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REQUIRED SUBMISSION on the day of reporting:

Groups’ reporting presentation materials shall be:

(1) Presentation boards (at least 2 - 60” x 40” size) to contain the infographics of the city.

(2) PowerPoint (.ppt converted into .pdf) presentation (at least 12 slides to a maximum of

16 slides)

(3) Report paper containing the narratives, images, sources and references. This should

not be just the materials or presentation from the PowerPoint but a more organized

written report. This should be submitted on the day of the reporting. Use short bond

paper size (8.5’ x 11’).

(4) A digital copy (in CD) of the written report, PowerPoint, report paper as well as the

materials, sources & references used in the report should also be submitted.


(at least 12 slides to a maximum of 16 slides)
Title: THE LINE: A Revolution in Urban Living


 Brief meaning of Utopian city

 Brief overview of THE LINE project.
 Highlight its significance as a revolutionary approach to urban development.
Key Features:

1. Linear Design:

Visual representation of THE LINE's linear layout.

Explanation of the concept's benefits, such as efficient transportation and reduced
environmental impact.
2. Sustainability:

Icons or graphics representing sustainable features, such as renewable energy sources,

green spaces, and water conservation systems.
 Stats or facts highlighting THE LINE's commitment to environmental sustainability.
3. Smart Infrastructure:

 Illustration of smart city technologies integrated into THE LINE's infrastructure, such as
AI-driven services, autonomous transportation, and digital connectivity.
 Benefits of smart infrastructure for residents, including improved efficiency and quality
of life.
4. Community Focus:

Images or icons representing diverse community spaces within THE LINE, such as parks,
recreational facilities, and cultural hubs.
 Explanation of how THE LINE promotes social interaction and inclusivity.
5. Health and Well-being:

 Graphics showing amenities and services that prioritize residents' health and well-being,
such as healthcare facilities, fitness centers, and pedestrian-friendly pathways.
 Stats or testimonials demonstrating the positive impact of THE LINE on residents' health.

 Recap of THE LINE's key benefits and its potential to revolutionize urban living.
 Call to action or next steps for those interested in learning more or getting involved in similar

 List of references or links to further information about THE LINE project and related topics.



Each group that was assigned for a city presentation is tasked to choose a city from the

Middle East, Asia, Northern Europe, or the USA. Groups should ensure that no same group

shall report on a city within the same region in one class. The group output should consist of

the following as a minimum:

1. Vital Statistics – determine the present population, major economic activities, territorial size,

cultural composition & language, and political boundaries of the city. Show a location map

and a more detailed city map.

2. History – narrate why and how this city developed. Were there any resources nearby? Was

the city in a strategic location? Religious or cultural significance? Who were the key figures,

leaders, or groups associated with the city or the region in which it is located?

3. Economy – where does the wealth or (poverty) of the city come from? Who are the players

in the economy? Exports and imports?


 The wealth of "THE LINE" is expected to come from various sources, including investments in
technology, innovation, and sustainable industries.
 Players in the economy could include government entities, private investors, multinational
corporations, and local businesses.

 Export and import activities may include goods and services related to technology, renewable
energy, and tourism.

4. Environment & Natural resources – what is the natural environment of the city like? Does it

have a substantial, diverse resource base? Or is it built in a fragile area?

5. Problems and issues – what are the current development challenges of the city? Do these

have any roots in its location or history?

6. Specific sites - are there places in the city that are particularly interesting for a planner? For

a traveler, what should we know about this place?


 Infographic showcasing the potential impact of THE LINE on urban living, including economic
growth, environmental sustainability, and social progress.

 Testimonials or quotes from experts, residents, or project stakeholders.



Each group that was assigned for a Utopian City presentation is tasked to make an extensive

internet research regarding a futuristic, high-technology and or utopian city designs and

plans. Groups should ensure that no same group shall report on the same topic. The group

output should consist of the following as a minimum: (dagdag pa kayo ng important pa)

1. What is the vision for such city? What are its strengths and/or weaknesses? Is there a

framework used to realize the city?

Answer: The vision for "THE LINE" in Saudi Arabia is to create a futuristic, sustainable, and
technologically advanced urban environment. Its strengths lie in its ambitious goals for sustainability,
connectivity, and quality of life. However, potential weaknesses may include the need for massive
infrastructure investments, potential social and cultural challenges, and environmental impact concerns.
The framework used to realize such a city likely involves strategic planning, collaboration between
government agencies and private sector partners, as well as input from urban planning experts and
stakeholders. Saudi Vision 2030, the country's long-term development plan, likely serves as a guiding
framework for projects like "THE LINE."

2. What are the pressing issues and concerns being addressed by the city?

Answer: Pressing issues being addressed by "THE LINE" may include:

 Environmental sustainability: Minimizing ecological impact and promoting renewable energy


 Urban congestion: Addressing traffic congestion and improving transportation infrastructure.

 Economic diversification: Creating new opportunities for economic growth and job creation.

 Social development: Ensuring inclusivity, access to essential services, and community


3. Who are the proponents of the city? What are their advocacies?

4. Show maps and illustrations that represent the idea of the city.

(pictures na ito)

5. Provide comments and practical assessments on the ideas of the city.


 "THE LINE" presents an ambitious vision for urban development in Saudi Arabia, aligning with
the country's broader goals of economic diversification and social progress outlined in Saudi
Vision 2030.

 Practical assessments must consider the feasibility, scalability, and long-term sustainability of
the project. It's essential to address potential challenges such as infrastructure costs, land
acquisition, regulatory hurdles, and community acceptance.

 Engaging stakeholders, including local communities, experts, and policymakers, is critical for
ensuring the success and viability of "THE LINE" as a model for future urban development in
Saudi Arabia.

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