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Challenges in Current IS Infrastructure

I. Data Security: The risk of data breaches and unauthorized access is heightened due
to the dispersed nature of the infrastructure. The company is facing issues with
ensuring the security and confidentiality of its data, especially with data centers
located in multiple African countries. This poses a significant risk of data breaches
and unauthorized access.
II. System Integration: Disparate systems across different regions lead to
inefficiencies and data silos. There are difficulties in integrating the various on-
premises systems and cloud-based solutions across different regions, leading to
inefficiencies, data silos, and operational bottlenecks.
III. Communication: Varied technology standards and practices across offices impede
effective communication. Inadequate communication channels among regional
offices hinder collaboration and decision-making processes, impacting overall
operational efficiency and coordination.
IV. Technology Compatibility: The existing infrastructure may not be readily
adaptable to integrate emerging technologies like blockchain and IoT.

2. Prioritization of Challenges
Based on their impact on the company’s operations in Tanzania and other African
countries, the challenges can be prioritized as follows:

a) Data Security: This should be the highest priority due to the severe implications of
data breaches. Given the sensitive nature of data and the potential legal implications
of data breaches, enhancing data security should be a top priority to protect the
company’s assets and maintain customer trust.
b) System Integration: Next, as it directly affects the efficiency and reliability of
business operations. Improving system integration is crucial for streamlining
operations, enhancing data flow, and ensuring seamless communication between
different parts of the organization.
c) Communication: Critical for ensuring effective collaboration and operational
coherence across regional offices. Effective communication is essential for
collaboration and decision-making; therefore, addressing this challenge should also
be a high priority to improve overall efficiency.
d) Technology Compatibility: While important for future competitiveness, addressing
compatibility issues with emerging technologies can be prioritized after securing
existing systems and optimizing internal processes.

3. Enhancing Data Security

To enhance data security in the company’s IS infrastructure in Tanzania:
 Implement comprehensive cybersecurity measures, including advanced encryption
and multi-factor authentication.
 Conduct regular security audits and ensure compliance with international data
protection standards.
 Develop a robust incident response plan to quickly address any security breaches.

4. Addressing System Integration and Communication Issues.

To address system integration and communication challenges across regional offices
in diverse technology environments:
 Standardize communication protocols and platforms to facilitate seamless
 Implement middleware solutions for better integration between disparate
 Establish a centralized information hub or intranet for sharing resources and
 Conduct regular training sessions to familiarize employees with new
technologies and tools.
 Develop a clear communication strategy outlining roles, responsibilities, and
reporting structures.
5. Leveraging Emerging Technologies

To leverage blockchain and IoT technologies for improving IS infrastructure and staying
competitive in the African market.

 Explore blockchain applications for secure transactions, supply chain management, or

smart contracts.
 Implement IoT devices for real-time monitoring of assets, predictive maintenance, or
inventory tracking.
 Integrate blockchain-based authentication mechanisms to enhance data security.
 Leverage IoT sensors for collecting valuable operational insights and optimizing

These recommendations aim to address the immediate challenges while preparing the
company to adopt new technologies and maintain its competitive edge in the African market.
It's crucial to approach these changes incrementally, ensuring that each step aligns with the
company's strategic goals and operational capabilities.

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