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Metodología estudio

Paso 1 - LEER ANTES DE CLASE: para tener más o menos una idea. Al menos con las materias mas
Paso 2 - IR A CLASE: participar, anotar y preguntar.
- HACER RESUMEN: debe estar breve y precisa.
Primera lectura: Leer así nomas "skimming"
Segunda lectura: Más profunda.
Todo es mucha práctica y error.
La clase te dice lo que es importante, en esos temas deberías enfocarte al leer.
1 - Selecciona la bibliografía
2 - A donde haces el resumen: compu o escribir.
3 - Skimming, leer la negrita, temas importantes.
4 - Copiar y pegar es un error (no te queda nada) Si tu sabes escribir con tus propias palabras, LO ENTIENDES
5 - Intenta no usar párrafos largos. Agrupa en segmentos.
6 - Lee poco a poco, párrafo por párrafo.
7 - Usar abreviaciones, crea tus propias abreviaciones. Ej: Flechita --> "consecuencia de..."
8 - realiza esquemas

Cómo concentrarse

1. Bautiza tu lugar de estudio: sitio no concurrido, libre de distracciones, ambiente silencioso, ventilación y
temperatura apropiadas, adecuada iluminación, silla y mesa y espacio ordenado
2. Elimina distracciones
3. Reúne el material de estudio
4. Tema específico, tiempo breve, escríbelo --- asigna el tiempo específico, escribe tus metas y tareas.
5. Cronometra tu estudio ---Pomodoro
6. Ley de Parkinson --- asigna menos tiempo a tu tarea y limítate
7. Descansa --- te hará mas productivo (ejercicios)

My study technique in med school:

1st view: attending the lecture or reading the lecture thoroughly, googling want I don't understand and making
little notes or drawings on the pages to understand it better.
2nd view: reading it for a second time but now instead on focusing on understanding every sentence I try to
understand the big picture. On a piece of paper I make schemas or plans to try to understand how everything is
connected. I add to that piece of paper the stuff I find difficult to memorize/understand fully, and lists that I need
to find a mnemonic trick for. I end up reading some past tests to see what's going to be asked from us and if
something isn't already in my draft, I add it
3rd view: i take the draft from last session + the lesson and I make flashcards of these

Usually, I do each view on a week so 3 weeks after the start of the semester I start having flashcards.
Then everytime I'm losing time (public transportation, waiting for a meeting) I do those flashcards.

Before exams:
I start with doing a session of past exams the way it would be on the big day.
Then I reread every lecture (from the one I didn't know well to the one I did know well)
Again exam type questions
Rereading those I didn't know well and finding ways to fully memorize or understand them (making lists,
drawings, mnemonic tricks, anything that works)


Leer textos difíciles

Technique - Importance of technique drops a lot in hard text (Engage in higher order learning)
1. Sub-vocalizing reduces speed but also reduces cognitive load (Bad & Good)
2. Relax our eyes so we can process more information
3. Grouping words is more energy inefficient and increases speed

Strategy - When we use the technique (Skip not useful info and focus on more useful info --> Train cognitive
load tolerance)
1. Group easy words and sprint hard parts
2. Sub-vocalize hard parts and slow down on big words and complex ideas
3. Pause to process what you've just learned and connect with the big picture
4. Predict where the text will lead you - Think about what the text is about

Question Thinking Relationship
Lower Level Thinking Skills (LOTS) Higher Level Thinking Skills (HOTS)
Surface Comprehension Deep Comprehension
Closed Open
Remember* Understand Apply Analysis Evaluate Create
Describing Summarizing Implementing Comparing Critiquing Designing
Passive reading Active reading
Accepting the literature/information Questioning the literature/information
In the book In my head
Reader’s connections Reader’s and character’s feelings, opinions, reactions
Describing character’s traits Analyzing character’s feelings and changes
Retelling story elements and plot Determining author’s message and purpose
Author’s methods/literary elements
= Bloom’s taxonomy



Recomendaciones mapas mentales: GRINDE

Grouped - Organizing concepts and Ideas into groups (ex: categorize into boxes)
Reflective - how the mind processed the information. It should reflect what’s going on in your mind
Interconnected - within the groups, categorize them and create more connections
Non Verbal - More doodling and symbols to represent ideas
Directional – To Ideas, no to Interconnection. Flow: Cause & Effect relationship (A+B --> C = E+F…)
Emphasize - emphasizing the main concepts to reduce cognitive load (makes the technique becomes easier
while the learning remains high quality). Ex: larger font size, use colors…

Important stuff:

* Mind map start from the middle of the page

* Prioritize straight arrows easier to remember
* Mind map must flow no extreme hard turning arrows
* Use colors
* Use small drawings and symbols
* Maps represent your understanding, if its to complicated you did not understand course
* Don't write to much information on mind map, just key words, rules and titles
* Map missing some information is ok , it will activates recall instead of recognition


Encoding: some steps to study better

my main takeaways:
- try to think in Higher order thinking (HOT) first, the Lower order thinking (memorization, understanding) will
automatically follows
- practical HOT way: connect every concept and try to relate it w/ the bigger picture
- try to Organize the things you've learned first before taking Notes
- don't rely that much on your Notes. Instead, try to learn more without jotting down the things that you've learned
- don't take notes blindly (especially linear model). Figure out how you'd structure your notes first before you
write it down
- start making Mind Maps for your note taking
- practical ways: improve your cognitive load tolerance by reading/watching smth without taking any notes

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