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An Integrated Approach to Manage Drilling Waste to Minimise

Environmental Impacts

Muhammad R Tayab, Ghanim Kashwani, Dewi Novita Sandra, Etehad Abou Ali, Tariq Hasan Mohammed, and
Mohamed Awadh Alhammami, Abu Dhabi National Oil Company – Onshore Operations

Copyright 2018, Society of Petroleum Engineers

This paper was prepared for presentation at the SPE International Conference on Health, Safety, Security, Environment, and Social Responsibility held in Abu Dhabi,
UAE, 16-18 April 2018.

This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE program committee following review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents
of the paper have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material does not necessarily reflect
any position of the Society of Petroleum Engineers, its officers, or members. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper without the written
consent of the Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract of not more than 300 words; illustrations may
not be copied. The abstract must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of SPE copyright.

Managing environmental impacts associated with drilling is a challenge to oil & gas ompanies and in
recent year more efforts are exerted in increasing production levels hence increasing drilling activities and
associated environmental concerns. Key environmental issues associated with onshore drilling activities
include release to the atmosphere & groundwater and generation of hazardous wastes. Over the last few
years, ADCO has intensified its drilling activities to meet challenging production targets and over the last
10 years number of drilled wells has almost doubled. In order to minimize environmental impacts of drilling
activities addressing environmental issues became central to work planning and regarded as a business
objective. The majority of drilling wastes includes drilling fluids & cuttings and if these are not managed
effectively they may result into soil & groundwater contamination and could harm to biota.
In order to minimize the environmental impact of drilling waste an integratedwaste management scheme
was developed to implement Zero Discharge and 100% HSE concepts from drilling locations and this
scheme includes:

• Two waste disposal wells for Water Based Mud (WBM) for injection in the deeper aquifers.

• Reconditioning of Oil Based Mud (OBM) at reconditioning plant for reuse

• Thermal Desorption Unit (TDU) for treating OBM Cuttings

In 2017, approximately a Million feet of wells were drilled resulting in generation of 200,000 tons of
WBM cuttings and 40000 tons of OBM cuttings. OBM Cuttings were treated at TDU and 12000 bbls of oil
was recovered. In addition, approximately 100 K bbl. of waste WBM and other drilling fluids were injected
in deeper formation. 99.9% of oil from OBM cuttings is reclaimed as a fuel and the final inert material used
for manufacturing cement blocks. The outcome the solution is converting drilling hazardous wastes through
100 % recycling into environmentallyfriendly and beneficially-used products. The concept of 3Rs- Reduce,
reuse& recycle is applied for managing drilling waste to protect the environment.
Key Words: OBM Cutting, Thermal Desorption, Sustainability, Drilling Waste
2 SPE-190609-MS

The management of drilling fluids and drill cutting is an environmental challenge and an importatant aspect
well planning. Among other drilling wastes, drilling mud and contaminated drill cuttings have potential to
adversely impact on the environment if these are released due to loss of containment or from intentional
discharges. In order to address the issue different technologies/process are utilised based on operational
needs, availability and site conditions (Mokhalalati, 2000) including:

• Biological treatment (land farming/composting,);

• Thermal methods (mainly thermal desorption);

• Chemical methods (precipitation, extraction, neutralization)

• Physical methods (gravity separation & filtration)

To address regularory compliance, regulatory bodies and Oil & Gas companies often work together to
minimize impacts of drilling wastes to improve environmental quality by better management of drilling
wastes and finally to reduce drilling costs. The preparation of drilling fluid is one of the most important
consideration of drilling process for the delivery of a successful and environmentally safe well. The
preparation of drilling fluids is becoming more challenging and unconventional to address operational needs
along with sustainability consideration. ADNOC Onshore tailors drilling fluid specific for complex well
bore in addition to basic drilling muds including:

• Water-based mud (WBM),

• Oil-based mud (OBM); and

• Synthetic mud (SBM).

While selecting and formulating drilling fluids the following aspects are considered:

• Lubricity,

• Wellbore stability

• Circulating density

• Hole cleaning

In addition to the above, disposal of waste fluid is being considered as one of the key aspects of overall
fluid planning. The used drilling fluid is specific to the needs of the wellbore therfore one fluid is not
preferred on others. For example, OBM is more expensive and harder to process and if not managed
properly, potentially harmful to the environment. To minimize environmental impacts of drilling with OBM
and to take advantage of the benefit of utilizing OBM in some drilling applications, the following general
guidelines zre considered:

• Use more water based mud

• Re-using OBM

• Utilize treatment techniques which can minimize the amount of oil retained on cuttings prior to
• Dispose excess OBM in an environmentally sound manner
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OBM is tpically used on average of three well prior to reconditioning, this practice has become an integral
part of the well planning. The operation typically require the following consideration:

• Reducing mud weight (<80 pcf)

• Recycling of the mud through centrifuge to remove barite

• Collection of barite contaminants (sludge)

• Transfering for injection down hole.

• Store the mud in tanks equipped with agitators

One of the main limitation to use WBM fluids is the reactivity of the shale formations to water and using
salts & glycol with WBM can reduce the hydration of shale, prevent clay layers in the shale from coming
apart, or encapsulating the mineral surface of the shale reducing hydration and dispersion (Mokhalalati,
2000). Many improvements have recently recorded to make water based mud a tolerable substitution m to
the oil based mud. Consequently ADNOC Onshore utilizes WBM as typical fluid for all drilling application
except if one or more of the following situations encountered:

• The well is highly deviated across shaly formation

• Long open hole exposure time is expected.

• Hole stability or loss control problems

When drilling fluids and Drill cuttings are released on the ground, the liquid fraction begins to seep into
the ground and pass through various layers until entering the groundwater and subsequently migrating to
other horizons. A fraction of solids and heavy metal can also be transported to the groundwater although the
porous media, filtering out larger particles. Therefore, the best option is to avoid intentional or unintentional
release of drilling fluids to the environment to eliminate risk to human health and biota.
ADNOC Onshore has adopted a policy of zero discharge from drilling operations which has challenged
well planning to a new level especially management of drilling fluid and cutting. ADNOC Onshore. The
principles of waste management are based on a hierarchy of management practices which are fundamental
to the development of a sustainable waste management strategy. Effective management of waste begins with
pollution prevention incorporating the elimination, change or reduction of operating practices which result
in discharges to land, air or water. The overall scheme is presented in below (Table No. 1) Environmental
Protection Checklist (EPC) which is a part of well planning.
4 SPE-190609-MS

Table No. 1—Environmental Protection Checklist

In 2017, approximately a Million feet of wells were drilled resulting in generation of 200,000 tons of
WBM cuttings and 40000 tons of OBM cuttings. OBM Cuttings were treated at TDU and 12000 bbl. of oil
was recovered. In addition, approximately 100K bbl. of waste WBM and other drilling fluids were injected
in deeper formation. 99.9% of oil from OBM cuttings is reclaimed as a fuel and the final inert material
was used for manufacturing cement blocks. The outcome the solution is converting drilling hazardous
wastes through 100 % recycling into environmentally friendly and beneficially-used products. An integrated
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approach was implemented to handle various drilling-related wastes to tackle drilling waste streams, these

• Modification of drilling fluid system and related rig equipment.

• Substitution of mud chemical with less toxic substances.

• Treatment of OBM cuttings by thermal desorption technique.

• Injection of high salinity water based drilling fluid

• Neutralization of acid used during well testing is prior to disposal.

The above incorporates four waste minimization hierarchy steps by:

• Reducing the amount of wastes generated at the source,

• Reuse and recycling of Drilling Fluids

Drilling Fluids Program

Typically crude oil is used as a base fluide for formulating OBM, although the use of petroleum hydrocarbon
(PHC) is minimized in drilling operations, due to safety and environmental concerns, the following are the
key considerations, while preparing drilling fluid programmes:

• Maximise utilization of Aerated Drilling and Blind Drilling to minimize utilization of crude oil
to mud while drilling through pressure depleted zones (where reduced hydrostatic pressure is
• Well trajectory is planned in a way to maximize utilization of WBM

Handling Oil Based Mud

All efforts are excreted to ensure that cuttings and discharge from solid control equipment remain oil free to
avoid environmental concerns and to reduce transporation costs. High G-Dryer screen size is adjusted so that
oil on cuttings remain less than 20% w/w. After the completion of the well, excess OBM is used at another
location. Earlier it was used on average three times before disposal in injection wells. Since 2013, all used/
recovered/ excess OBM is sent for reconditioning at Mud Reconditioning/Treatment Plant (Figure No. 1).

Figure 1—A View of Liquid Mud Plant

OBM is transferred from primary tank to centrifugal tank for removal of barite by centrifuge followed by
removal of low gravity solid throug high speed centrifuge. After remval of solids, it is transferred into mix
tank. Then it is subjected to make up by addiing diesel and chemicals until it meets the specific requirements.
After testing, it is transferred to storage tank and move to rig locations for use. The overall process diagram
is presented in Figure No. 2.
6 SPE-190609-MS

Figure No.2—Liquid Mud Treat Plant Process

Benefits of LMP include:

• Maximizes the amount of OBM reused (= less waste & cost saving)

• Ensures a more efficient reconditioning (= better mud & operations)

• Minimizes mixing & treatment on the rigs (= easier & faster operations)

• Reduces storage tank rental (= cost saving)

• Allows faster hand over (= earlier production)

Indirect Heat Thermal Desorption

Indirect thermal desorption (ITD) is technique where oily muds are heated at high temperataure over the
vapour point folloed by condensation. It facilitates the removal of hydrocabons from the mud and has
advantages over the other available options as:

• It produces cuttings containing TPH below environmental limits for disposal.

• It can effectively recover the fluid from cuttings.

The indirect thermal desorption process is "state of the art" technology and it is the first in a large scale in
Middle East. Most of OBM is being recycled and reused by other rigs and at least 99.5% of oil from OBM
cuttings and other oily wastes is reclaimed as a fuel. The final cuttings leaving the plant containing 0.1%
hydrocarbons are totally inert and used as backfill material or can be safely disposed off at landfill sites
(Figure No. 3 & 4). Due to success of the plant, expansion is planned to meet the growing requirements.
Expanding of cutting treatment plant by adding a second unit will be able to treat 150 Tons /day and a total
of 40,000 Tons/year.
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Figure No. 3—View of Thermal Desorption Plant (TDP)

Figure No. 4—The Simplified Process of Thermal Desorption Plant

The typical composition of the drill cuttings is:

• Solids Content: 70% Volume/Volume

• Oil Content: 20% Volume/Volume

• Water Content: 5% Volume/ Volume

Through the treatment planr process Total Petroleum Hydrocarbon (TPH), is reduced to below an
environmentally acceptable limit of 0.5% Weight/Weight. The below (Figure No. 5) is the historical profile
of cuttings treated at the Plant.

Figure No. 5—Cuttings treated at TDP

8 SPE-190609-MS

Handling Water Based Mud

WBM are considered more environmental friendly than OBM. Although WBM lacks petroleum
hydocarbons but it does contain additives, barytes, watersoluble organic polymers and other dissolved
solids. WBM may contribute to Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) of the receiving water, if directly
discharged. ADNOC Onshore reuse WBM from one well to another well and ultimately it is injected in
disposal well. Land discharge of WBM is is occssionally considered if:

• The fluid does not contain hydrocarbon or toxic chemicals

• The discharde area is not environmentally sensitive

Drilled cuttings associated with WBM is generally spread on location, however, if drilling at
environmentally sensitive area or when location water salinity is less than 28,000 ppm, high G Dryer is used
to reduce the fluid volume on cuttings prior to disposing (Mokhalalati, 2000).

Downhole Injection
To minimise environmental impacts of drilling operations ADNO Onshore adopted policy of disposing
liquid wastes (after exhausing reusing and recycling efforts) through injection into deep aquifers, thus
eliminating surface dumping. Disposal was initially conducted by injecting into the annulus of wells being
drilled (rig on site). This practice had its limitations and a more efficient and long term term solutionn was
sought. In 2002, it was planned to drill two dedicated wells and wells were drilled waste injection started
in 2003. The idea of two wells was based on redundancy to ensure one well is always operationa (Figure
No.6 & 7).

Figure No. 6—Schematic of Disposal Well (EAD Website Surry Injection of Drilling Waste)

Figure No. 7—View of Injection Well

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The integration of OBM recycling, cuttings treatment processes provide final solutions for hydrocarbon
pollutants associated with the oil business. ADNOC Onshore has considerablly for the past 12 years treated
200,000 M. tons of contaminated cuttings to environmentally-friendly products (clean oil, water and inert
solids), moreover the resulted by-products are used in ADNOC Onshore projects as land filling materials.

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