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ujh12th Nights Themes (Act 1)

Unrequited Love- love that’s not return, one sided love

Orsino- talks about the inconstancy of love (fickle)
Compares love to hungry like the sea- takes in and soaks it up
Appearance Vs Reality
Familial Love
Master/ Servant Relationship

Characters Trait Theme Technique Example

Orsino He is Determined to win the heart of Unrequited Monologue-

Olivia even though she rejects his love talks about the
advances. Most people will take the inconstancy of
rejection as no chance in being with love (fickle)
the person however Orsino still has
hope in trying to woo Olivia. He tries
again in act 1 scene 3 where he
sends Cesario to woo her on his
behalf due his youth and feminine

Dramatic- he has a flair for the

dramatics. He is suffering from
unrequited love and
Delusional- Oliva has taken a vow to
hide her face until the next 7 years
due to the mourning of her brother.
Most normal people will see a
person’s grieving as something bad
however he sees a positive in
mourning her brother as it shows
what a good girl she is and this
entices him to want her more.
mourning her brother is a positive to
him. Adds to her attractiveness

Olivia Self-indulgent, Love struck, Family Unrequited Soliloquy

Cesario- oriented Love (does not
does not behave like a
behave like regular servant.
a regular Wishes Orsino
servant. has Cesario
Wishes personality)
Orsino has

Viola Resourceful, Charismatic, Master- Prose, Blank Disguise

Deceptive- speaks to Captain Servant Verse,
(disguise) Relationship Dialogue-
Cesario looks

Maria Loyal, Witty, Prankster

Festi Wise, Humorous,


Malvolio Puritanical, Ambitious, Joykiller, Deception, Act 4- wants to

Puritan be in control

Sir Tobi Drunk, boisterous

Sir Andrew

Where's Malvolio? He is very serious and solemn,

Act 3 Scene 4-
which is appropriate for someone in mourning like I am.


- Malvolio is ambitious. As Olivia steward, he is the head of the

countess’s household. This is an important position, as he oversees
her staff and their operations. While his job offers some level of status,
he is not a part of the upper class. He believes he deserves more than
his current status in life. He wishes to marry Olivia as it will raise him
into an aristocrat. “'Having been three months married to her, sitting in
my state...Calling my officers about me, in my branched velvet gown”

- He is called “a kind of puritan” (II.3.119) by Maria which implies he is

overly moral and strict. Just as the puritans of shakespeares’ day were
against singing, dancing, drinking and other kinds of celebrations, he
enjoys nothing better than to spoil other people’s fun. His presence is
therefore an annoyance to Toby and Andrew. In act 2 scene 3
reprimand them for their loud riotous behaviour. He criticises the men
for being drunk at all hours of the night and for singing so loudly. He
warns Sir Toby that his behaviour is intolerably rude if Sir Toby does
not change his behaviour, he will be asked to leave and that, while
Olivia is willing to let him be her guest (since he is her uncle),

- Malvolio has a pompous attitude. He has an inflated opinion of himself

and considers himself to be perfect. “Go, hang yourselves all! You are
idle, shallow things. I am not of your element. You shall know more
In Act 2, Scene 5 he imagines himself as a count when he reads the
letter. He wants power to take revenge on his enemies. This ambitious
nature ultimately leads to his downfall as Malvolio is the victim of a
cruel practical joke.

Deception- His humourless and social-climbing attitude to life make him an
easy target for everyone, he becomes the victim of a cruel joke by maria, tobi
and andrew.Maria, Sir Toby, and Sir Andrew have made a ruse to make
Malvolio seem to have gone insane for their own amusement only. They play
a cruel trick on him, writing a letter to find out what Olivia seems to have
written to him, this offers hope to his ambitions. The letter is another form of
deception., Malvolio is duped into believing in Olivia’s love for him and his odd
behavior, as directed in the letter, to show that he gives back her love. He
abandons all such proper conduct and behaves like an utter fool.Malvolio
dresses in high yellow stockings and cross garmented, which Olivia
loathes.The letter also instructs Malvolio to smile, something no-one has ever
seen him do. So when he appears with a rigid smile, wearing the yellow
stockings with cross garters, she thinks he has gone mad, particularly as he
addresses her in sexually suggestive language. As a result she has him
locked up in a cell.
Monologue- Shows just how gullible and delusional he really is. Any normal
person would not think much about this line however since she referred to
him as a friend not as a servant Malvolio interprets that she sees him more
than just a servant and gives him hope that he has a chance to be with her.
As the letter has instructed him to wear the most ridiculous outfit he readily
obliges, thinking it is a way to show that he shares the same feelings as
Olivia. He abandons all his beliefs of not acting foolish to turn into a fool just
because his crush asked him to.
Costumes- Cross gartered yellow stockings is a costume worn by Malvolio.
This style is considered outlandish or for young people in Shakespeare's day
so Malvolio who is an old man would look completely ridiculous . It can also
be seen as disrespectful as Olivia’s household is a place of mourning and
bright Yellow colour is a bright colour that contrasts the dark and gloominess
of the atmosphere of the household looks out of place in this environment
causing olivia to think he has gone mad. Malvolio is very determined to
obtain the high status he thinks he deserves as he abandons his strict, stern
and serious nature and behaves like a fool by dressing in the costume. This
shows his determination as he is ready to do anything to prove to Olivia that
he reciprocates her feelings as instructed by the letter
Dramatic irony- Feste’s song reveals she loves anothngber but malvolio does
not pick up on it
- Festi is seen as witty. He demonstrates his quick wit and ability to
juggle words effectively when he says “Many a good hanging prevents
a bad marriage.” He was being threatened with hangings due to his
absence but he did not fear the threats and made jokes about it;
mocking maria and using sexual puns at the same time. here is a
double meaning to Feste’s quip, as he suggests a “well-hung” man
can stop a bad marriage by pleasing his wife in bed

- Festi is a source of wisdom mainly to Olivia. At one point Feste asks

her what she is mourning about. “The more fool, madonna, to mourn
for your brother’s soul being in heaven.” Feste’s wisdom is revealed
proving olivia to be the true fool as he knows that Olivia’s brother is in
hell because he knows that if he was in heaven she would not be
mourning but she’s mourning so he’s in hell

- Festi is perceptive. He comments on people in ways other characters

overlook, whether be their appearance or their mind. In act 2 scene 4
rightly observes that Duke Orsino's love for Olivia is not really
genuine. Feste declares, "[T]hy mind is a very opal" Since an opal is a
stone that changes colour easily. The joke here is feste telling Orsino
that he is very fickle and has a very changeable mood, so changeable
that he should have matching clothes. This shows how foolish Orsino
is for pining over Olivia. Fests hardly know Orsino but for fests to cast
this view shows his perceptiveness.

Appearance vs Reality- the fool who by definition is a person who acts
unwisely & silly to make people laugh. People would typically assume that he
was a stock character made for comic relief. But that is his profession and, in
real life, he is a sharp, observant and wise person, who is able to put on a
good comical act. “Better a witty fool than a foolish wit” This quote shows that
Festes sole purpose is not just to give comic relief showing which
distinguishes him from the usual stock character of the fool. Through his wit
and wordplay, Feste challenges the assumptions and pretences of the other
characters. While he appears as a mere entertainer, Feste possesses keen
perception and uses his wit to expose the truth beneath the surface. His
interactions with the characters serve as a reminder that appearances can be
deceiving and that reality is often more complex than it initially seems.

Disguise and Deception- Even Feste disguises himself as the priest Sir Topas
when he participates in the prank on Malvolio. As Sir Topas, Feste tries to
convince Malvolio that he is indeed mad or even possessed and that he is not
in a dark house but in a bright room filled with windows....
! Lady, Cucullus non
facit monachum— that’s as much to say as I wear not
motley in my brain.

Juxtaposition . It is effective as it is. As their names suggest (Feste = feast,

festivity and Malvolio = ill-will) the two represent opposed polarities

Songs- For example, his final song “The Rain It Raineth Every Day” suggests
that life is full of troubles and joys, and that one should enjoy the present
moment. This shows that despite him being a comedic relief character he
possesses great wisdom and insight on the nature of life.

Aside- act 1 scene 5. Those wits, that think they have thee, do very
oft prove fools.
He claims that those who think they possess wit often end up being
fools, while he, who believes he lacks wit, can pass for a wise man.
This irony highlights Feste’s cleverness and ability to play with words “
"Better a witty fool, than a foolish wit." shows his
selfawarenedss, This quote shows that Festes sole purpose is not just to
give comic relief observes the follies of those around him, revealing their

- He is determined to win the heart of Olivia even though she rejects his
advances. Most people will take the rejection as no chance in being
with the person however Orsino still has hope in trying to woo Olivia.
He tries again in act 1 scene 3 where he sends Cesario to woo her on
his behalf due his youth and feminine features. “Prosper well in this”
promises Cesario riches if he succeeds

- Delusional- Oliva has taken a vow to hide her face until the next 7
years due to the mourning of her brother. Most normal people will see
a person’s grieving as something bad however he sees a positive in
mourning her brother as it shows what a good girl she is and this
entices him to want her more. mourning her brother is a positive to
him. Adds to her attractiveness

- Melodramatic- “If music be the food of love, play on" music

calms him and feeds his soul/ He has seen Olivia, and the very
sight of her has fascinated him to such an extent that his
romantic imagination convinces him that he will perish if she
does not consent to be his wife, he hopes that it will cure
him of his obsessive love for Countess Olivia
Unrequited love- love that’s not returned, one sided love. Love that is
unrequited can cause heartache and pain. Orsino is obsessed with Olivia as
upon first encounter she was breathtakingly beautiful that the air felt cleaner
to him. He sends many pursuers to try to woo Olivia on his behalf but she
always rejects his pursuits. This causes him to feel very melancholic made
evident with the line “ That instant was I turned into a hart, And my desires,
like fell and cruel hounds” he compares himself to a deer being hunted by
hounds to describe how painful and stressful he finds it to love a woman who
does not seem to reciprocate his feelings

within a short three days' time, she has already become Orsino’s favourite
servant made evident with the line “He hath known you but three days, and
already you are no stranger”, said by Valentine. She has already gained
Orsino’s trust who entrusted her with the task of wooing Olivia on his behalf.
Orsino claims that he has opened his soul to Cesario
like a book to thee the book even of my secret soul.”
In doing so, Orsino forms a close relationship with

Orsino has a monologue in the opening scene of 12th night and it
shows the effect that unrequited love has on Orsino. He is suffering
from love-sickness. He talks about the inconstancy of love, how fickle it is
and compares love to the sea with the lines ``Receiveth as the sea, naught
enters there”. Just as the hungry sea takes in and soaks up everything that
enters it, Orsino thinks that loving a woman who does not love you back is
like you are giving everything that you have to the person and not receiving
anything in return.

- Hypocritical- Lady Olivia claims at the beginning of Twelfth Night to be
mourning her brother’s death. She says she will mourn for seven
years and will refuse to fall in love during that time. Lady Olivia shows
that she is hypocritical in that she uses her brother’s mourning period
to avoid Orsino’s romantic advances but ignores her promise to mourn
once she falls in love with Cesario. When she meets Cesario—Viola in
disguise—she throws her vow away and sends a ring after Cesario to
secretly show her affections.

- Persistent- Cesario reveals to Olivia that he has someone in his heart

but this falls deaf to Olivia which suggests that she does not want to
hear the dismissal of her feelings. She refuses to give up on her love
for Cesario/Viola, even though he/she rejects her advances

- Impulsive- “Plight me the full assurance of your faith” wants to marry

Cesario. Olivia, mistaking Sebastian for Cesario, is anxious to get
married. She explains that she knows things are moving quickly, but
that she will not feel at ease with their relationship until the two of
them are wed. Marriage was an important contract and he knows her
beloved cannot leave her.

Unrequited love- Olivia has fallen for Cesario due to his charm and charisma.
Olivia is looking forward to seeing Viola again but Cessrio is actually a woman
and has fallen for Orsino. “I would you were” she wishes Cesario would be
her lover instead of Orsino, this shows how deeply she has fallen for Cesario
who does not love her back. Olivia’s unrequited love for Cesario causes her
to act irrationally and impulsively as she does not care about her honor and
reputation when she openly declares her love. She rejects Orsino’s messages
and gifts, but she eagerly pursues Cesario, even though he/she repeatedly
tells her that he/she cannot love her. This rejection leads her to become
obsessive and delusional as she does not want to accept that he has rejected
her. J hk

I bay you to never speak

I pity you- Olivia loving what does not exist
I would you were- wants Cesario to be her lover

Soliloquy- “What is your parentage?” Admiring Cesario, Cesario does not
behave like a regular servant as he is able to speak in blank verse which is
for people of the upper class. She has fallen for Cesario and wishes Orsino
has Cesario personality

Prop/ symbol- the ring is a way for Cesario to get back to Olivia. Shows her

Aside- “ deal of scorn looks beautiful” swooning of him, even though he

is angry, he looks beautiful and handsome.This suggests that her feelings
for him are so strong that even negative expressions seem attractive.
“murderous guilt.” shows she can nolonger hide how intense her
feelings are for cesario

Costume- Olivia’s gown and mourning veil is her grieving outfit. Her brother
and father had recently died so she is in mourning. She declares a vow of not
allowing any man to see her face for the next 7 years. It shows how family
oriented she is that she is willing to hide her face for a long amount of time
just to grieve for her deceased family.


- Resourcefulness- Without her brother, Viola is alone and unable to

make a living. In Shakespeare’s time, to obtain employment it would
be difficult for her to get a job due to the reality of women not being
treated the same as men in Shakespeare’s time. Disguised as
Cesario, she is able to find a job under Orsino, the Duke of Illyria.
- Practical- As a shipwrecked orphan who has no one to protect her,
she must resort to some means whereby her safety is assured. She
knows that a single woman unattended in a foreign land would be in
an extremely dangerous position so she disguises herself as a man
for protection in a male dominated society
- Charismatic- within a short three days' time, she has already become
Orsino’s favourite servant made evident with the line “He hath known
you but three days, and already you are no stranger”, said by
Valentine. She has already gained Orsino’s trust who entrusted her
with the task of wooing Olivia on his behalf. However she was way too
successful as Olivia falls victim to Cesario charms. Cesario is
intriguing to Oliva as he does not act like a regular servant speaking
in gf blank verse.

Worried about her brother

Disguise and Deception - “Disguise, I see thou art a wickedness”
disguises herself as a young man named Cesario after being shipwrecked on
the coast of Illyria. Although Viola initially thought being disguised as a man
would make her life easier and help keep her safe, she realises that the
disguise also creates problems for her as she causes a love triangle with
Olivia and Orsino. Viola's disguise complicates her love life: she yearns for
Orsino, but as Cesario she must pretend not to feel as she does as in those
times it is seen as taboo for a man to love another man. Instead, she is told to
woo Olivia in Orsino's stead and gains Olivia's romantic affection for her
pains. She becomes trapped in her disguise and destroys her hopes for
romantic union with Orsino.

Appearance vs Reality- My father had a daughter loved a man. It

appears that Cesario is taking about his siter but in reality he is taking
abou himself as viola. Viola hints to Orsino about her true feelings for
him. Orsino assumes she is talking about a sister, but the audience
knows she refers to herself

nature of woman. She says s they are when she is actually a woman ( Act2
Scene 4)


Dramatic Irony- Viola hints to Orsino about her true feelings for him.
Orsino does not pick up on the clues because he believes Viola is a
man, and that the two of them are speaking man to man. Orsino
assumes Viola is talking about a sister but the audience knows Viola is
really speaking about herself. However, even by disguising her
comment with reference to a woman, gViola comes very close to
admitting her feelings for Orsino but he does not understand the hint.
This adds suspense as the audience are wondering if she will ever
successfully confess her feelings making their relationship a will they,
won't they situation.

Aside- “Yet a barful strife! Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife.” Despite
who gets to like him, Cesario wants him. Viola reflects on the
uncomfortable position she finds herself in. While in disguise, she has
been charged with wooing Olivia on behalf of Orsino, but by now Viola
is in love with Orsino herself. The line is the first time Viola speaks
about her attraction to Orsino, and it reveals to the audience that, by
disguising herself, she has put herself in a challenging and precarious

Soliloqy- highlights their mutual understanding and appreciation for

each other’s intelligence. Viola is one of the few characters in the play
who truly appreciates and understands the skill and wisdom
possessed by Feste. She acknowledges that Feste is wise enough to
play the fool and that doing so requires a certain kind of wit.She
recognizes that cleverly placed foolishness can reinforce one’s claim to
wisdom. In contrast, wise individuals who act foolishly risk damaging
their reputation permanently

compares her to the goddess of diana, has feminine features. We know she is
a woman
I am what I am
Irony- I am a gentleman
He should choose a younger woman. Her love interest is older than
her(Scene 4)

Blank verse- is seen as a more serious and elevated language speaks like
this due to her also being a noble. Not acting like a regular servant

Foil- She shows self-control and dignity in contrast to the bombastic, overly
sentimental performances of Orsino and Lady Olivia12. Viola is characterized
by the essentially feminine qualities of

Act 1 Scene 2- reference to Orsino’s court . Suggest how useful and easily
she could fit in

I am all the daughters of my father’s house,

And all the brothers, too—and yet I know not.
Sir, shall I to this lady?

Witty- "a little witty devil," Maria is known for her quick thinking
and sharp tongue. She possesses a sharp wit. Her wit is
evident in her interactions with other characters, particularly
with Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Aguecheek.she often
makes sarcastic comments that are very perceptive and
clever. For example, when Sir Toby tells her to go and
ask Malvolio why he does not drink, Maria replies "I
warrant you, I will make him tell me"
Prankster- Maria is privy to the countess's personal life and
secrets. However, she uses that trust and loyalty to copy
Olivia's handwriting to play a trick on Malvolio, the
steward of Olivia's household. She, along with Sir Toby,
Feste the clown, and Sir Andrew, are mistreated by
Malvolio and decide to play an elaborate joke on him.
The letter makes it seem that Olivia is interested in him
thus it feeds into his ambitions. Resulting in him to
abandon his proper construct and turning into a fool.

Deception- She engineers a plot against Malvolio, exploiting his egotism while punishing
Him. Her calculated mischief feeds into the comedy of the playWith agency to construct
the subplot of the play, driven by her hatred and animosity
towards Malvolio, which led to his downfall. The scheme engineered by Maria reveals
Malvolio’s intentions for falling in love with Olivia, as she wrote a letter addressed to Malvolio
that tricked him into believing that Olivia had written a love letter expressing her feelings towards
him. Maria’s affectionate letter fills Malvolio with hope of a better life, “I will wash off gross
acquaintance Maria \demonstrates her power to persuade and control Malvolio's Emotions with
the intention to make Malvolio suffer.


Maria and Malvolio share similarities. Both are lower-class servants in

Olivia’s household. They both disapprove of Sir Toby and Sir Andrew’s
rowdy drinking. However, their paths diverge significantly.

Reveals his confusion about the chaotic events unfolding around him.
However how baffling the situation is he still enjoys it. “ still let me

In Act III, Scene 1, Viola encounters Feste in Olivia’s garden. Their

exchange is playful, with Viola teasing Feste about his carefree
attitude. Feste responds with his characteristic wit, emphasizing that
he lives by the church (not necessarily as a churchman) and that words
have become false. Viola’s interaction with Feste is entertaining and

Soliloqy- highlights their mutual understanding and appreciation for

each other’s intelligence. Viola is one of the few characters in the play
who truly appreciates and understands the skill and wisdom
possessed by Feste. She acknowledges that Feste is wise enough to
play the fool and that doing so requires a certain kind of wit.She
recognizes that cleverly placed foolishness can reinforce one’s claim to
wisdom. In contrast, wise individuals who act foolishly risk damaging
their reputation permanently

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