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BTN315: Prac Test 1 Possible questions (DNA isolation)

1) What cells did we use?

2) What DNA did it contain?

3) Mention the 4 components of the lysis buffer buffer

4) Function of detergent and proteinase in the lysis buffer

5) Function or role of RNase

6) What is the high salt method?

7) Why did we incubate the solution after adding lysis buffer?

8) Why do we centrifuge?

9) What are the 3 stages of DNA isolation?

10) Explain the 3 stages of DNA isolation

11) The common concentrations for the stock used to make the lysis buffer.

12) Why do we add isopropanol?

13) Function of ethanol in this procedure

14) Why should we not air dry the DNA pellet for too long?

15) What did we re-suspend the pelleted DNA in?

16) Why do we re-suspend the DNA?

17) What happens to the DNA when it is in a re-suspension buffer?

18) What can we use human DNA for?

19) Mention 2 organelles (in humans) that contain DNA.

20) Name the 4 steps that was followed to isolate DNA.

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