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"Show us something real and free and beautiful.

You couldn't. Yeah? It'd break us. We're too numb

for it"

a. What is the main plot forthe episode "15 millon merits"?

b. What did you think about the episode?

c. Did you expect the ending? What were your predictions about the

episode? How can you explain Bing’s choice?

d. Why do the people in the episode pedal for? What is their lifestyle?

e. How is freedom supressed and control in this dystopian reality?

f. Is there any old people in the episode? What do you think is the

meaning behind that?

g. What are some of the contemporary social problems from our actual

society represented in this episode ?

h. How can we compare the TV shows in this episodes to real life TV


i. The names of the judges are “Wraith”, “Charity” and “Hope”, a

variation of the Christian ideals “Faith, Hope and Charity”. What do

you think the show intended by this?

j. Think about the color palette in this episode, what kind of contrast

can you find?

k. What is the significance of the song chosen for this episode?

Match the words to it meanings.
a picture, short film, song, etc. that tries to persuade
people to buy a product or service.
talk show an image that represents you in online games, chat
rooms, etc.
existing or happening now, and therefore seeming
virtual reality modern.

contemporary a radio or television programme on which famous

guests are asked questions about themselves, or
members of the public discuss a particular subject
the ability to take action or to choose what action to
agency take.

advertisment the fact of not being interesting or exciting, or of not

being interested in anything

a set of images and sounds produced by a computer

that seem to represent a real place or situation.

Use the words from the previous exercise to complete the


a.The protest gave us a sense of________, a sense of our own power to

make a difference.

b. 15 millon merits episode represents a virtual world where people

interact and participate in activities mmainly through their __________.

c. I wanted to update my kitchen and put in something more __________.

d. The dullness of the cloudy sky and the increasing wind made us
decide to turn back.

e. Radio and television ________ have been filled with callers expressing
outrage on the subject.

f. Many companies show ______________ in the magazine so as to catch

people’s attention.
a. What other Black Mirror's episodes have you watched?

What was your favorite?

b. Do you think that the ideas they propose are too far-


c. What of the episodes do you thinks is closer to reality?

d. Are all of the episodes pessimistic about society,

technology and the future?

e. What are the differences between a dystopian socitey and

our society?

f. Do you think use of technology has already affected

people's behavior and ways of socializing?

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