German Top25 Cheatsheet

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Top 25 German Questions You Need

to Know Cheat Sheet

Note: This PDF is part of our “Top 25 Questions You Need to Know” Course.

If you want to ask AND answer these questions in fluent German… you’ll NEED to hear how
native speakers say them. Visit the “Top 25 Questions You Need to Know” Course with quick audio
dialogue lessons. Just listen and start speaking in minutes.


1. Wie ist dein Name? 9. Magst du deutsches Essen?

What's your name? Do you like German food?

2. Woher kommst du? 10. Wie ist es?

Where are you from? How is it? (food)

3. Wo wohnst du? 11. Wie alt bist du?

Where do you live? How old are you?

4. Was machst du beruflich? 12. Wann ist dein Geburtstag?

What do you do? When is your birthday?

5. Sprichst du Deutsch? 13. Hast du Geschwister?

Do you speak German? Do you have any brothers and sisters?

6. Wie lange lernst du schon Deutsch? 14. Wie groß bist du?
How long have you been studying German? How tall are you?

7. Wo hast du Deutsch gelernt? 15. Hast du ein Handy?

Where did you learn German? Do you have a cell phone?

8. Kannst du deutsches Essen essen? 16. Wie geht es dir?

Can you eat German food? How are you?
The fastest, easiest, and most fun way to learn German.
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17. Wie spät ist es?
What time is it?

18. Was machst du gerade?

What are you doing?

19. Was ist los?

What's wrong?

20. Wie ist das Wetter in Berlin?

What's the weather like in Berlin?

21. Hast du Hunger?

Are you hungry?

22. Was ist das?

What's this?

23. Wem gehört das?

Whose is this?

24. Warst du schon einmal in Berlin?

Have you been to Berlin?

25. Wie viel kostet das?

How much is this?
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