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L1- Aerobic Respiration

L2- Anaerobic Respiration
L3- The Lungs
L4- Gas Exchange
L5- Breathing
L6- Measuring Heart Rate
L7- The Heart
L8- Blood vessels and blood
L9- Vaccines
L10- Health problems

L1- Aerobic Respiration:

Prior learning
Respiration is one of the life processes, and it releases energy
Glucose is a type of sugar (a carbohydrate)
Aerobic respiration happens in the mitochondria of cells

All living organisms require energy.

This energy is required for movement, growth and repair, keeping warm and many more
processes an organism needs to survive.

Respiration is a chemical reaction that takes place in the mitochondria of cells.

This happens all the time.
Respiration is the release of energy from glucose.

Aerobic respiration is a specific type of respiration that uses oxygen.

It is the type of respiration which occurs in our bodies all the time, and is very efficient (very
good) at releasing energy from glucose.

The word equation for aerobic respiration is:

Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
Symbol equation is: C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O

How do we get the reactants for respiration?

Glucose comes from the food we eat. It is a simple sugar.
Oxygen comes from breathing, it enters the body through the lungs.

Both oxygen and glucose are transported to body cells in the blood.

When we inhale, oxygen enters the lungs.

When we exhale, carbon dioxide leaves the body, through the lungs.
Breathing is not the same as respiration!

Learning review
Respiration is the release of energy from glucose
Aerobic respiration uses oxygen
Glucose + oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
It happens all the time in the mitochondria of cells
Energy is needed for movement, keeping warm and growth and repair

L2- Anaerobic Respiration:

Prior learning
Aerobic respiration is where oxygen reacts with glucose to release energy
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
C6H12O6 + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 6 H2O
Glucose comes from the food we eat and oxygen we inhale from the air
The test for carbon dioxide is lime water, which turns cloudy

During exercise, our body requires more energy.

This is because our muscles are contracting more.

This increases our breathing rate and heart rate, to supply muscle cells with more oxygen
(and glucose) for the increased rate of respiration.

During aerobic exercise, the muscle cells are supplied with enough oxygen to continue
respiring aerobically.

During intense exercise, the body cannot provide muscle cells with oxygen fast enough.
It is used faster than it is replaced.

This is when anaerobic respiration occurs.

Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen.

This occurs in the cytoplasm, not the mitochondria.

The only reactant for anaerobic respiration is glucose, and it forms the product lactic acid.

The word equation for anaerobic respiration is:

Glucose → Lactic Acid
Symbol equation is: C6H12O6 →Lactic Acid

Anaerobic respiration does not release as much energy as aerobic respiration.

This leads to muscles tiring out very quickly.
Lactic acid also contributes towards muscle fatigue.

The body needs to remove any lactic acid.

It leaves cells and is transported to the liver, where it is converted back to glucose.
This requires energy from aerobic respiration.
Oxygen lost from muscle cells also needs to be replaced.

This is known as ‘excess post-exercise oxygen consumption’ (EPOC). It can sometimes

be called oxygen debt.

Learning review
Aerobic respiration is where oxygen reacts with glucose to release energy
Glucose + Oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen, and occurs in the cytoplasm
Glucose → Lactic acid
Anaerobic respiration releases less energy than aerobic respiration
Lactic acid can cause muscle fatigue
Oxygen comes from the air we breathe

L3- The Lungs:

The lungs are part of the respiratory system.

Their function is to take in oxygen, and remove carbon dioxide.

The lungs are an organ. Air containing oxygen is inhaled, and moves down the trachea.
This branches off into 2 bronchi, which further branch out into bronchioles. These are
covered with alveoli, little air sacs. It is here where gas exchange occurs and oxygen enters
the blood, and carbon dioxide is removed from it. Breathing is aided by the movement of
the diaphragm, which is a sheet of muscle. The ribs protect the lungs and other vital

The airways (trachea and bronchi) have little hairs called cilia.
Mucus is also made here and this traps bacteria.

These cilia then waft (move) backwards and forwards to move the mucus and bacteria out of
the trachea.

These cilia then waft (move) backwards and forwards to move the mucus and bacteria out of
the trachea

Eventually it reaches the top, and we swallow it so the bacteria goes to the stomach where it
is killed by the acid
This prevents infection in the lungs

What does Cilia do?

Waft mucus (containing pathogens) out of the airways

Learning Review
The lungs are the organ responsible for gas exchange - bringing in oxygen and removing
carbon dioxide
When we inhale, oxygen enters the lungs and diffuses into the blood
Gas exchange happens in the alveoli, which have a large surface area, thin walls and a
good blood supply
The airways are lined with cilia, to remove mucus which may have pathogens trapped in it.

L4- Gas Exchange:

Prior Learning
Aerobic respiration is where oxygen reacts with glucose to release energy
Glucose + oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
Anaerobic respiration occurs without oxygen
Glucose → Lactic acid
The lungs are an organ of the respiratory system
Air travels down the trachea , through bronchi and bronchioles then to alveoli where it
diffuses into the blood

When we breathe, muscles change the size of the lungs.

This causes air to move in and out of the lungs, a process called ventilation.

In the lungs, some of the oxygen from the air enters the blood.
At the same time, some of the carbon dioxide leaves the blood and enters the lungs.

This process is known as gas exchange.

Gas exchange occurs by diffusion.

Oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse in and out of the lungs through the alveoli.
The lungs have millions of these! (about 700,000,000)!

By having so many alveoli, the lungs have an exceptionally large surface area over which
diffusion occurs.

The larger the surface area, the faster the rate of diffusion.

Each individual alveolus is covered in many capillaries.

Capillaries are tiny blood vessels that deliver substances to cells all around our body.

These provide the alveoli with an excellent blood supply, which further increases the rate
of diffusion of gases.

The alveoli also have thin walls.

This means the gases only have a very short distance to pass through, increasing the rate of
Gas exchange in fish occurs through gills.

Dissolved oxygen in the water diffuses into the fish's blood, and carbon dioxide diffuses out.

Like all living organisms, plants also need to respire.

Plants also have an additional use for gas exchange…..

Plants also need to photosynthesise.

For this, they need carbon dioxide.

The word equation for photosynthesis is:

Carbon Dioxide + Water → Glucose + Oxygen
Symbol equation is: 6 CO2 + 6 H2O→ C6H12O6 + 6 O2

Gas exchange in plants occurs through the leaves,

Through tiny holes in the underside, called stomata.

Carbon dioxide and / or oxygen diffuse in and out of a leaf when required.

Learning Review
Alveoli are the site of gas exchange
Oxygen diffuses from alveoli into blood
Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood into the alveoli
Alveoli are adapted for gas exchange by:
- Having a large surface area
- Having thin walls
- Having a good blood supply

L5- Breathing:
Prior Learning
Aerobic respiration is where oxygen reacts with glucose to release energy
Glucose + oxygen → Carbon dioxide + water
The lungs are an organ of the respiratory system
Air travels down the trachea , through bronchi and bronchioles then to alveoli where it
diffuses into the blood
Gas exchange occurs at the alveoli, oxygen diffuses into the blood and carbon dioxide
diffuses from blood to the lungs

Breathing, ventilation and respiration are all different.

Breathing is the physical movement of our muscles around the lungs.
Ventilation is the process of air being drawn into, and removed from the lungs.
Respiration is a chemical reaction which takes place in our cells, to release energy.

Muscles make you breathe.

When they contract, your chest gets bigger, and air rushes in.
When they relax, your chest gets smaller and air flows out again.
When we inhale..

The diaphragm contracts, moving downwards

Intercostal muscles contract, pulling ribs outwards
The pressure inside the chest decreases
This draws air into the lungs.

Modelling Breathing
Lung volume can be measured quite easily and then be compared for different people.
The amount of air that you can breathe out following a big breath in is known as your vital
capacity or your lung volume.
There are several ways of measuring lung volume, for example, by displacing water.

Learning Review
When we exhale:
The diaphragm becomes dome shaped
The rib cage moves in and down
Volume of lungs decreases
Pressure increases

When we inhale:
The diaphragm flattens
The rib cage moves out and up
Volume of lungs increases
Pressure decreases

L6- Measuring Heart Rate

Prior Learning
Breathing is the process by which oxygen is brought into the lungs and carbon dioxide
Oxygen diffuses through the alveoli into the blood
Oxygen is needed for aerobic respiration
The blood transports oxygen to cells for aerobic respiration

When we exercise, our body requires more energy.

Breathing rate increases to increase the amount of oxygen available.
Heart rate also increases, as the heart pumps blood around the body which delivers oxygen
and glucose to muscle cells.

We can use our pulse to measure heart rate.

Whenever we measure a rate, we need to measure an

amount, and a time.

The amount is how many times we feel our pulse

The time is how long we measure it for.
Experiments are repeated to improve reliability.

By repeating experiments, a mean can be calculated, and any anomalous results can be

An anomalous result is one which does not fit the pattern or trend in data.

These are ignored when calculating a mean.

Learning Review
To measure breathing rate, count the number breaths per minute
Breathing rate increases during exercise to provide more oxygen for aerobic respiration

L7- The Heart

Prior Learning
We need oxygen for respiration
Respiration is a process by which energy is released
Oxygen is transported in the blood

The heart is an organ which is part of the circulatory system.

Its function is to pump blood around the body.

The blood delivers oxygen and other substances the body needs to
cells, and delivers any waste products to the appropriate organs to be
removed from the body.

The heart is made mostly of muscle tissue, which contracts, causing

the heart to beat and pump blood.

The heart is divided into two sides by a septum.

Diagrams of the heart are always shown with the left side on the right
side of the page.

The right side of the heart pumps blood to the lungs, where it collects
Blood passing through the right side of the heart is deoxygenated (no

The left side of the heart pumps oxygenated blood to the body.

Right ventricle only pumps blood to the lungs, to allow gas exchange in
the lungs.
Left ventricle pumps blood to the rest of the body
The heart is divided into four chambers.

Arteries carry blood away from the heart.

Veins carry blood into the heart.

The heart contains valves. These prevent the backflow of blood.

Learning Review
The heart is an organ for pumping blood
The heart has 4 chambers - 2 atria and 2 ventricles
4 blood vessels attached to the heart - the pulmonary artery and veins, which go to and from
the lungs to collect oxygen, the aorta which delivers blood to the body and the vena cava
which brings back blood from the body

L8- Blood vessels and blood

The blood supplies oxygen and glucose to cells for aerobic respiration, and transports waste
products to excretory organs to be removed

Our body contains a network of blood vessels which supply all of our
cells with the substances they need.
There are 3 different types of blood vessels:
● Arteries
● Veins
● Capillaries

Arteries transport oxygenated blood (except the pulmonary artery) to

the cells in our body.
Veins bring back deoxygenated blood (except the pulmonary vein) to
the heart.
Capillaries supply our cells with the substances we need. Transfer of
substances to / from cells occurs through capillaries.
Arteries have thick, muscular walls and a very narrow lumen.

This is because they need to transport blood at high

pressures around the body.

Veins have thin walls and a wider lumen, as the blood is at

lower pressures.

Veins also have valves, to prevent the backflow of blood.

Capillaries are much smaller, and have walls which are 1 cell

This is to provide a short diffusion pathway, so substances can

quickly move in and out of cells.

The function of the blood is to transport substances around the body.

Blood contains red blood cells.
The job of these is to carry oxygen around the body.

Red blood cells have a special shape, known as a biconcave


This provides a large surface area to allow more space for


They contain a lot of haemoglobin, a special protein which

‘holds onto oxygen until it is needed in cells.

They do not have a nucleus.

This means there is more space available, so they can carry even more oxygen.

Blood which contains a lot of oxygen is a brighter red

White blood cells help destroy any pathogenic bacteria which enters our blood.

The blood also contains platelets. These are cell fragments, which
help the blood to clot.

Without platelets, people run the risk of bleeding to death.

The rest of the blood consists of plasma.

This is a straw like fluid, which transports substances such as glucose and
carbon dioxide.
Learning Review
Arteries take blood away from the heart, and have thick walls with lots of muscle and a
narrow lumen to withstand high pressures

Veins return blood to the heart, and have thin walls with less muscle and a wider lumen.
They have valves to prevent backflow of blood

The blood consists of:

1. Plasma which transports carbon dioxide, glucose and urea
2. Red blood cells which transport oxygen
3. Platelets which help blood to clot
4. White blood cells which destroy pathogens

L9- Vaccines
White blood cells are our body's army.
They fight off any pathogens that enter our body.
Pathogens are microorganisms which cause diseases, and include some bacteria and

White blood cells are able to engulf and digest pathogens,

killing them.

Pathogens also have little ‘beacons’ on

their surface, which are different
depending on the type of pathogen.
These are called antigens.

White blood cells produce antibodies,

which can then detect these antigens
and make pathogens easier to destroy.

White blood cells are clever, and are able to remember pathogens and antigens.

This means if you have already been infected by that type of pathogen before, white blood
cells are able to produce antibodies faster, and in greater numbers.

This destroys the pathogen much quicker, before they can make us poorly. This is
A vaccine is an injection, which contains a small amount of a dead pathogen.

This exposes our white blood cells to that pathogen, so it can detect its antigens.
It means the white blood cells then know what antibodies to make, so can destroy it faster.

A vaccine contains small amounts of pathogens antigens. These enter the blood. White
blood cells detect these and produce antibodies. Some white blood cells stay in the blood
as memory cells. These then remember the pathogen if a person becomes infected with it.
They are able to produce antibodies faster and in greater amounts. This is known as a
secondary immune response.

L10- Health problems

Respiration is the release of energy from sugars, occurring in cells
Aerobic respiration requires oxygen
Oxygen comes from the air we inhale, and diffuses from lungs into the blood
Alveoli are the site of gas exchange, and have a large surface area, thin walls and a good
blood supply to maximise this
Oxygen is transported by red blood cells, which contain haemoglobin

A non-infectious disease is one which can’t be spread from one organism to another.

There are a number of these diseases which can result in a person not getting enough
oxygen to the cells in their body.

Smoking is a risk factor for several of these diseases

The chemicals in cigarettes can cause several diseases including:

Damage from carbon monoxide
Coronary heart disease
Nicotine addiction

Bronchitis is the narrowing of the bronchi. These become

irritated, and they produce more mucus.

This can result in a severe cough, and increased chance of

bacterial infections.

Smoking is a risk factor for bronchitis.

If a person has emphysema, their alveoli become

This reduces the surface area, resulting there is less
space available for gas exchange.

A person suffering with emphysema may feel fatigued, due

to lack of oxygen, therefore reduced respiration rate.

Smoking is a risk factor for emphysema.

Coronary heart disease is the narrowing of the coronary
arteries, which supply the heart with oxygen.

This is caused by a buildup of fatty deposits in the arteries.

This means the heart receives less blood, therefore less


This ultimately can result in a heart attack.

Smoking is a risk factor for CHD.

CHD can be treated with stents, which open up the coronary arteries.

Bronchitis is an infection of the bronchi, which causes them to become irritated.

Emphysema results in damaged alveoli, reducing their surface area meaning less space for
gas exchange. A risk factor for both these diseases is smoking.

Coronary heart disease is the narrowing of coronary arteries, caused by a buildup of fatty
deposits. This reduces the amount of oxygen delivered to the heart, and can result in a
heart attack.

Learning Review
Smoking can cause:
Bronchitis - where the airways become irritated and cilia become damaged so cannot
remove mucus
Emphysema - where alveoli become damaged, reducing surface area so less gas exchange
Carbon monoxide poisoning - which binds to red blood cells instead of oxygen
Coronary heart disease - where coronary arteries narrow reducing blood supply to heart

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