Quarter 2 Week 2

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Senior High School


Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education

QUARTER 2 - Week 2)

MELC: Distinguish the various roles of different individuals in society and

how they can influence people through their leadership.

K TO 12 BEC CG: (EsP-PD11/12SR-IIb10.1)

1. Identify the various roles in the society.
2. Differentiate the various roles in the society and how they can influence people through their
3. Demonstrate one’s leadership in the society through community engagement.

Prepared by:



A. Introduction

This module focuses on the various roles you have as a middle or late adolescent, as well as how
these roles affect your well-being. You may notice that there are more from your family, friends you've
known for a long time, and the society where you belong when you distinguish these roles. As a result, these
roles in which you, as an adolescent, found yourself as the one in command or the one obeying orders.
Whatever it is, you must be aware of how you influence people around you.

Let us define some crucial terms as we define various roles as the interaction behavior between two
or more people, groups, or nations who are tied by mutual interests.

B. Discussion


As you grow up, you get to know people and build relationships which you have first had with your
family. As human beings, it is expected that you build relationships or social relationships by which also
affect the way you think, decide and even act on certain things.
Hence, adolescence is a crucial part of your development as a person and the different factors or in
this matter called social relationships that influence you. Social relationships are your interactions with other
people. This kind of relationship varies from the “degree of intimacy and vulnerability you offer to other
people to cooperate and achieve a certain objective.”
There are four (4) main types of relationships that influences you as an adolescent: (1) Parents, (2)
Peers, (3) Community, and (4) Society. However, these factors are shaped by culture. Culture can have a
positive or negative effect on your development.
Now, as you commit to social relationships, you also have various roles to represent. In society, you
can be someone based on a social situation that you decide to take. This is what we call as role(s), as of the
 Clergy- These are religious leaders who have been in power
for a long time. In different religious traditions, their
responsibilities and tasks may differ but they usually perform
certain ceremonies and teach their religion's teachings and
practices. They lead religious worship, execute spiritual
activities linked with religious faith and assist the
congregation's spiritual well-being. Clergy members offer
spiritual, personal and moral counsel and aid to church
members, as well as
encouragement to those who are 187186162/stock-illustration-religion- suffering from disease
or adversity. Priests, ministers, people-characters-vector-group.html pastors, rabbis and
imams are examples of spiritual leaders in the Catholic, Protestant Christian, Jewish and Islamic

 Family Member - Your mother, father and

siblings provide you with unconditional love and unwavering
support. They will assist, guide and look after you. Parents
are responsible for teaching, disciplining and providing for
their children's needs. Parents expect their children to
cooperate and respect them.

 Health care workers (front liners, Barangay Health

Workers, Rural Health Unit, nurses, and doctors)- They are in
charge of ensuring all relevant procedures to be followed. To
reduce occupational safety and health concerns, preventive and
protective measures are performed. They provide workplace
safety and health information, teaching and training. They
provide refresher health training in infection prevention and
control, as well as how to use, put on, remove and dispose of
https://www.tc.columbia.edu/ personal protective equipment. (PPE). They assess, triage and
articles/2020/may/healthcare- treat patients according to established protocols, treat patients
are-seen-as-most-credible-on- with respect, compassion and, dignity and safeguard patient
covid/ confidentiality. (www.dilg.gov.ph)

 Municipal and Provincial Government Officials. The

municipality, which is made up of several Barangays, is
primarily responsible for the coordination and delivery of
basic, regular and direct services, as well as the successful
governance of the people living within its jurisdiction.

Officials of the Municipal Government. - A municipal

mayor, municipal vice-mayor, Sangguniang Bayan
Sangguniang Bayan secretary, municipal https://www.clipartmax.com/ treasurer, municipal
assessor, municipal accountant, municipal budget
officer, municipal planning and development coordinator, municipal engineer/building official,

municipal health officer and municipal civil registrar shall be appointed in each municipality.

 School Personnel (Principal, teachers, and other school

staff)- the DepEd Mission: To promote and protect every
Filipino's right to a high-quality, egalitarian, culture-based
and comprehensive basic education in which:
 Students study in a setting that is child-
friendly, gender-sensitive, safe and inspiring.
 Teachers should support learning and
nurture each student. school-clipart-for-your-education-
 Administrators and projects/ employees, as
custodians of the institution, ensure that effective learning takes place in an enabling and
supportive atmosphere.
 Family, community and other stakeholders are all actively involved in the development of
life-long learners. (www. deped.gov.ph/paranghs/about-us/deped-s-vision-and-mission)

Our society has a significant impact on the lives of teenagers. Teens must be careful who they
follow, associate with/join, and emulate. Teenagers who participate in youth groups, organizations, and
clubs are happier and less likely to drink, smoke or use illegal substances. according to research , teens can
benefit by joining a worthy group and actively serving or volunteering in the community
Again, as you commit to social relationships, you may find yourself in the position of leading or
being led. You may have discovered that you are a good leader or follower as a result of your game
experience, and you may perceive yourself in the context of the society in which you live. As a result, being
a leader or a follower has an impact to others.
According to Robert Greenleaf, “Servant Leadership begins with the natural feeling that one wants to
serve, to Serve First. Then conscious choice brings one to Aspire to Lead.” As a Servant Leader, you are a
“servant first” who focuses on the needs of others, especially team members, before you consider your own,
acknowledges other people’s perspectives, gives them
the support they need to meet their work and personal
goals, involves them in decisions where appropriate,
builds a sense of community within your team.
Servant leadership is also leading to higher
engagement, more trust and stronger relationships
with a team members and other stakeholders and
increased innovation.
Greenleaf described a philosophy and elements that are most unique to servant leadership these are:
(1) the moral component, not only in terms of the personal morality and integrity of the servant-leader, but
also in terms of the way in how a servant-leader encourages enhanced moral reasoning among his or her
followers, who can therefore test the moral basis of the servant-leader's visions and organizational goals;

(2) the focus on serving followers for their good, not just the good of the organization and forming long-
term relationships with followers, encouraging their growth and development so that over time they may
reach their fullest potential;

(3) concern with the success of all stakeholders, broadly defined—employees, customers, business partners,
communities and society as a whole—including those who are the least privileged; and

(4) self-reflection, as a counter to the leader's hubris. (https://toservefirst.com/definition-of-servant-


As an adolescent, you must have gone through the process of recognizing yourself, understanding your
talents and limitations and learning about who you are. As a result, you can now determine if you are a
servant leader or a follower and which suits you and makes you a better person.

PART II. Activity Proper

A. My Society, My Responsibility!

Directions: Below are two columns of various roles, provide a course of action or decision relevant
to your own experience. Use a separate sheet of paper.

My Roles in Society My Social Responsibility

_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
_________________________ __________________________
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_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________
_________________________ _________________________

B. Good Leadership Qualities

Directions: Below is a graphic organizer, write the qualities of a good leader and answer the
following questions below.


1. Which of the following leadership qualities do you poses? Discuss briefly.

2. How can you demonstrate quality leadership in the society?

C. My Leadership!
Directions: On a piece of bond paper, sketch, draw, or design a poster that shows one’s leadership in a

CRITERIA 5 4 3 2


A. Multiple Choice. Select the letter of the best answer among the given choices.
1. It also led to higher engagement, more trust and stronger relationships with a team members
and other stakeholders and increased innovation.
A. Servant B. Service Leadership
C. Society D. Servant Leadership
2. An individual has __________ to represent as he builds and commits to relationships.
A. job B. mask C. roles D. work
3. These are the people who create and implement the laws of the land.
A. celebrities B. children C. political leaders D. religious leaders
4. They are the people who promote ethical behavior, responsible personal decisions and social justice.
A. celebrities B. children C. political leaders D. clergy
5. This is the ability of a person in authority to guide others to achieve certain organizational goals.
A. guidance B. instruct C. followership D. leadership
6. Which of the following is a good sign of a leadership?
A. You are afraid of your leader’s temper.
B. Your leader support you when good things happen to you.
C. Your leader threatens to hurt you
D. Your leader makes fun of you.
7. Which of the following is not a good sign of a leadership?
A. You feel good about yourself when you’re around the other person.
B. There is communication, sharing, and trust.
C. You feel threaten in your leadership.
D. There is more creativity and group members feel engaged.
8. They are responsible for teaching, disciplining and providing their children’s needs
A. Clergy B. Parents C. Health Workers D. School Personnel
9. According to__________________, servant leadership is the ability of the person in authority to
guide others to achieve certain goals.
A. Robert Green B. Roberto Greenleaf C. Robert Greenleaf D. Greinleaf Robert
10. Which is not belonging to servant leadership?
A. Envy, Curse B. Confidence C. Consideration D. Good communication

B. Direction: Organize and lead in a simple community engagement activity by choosing a) tree
planting, b) clean and green program and c) waste management. Make an appropriate documentation

on the activities undertaken by taking a picture together with your family, friends and other
stakeholders who performed the task and, attach a narrative on how you performed your task.

10 8 6 5 POINTS
Content  The  The  Limited  Superficial
presence of presence of content with and or
ideas is ideas is inadequate minimal
substantial, sufficiently elaboration or content.
specific, developed explanation.
illustrative content with
content adequate
demonstrating elaboration or
strong explanation.
Organization  Details are  Details are  Some  Details are
in logical in logical details are not not logical or
order order in logical expected
 Order keeps  Order order order
the reader makes writing  Reader is
interested less distracted
Grammar  No errors in  One to two  Three to  Six or more
punctuation, punctuation, five punctuation,
capitalization, capitalization, punctuation, capitalization,
and spelling and spelling capitalization and spelling
errors errors , and spelling errors
Legibility  Readable  Marginally  Writing is  Writing is
handwriting readable nit readable not readable
in places


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