- The full name is AADI SANAATAN DEVI DEVTAA DHARM, also called a s DEITY religion. Sanaatan = santaan = children. All are children of God, but those who realize him are his first(= aadi) childre n. So ASDDDharm means religion of the first children of God. The other religion s are religions of next children of God, because they realize God later -after t oo late board = at the time of destruction]. e)Even in this world, the work of VIPs is special. Their efficiency will be high . Even a visit of the President to a village can develop/help it a lot. But if w e believe God(the highest VIP) comes during every age but the world goes on degr ading, it is not only foolishness but also insulting our most beloved god father . ----- -----2)CAN GOD HAVE DIFFERENT NAMES? Indian scriptures say god takes different forms during different incarnations. S

ometimes they say God has no name and forms. They say chant gods name (naam kaa s maran) and remember him (dhyaana). All these statements violate one another. Let us try to find truth. Let us discuss about RICE. In English, it is called rice. In hindi, CHAAVAL, in Kannada language, it is called as AKKI . Why does its name change? BECAUSE IT HA S NO AUTHORITY OVER ITSELF. SOME OTHER PEOPLE USE/OWN IT. It becomes property of other people. Hence those people name it according to their wish. So each one c alls it by his choice. Sometimes different religion people may call it by differ ent names. Parents keep name of their children, because the child is owned by them. But whe n the child grows up, it can change its name according to its wish. See the diff erence! Note that name of a person does not change as language changes. It remains same even in different religions. A person whose name is John will have same name in any language, country or religion (= irrespective of in which country he moves t o or in which language he speaks). Because his authority is more than that of th e language. But when a person changes his religion, his name changes! Because he bowed/surre ndered himself to the other religion. He respected the other religion more than himself. He gave up his authority. Hence his name changes. So it is clear that the name of the highest authority cannot be changed by lower authorities. GOD IS THE HIGHEST AUTHORITY. HENCE NO HUMAN BEING CAN NAME GOD. A LSO SINCE THERE IS NO CHANGE IN GOD (LIKE GETTING CONVERTED INTO OTHER RELIGIONS , ETC), HIS NAME SHOULD ALSO REMAIN CONSTANT. HENCE GOD SHOULD HAVE ONE PERMANEN T ETERNAL NAME WHICH CAN NEVER CHANGE. THAT NAME IS SHIV. Even though no one has right to name God and God can have only one name, today w e can see different people/religions call God by different names. THIS CLEARLY I MPLIES NO RELIGION (OR ALL BUT EXCEPT ONE) KNOWS GODS REAL NAME! SUPPORTING POINTS FOR THE NAME SHIV:a)The word SADAA_SHIV (= always Shiv) is famous. Sadaa (= always= constant= eter nal) is not joined with any name other than Shiv. It is never said SADAA_KRISHN or SADAA_RAM. Hence it is clear that Shiv always remains as Shiv. He does not change at all. Hence he is truth. This also implies Sri Krishna and Sri Ram do not have eternal existence in the same name and form. That is- since they come in birth and deaths, their name and forms change. But Shiv is above bi rth and deaths. b)The word Shivohum (= I am Shiv) is famous. There is no any other word that say s Krishnohum (= I am Krishna), Ramohum(I am Ram). So this implies Shiv had come to this world and has spoke, I AM SHIV. For what cause it may be? All the souls might have forgotten real God. Hence Shi v might have to say- Hey My dear children, I am Shiv, I am Shiv. Like parents teac h their small children, I am your father, mother, etc, even god needs to say, I a m your Godfather, because we people forget God totally and become irreligious due to body consciouness. The word Shivohum also implies that- Shiv does not take births like Sri Krishna and Sri Ram. In fact, there is no need to say I am Sri Krishna, I am Sri Ram for S ri Krishna and Sri Ram. Because they had taken birth from their parents. They ca nnot speak until the age of one or two years. By that time, their parents will c

all their names, you are Sri Krishna, you are Sri Ram, etc. By the time they grew up, many would already know their names. Hence it would be foolishness if Sri Krishna or Sri Ram begins speaking I am Sri Krishna, I am Sr i Ram all of a sudden (when they get matured). But Shiv does not enter mothers womb. He enters a persons body. Hence he needs to say- I am Shiv (Shivohum). Moreover Ram, and Krishna are visible personalities, but Shiv is invisible(bodyless). So there is need to remind more. Also it is nec essary to remember just one Shiv. c)Shiv Jayanti (birth = incarnation of Shiv) of is also known as Shiv_raatri. Th e word raatri (night) is not connected to any other person than Shiv . This impl ies Shiv came in the deep night of ignorance. [Even though birth of Krishna is shown in night, it is celebrated during day] d)Glory of Shiv temples is the highest and hence Shiv is the highest. No temple of Sri Krishna or Sri Ram can be equal to even 10% of that of Shiv (Eg:- Somnath ). e)The word RUDR YAJN, JNAAN YAJN is famous. There is no name KRISHN YAJN. This also implies that Rudr (another name of Shiv) is one who can give jnaan (knowled ge). Hence the highest knowledge which is gita can be given by just Shiva only. How can then Sri Krishna be god of gita? The word jnaaehswar, yogeshwar are famo us. There is no name jnaanaKrishna, yogakrishna, etc. f)Shiv is called as trinetri (the one who has third eye). No other deity has thi s title. The third eye is significance of eye of knowledge or wisdom. So authori ty over knowledge can be with Shiva. How can that be with Sri Krishna? Gita is t he highest knowledge so Shiv only can give it. g)In scriptures it is also said- UPA_NAYAN. Another name for Upanayan is BRAHMOP ADESH. Upanayan is a ritual done for male child in braahmin caste (usually betwe en 5 to 12 yrs of age). It is also said that till Upanayan, THERE IS NO DIFFEREN CE BETWEEN A BRAAHMIN CHILD AND SHUDRA CHILD. It is after Upanayan only even the braahmin child gets eligibility to be called as braahmin. It is believed that i t is during upanayan the child receives highest knowledge and that is called as Brahmopadesh. In fact, Upa = extra, nayan= eye. Upanayan means extra eye means third eye of kn owledge. Now Shiva only is called as trinetri. So without him, how can Upanayan will be complete? Upanayan is also called as Brahmopadesh. So it implies that the third eye is giv en through Brahma. So it clearly implies that Shiva only can give third eye(know ledge) and he needs Brahma to give it. This implies that Shiva is bodyless and h ence needs a corporeal body of Brahma to give/speak knowledge. It also clearly i mplies that till the third eye is received from Shiva through Brahma nobody can be eligible for the title braahmin. Also it is said braahmins are created through mouth of Brahma. So- it implies th at those who listen to godly knowledge from Shiv through mouth of Brahma are rea l braahmins. So, real Gita is spoken by Shiv through Brahma. Also during upanayan, the Brahmin child takes oath that he will maintain purity in his thoughts, speech and actions. Even the gita directs the same. So do not t hese clearly imply that Shiva incarnates through Brahma and gives knowledge whic

h is mentioned in bhagavadgita? Or at least Brahma has more connection with Gita than Krishna? [After all, why a child should take oath on purity and how can it take? Because it is already pure, and it does not know the difference between purity and impur ity. So how this oath/ritual taken in lowkik upanayan is meaningful?] Also do lowkik braahmins agree that until upanayan their children are equal to a shudra? Do they at least give same respect for a shudra and child of a braahmin until he has not undergone upanayan/brahmopadesh? [In fact, this resembles very close to BK philosophy. BKs believe until one unde rgoes UPANAYAN, there is no difference between braahmins by birth (lowkik braahm ins) and lowkik shudras. Also they take oath to follow purity in their life and believe that we have new birth through mouth of Brahma from Shiv. And Bks give h igher importance to other Bks than their lowkik children or relatives. They cons ider even their lowkik children as shudras if they do not get spiritual knowledg e (BK philosophy)]. h)It is said the process of creation occurs through Brahma = It is said creation through Brahma. It is never said creation through Sri Krishna. So Brahma and/or the one who does the process of creation through Brahma should be the authority , is it not? Creation means transformation/purification. For that water of knowl edge is needed. Hence the highest knowledge can be given by god through Brahma o nly, is it not? i)Shiva is also known as one who can drink or drank poison (vices). He is also c alled as paapakateshwar (one who cuts sins). Bhagavadgita also says- to sacrific e all vices. Bhagavadgita aims to burn sins (18-66). Krishna has no glory or pra ise like paapakateshwar, etc. So this also implies Shiv alone can be real God of Gita. j)In scriptures, it is said- Brahma devtaaya namaha, Vishnu devtaayaa namaha, Sha nkar devtaaya namaha, Shiva Parmaatmaaya namaha = Brahma, Vishnu and Shankar are deities and Shiva (only) is GOD. Namaha (salutes) to each. Now- When Vishnu is a deity and not God(as mentioned above) and it is said Sri K rishna is 8th incarnation of Vishnu. When Vishnu himself is a deity, even Sri Kr ishna who is his incarnation also can be just a deity only, is it not? How can i ncarnation of a deity be god? So this implies Sri Krishna is not Bhagavaan (God) . So, how can the words in gita (Bhagavaanuvaach) be words of Sri Krishna? The above is reply is given from logical thinking. -------------- ----------3)GOD OF GITA AS PER SHLOKAS OF GITA:-Now let us see who is god of gita according to shlokas of gita itself. a)Avyaktam vyakti maapannam, manyante maama buddhayaha, param bhaava majaananto, mamaavyaya manuttamam (7-24) = Those whose intellect is weak, think/feel that me who is avyakt(invisible) be came vyakt(corporeal, visible) later. That means less intellect people consider that god who is invisible got projecte d as corporeal and visible personalities like Sri Krishna, Sri Ram, pig, fish, e tc. (as mentioned in dashaavataar= ten incarnations). From the above shloka, it is clear that god can never be seen through physical eyes of body. But Sri Krish na can be seen with physical eyes. Hence he cannot be god of gita.

[The above shloka says God is incorporeal and will be incorporeal all the time. Bks also believe the same. BKs believe that Gods form is point and His form alway s remains as point. He does not take body of his own, he never takes physical bi rth from parents.] b)kavi puraanamanu -(08-09) = (God of gita) is knowledgeful, has no beginning, EVEN SMALLER THAN A MOLECULE. He is far from (beyond) tamas(darkness). Is Sri Krishna smaller than molecule? Definitely not. So god of gita is the inco rporeal point of divine light and might, just a tiny point who is represented as a point in middle of Shivling. Even soul is a point. We put a dot at our forehe ad which represents soul(me). When soul is a dot, even Supreme soul(God) also sh ould be a dot. Is it not? So Sri Krishnas physical personality has no value at all and is not told to reme mber by God of gita. c)Dwaavimow purushou loke, ksharaashchaakshara eva cha, ksharaha sarvaani bhoota ani, kootasthokshara uchyate (15-16) = in this world, there are two purushas/things, one is perishable and the other is imperishable. In those, the bodies of all the living creatures are perishabl e and the living soul is eternal. Uttama purushastanyaha paramaatmetyu da hrutaha, yo lo katrayamaa vishya bibhart avyaha ISHWARAHA (15- 17) = There is one more thing that is different than both of these two. That protect s and nourishes everything. He is eternal and is Ishwar. Yasmaat ksharamateetohum aksharaadapi chottamaha, atosmi loke vede cha prathitah a purushottamaha (15-18) = Because I am totally different than the perishable body and even than the impe rishable soul. Hence I am well known as purushottam (best among all the souls = supreme soul. Purusha = soul) in world as well as in vedas. From these three shlokas, it is very clear that god is totally different than bo dy and all the other souls. So it implies there is no need to remember perishabl e body (of even Sri Krishna). Also it is mentioned that I AM ISHWAR (= SHIV AND NOT KRISHNA) d) The following is a shloka in Udyoga_parv (one of the 18 parvs. A part is call ed as parv) of Mahabharat epic which is superset of Bhagavdgita. Esha naayaarayanaha krishnaha phaalgunashcha naraha krutam, naarayano narashchai vasatwamekum dwidhaa krutam (49/20). = Sri Krishna is Narayan and Arjun is human. Both of these are two projections o f the same base. It implies both Sri Krishna and Arjun are one and the same. Then how can Sri Kri shna preach gita to Arjun? How can one be giver and the other receiver? [BKs believe that Shiv preached Gita to Arjun a human being who became the most divine Krishna= Narayan- in his next birth. So this fits to BK philosophy]. f)The following are shloka numbers 4 and 5 in 43rd chapter of the same parv tha

t of gita. These shlokas are present immediately after sermonization of gita in the epic Mahabharat. Shat shataani savimshaani shlokaanaa praaha keshava, Arjunaha sapta panchaashat, sapta shashtim cha sanjayaha, dhrutaraashtraha shlokamekum, geetaaya maanmuchyat e. According to the above statement, there should be 620 shlokas of Sri Krishna, Ar junas 57, Sanjayas 67 shlokas, and one that of Dhrutaraashtra- So totally 745 shlo kas should have been present in gita. But there are only 700 sholkas in the present sanscrit gita. Why/how the differe nce? g)Api chedasi paapebhyaha, sarvebhyaha paapakruttamaha, sarvam jnaanaplavenaivav rujinam santharishyasi (4-36) = Even though you are more sinner than all the sinners, with the help of boat of knowledge you will cross the whole ocean of sin successfully. Do lowkik people believe Arjun is the most sinner? If yes, how? [BKs believe that they are really Arjun (gyaan kaa arjan karnevaalaa = One who i mbibes knowledge). And also believe that Bks are the highest impure souls or sin ners by the end of kaliyug, because they take maximum number of births and hence accumulate maximum sins (of 63 births)]. h)Bahunaam janma naamante jnaanavaanmaam prapadyate, vaasudevaha sarva miti sa m ahaatmaa su durlabhaha (7-19) = Those who receive knowledge during the last birth of their highest number of b irths consider Vasudev(God) is everything and remember me. Such great souls are very less/rare. So- it implies the rare (special) souls are the one who take maximum births and accumulate maximum sins and consider God as everything in their last birth. Do l owkik people who believe in gita believe so? [But Bks believe so. Bks believe that the soul of Krishna becomes Brahma and tak es knowledge from Shiv and Brahma is number one braahmin or Arjun. All the other Bks are numberwise Arjun or Master Brahma] i)Ye pyanya devataa bhaktaa yajante shraddhayaanvitaaha, te pi maameva kounteya, yajantya avidhipoorvakam. (9-23) = Even if one worships a deity with faith, it is as good as worshipping me, but without vidhi (not right procedure!). Now- who can say this? Definitely one who is not a deity. When Sri Krishna is a deity, how can he say so? So it implies fruit of worshipping deities is lesser t han worshipping God. So- definitely God should had come at the time when people used to do bhaktis of many deities, is it not? If we know from past history, around 2000 yrs before j ust Shiva was being worshipped. The oldest temples are of Shiv temples. So- defi nitely God of gita should had come after that period, is it not? Some may argue/believe that Sri Krishna is not a deity, he was God in human form . The deities are Indra, sun god, moon god, etc. But Gita believers worship even these. So- it implies they did not understand gita, because they worship even a

ll other deities! j)Quite a number of shlokas say- I am Ishwar (another name for Shiva). The word Krishna is not present much in gita. Examples of such shlokas are given below. I think except at two places (that too I doubt) nowhere else name of Sri Krishna is present. Uttama purushastanyaha paramaatmetyu da hrutaha, yo lo katrayamaa vishya bibhart avyaha ISHWARAHA -15- 17) Yo maa majamanaadim cha vetti loka MAHESHWARAM, asam moodhaha martyeshu sarva pa apaihi pramuchyate -(10-03) Avajaananti maamoodhaaha , maanusheem tanumaashritam, param bhaava majaananto, m ama bhoota MAHESHWARAM (9-11) Also see shlokas- 11-03, 11-04, 11-09, 11-16, 11-25, 11-44, 10-15. Just think- When it is said in many places that I am Ishwar, how can God of gita be Krishna? If gita believers believe Krishna and Shiv/Ishwar both are one and the same, then it could have some value or truth. That could lead to the one concept of God and one_ness/unity and harmony. But gi ta believers believe Krishna is different than Shiv. Vaishnavas believe in Vishn u (Krishna) and Shaivas in Shiv. Due to this people got divided and hatredness e ntered. This caused huge downfall of the country and the world. k)Yo maa majamanaadim cha vetti loka MAHESHWARAM, asam moodhaha martyeshu sarva paapaihi pramuchyate -(10-03) = One who knows me as birthless, beginningless, and the Supreme controller of al l the worlds; he being undeluded among mortals is delivered from all sins. Now- when Sri Krishna takes birth and deaths, has beginning and ends. So how can he be God of gita? Does not this imply that it can be only Shiv, because except Shiv all the other deities got birth from mothers womb. l)Avajaananti maamoodhaaha , maanusheem tanumaashritam, param bhaava majaananto, mama bhoota MAHESHWARAM (9-11) = Me being the only God of the whole living thi ngs, the fools see/consider me as small (give disrespect, under estimate) when t hey see myself in human form. All had given respect to Krishna. In Mahabharat, it is shown that most of the pe ople had given very high respect to Krishna, except a few like kouravas, Shishup aal, Jarasandh, Durodhan, etc. It is shown in scriptures that many saints knew t hat Sri Krishna was God himself. Also he was given very warm welcome wherever he went. Moreover it is shown that even kouravas, jarasandha, Kansa, etc who did not pay respect to Krishna did know greatness of Krishna. They were having fear of him. So- according to biography of Krishna given in scriptures, the above shl oka becomes wrong. [Actually this shloka fits for Dada Lekraj who is the chariot of God (according to beliefs of BKs). We can see people of the world have no respect for the chari ot. People criticize him and fail to recognize Gods acts, even the so called pbks

]. m)Na tadbhaasayate sooryo, na shashaanko na paavakaha, yadgatwaana nivartantE, t adhdhaama paramam_mama..- (15-07) = I reside at that place where lights of sun and moon do/can not enter. This implies that God is not omnipresent. But people believe that God is omnipre sent. [BKs believe that God is not omnipresent. They believe that Gods residing place is Paramdham which is above the physical world of five elements. From this it is clear that lowkik peoples belief about gita is much far than Gita slokas and BKs belief is more closer to the teachings of gita ]. -----------------------

4) Place of soul in body:Sparshaan krutwaa -(5-27) = concentrate your eyes BETWEEN EYEBROWS. Prayaanakaale,.. (8-10) = Even during death, concentrate praan* (= soul= mind ) at between THE EYEBROWS. In these shlokas it is said to CONCENTRATE BETWEEN EYE BROWS. So definitely the eternal entity(soul) should be there(forehead). But lowkik people believe place of soul is in heart. *About praan:- Some believe praan stands for the air we breathe. But actually pr aan means soul. If meaning of praan is taken as air, what is the use of concentr ating mortal or physical things/nature? Even plants and trees breathe. But they do not come under category PRAANI. It is only human beings and animals that come under category of praani. So it implies that the meaning of praana is soul. There is also a saying- BHRUKUTI KE BEECH MAY CHAMAKTAA HAI AJAB SITAARAA= A STA R SHINES BETWEEN EYEBROWS. Also- there are words SHIROMANI (JEWEL AT HEAD), MAST AKAMANI (JEWEL AT FOREHEAD). Hindus put a dot at the middle of their forehead. These all indicate that the pl ace of soul is at forehead/brain. So- it is clear that Hindus have not understoo d their own traditions as well as even lowkik gita. Because they believe that so ul is in heart and even god resides there. Of course, even gita shlokas are ther e which say God resides in everyones heart. But the real meaning is- everyone has place(love and respect) for God in his heart. It does not imply God physically resides there. But Bks believe that its place is at the middle of forehead between the eye brow s. So- their belief fits to both the traditions as well as gita. 5) GITA- RAJAYOG:- Teachings of gita is called as RAJAYOG. But people who chant or read gita do not have intoxication of becoming KING/RAJA. They do not keep aim in present life to become King of (to get power to control) their body/organs. Even their future aim is not to become King. Their future ai m is to attain moksha(permanent liberation). Then how can be such a practice cal led as Rajayog? Of course- some may practice to sacrifice vices and may have control over organs in the present life. But almost all of them are usually sanyaasis, saints who a bandon their families and are of nivruttimarg. Their effort is not natural. It i s hathayog (forced). But gita teachings are more for household path. It says KAR

M_YOG IS BETTER THAN KARM_SANYAAS. Not only that, most of the saints who practice gita believe- there is another st atus called Brahma_rushi (or Brahm_yogi) and they believe that the status Brahma rshi is higher than Rajarushi (or Rajayogi). Now, how ridiculous it is Placing G ods teachings (Gita) at a lower stage than other teachings/practice? So- it is as good as lowkik people holding scripture(gita) that teaches liberati on in life, but talking about sacrificing or hating life itself(= to attain moks ha)! If Moksha od say- I other. Is devotees is the highest aim, then why did God create us? Also then why should G have come to establish dharma? Because both are contradictory to each it not ridiculous to say- God creates dharma in/for this world for his but directs them to attain moksha!

It is as good as Gods duty is to set the things of the physical world right, but giving directions (teachings) to sacrifice the same world! No relevance between teachings and actions! The following explains how the concept of MOKSHA is just an illusion and not pra ctical. 6)MOKSHA (PERMANENT LIBERATION) - AN ILLUSION: People believe God created us and also has given directions/teachings to us to p ut effort to attain moksha. Let us have a thought on this. i)God himself has no liberation. He has to descend into Physical World during ti me of climax. Then how come other souls could get moksha? ii)Since soul is eternal, it can never attain moksha. Because moksha is as good as getting dead or merging. iii)Some belive moksha as merging in God or merging with Brahma tatw. But soul i s called as akhanda(indivisible). Hence it cannot be created out of something. I t also cannot be mixed with something. Brahmatatw is liveless. Because it is just empty space. But soul is chai tanya(one which is aware of itself). Then how can a chaitanya entity merge in li veless thing? iv)If God created us and gave directions/teachings to attain moksha, it would be highly foolish and funny. Then God is responsible for all the sins. It is as go od as God pouring mud on me (putting me in cycle of birth and deaths) and giving me a water, soap and cloth to take bath (giving directions through his teaching s or scriptures, whatever they are). Just imagine how wrong our scriptures and Gurus are. Let readers decide what the truth is. [In fact the rushis of olden days in India had honestly admitted abou t their ignorance of creator and creation. (NETI NETI). But todays Gurus are more ignorant and egoist and say I am Shiv(shivoham), etc. v)Concept of liberation is present in almost all religions. Some believe in heav en situated in separate world. All direct to get liberated from this present wor ld. Then why all the religions direct to produce children? Is it not sin? Is it not making a soul bonded in this Physical World full of di seases, stress and worries?

So- those who preach of moksha should never give birth to children and also dire ct the same to others. Then worries in this world will come to end or at least r educe to a great extent. Population will decrease and all will automatically get moksha! Hence it is clear that those who believe or claim moksha are really ign orant and body conscious. vi)Some Indian Gurus direct Hindus to produce more children. Just think- these G urus practice celibacy. But they teach others to produce children! See the pitia ble state of India. vii) It is said that brahmaanand is the highest stage of a yogi. Does not it imp ly that the state of brahmaanand is higher than moksha? [So- the write feels that the titles Brahmarshi, Brahmvidyaa are fake and silly ]. ----------- ----------Ok- Let us still agree that moksha really exists. Now- from story of Mahabharat, who all had put effort to establish dharma or moksha? It is not clear. Huge war is shown there. If we say Pandavas and their army did put effort to establish d harma in the world, it does not fit properly. Because all the people who fought war died. So- how dharma was established? Even those who fought for dharma died(except the 5 pandavas, droupadi and Satyak i). Why even then the pandavas did not rule the world? So is it that the pandava s established dharma for others those who come next? If so- IT IS LIKE ONE GETTI NG FRUIT OF ACTION OF ANOTHER. It violates karma philosophy. Ok- lets us believe even this (ones effort can giv e fruit to other unconditionally) for the time being. Then why not the effort pu t to attain moksha by few people give moksha to all others too? So- all should/c an attain moksha when at least a few people attain moksha and there should not b e anyone in this world now. Because it is shown in scriptures that few had attai ned moksha at some or some time. Hence it is clear that ONE WHO PUTS EFFORT ONLY SHOULD REAP IT. ELSE IT BECOMES ILLOGICAL OR MEANINGLESS. So those who put effort to establish dharma should rul e the Kingdom. But in Mahabharat no results of war is shown. It is shown that al most all died. Where they all went (after death) is also not mentioned. It is sh own that even the pandavas died while climbing the mountain. It is shown in Mahabharat that kouarvas had rivalry just with pandavas and there is no incidence of ill treating the citizens. And it is not shown anywhere else that the citizens had worries, diseases, scarcity for food, etc. So- how can th at be called as time of climax? How kouravas can be said as unfit to rule? Also- after the war, even pandavs did not rule the world. Then citizens did not get rule of pandavas. So- they lost both kouravas and pandavas. What benefit was there for the citizens? Let us see from pandavas point of view. Even the pandavas did not rule the world . They committed suicide (died while climbing the mountain). So- for whom the wa r was established? ---------------- --------7)THE TWO NECESSARY TRANSFORMATIONS/WARS:There is need of two transformations- internal- in soul(thoughts) and external, that is in body. Because IRRELIGIOUSNESS MEANS IMPURITY IN SOUL OR/AND BODY. Imp ure things cannot give happiness and power. Today both the soul (thoughts) and b

ody are impure/weak. One creates waste and negative thoughts in mind and even th e physical body pollutes. The body emits bad smell and is bondage for everyone. In Kaliyug, there is pollution, and the power/quality of nature had degraded. Bu t in Satyug or the place where dharma exists, even nature should be excellent. T he bodies of Kaliyugi people have innumerable diseases even more than animals. But the physical bodies would be perfect, pure, beautiful and healthy in Satyugi heaven. Example- Sri Lakshmi and Sri Narayan. HENCE EVEN PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION/T RANSFORMATION SHOULD TAKE PLACE FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF DHARMA/RELIGION. GITA KNOWL EDGE IS FOR TRANSFORMATION/PURIFICATION OF SOUL AND THE PHYSICAL DESTRUCTION IS FOR PURIFICATION OF BODY AND NATURE. SO AFTER GITA EPISODE, A GREAT PHYSICAL TRA NSFORMATION WOULD TAKE PLACE AND MAHABHARAT WAR WOULD BE NEXT TO IT. This is the significance of relating Gita with physical destruction/war. So- it would be wrong to say that Kaliyug will continue even after establishment of dharma. Because it is impossible to experience peace, happiness and power in this present weak body and environment. Hence the body should be changed. SO THE FRUIT OF RAJAYOG/GITA WILL BE RECEIVED IN THE NEXT BIRTH AND IN NEXT AGE, THAT IS IN GOLDEN AGE= SATYUG. After the new house is built, then only the old house is destroyed. Similarly on ly after teaching of gita Mahabharat war can occur. When God gives/sermonizes gita, all will not follow accept it. Some will ignore. Those who follow will put effort to change/transform themselves. The transforma tion is to sacrifice vices and clear past sins. Those who follow godly direction s (gita) need spiritual/gita knowledge. They will listen to gita. Their effort will be like a war in their mind. That is - internally they will have to fight with vices. So God of gita directed to figh t against these vices. This is the war mentioned in gita. It is said in gita to fight against vices and not against people! In Gita, it is said, Hey Arjun fight , fight. But it is never said- kill, kill. This implies you fight with your own vices residing inside you. This is also clearly mentioned in Gita that lust, ang er and greed are doors to hell. Others who do not listen to Gita will not try to become religious and hence are likely to be vicious and would fight against themselves. This is the physical wa r. The physical war together with natural calamities will bring physical transfo rmation. So- Physical war is also inevitable. But God does not direct for that. That is t hose who fight physically need/will not read gita. The internal war is of non violence and external war is of violence. Teaching of gita has nothing to do with external/physical war. It does not motivate for phy sical war. ---------------- --------------8)REAL ENEMIES AND INTERNAL WAR(DHARMAYUDDH, RELIGIOUS OR WAR OR NON VIOLENCE):Who are ones real enemies?:- Let us see what gita says about these:uddharEdaatmanaatmaanam -06-05 = One should lift oneself by ones own efforts and should hot degrade oneself; for ones own self is ones friend, and ones own self is ones enemy. Also see 06- 06, 06-07, 03-37, 03-38, 03-40, 03-41, 04-42, 05-23, 16-21, 16-22,

18-51, 18-52, 18-53. In all these shlokas and even many more it is mentioned th at vices are ones real enemy and how a yogi should be. It is never mentioned in Gita that kouravas are enemies. Note that more one does religious war (yoga), his enmity with people should go on reducing. Such a war is truly religious (= spiritual) one. This is possible only when one fights with his own internal enemies which are vices. But gita people believe that first enemies are kouravas! What a great difference and misunderstanding! ------------ -----------9)BHAGAVADGITA- SARVASHAASTRAMAYI SHIROMANI = MOTHER AND THE HIGHEST OF ALL SCR IPTURES:Highest teachings are given in Bhagavadgeeta. It is beyond all the bodily religi ons. It gives highest aim in life. No other religion directs to maintain such a high purity in life. Gita says to sacrifice all the vices like lust, anger, gree d, attachment, ego. It also directs to consume pure vegetarian food. It gives directions to make mind more pure than even a child. It says that thes e vices are cause of body consciousness. Body consciousness is due to the ignora nce of the Real Self and attachment to the body. Gita teachings are beyond even the gender and give importance to Universal Value s. The teachings are common to both the genders. But in all other scriptures, it is not so. This also implies that Gita aims to become soul conscious. It is tru ly spiritual. Bhagavadgita has the concept of Bhagavaanuvaach. That is God himself descending to give knowledge. But some other religions believe God sends prophets who give knowledge. It is due to the highest level of teachings Bhagavadgita has the high est place. It says to observe complete non violence. It is said- AHIMSAA PARAMODHARMA = NON VIOLENCE IS THE HIGHEST RELIGION. But peo ple have projected/made gita as cause for physical war of violence. So- it does not fit properly. Not only that in such a case, the title SARVASHAASTRAMAYI SHIR OMANI will not be applicable for gita. So- even from this point of view, people have not understood gita. NOT ONLY THAT THEY HAVE MADE THE ELIXIR(GITA WHICH TEACHES COMPLETE NON VIOLENCE) AS POISON ( AS THE SCRIPTURE WHICH MOTIVATED FOR PHYSICAL WAR). [But BKs believe that one should sacrifice all the vices. Even from this point o f view, teachings of BKs fit well here. The internal war is the war of non viole nce and is real dharmayuddh (religious war)] ----------- ----------10)BIGGEST BLUNDERS AND HIGHEST CLIMAX:HENCE THE BIGGEST BLUNDER IN GITA ARE i)PUTTING NAME OF SRI KRISHNA IN GITA INSTEAD OF INCORPOREAL SUPREME MOST BELOVE D GOD FATHER SHIVA AND ii) TO CONSIDER THAT GITA KNOWLEDGE WAS USED TO MOTIVATE FOR VIOLENCE (PHYSICAL WAR). Physical war is likely to increase body consciousness, is it not? But the teachi ngs of gita direct to become soul conscious! Without realizing the basics of li

fe/religion, people mixed the external war with Gita and defamed gita. Just imagine- THE HIGHEST GEMS OF KNOWLEDGE- THE SPIRITUAL KNOWLEDGE IN GITA SAY S TO SACRIFICE VIOLENCE AND GITA BELIEVERS BELIEVE THAT GITA KNOWLEDGE IS FOR VI OLENCE (physical war)! HOW MUCH DHARMAGLAANI (IRRELIGIOUSNESS), CLIMAX THIS IS! Such a great mistake had happened without knowing the Father (God= Creator) and the Property (fruit/Creation). Some say- Gita has everything in it. It teaches advaita, dwaita, etc. If so- the n do people who practice advaita and dwaita take bows and arrows and begin to fi ght? Usually good people practice non violence. Also those who had real respect to gita from their heart practiced non violence in their life- example Gandhiji, Shankaracharya, Rabindranath Tagore, etc. This mixing or adulteration is the real dharmabhrasth. Due to mixing of soul wit h body (considering self as body= body consciousness) gita people made gita dang erously evil. Due to this the sweetest, richest gems of knowledge got into perma nent darkness. Now- let us see the effect of the other blunder- placing Sri Krishna in the seat of God of Gita. ---------------------------11)CAN WE CONSIDER EVERYTHING TO BE GOD? Some say- by considering everything to be God, we give highest respect to all. B ut- A King alone is fit and has right to sit on the throne. Placing even a Minis ter in that place it is a great mistake. Hence considering SriKrishna, SriRam, e tc as God is a great ignorance and mistake. Now just imagine what would be the e ffect if we place an ordinary citizen on the throne. The citizen will not get Ki ngs power. He will not be able to rule effectively. Even all the citizens will fo rget the real King and will start praising this weak King. So the whole country will get weakened. Now imagine what it would be if we place a monkey, snake or liveless objects lik e tree, plants on the throne! Is not this silly and foolishness? This is the pre sent status in India. Hence bhaktimarg(path of bhakti) is downfall. So- in fact by considering everything as God, we disrespect not only God, but self and every thing. But who are the losers? God is not the loser and materials have no life. But we lose. So- Hindus lost their power (self esteem) due to this. Truth is simple:- Suppose say my owner has some properties. He may have some chi ldren. When I deal with his children and properties, I pay respect to them but n ever replace/substitute these things in place of the owner. I will serve his children with full affection and faith. I will take care of the ir needs. BUT I WILL NOT FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS. Because they can be ignorant or foolish. I SERVE AND COMMUNICATE WITH THE OWNERS CHILDREN ACCORDING TO THE DI RECTIONS OF THE OWNER, REAL NEEDS OF CHILDREN AND ACCORDING TO THE ELIGIBILITY O F THEM BUT AND NOT ACCORDING TO DESIRES OR DIRECTIONS OF THE CHILDREN. If a person needs some work get to be done from the President, and wishes to vis it President, he should have the details/address of the President. But instead i f he considers everyone as President, will his work get done? Will he meet the P resident? If he has such belief, EVEN IF THE PRESIDENT HIMSELF COMES AND MEETS H IM, HE WILL FAIL TO RECOGNIZE AND RESPECT HIM. He will be loser. Not only thatthen what the President should think of such people? He may think- I need not he lp such people, because they do not wish to meet me. So- the highest respect should be given to the Government and then to the citize ns. Like in a family, parents should be given highest respect and then the membe

rs numberwise. But considering all as same, clarity, truth or essence is lost. L et us see more about it. It would be highly wrong to consider a govt servant as govt itself. Considering everyone/everything as God is like taking law into hands. It is also like giving and taking bribes. Because it is as good as considering I am Government/God! Th en number of govts in a country would be equal to number of govt servants. There cannot be unity, stability and power. The result is- the govt servant will act as if I am the govt itself. This is the result and we see today many Gurus sayin g- I am god, you are God, all are god. [So- please think how foolishness it is t o say- SHIVOHUM(I am Shiv= god), etc.] Actually one should consider himself and everyone as a government servant and no t as government. Similarly we should consider everyone as a soul= child of God a nd not God. We should see everything as gods property and act as a trustee of Gods property. See- how a small wrong can make big loss/difference! In fact a country where people pay highest respect to the government wil l be good. Unless they pay respect to government the country will be weak. If a citizen fails to pay respect to government, he will not be able to give respect to other citizens. Not only that if a person does not pay highest respect to gov ernment, he will be influenced now and then by other common people and can never be stable. Neither government can help him nor can he utilize the help received from the government. Similarly one will be able to pay respect to the whole hum anity only if he pays highest respect to God. If we see practically- even in thi s world, in the developed countries, highest respect is given to Government. Sohighest respect should be given to God. The first cause for this blunder (considering everything as God) is placing Sri Krishna in Gods seat. When the seat of God/father was opened for the first/best c hild(Sri Krishna), the other devotees started to consider even deity Sri Ram as God, and one by one, all were placed on Gods seat. Even Indian Human Gurus got co urage to preach- I AM GOD, I AM SRI SRI SRI 108 JAGADGURU, ETC! And so many Gods further divided Indians and made them weak. So- in Hinduism, many Gods aroused due to this. [The older saints used to say- Neti neti= (God is) not this, not this. They had a greed that we do not know who is God. But later Gurus started saying- I am Ishwa r]. Due to insertion of Sri Krishna, gita became property of just a few people = dev otees of Sri Krishna. Even the whole of the Hindus could not adopt it. Many good people in Hinduism have remarked highly negative comments about Mahabharat and Bhaagavath. For example- A religious/SPIRITUAL poet SARVAJNA has said- HAADARARA KATHEYANNU, SODARARA VADHEYANNU AADARISI KELUVAVARA CHAMMARADINDA HODE SARVAJNA = THOSE WHO LISTEN WITH GREAT RESPECT TO THE UGLY STORIES OF RAAS LEELA (OF KRISHNA WITH GO PIKA LADIES IN BHAAGAVATH) AND THE STORY OF KILLING OF BROTHERS (MAHABHARATH) SH OULD BE BEATEN WITH CHAPPALS!. Even this did not open eyes of Hindus. EVERY RELIGION KNOWS ABOUT THEIR RELIGIOUS FATHER. NO RELIGION PLACES AN Y HUMAN BEING IN THE PLACE OF GOD. Hence every religion maintains its power to s ome extent. Imagine what would be power of Christianity if name of Christ in Bib le is replaced by a Pope. Such a blunder has happened by putting name of Sri Kri shna in place of Incorporeal Supreme God father Shiv in Gita. Even though some Christians say Christ is God, they still feel there is some gap between Christ and God. They say he is the first son. They say Christ was sent by God. They do not say God came in the form of Christ like Hindus believe God c

ame in the form of Sri Krishna. They have not spoiled the seat of tent. Their feeling is Christ is next to God. There is feeling in e is someone who is beyond Christ. They also know that Christ has God does not have. But Gita believers believe Sri Krishna himself d.

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If Gita sermonizer was said to be as the only real God WHO IS INCORPOREAL, BODYL ESS, SUPREME GOD FATHER OF ALL THE SOULS SHIV, ALL WOULD HAVE GIVEN FULL RESPECT TO GITA AND THERE WOULD HAVE NOT BEEN ANY POSSIBILITY FOR RISE OF OTHER SCRIPTU RES AND MANY OTHER GODS IN HINDUISM. THEN UNITY WOULD HAVE EXISTED IN IT. ALL THE RELIGIONS IN THE WORLD HAVE JUST ONE SCRIPTURE. BUT HINDUS HAVE MANY SCR IPTURES- GITA, FOUR VEDAS, LOTS OF UPANISHADS, 18 EPICS, ETC, ETC. This has happ ened due to insertion of name of Krishna in gita and defaming Krishna (writing u gly stories that he was butter thief, had raas leela with gopika ladies, cheated kouravas in war, etc.). UNITY IN A RELIGION CAN EXIST ONLY IF IT HAS ONE SCRIPT URE. But due to bringing down the level of Gita and defaming Krishna, even many Hindus did not like to follow Gita. Hence they started writing their own scriptu res. DUE TO RISE OF MANY GODS, MANY SCRIPTURES IN HINDUISM, DIFFERENT RITUALS, B LINDFAITHS CAME AND THAT DIVIDED HINDUS EVEN MORE. NOT ONLY THAT- THERE IS LOT O F WASTAGE OF TIME, MONEY AND ENERGY IN THESE. TODAY THERE IS SCARCITY FOR EVEN F OOD. EVEN LOT OF MONEY IS WASTED FOR THESE RITUALS. In fact, like Hindus do not know the real name of their religion, they even do n ot know the real significance of their scripture. Because many Hindus do not kno w about gita at all. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT ALL ARE TO BE FOLLOWED IN LIFE ACCORD ING TO HINDUISM. Since Hindus do not know their religion, others call them as Ka firs and to some extent it cannot be said as wrong. Since there is no common dha arnaa (rituals, duties or behavior) in Hinduism, there is no unity and cooperati on. This created confusion and made Hindusrituals ridiculous. [How can then other religions give respect to Hindus?- even if they wished]. Th is made other religions and countries easy to attack Indians and loot their weal th. In this way India lost both its power and wealth. Today Hinduism has become so weak that other religions enjoy India more than Indians! In India itself some Indians are treated as second class citizens by other religion people! If Incorporeal Supreme God fathers name would have been in Gita, even peo ple belonging to other religion would have respected it and would not have loote d Indian temples. So it can be said that- BY PUTTING THE NAME OF SRI KRISHNA IN BHAGAVADGITA INDIA HAS BECOME IRRELIGIOUS, WEAK, POOR AND INSOLVENT. [A note:- Indians do not know what their religion is. Today many Indians say Hind u is not a religion. It is way of living. But still they cannot explain how they can accept the name Hindu which is given by other religion. See the correlation between the two- not knowing the religio n as well as their scripture. Actually if they knew one, the other also should b e known, is it not? So- not knowing their religion- clearly implies that Hindus do not know even their scripture. It is very easy to come to this conclusion, is it not?] Due to insertion of name of Sri Krishna in Gita, Gita lost its value twice. 1)Gita became personal property of devotees of only a few (just devotees of Sri Krishna). So others could not reap the benefits. 2)It lost its universal values even though it is the highest scripture in the w orld. Note that SAME WORD SPOKEN BY TWO DIFFERENT PEOPLE WILL NOT HAVE SAME VALU ES. For example- If an ordinary/common person orders me, I may ignore him.

But if the same is said by leader of my area, the King (government) of my countr y, I cannot ignore. I will have to follow it. Also- the common man cannot pass/g ive me any order as he wishes. He cannot order me Vacate your house. But governmen t can order me even to vacate even my house. See the difference when we replace the person who teaches us. IN TECHNICAL/MATERIAL MATTERS, JUST WHAT IS SAID IS IMPORTANT, WHO SAID NEED NOT BE KNOWN. BUT IN RELIGIOUS OR MATTERS RELATED TO BEHAVIOUR, WHO SAID IS ALSO EQUALLY IMPORTANT. HENCE IT IS ALSO IMPORTANT TO KNOW THE ATTRIBUTES OF TH AT PERSON. Another point- If government orders me- it will also pay me well. Because it is powerful and knows its responsibility. But what a common man can give? So- when we realize the fruit, it would be easy to do the work. We will develop faith to become viceless only if versions of gita are of incorporeal God father and not S ri Krishna and know the fruit of viceless stage. [The words- I love you will have different meaning while dealing with different pe ople]. If we place a monkey in the seat of King, monkey will not get power of K ing. If we say monkey is god, monkey will not become god. Similarly, if we say e verything (tree, snake, etc) is God, tree will not get power of god. If we say/believe A MONKEY IS RULING US, DEFINITELY OUR POWER WILL GET REDUCED. Similarly, if we say God of gita is Sri Krishna, we will not be able to follow/a dopt the teachings of gita. Also our power will decrease and that is what has ha ppened so far. So- there is double loss. [Hence even though Gita says to sacrifice vices, no Hindu can succeed in it. Be cause when he believes Krishna had 16108 wives, he killed so many people physica lly, how can an ordinary Hindu get faith and power to practice non violence?]. So till this first blunder is rectified, India cannot become powerful. Even othe r religions cannot understand the real meaning of religious and cannot respect I ndia. A note:- A child has one father. A lady should have one husband. If she has more than one, it is vyabhichaara (impurity). Similarly to consider anybody and ever ything as God is vyabhichaara! So- considering Sri Krishna as God is the first s tep of Bhakti stepping into impurity. [If we praise our children more than their level, others will not give them the extra respect. They will get confused, surprised and will not believe it. But if we criticize, defame our own children, even others will defame them. Similarly if Hindus say- Sri Krishna is god, he did this, he did that, he is the real God, other religion people will not believe it. But if we say Sri Krishna was butter thief, did raasleela, cheater, etc, others also will put (throw) and additional stones to it. In this way, both praising and criticizing will cause loss. Like under confidence and over confidence- both are dangerous/loss. ----- ---12)THE SEED FOR THIS FIRST WRONG STEP IS BODY CONSCIOUS:In Gita, it is said to love God. It is said- soul is separate than body and even God is bodyless. It is clearly said to consider oneself as soul and remember th e bodyless God. Now- when the incorporeal God is removed and Krishna was put in that place, the spiritual love got depicted as bodily love and highest impurity

took that place. IN THIS WAY THE PURE LOVE GOT TURNED INTO IMPURE LOVE. THIS IS ANOTHER THE EFFECT OF THIS GREAT BLUNDER. Actually every human soul is bride of God and God is the bride groom. Of these h uman souls just 16108 souls (people) love God to the maximum possible extent. Th ey give first preference to God. Due to insertion of bodily personality Sri Kris hna in Gita, the spiritual love got turned into bodily love and hence no one cou ld come into conclusion about Gitas teachings. Also the spiritual war against vic es is shown as physical war. In this way the religious war got turned into irreligious war and the highest s cripture got placed at lowest= actually all religions should know and respect gi ta. But today even hindus do not know or have respect to gita. ----------------------------13)RELIGION IS MIGHT:It is said- Religion is Might. Let us see the meaning. Every religion has at lea st some might/stability. But Hindus have least stability today. They easily get converted into other religions. In fact, Hindu is not a religion at all. It is j ust a name given to some Indians by people of other country/religion (Persians). So how can there be stability in Hinduism? This is the reason why in spite of b eing the oldest religion, the population of Hindus is not the highest. A religion will have might only if people who belong to that religion have might . That is- when the person belonging to the religion knows the charitr (biograph y) of his religious father and be able to follow his directions (scripture) with confidence or faith. Every religion knows biography of its religious fathers. T heir teachings are also written in their scripture to some extent. They have hig h respect to their religious fathers. They never defame their religious fathers. BUT UNFORTUNATELY INDIANS DO NOT KNOW THAT THEIR RELIGIOUS FATHER IS GOD HIMSELF AND TEACHINGS OF GITA ARE GODLY VERSIONS. Because they have inserted name of Kr ishna in that place and also defamed him and considered everything is God. And since the highest essence had got turned into lowest, as already explained b efore, how might can exist in it? ----- ----14)ATTACHMENT- THE ROOT CAUSE OF ALL EVILS Now- we are stepping into real essence of everything. Gita says to consider self as a soul which is separate than body and directs to sacrifice all the attachme nts due to body, bodily relatives and materials. Now- how attachment and physica l war are inter-related? It would be ridiculous to say that usually ones own brot hers will be enemies of one self and he will have to fight against his own broth ers (and relatives) as mentioned in Mahabharat. Do Gita believers believe that their own brothers or relatives will become adhar mis (irreligious) and are hindrance in their progress? Are they ready to fight a gainst their brothers and relatives? If not, it implies that Gita is not useful or significant to the present time and loses value. Also importance is given for very few people in Mahabharat. It is shown that jus t five pandavas and 100 kouravas are cause for the war. [THE REAL SIGNIFICANCE:- Ones enemy is the attachment towards body of self as wel l as with brothers and relatives. Due to these two attachments (with self and re latives/brothers) all do sins.

Not only that it is due to attachment one does not get enough courage to face si tuations or even criminals in the society. Criminals commit crimes easily in a s ociety where there is attachment. Due to attachment, people become selfish. They lose power to sacrifice. Attachment brings down our self esteem and opens door for others to think bad about us. It is attachment that opens door to all other evils/vices. They become burden to society. For example, it is due to attachment people do not like to donate or e ven pay tax to the government. People spend their earnings just to their brother s (blood relatives). Just think- people support, look after their parents. But d o they support government and the nature to the same extent? Actually it the nature that gives us food and government which gives us jobs, et c. Parents just create us and put us in the bondage of karma. They increase popu lation and increase burden on earth. But it is nature that gives us food and it is govt that creates proper environment to use nature. Of course, parents and relatives also help us, but their importance is after the nature and govt. Due to attachment people started spoiling the nature and weake ning the government. It is due to attachment one fails to give real respect to himself as well as to others. He will have extra love (attachment) towards his brothers (blood relativ es). This will cause lack of adjusting power and the person will not be able to adjust with others. This indirectly creates a sense of hatredness towards (or at least conflicts with) others. This develops an unhealthy gap/bridge between cit izens of a country. This divides the citizens and makes the country weak. Due to attachment, people will compromise even quality for money. If there is qu ality, no one can think bad about it. British people were very less in numbers w hen compared to Indians. But Indians were ready to sacrifice benefits of citizen s and country for selfishness. It is attachment to blood relatives more than the country that caused jealous of each other. This gave opportunity for others to attack India. They were able to divide and r ule India. Else, if there would have unity, no thought of winning India could ha ve aroused in their mind. We should eat to live. But due to attachment we live to eat. This is a great bur den and develops wrong competition. Even the self esteem is lost by attachment. One cannot progress properly due to attachment. Attachment makes our intellect weak. An airplane needs to overcome a ttachment with/from the ground to fly. Journey through airplane is fastest and g ives best enjoyment. Similarly the highest happiness is super sensuous joy(paramaanand or brahmaanand ). For that one should lose attachment with his sense organs and the body. So at tachment weakens and burdens both mind and body. It is due to attachment with our own people (relatives) we develop enmity with o thers. Even if we are attached to just to citizens of our country, we experience others as enemies. So- universal brotherhood is lost and this keeps man in unwa nted fight with man himself and leads to the highest disaster. HENCE THE TWO ATTACHMENTS (WITH SELF AND RELATIVES) ARE THE ONES THAT HINDER R EAL PROGRESS OF SELF AS WELL AS THE NATION AND THE WHOLE WORLD FROM ALL POINTS O

F VIEW(SOCIALLY, POLITICALLY, ECONOMICALLY OR SPIRITUALLY), BECAUSE IT MAKES US SELFISH AND WEAK. HENCE GITA KNOWLEDGE DIRECTS FOR COMPLETE UPLIFTMENT OF THE WH OLE MANKIND- SPIRITUALLY, SOCIALLY, POLITICALLY AND ECONOMICALLY.] SO- ONE NEEDS TO HAVE VAIRAAGYA (DIS INTEREST) AND TRY TO LOSE ATTACHMENT WITH O NES OWN BODY AND WITH HIS RELATIVES SO THAT HE CAN CONQUER VICES AND SINS. This i s the essence of gita. For that it is said in many shlokas that ones mind should be immersed in love of God. Then only one can lose attachment easily, naturally, properly and fully. It is due to attachment, the power in the religion gets weakened. Then what will happen? Other religions will automatically become superior over this. This is t he reason why Hindus get easily converted into other religion. Even today, India ns have more attachment than others. Hence even they are large in numbers, they cannot succeed. Due to attachment, people start criticizing, making funs in sill y things, and fail to observe even minimum discipline in society. We can see how a government office would be in India. Government servants become ready to make shame of government itself! Just think- If someone complains, a government serv ant will reply without hesitation- It is due to governments mistake, not mine. But the same servant will show off his status and will have ego that I have govt job, my job is secure!. See they are highly attached to govt jobs, but not ready to sacrifice even a little for govt. Forget about sacrificing, they will be care less and fail to do even routine duties. It is like fence eating the crops. Attachment, even though appears to be not so dangerous, but it is the one that m akes us weak and is the seed of every evil, let it be of any type. This is the r eason why gita says to sacrifice attachment. Truth is so simple and also very de ep. Such a great essence is there in gita. But no one was able to understand it. Even the saints (irrespective of whether they follow, preach gita) sacrificed their family life, worldly duties and went for nivruttimarg. They could not educ ate the society. Buddhism of Jainism says- Desire is cause of all sorrow. Of course, it is right, but is incomplete. Because desire is not the seed. Attachment is the seed. If d esire is said to be the cause, then even living can be said as a desire. Then li fe itself becomes meaningless. Not only that- in cases of emergencies and different situations, like disease, e tc, it becomes difficult to take decisions. Our mind will be in confusion, likehow much to spend money for disease. Should I consult a cheap doctor, or spend heavily for my health or my old aged parents health, etc. How much should I spend for my education, etc. When there is more than one optio n, say- two jobs, which one should I select? Is it desire if I select the higher salary one?, etc. So- just by saying desire is cause for all sorrows will force us to become lazy or at least inert. To make life fully meaningful without any side effects, we can say only in ay- LIVE WITHOUT ATTACHMENT. Do anything without attachment. If we have no hment, then whatever we do, it will be good or correct. Even if it appears wrong, it will die like a line on water. Automatically our intellect will e broad and it will be of maximum creativity. one w attac to be becom

Cause for corruption is also attachment. Even if it is done by mainly politician s, it is actually due to the mass number of citizens who put water and nourish t he tree of corruption. People agree and surrender, adjust with the situation for their temporary and selfish benefits.

People (especially in India) cast their votes to those politicians who are cine stars, and those who belong to their own caste, maybe he is a criminal. People d o not think what the politician will do for country. They just see what personal benefit the politician promises to them. And even the politicians promise such things. This is the state of climax as mentioned in Gita. So- by the end of Kali yug, the situation will be so worse that no human can rectify the situation. Sogod alone has to come. ---------------- ----------15)SO- BROTHERS/RELATIVES ARE THE REAL ENEMIES! How brothers/relatives are enemies is already explained. More is explained here. Relatives (let it be brothers or even lowkik parents) all are like hith_shatru (sweet enemies or an enemy in the form of profit). In Mahabharat also it is clearly said that lowkik relatives are hith_shatrus. It is very difficult to remove attachment from ones own self (body) and with his re latives. Also in some cases, the relatives will become highest obstacles in spir itual path. Because they will be highly unhappy and reluctant to cut attachments . Also they will not understand change taking place in us and will consider us a s something who has gone mad or wrong. And even we would not like to cut attachm ents because we depend on them or like to depend on them for material physical b enefits. Also it is very difficult even for self to be with them, live with them, but wi thout attachment. Also past experience which had already developed as sanskaar w ill influence us now and then. Like- it is very difficult to get rid of bad habi ts, similarly attachment is an unwanted and wrong habit which is already develop ed in mind and intellects and may also be in actions and behaviour. [That is why gita says do your duty but without desire of fruit. So- while helpi ng others as well as getting help from others we should neither expect anything from others, nor get influenced by them. In other words we should neither lose o ur self esteem, nor hurt others self esteem. In other words, the message is- do n ot disturb others, do not get disturbed from others. Or Give respect and take/ma intain respect. The whole of the gita is about this. It in fact also aims to develop self esteem to a very great extent such that a person is fully independent or freedom. God says there that a person who surrenders to me, I will take his responsibility. I t also says, one should not worry about death. One should neither have interest, nor lazyness in life. All these are possible to attain only if we are ready to lose attachment]. Also- in fact all are brothers, since all are children of one Supreme Incorpore al God father. Since by the end of Kaliyug, all become adharmis/irreligous, ever yone will be like disturbance to each other both physically (wrong competition d ue to selfishness and poverty) as well as spiritually (due to lack of dharma/qua lity). Hence God of gita comes at the end of Kaliyug and gives direction to sacrifice all the attachments and surrender to HIM and remember HIM. This is the only way to purification. Also to save self from war (of disturbance from others), one needs to detach him self from all bodily relations. For example- say we are walking on road in publi c. If we are attached, we will get disturbed even there. During the period of ph ysical illness, if we are attached to our own body and relatives, it would be di

fficult for us to face it. Hence removal of attachment is the basic necessity in spirituality. Like to fly, an aeroplane or rocket needs to overcome gravitation al pull. Similarly to experience real bliss (paramaanand) one needs to break attachment w ith the body and bodily relations. A person having vices can never experience pa ramaananda (highest goal and status). Hence gita says to sacrifice vices and all vices begin from attachment. Even BKs are also enemies of BKs! Because all BKs are impure and effort makers a nd are like patients who may spread diseases due to old swabhaav and sanskaars. SO IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR EVERY BK TO GET DETACHED EVEN FROM OTHER BKS ALSO TO PROGRESS. This is another significance of why brothers are shown as enemies and attachment as the highest enemy. So- the highest enemy of self is the self himself. Because one has accumulated s ins and negative sanskaars(habits) and the body what we have is impure and emits bad smell and is affected by many diseases and continuously demands something f rom outside for its maintenance. The next enemies are BKs and relatives and then the whole mankind, because all are weak and irreligious. Everyones sanskaar and impure bodies is an obstacle in spiritual effort. Even the nature is also enemy today. It brings natural calamities and also is po lluted to a great extent. But our enemies are our friends also. It is being in this world only, in this pr esent impure weak body only I need to put spiritual effort. Also we need to be i n society. We definitely depend even on others to work, earn in life even if the y are impure. BKs help other Bks in spiritual effort and service. It is an army. So- each and everyone is important. So- the enemies are our friends. This is the essence of Gita. Since enemies are our friends, we should have balan ce between love and detachment. Karma (love) and Yoga(detachment) should go toge ther. Life of a Rajayogi should be karmayoga. Even those who criticize us will d evelop debts and will have to repay (according to karma philosophy). Hence they are like friends (assets) for the future. Something more:- Everyone has highest freedom at his home. It is a basic necessi ty. In this way the house is his friend. But one becomes lazy, careless to the h ighest extent and wastes maximum amount of time at his own house only. In this w ay, the home is also his highest enemy. Unless he is detached from his home, he cannot put spiritual effort there. That is why most of the people need different place and atmosphere for spiritual practice. But he should also love his home. So- there is need of love and detac hment. Summarizing- FRIENDS (Company of USEFUL PEOPLE AND THINGS) ALSO BECOME OUR ENEM IES (HARMFUL, DEGRADE US) IF WE ARE ATTACHED TO THEM AND ENEMIES (any negative p roblem or situation and people) ALSO BECOME OUR FRIENDS (ELEVATE US) IF WE GET D ETACHED FROM THEM. THIS THE HIGHEST, UNIVERSAL TRUTH OR ESSENCE OF GITA. [But God is always and real friend and vices are always and real enemies. So one should always try to have full/real love towards God and complete isolation wit h vices. It is immaterial how we behave with others if we are detached with them . That is why Gita says have same attitude with all (sarv may samabhaav in Hindi ). It is said in Gita that a yogi should have same attitude even towards gold, ston

e, braahmin, cow, dog, one who eats flesh]. It is the state of being in actor co nscious stage in a drama and just performing role as per instruction of director and not having any attachment or hatredness to any of the actors]. Hindus became more attached to their family life (relatives). This is the cause for downfall of India. Even many scriptures were made so or not understood or mi sinterpreted. For example, for a hindu woman, it is said in scriptures that- Pati hee tumhaaraa parameshwar hai, guru hai = Husband himself is her guru and God. Serving husband is as equal to following dharma. The self esteem of a woman is brought to such a low level. Hindus created storie s like SATYAVAAN SAVITRI in which it is shown that a woman conquered even Yama ( God of death) by having full dedication to her weak husband. To become widow is considered as a great misfortune. The society made life of a woman to be miserable. Hence women had to tolerate all problems from man. This made man to misuse woman. Even the scriptures say- there is need of male child f or mukti. The scriptures started to say- ones own lowkik mother is as good as God himself. In this way, the intellects of /hindus beame narrow and narrow and was tied in physical family relationships. What they can think of their country? When the self esteem was brought to such a low level, how can there be desh_bha kti? So- even though gita says to lose attachment with everything, especially wi th vices and blood relatives, Hindus could not do that even to 1%. Even today- it can be seen in boards that- if you respect elders, it is as good as respecting god. Arey- how can it be? In many places, Hindus paste pictures of their deities on to compound wall just to prevent people urinating there! Seeto what level Hindus are bringing their gods? It is as good as expecting Prime m inister to do duty of a watchman. See how dangerous is attachment. Defaming god, misusing god, is committing suicide, because we are children and god is the onl y mother to us. How can child live without mother? Gita believers have shown in Mahabharat that the aim of Gita was to motivate a p hysical war between brothers. And they simply say the war was between dharma and adharma. But deshbhakti (interest of country, patriotism) is not shown in Mahab harat at all. It is shown as if pandavas took revenge on kouravas. And the resul t is big zero. [It is shown that kouravas did not create problems to citizens. T here had been no poverty or diseases during their rule. And even pandavas died i n mountain after war. Even they did not rule the kingdom. And the most funny thing is- after gita epi sode, world got further degraded, that is Kaliyug came. So what the citizens got after war?] Further, even though it is said as dharmayuddh, there had been lots of adharma (irreligious) activities from both sides, before and during war. Egasking kavach kundal from Karna, killing drone by speaking lies, etc. Hence eve n though there is great essence in gita, it got spoiled like adding poison to mi lk. --------------------------------------

16)IS GITA SCRIPTURE FOR SELF DEFENSE (physically)? Some believe- gita is the scripture for self defense. It does not directs violenc e. But directs to attack enemies with physical weapons to defend. Now- Is there need of teachings from scripture for self defense (physica lly)? Is there need to practice any spiritual yoga for self defense? There is ne ed to learn some skills like in army, karate, gym, etc., is it not? What do spir

itual teachings have connection with physical war? Is there need of God to incar nate and give knowledge for physical war? Even animals fight for self defense. Hindus did not fight with others when others attacked them. Was it due to attach ment with THEM (those who had attacked them)? Not at all. Hindus did not have un ity or courage or interest. But in Mahabharat it was shown that attachment was w ith enemies. Not only that- if a scripture teaches self defense from physical point of view, then it loses its all values, because there are two powers, baahubal (physical p ower), and yogbal (spiritual power). Spiritual power is yogbal and not baahubal. Saying gita motivated for war of baahubal is as good as making gita just a worl dly knowledge or material knowledge. Then definitely Gita believers are dependent on western scientists, who invented weapons for physical war, or they should be able to invent themselves, or at le ast God of gita should come and give teachings of even that to them, is it not? Or they should sit and do tapasya of shiv, etc and get weapons like paashupataas tra, brahmastra, etc as boon from them (as mentioned in Mahabharat epic). So- no thing fits here if we believe Gita motivates physical war. Also- what a person should do in case of earth quakes? In case of bomb b lasts in near by area? What a person can do in state of hunger even if there is no availability of food? Does Gita teach how to overcome these? [Actually yes] I f not, then once again it is incomplete. More than the above all- in life, one should increase immunity power (st ate of healthiness) and not power to fight. If there is enough immunity, there i s no need to fight at all. So- real self defense means is to develop immunity po wer against others. And that is what the whole gita is about. For that there sho uld not be attachment. You can see slokas in Gita where it says- whom god of git a loves. See many slokas in chapter number 12 and 15. [Something extra for those who say- If Indians had followed Gita, then India woul d not have suffered slavery of other religions/nations for centuries. They believ e Indians should have fought physically with other religions who invaded India. I am not saying that Indians should not fight physically. What I mean to say isGita does not direct that. In Mahabharat, it is shown that due to attachment with his brothers kour avas, Guru Dronachary, Bhishma, etc Arjun could not fight. Now- whey Indians fai led to attack others when they attacked India? Was it due to attachment with the m? Definitely not. So- how can we say- Gita teachings motivate for physical war] ? 17)GETTING INTO MORE SECRETS:It is shown that Sri Krishna preached Gita by sitting in Arjuns chariot. Is the c hariot right place to give spiritual knowledge? Actually neither chariot nor war field is a place to teach something, that too- spirituality. There is need of p eaceful atmosphere to teach it. [REAL SIGNIFICANCE:- God is bodyless and hence needs a face/mouth to speak/give knowledge. The body is similar to chariot, the organs are like horses. When God comes, it would be Kaliyug and hence there would be just impure bodies (created by lust, emitting bad smell, have diseases). So God will enter in someones body. And that should be human body. This is shown as Krishna sitting in Arjuns chariot . And Arjun is none other than Brahma.

God comes/came in 1936 in the body of Dada Lekhraj and named him as Prajapita Br ahma. Through that body/media God gives/gave the knowledge to all the pandavas ( those who were/are interested to imbibe knowledge = BKs. Since the numbers of th ose who listen to Gita are less when compared to the rest, the number of pandava s are shown as just five.] [Significance of teaching gita in war field:- At the time of climax, man become s enemy of man himself. So- there will be wrong competition in the world. Alsoeveryone will have(has) fear of others due to feeling of inferiority or superior ity complexes. Also mans face and behavior become so criminal/vicious that each o ne will be like putting thorn on the other either by lust, ego, anger, hatrednes s, misunderstanding, etc. Today the society has become criminal to a very high e xtent]. [So- God incarnates/descends in such a war field when all would be in stress. To days world is world of stress. Today majority- even two brothers of the same fami ly do not have real love to each other]. [God gives knowledge to all. But only a few listen to it. That is- even though BKWSU gives the Godly directions to the whole humanity only a few get/tak e interest in it. This is the significance of showing pandavas just few and kour avas more in numbers]. [It is shown that after the episode of gita knowledge the physical war b egins. The real significance is- till pandavas/BKs complete their spiritual stud y, destruction will not begin with full force. Even though atom bombs and hydrog en bombs are ready, the destruction will begin only after BKs attain their requi red level]. When did Arjun practice yoga taught by Krishna? In Mahabharat nowhere it is show n that Arjun practiced Gita knowledge. So- did he conquer vices and attachment w ithout practicing it? Just see- nothing can be explained in bhaktimarg (lowkik) way. -------------- -------18) DASAHAVATAAR OR VISHNU IS INCORRECT If Vishnu s ten avatars are correct, then all the avatars should have been same values. At least Ram and Krishna should have same values. Also peacock feather and chakra are shown just to Krishna and Narayan. It is not shown to Ram. So- it implies that Narayan = Krishna, but not Ram. And Ram is called as Ramchandr - so he is chandravamshi. But Narayan is called as Sooryanarayan , so he is sooryavamshi. Hence Vishnu/Krishna is higher than Ram. Even glory of temples of Krishna/Narayan are higher than that of Ram. ------------------ ---------------------

19) Meaning of DHARMA, SWADHARMA, SADDHARMA, PARADHARMA, ADHARMA, DHARMASHAASTRA :DHARMA = RELIGION. In true sense, Dharma means DHAARNAA = those which are to be inculcated in life. So Dharma represents the inner quality/nature of a person fo r betterment of life. Another meaning of dharma is quality. That is what a person has already has in h imself or gained by his habits. [In fact everything in this world has its own DHARMA/NATURE/PROPERTY. For exampl e dharma of fire is to burn. Dharma of water is to make wet. Dharma of sugar is sweet]. Human society is divided into several groups in the name of dharma. Eg- Hindus, Muslims, Christians, etc. Each group has its own code of conduct (DHAARNAA) to b e followed so that a person can remain fit in that dharma/religion which are men tioned in their respective scriptures. Since each group has its own dharma, each group has unique name. SWA_DHARMA: Swa = I= Me= Self = soul. So swadharma means nature of self. The nat ure of soul is PEACE. Hence all like/need peace in life. everyone needs around 8 hours full peace (sleep) per day. SADDHARMA: = Sath(True) + dharma = True or highest religion. ASDDD (Adi Sanatan Devi Devtaa dharm = Deity religion) is the only true religion. Because that is t he only religion which is fully pure. Both body and mind are pure in heaven (Sat yug and Tretayug). No sin takes place there. Every action in heaven is righteous . Every citizen in that religion is righteous. God comes to establish saddharma in this world. It is the only religion where BOTH THE BODY AND MIND ARE IN SYNCHRONISM. That is - as the mind, so is the body. There is no lie. People in hell speak one thing, but do some other thing and think some different one. That is- THOUGHTS, SPEECH AND ACTIONS are not in synchronism. But it is only in Kingdom of deities this synchronism really exists. Hence that religion alone is truly religious (Sat dharma). PARA_DHARMA: Para= others. Paradharma means dharma of others. Soul is me and bod y (and material) is para(other than me). So actions related to body, bodily rela tions and materials come under paradharma. One has to follow some disciplines in his family life as well as in society. One has to discharge his duties to famil y members, in his official relations as well as to society. Duties to be followe d in these relations are PARADHARMAS. A_DHARMA: Adharma means opposite of dharma. The other word is sin or crime. Foll owing the wrong path is adharma. Actions committed under influence of vices(lust , anger, greed, etc) is adharma. DHARMA_SHAASTRA(SCRIPTURE):- Every dharma(religion) has its own scripture which directs its followers how their DHARNAA (BEHAVIOR) should be. That book is calle d as dharm_shaastr. The effect is clearly visible. All the religions fight among themselves with vio lence. All commit crimes in the name of dharma. --------------- ------------ ----------20) significance of sloka 03- 35

sreyan sva-dharmo vigunah para-dharmat svanusthitat sva-dharme nidhanam sreyah para-dharmo bhayavahah - (3- 35) SYNONYMS sreyan--far better; sva-dharmah--one s prescribed duties; vigunah--even faulty; para-dharmat--from duties mentioned for others; svanusthitat--than perfectly don e; sva-dharme--in one s prescribed duties; nidhanam--destruction; sreyah--better ; para-dharmah--duties prescribed for others; bhaya-avahah--dangerous. TRANSLATION It is far better to discharge one s prescribed duties, even though they may be f aulty, than another s duties. Destruction in the course of performing one s own duty is better than engaging in another s duties, for to follow another s path i s dangerous. --Gita believers say the meaning of this as follows- Braahmin (by birth) should do acts similar to his, kshatruy should do his, like that ....... Now- Do all Hindus follow these varna system? Do Gita believers say varna system should be followed? Today many braahmins have hotels, and do work similar to vaishyas. In which category muslims and Christains come according to Gita believers? If possible, let them explain. In sloka, 3-35, it is said- it is good to be imperfect in swadharma than to be p erfect in paradharma. The real meaning is- swadharma (peace) means - to improve character. Paradharma means to perform duty about family relatives and official duty, etc. and to look after the body of self (maitaining health). Remember- body and mater ial are para (others). So- it says- even if you try to improve your character, (even if you have not su cceeded fully, = imperfection remains), it is greater than doing all other dutie s perfectly. In otherwords, it is nothing but the famous saying- If character is lost, everyt hing is lost, if health is lost, something is lost, if wealth is lost, nothing i s lost. Very simple, is it not? See how simple the truth is! ---- ---But the sloka is misunderstood and they believe varna system should be followed in physical way! --- -Now- let us think logically.

Arey- what happens if a braahmin does duty of a shudra and vice versa? How can t hat be incorrect? Even in official duty, is someone is absent or quits job, another person is appo inted there. If we believe varna system should be followed in physical way strictly, then Hin duism will get title- NO ADJUSTING POWER. Can Gita people explain how interchanging duty will affect nation One more thing- How the physical duty has relation with brahmaanand? Gita says t o achive brahmnaanand. But can a shudra experience brahmaanand by serving physic ally others? For those who believe varna system should be followed physically In Gita it is clearly said one who is truly spiritual or nashtamoha has no duty. He can do anything and also he need not do anything. So- how can we say God of Gita directed to follow varna system as mentioned in s loka 3-35. So- my point is- interpretation of the sloka - 3-35 by many (or all, including e ven the greatest saints and acharyas) are wrong. ----------------------------------

21)SIGNIFICANCE OF SHLOKA (04- 08) PARITRAANAYA SAADHUNAAM = I COME EVEN TO RESC UE OF SAADHUS. Today most of the saints are also sinners because they put Gods title on their ow n head- like Shivohum, Shri3 108 Jagadguru, etc. In this way they have got even more corrupted than ordinary public. For example- a country becomes politically weak when the ruler/s get corrupted. So- when the religion is corrupted, it dire ctly implies that the rulers of that religion (saints, priests, etc) are corrupt ed. Else if they are correct, there would be no necessity of God to incarnate, is no t?]. So- God only can save even them (hence paritraanaaya saadhunaam). 22)SIGNIFICANCE OF THE SHLOKA 18-66 and 04-08 a)sarvadharmaan parityajya maamEka0 sharaNa0 vraja aham twA sarva paapEbhyO mOkShayiShyaami maa shuchaH--(18-66) = Sacrifice all the religions and surrender to me. I will clear all of your sins. b)The shloka number 04- 08 says that I come to establish religion. So- which all religions are to be sacrificed and which one is established? Do Gita believers have answer to this? In Dwapur Yug, there is no mention of many religions. Today we see it. There are countless religions, rituals, blindfaiths. All the religions are irreligiou s and even the Kingdom(politicians). At the end of Kaliyug, both religious and p olitical powers become weak. Today even the religious leaders are bounded by gov ernment laws.

Also there is no King. There is just democracy. The politicians are elected by c ommon people. Also they do not have power to take decision independently and pro perly. Many times, they need to get support or approval from other several minis ters. So- when god incarnates, there will be neither Kingdom, nor religion. To day there is democracy. In democracy, people of the same country kill even their Kings (President). The King (President) needs security all the time, everywhere . When the situation of the President itself is so weak, how powerful would he b e? How the country would be? So- God incarnates at the end of Kaliyug and re-establishes both (true) RELIGION AND KINGDOM. For that he teaches karmayoga. Karmayoga is adding yoga into karma . That is making karma (King) religious/powerful/yogic. Karma is quantity and yoga is quality. Unless there is yoga in karma, the karma has no meaning. Man is jus t like a machine and sometimes even worse than that. Karmayoga is the real art o f life being taught by God of Gita. Hence there is establishment of both dharma/ religion and Kingdom. Hence the right name- RAJAYOG. Rajayog means establishment of KINGDOM(RAJ) by DHARMA(YOG= right method). Such a Kingdom which is established through yoga will have true religion. THE NAME IS ADI SANATAN DEVI DEVTAA DHARM or shortly DEITY RELIGION. So- all the existing re ligions will get destroyed automatically in Mahabharat physical war (third world war ). Do gita believers have intoxication that I am a King? A King is one who is not i nfluenced, ready to sacrifice, having full authority (over self). In Gita it is said- dharm sthaapnaa and Rajayog. But Gita believers believe tha t gita knowledge is for moksha! When god comes for dharmsthaapnaa, then aim is t o make this world pure/better, is it not? If the aim is to attain moksha, then w hy establishing religion in this world? [But BKs feel/believe that they become King by practicing gita. Their aim is to become King of ones self in the present birth and also to rule the whole world in future births. The concept of LIBERATION IN LIFE fits for the word RAJAYOGA but not for MOKSHA]. [Even the words DHARM STHAAPNAA and RAJAYOG mentioned in gita fit most accuratel y to BK philosophy. But lowkik people who believe in Gita say moksha is the high est aim]. -------------- -------------------------------------23)SIGNIFICANCE OF VINAASHAKAALEY . :It is said- Vinaasahakaaley preetbuddhi vijayanti, vipreetbuddhi vinashyanti and ni shchaybuddhi vijayanti, samshaybuddhi vinashyanti. The meaning is at the time of d estruction one whose intellect is in love and faith with god will get victory, t he one whose intellect is against gods love and doubtful, will get destroyed. So- it implies gods love is needed (and also possible and has real meaning) only during the time of destruction. This also implies God incarnates only during the end of Kaliyug (time of destruction) and not in every age. So- no one will know god until he incarnates. Also- destruction is related to word shiv (mahaakaales hwar) and hence title of God of gita goes to Shiv even from this slogan mentione d in Mahabharat. A proof from gita:- na mE viduHu suragaNaaH prabhavam na maharShayaH

ahamaadirhi dEvaanaam maharSheeNaa0 cha sarvashaH -(10-2) "Even deities, and great saints do not know my formation (= incarnation). This implies neither the greatest personalities existed in heaven(Satyug) like S ri Lakshmi and Narayan, nor the great saints of Dwapur age know how God incarnat es. But in Mahabharat, it is clearly shown that many saints came to know as soon as Krishna got birth at jail. So- from this point also it implies Sri Krishna is no t God of Gita or what is written there are contradictory to each other. 24) PANDAVAS, KOURAVAS AND YADAVAS:a)The three groups in Mahabharat war shown are pandav, kourav and yadav. Pandav are shown as those who have company of Krishna (actually God) who follow dharma and get victory over vices. Kouravas and yadavas are shown with bad qualities. Y adavas are shown with lot of wealth and weapons and egoistic. So- at the end who believe that all the vices should be sacrificed and put effor t in that path are pandavas. BKs are real the pandavas who have company of God ( know God and remember God). Kouravas are those who are vicious. Yadavas are mainly Americans and Europeans who have invented weapons. And the ca use for that was moosal (Hindi word, meaning the stick used for hitting paddy to get rice from it). It is shown that the moosal was kept in the stomach of a per son. The significance is- the mooosal (missiles) came out of stomach(intellect) of yaadavs (scientists). It is said in Mahabharat that yadavas destroyed their o wn community. The meaning is- even though they invented weapons to destroy others, even they t hemselves also will get destroyed by the weapons invented by themselves. They al so will fight among themselves. b)The brahmaastras (weapons) mentioned in Mahabharat war nothing but todays atom bombs and hydrogen bombs. It is shown that just by taking a grass and chanting s ome mantra it could turn into Brahmastra. Today it is so simple that just by pre ssing a button, these bombs can be released. c)Mahabharat war is the third world war. It took place at the end of Kalpa(Iron Age) and not at the end of Copper Age. Mahabharat war will take place at the end of every Kalpa. Now we are near to the great Mahabharat War. d)Why the War is called as Mahabharat war? Because after the war Bharat (India) will become Mahaan= Great. It will become paradise. India will rule the whole wo rld. Another reason is- God incarnates in India and gives directions for war (interna l war with vices). So the beginning of religious war is from Bharat. e)It is shown that God Krishna preached Gita to Arjun by sitting in chariot of A rjun in the war field. Here Arjun = gyaan kaa arjan(= imbibe) karnevaalaa= One who imbibes/earns knowle dge. Soul is the rider and chariot is the body. Horses represent organs of the c hariot(=body). The rope that controls the horses/organs is the intellect. Arjun means Brahma= Soul of Dada Lekhraj. Chariot = body. So Arjuns chariot means body of Dada Lekhraj(DL). Krishna represents incorporeal God father Shiv. Krishna sitting in chariot of Arjun = God Shiv entering DLs body and using it, sp eaking through mouth of Brahma(=DL).

God speaking through Brahmas body is misunderstood and is shown as Krishna riding /driving Arjuns chariot. Yudhishthir= Yuddh may sthir = One who is stable/firm in war field. That is- one whose intellect has strong faith in God. One who continues to fight till his la st breath= One who never surrenders to Maya. Bheem is shown as powerful and also son of wind. The one who is powerful in figh ting with vices and who remains light as air. Nakul= One who has no ego of kul(caste). That is, one who has no body consciousn ess. Sahadev= One who is co-perative in Gods work. Arjun is not just one and pandavas are not just five. Actually pandavas are not five separate personalities. Anyone who has these five qualities is a pandava. B Ks are the real pandavas, of course, numberwise. f)In Mahabharat it is shown that as soon as Arjun used to forget Sri Krishna he was getting defeated. How this is true? Do people like Arjun only need to rememb er God to fight? Do kouravas do not need to remember God to fight? Is this not ridiculous? [This also implies - the fight of Arjun or Pandavas is with internal kouravas (t he vices) and not with external kouravavas (vicious people). It is not physical. So- it needs pure mind and purity can come only by remembrance of the Purifier who is God himself. So- God comes when the whole world is like war field, but te aches non violence. Those who practice it= sacrifice vices, attain victory and o thers who ignore it lose in the physical war that takes place. So- physical war also takes place. But God does not motivate for that. Since the real significance was not understo od, many things were mixed and truth remains in darkness even if one reads gita thousand times. So until God re-incarnates during the climax in the next Kalpa, even the lowkik sanscrit gita cannot bring sadgati (upliftment)]. g) It is said that Krishna married 16108 women who were under captive of narakaa sur. It is also said that Krishna stolen sarees/clothes of many ladies. Real significance is- Actually all would be in the bondage of Ravan (= narakaasu r = vices). Of these only 16108 souls/people develop strong faith, put considera ble effort and get ability to get rid of vices to a comfortable level and love G od the most than anything else. So- they come out of the jail (bondage) of narak aasur (vices). [Narak = hell, asur= demon]. Like the saree is cloth/dress of the physical body, the body itself is c loth of the soul. God eliminates/removes body conscious stage. Without knowing t his, people thought that he stole sarees of ladies. Why just ladies are shown? B ecause God is male (groom) and we all are brides. But without knowing the spirit ual significance, the highest essence got turned into poison. And when people of other religion question, criticize Hindus- Hey your Krishna h ad so many wives, etc, Hindus do not have answer. --------------

Until Hindus accept that God of Gita is Shiva= Allah= Jehova, neither they cann get power to conquer vices, nor they can influence/guide other religions, and th e Gita which is called as sarvashaastramayi shromani (mother of all scriptures) would be just for namesake and cannot be practical. That is- Hindus themselves cannot follow Gita till they realize its sermonizer.

25)Prcatical proof that gita has not motivated war of violence!:Even though Hindus had considered Gita as a scripture to motivate physical war, practically it has not been so! Indians have given full respect and love to othe r religions and also live together even though there are many caste and sub cast es in Hinduism itself. So- Gita has not motivated anyone for violence and this i s another proof that Gita is not a scripture that had taught or motivated for vi olence or war mentioned in Gita is not physical. Today, Hindus are in a state of being neglected from all sides. There is once ain great threat to Hindus from other religions. So- some people have started eaching lowkik gita to get ready for physical war against other religions who e attacking Hindus and temples, etc. But once again here, the cause is due to olence from others and not from Hindus. ag pr ar vi

So- in near future, Mahabharat war is going to happen. At the time of destructio n, people will get a feeling- Destruction is happening. Definitely God also would be present somewhere in this world. Because in scriptures, Gita (Gods incarnation ) is related with physical war. So- when the physical destruction takes place wi th full force in near future, people will realize Gods incarnation easily and bet ter. This may be a secret in the world drama. At that time, people will come to know about Gods incarnation. ii)Even by considering many people as God, Hindus have not lost taste of spiritu ality. It is Hindus who develop highest love and devotion to spirituality than o ther religions. Also due to many number of Gods, Hindus have number of festivals and functions, many epics, stories which explain dharma in many ways. This has given a good enjoyment and also guidance. So- everything is part of drama. Gita says- EVERYTHING IS GOOD, NOTHING TO WORRY. So- every act is correct when con sidered for its period. Hence there is no complaint about anyone. This is essenc e of Gita and also what BKs believe. ----------- ---------------26)A LOGICAL PROOF THAT KRISHNA IS NOT GOD:Krishna is shown with two crowns- one a light behind head (purity/religious/spir itual/yogi) and the other the golden (King). This implies he was detached (yogi) even while being a King. Such a personality is shown not just to Krishna. Many have such double crowns- Eg- Sri Lakshmi, Sri Ram, Sri Sita. So, there are many others like Krishna. Hence he cannot be god. Because God is unique. Double crowns indicate Sri Krishna was double King. One political and the other religious. He had both powers in him. So- this indicates when Krishna was ruling he world, dharma would exist. So- how can there be Kans, Jarasandh, etc in king dom of Krishna? Hence those stories are incorrect.

------------ -------27)KRISHNA DEGRADES Note that God never rules the world. If god rules the world, it can never degrad e. So- God can never have crown. In fact, god is bodyless. In gita, it is saidgod is smaller than molecule (08- 09). So- Krishna rules the world. Krishna is shown in two ways. One as a single child in a leaf on ocean. Another as got birth at Jail. Which is true now? Actually the world drama is cycle and it repeats. The Satyug slowly degrades and Kaliyug reaches. At the end, god incarnates and transforms it into Satyug. Begi nning of Satyug is just next to end of Kaliyug. The Kaliyug is like Jail. When S ri Krishna takes birth, Kaliyug will be still in the process of transformation. He is the first prince of heaven (Satyug). So- there will be some impure souls a lso. Also the person who give birth to Sri Krishna will be impure, because they belo ng to Kaliyug (because it is Sri Krishna who is the first person entering into S atyug. So- his parents should be from Kaliyug). God does not create a world from zero. His duty is to yug. Because in case god creates new world from zero, will be on God- like why God created world, etc. God does not create a world from zero. His duty is to yug. Because in case god creates new world from zero, will be on God- like why God created world, etc. transform Kaliyug into Sat then the whole allegations transform Kaliyug into Sat then the whole allegations

So- birth of Sri Krishna is shown in two ways. One as the first person entering into heaven (as a child on leaf in ocean) and another as born in the night in Ja il. The significance of the Krishna s birth shown on leaf on ocean is- Krishna was c omfortable even in his mother s womb. he was not like other children who suffer in womb Now- it is important to know biography of Sri Krishna. That is- how the soul of Krishna degrades from Satyug till Kaliyug and again gets purified.

It is shown that Krishna s Kingdom Dwarika was excellent. It then got drowned. T he former is satyug and the latter (drowning ) means coming down to Dwapur Yug. That is why Sri krishna is shown at two places. One at beginning- just one child on leaf at ocean and at Dwapur Yug. In fact, Krishna s right place is satyug. After taking births and deaths, he ent ers Dwapur Yug. Then the glory of heaven (datyug and Tretayug) are lost. That is shown as downfall of Dwaarikaa. So- when one s Kingdom fails, the cause would be King himself, right? So- this implies krishna also degrades. -------- --------28)Vishnu (or Narayan) = Krishna = Brahma = Arjun Vishnu has peacock feather on his crown, so is Krishna. Vishnu has chakra, and s

o is Krishna. Dress of Vishnu and Krishna are alike (peetaambara). Vishnu is sho wn resting on snake, Krishna is also show on dancing on snake. Here snake means vices. Both indicate victory against poison (vices), the highest hero/es in the human world drama. New house gradually becomes old. Similarly Satyug gradually becomes Kaliyug via Tretayug, dwapur yug. The foundation for the new house is put during the end per iod of old house. So- god will create new world (start the role of transforming or purifying the Kaliyug during the end period of Kaliyuf itself). So- god will have to descend from Brahmalok (incarnate) during the end period of Kaliyug. Now- how will God s no body and God will enter in an persons name as incarnate? He will have to enter a persons body. Because God ha will not take birth through a mother like humans take. So- God adult persons body. Once God enters in him, he will change that Prajapita Brahma. God begins the process of creation (transformation). his religion, his name changes, similarly, the person his name will have to be changed according to his new is said to be instrument for creation and hence he sh

Because it is through him, Like when a person changes in whose body God enters, role given by god. Brahma ould be named as Brahma.

Through brahmas mouth, shiv starts speaking, what? Shivohum, shivohum, because by the end of Kaliyug all will forget Shiv and will not be aware of him. [Hence pe ople have started worshipping many deities. If they had knowledge of one real Go d Shiv, they would not have worshipped many other deities]. Now- god gets impure body, which is not attractive like deities. Because God com es in Kaliyug and in Kaliyug, all bodies are impure. Krishna is shown as attract ive, whereas Brahma is not. Had god come to this world in the form of Krishna, e veryone would have recognized him. Because he is visibly so attractive. But sinc e god comes in a body that is not attractive, no one will realize God. Because G od is invisible, and the body in whom he comes is ordinary. Hence the following sloka applies to Brahma and not to Krishna. l)Avajaananti maamoodhaaha , maanusheem tanumaashritam, param bhaava majaananto, mama bhoota MAHESHWARAM (9-11) = Me being the only God of the whole living thi ngs, the fools see/consider me as small (give disrespect, under estimate) when t hey see myself in human form. Supporting points:- During shivratri, a human face is put on Shivling in temple s. It implies that shiv does not have his own face (body). And he needs a face t o speak knowledge. [this also imples that he need sface only during shivratri. Now- ratri (night) indicates Kaliyug, the deep state of ignorance. So- G od comes in body of Brahma and creates braahmins (by giving knowledge) through m outh of brahma. It is said- from naabhi (navel) of Vishnu Brahma emerged. How? Is it pos sible? The real significance is- Narayan of Satyug after taking many births, bec omes an ordinary man in Kaliyug and then when God enters him, he gets the title Brahma. This Brahma will become first prince of Satyug. When Krishna sits on thr one, his name will be changed as Narayan (Vishnu). So- Krishna will become Naray an in the same birth and Narayan will become brahma at his last birth. Brahma is shown in the stage of a yogi, an effortmaker. In the hands of Brahma, scriptures are given. This implies that Shiv gives knowledge to Brahma a nd brahma becomes the next highest authority of that. In India, the largest rive

r is calld as Brahmaputra. Whose child is Brahma? He is of Shivas child. Brahma is shown with 5 heads. The first four indicate that he sees (come s) in all ages. The last one indicates the 5th Confluence age (Shivratri = time between Shivas incarnation in Brahma till establishment of heaven). Shiv is shown as beggar and also wealthy (Ishwar). How can a wealthy per son beg? It is said that Shiv cut one of the heads of Brahma and started begging through that head (Brahma_kapaala). It is also shown that Shivis resident of gr aveyard. The real significance is- Shiv is the one who is wealthy and can give g ems of knowledge and also creator of heaven.. But he does not have body, hence will use brahmas head. Now what des shiv beg? H e begs poison (vices) from all the children = directs or request with love to sa crifice vices. When shiv comes and begs? When the whole world is like graveyard (body conscious). Today people see, think, love and hate just bodies. They are like attached to bo dies and the whole world is like graveyard. A dead body has no realization of se lf. Similarly today man does not have realization of self/soul. So- he is like a living dead body. All these clearly indicate that Shiv comes in Brahma and Brahma is next to Shiv and Brahma becomes Narayan. It is said one who listens to story of Saty Narayan accumulates great benefit (punya). How listening to someones story can benefit me ? If there is any way for me to become like Narayan or enter in his Kingdom , th en only it will benefit me. Is it not? In fact, during Satyug, there will not be just one Krishna. There will be his Ki ngdom. [Else giving him the golden crown has no value! Will there be just one Ki ng with crown?] So- by listening to satya Naraynstory, one can also put spiritual effort and beco me deities like Lakshmi and Narayan. This is the real essence. So- gita is nothi ng but story of Satya Narayan which is taught by Shiva. Sri Krishna is called as SHYAM SUNDAR [(black and beautiful ]. How a black perso n can be beautiful (handsome)? This indicates that the soul of Krishna would pas s through both the stages black (impure) and beautiful (pure). So- when that sou l was pure, it was called as Krishna and when it is impure, it is called as Brah ma. Please note that Brahma is not worshipped, because he belongs to Kaliyug and hence his both soul and body are impure. This is the reason why brahma is not w orshipped. Shv is known as satyam shivum sundaram = truth as well as pure, and also sadaash iv = always shiv. So only shiv can purify others and none. Gita says to sacrific e sins and to become pure (18-66). It is shown as Shiv only can drink poison, he nce shiv only can be god of gita. The following shloka in Udyog parv of Mahabharat clearly says Arjun and Krishn a are one and the same. Esha naayaarayanaha krishnaha phaalgunashcha naraha krutam, naarayano narashchai vasatwamekum dwidhaa krutam (49/20). = Sri Krishna is Narayan and Arjun is human. Both of these are two projections o f the same base. Usually the word human is attached to those who have vices. Deities are also hum an beings (have same bodies like we have- two eyes, two ears, etc, but they are

pure). But since there is large gap between we ordinary humans and them , they a re called as dev_maanav and we are called as asuri_maanav. Unless otherwise specified, maanav stands for asuri_maanav. So- point here is- a rjun is Asuri_maanav and Krishna is dev_maanav. And Arjun is Brahma. The same Ar jun becomes Krishna his next birth. See how clearly the above sloka says. Also in a sloka it is mentioned that Arjun is a big sinner. (4-36) It is also mentiond in gita that Krishna got his sudarshan chakra from S hiva. The full meaning is swadarshan chakra. Swa = self, drashan = vision= aware ness, chakra = cycle. So- the real meaning is- Brahma (soul of Krishna) gets self awareness (awareness of the cycle = knowledge of his full change or transformation from shyam (impur e) to sundar (pure) vice versa = knowledge of his own birth and deaths from saty ug till Kaliyug from Shiva. Hence shiv is shown with the third eye (wisdom, know ledge). There the name of chakra is mentioned as sudarshan. Su= auspicious. So- God give s knowledge of auspicious (heaven) and purity. Even in many places- sign of swas tika is kept and written shubh- laabh = good and profit. Just see- the swatisk is a sign of chakra (cycle). What can be both shubh (good) and also laabh (profit)? Definitely it can be spiritual knowledge. So- the knowledge of swastika (world drama cycle) is the one that has both. In the sign of chakra, there are four par ts. These also indicate that the chakra or swastika is nothing but the knowledge of these four ages. That is how the soul of Krishna (and his citizens) travel through the journey o f cycle of birth and deaths. So- it is shiv who gives knowledge of this chakra to Brahma and those braahimns who listen to that. These Brahma and braahmins will become sdeities I their next birth. Hence it is said- BraamanO devyataaya namaha. So- Vishnu or Krishna is the first man and Brahma is the last man. Since gita kn owledge is nothing but about biography of Sri Krishna, people mistakenly have pu t name of Krishna in gita. Another thing is- during absence of father, the title of the father goes to first son. Since Krishna is nearest and dearest to god sh iva, his name got inserted in gita. Another reason is- practical ruler of the ea rth (heaven) is Sri Krishna and not Shiva. Because god will never rule the earth (as mentioned before, since he is detached from cycle of birth and deaths). Also god is handicapped without Brahma. Because God is bodyless and hence needs body of Brahma to speak. Now- the knowledge of Gita came from mouth of Brahma, a nd the same brahma of Kaliyug becomes Krishna/Narayan of Satyug in his next birt h. So- a small mistake has happened here which caused a loss to India. But it is natural, because due to body consciousness, man will not be able to g rasp essence. A person whose vision is not correct will see only tree even if he is very close to tree and tree with full of mangoes. Similarly due to body cons ciousness, people thought Krishna (tree) as sermonizer of gita instead of Shiva (mango). Hence they still have not got real taste of gita. ---------------------------


It is shown in scriptures that people used to do tapasya of Shiv and Brahma and not of Krishna or Nayaran. What is the significance? The reason is very clear and simple. During the period of Krishna or Narayan, th ere was no sorrow. It was full of dharma. Hence there is no need to do tapasya. Since Shiv gives knowledge through Brahma, it is shown that devotees used to do tapasya of Brahma and/or Shiv. Because no one other than these have knowledge. T hen what can they give to others? Only good flowers are offered in temples of Krishna and Narayan. But in Shiva te mples, any flower which has no fragrance is also offered (Eg- Ak kaa phool in Hi ndi). This implies that Krishna was in Kingdom of heaven (good flowers). He had no contact with impure people. But since Shiva comes in impure people, any flow er is offered to him. This indicates that Krishnas Kingdom was in satyug, heaven and Shiva and Brahma w ill play part during end of kaliyug. Hence Krishna is shown with beautiful, attr active body with double crowns, whereas Brahma is shown like a kaliyugi person ( with beard and hair). Even if we see the celebration of Shiv Jayanti, it is celebrated in simple manne r, with fasting. But Krishna Jayanti is celebrated with full of enjoyment. This also implies in Kingdom of Krishna, there was absolutely no problem, wheras the period of incarnation of Shiv will be darkness. [Note that people beg from Shivshaktis like Devis and ganesh, etc. ) 30)KRISHNA IS LIMITED, BUT SHIVA AND BRAHMA ARE UNLIMITED. From the previous topic, it is clear that Krishna is limited just to deites, whe reas Brahma and Shiv are in the service of the whole humanity. Also- if we see from practical point of view, Shiva is mentioned in many religio ns and almost all religions accept God as light and Shivling is also called as J yotirling. And even name of Brahma is mentioned in different ways like Adam, Aadam, etc. Bu t Krishna is not accepted by other religions. Hence Shiva is unlimited. -------------- ---------------

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