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Lane Wedge
Mrs. Krepp
2 May, 2024
Online VS. Face-to-Face Learning

As technology continues to shape the landscape of education, the debate

between online learning and face-to-face learning has become increasingly relevant.

The rise of online learning platforms has introduced new opportunities for students to

access educational content digitally, while traditional face-to-face learning methods

remain integral to the educational experience. When comparing online learning to

face-to-face learning, you must weigh the advantages of flexibility in scheduling offered

by online learning against the personalized experience of face-to-face learning, whether

you are face-to-face or online feedback is important.

One difference is online learning offers a more flexible schedule compared to

face-to-face learning. “Online learning can take place live at set times, or it can entail

pre-recorded lessons for students to complete on their own time” (Perry). With online

learning being pre-recorded it offers a more flexible schedule. The flexibility of online

learning accommodates diverse schedules and learning preferences. “For much of

history, in-person classes were the only type of formalized learning” (Unity

Environmental University). Face-to-face learning requires students to adhere to a fixed

schedule of classes and lectures. Traditional classroom settings may limit flexibility in

scheduling and hinder students with conflicting commitments. While online learning
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provides flexibility in scheduling, face-to-face learning fosters interpersonal connections

and real-time engagement that enhance the learning experience.

Another difference is that face-to-face learning offers a more personal feel

compared to online learning. “The benefits of in-person learning range from creating a

sense of structure to hands-on learning to more interactions with peers and professors”

(Unity Environmental University). Traditional classroom environments provide

opportunities for face-to-face interactions between students and instructors. In-person

learning fosters a sense of community and collaboration, promoting deeper

engagement and understanding. “The loss of interaction and communication with

instructors and fellow students has been described as a source of frustration and

diminished learning” (Panos). Online learning platforms lack the personal touch of

face-to-face interactions, potentially leading to feelings of isolation or disconnect.

Despite advancements in technology, virtual classrooms may struggle to replicate the

personalized experience of traditional classroom settings. While online learning offers

convenience, face-to-face learning provides a personalized experience that fosters

deeper engagement and connection.

A similarity is that feedback is essential in both online and face-to-face learning

environments. “One of the important factors that help support student learning is timely,

quality feedback on assignments” (Steele and Holbeck). Online learning platforms rely

on effective feedback mechanisms to enhance student understanding and progress.

Feedback in online learning environments may vary in format but remains essential for

student success. “One of the important factors that help support student learning is
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timely, quality feedback on assignments” (Steele and Holbeck). In traditional classroom

settings, immediate feedback from instructors and peers facilitates learning and skill

development. Feedback in face-to-face learning environments contributes to a dynamic

and interactive learning experience. Regardless of the learning environment, feedback

plays a critical role in supporting student learning and growth.

When comparing online learning to face-to-face learning, you must weigh the

advantages of flexibility in scheduling offered by online learning against the

personalized experience of face-to-face learning, whether you are face-to-face or online

feedback is important. Flexibility in scheduling, personalized experience, and the

importance of feedback are key considerations when comparing online and face-to-face

learning. As education continues to evolve, the choice between online and face-to-face

learning depends on individual preferences and learning goals. Both modalities offer

unique benefits and challenges, highlighting the importance of adaptability and

student-centered approaches in the pursuit of education.

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Work Cited

Panos, Photopoulos. “Remote and In-Person Learning: Utility Versus Social Experience.” NCBI,

21 December 2022, Accessed

29 April 2024.

Perry, Christin. “Online Learning Platforms: The Different Types And Their Benefits.” Forbes, 5

January 2024,

Accessed 26 April 2024.

Steele, John, and Rick Holbeck. “Five Elements That Impact Quality Feedback in the Online

Asynchronous Classroom.” ERIC, Journal of Educators Online, December 2018, Accessed 29 April 2024.

Unity Environmental University. “Online Vs In-Person Classes: Is One Better Than The Other?”

Unity College, Accessed 26 April


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