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The International University of Rabat

Rabat Business School


Title: Improving Student Transportation: A Comprehensive Proposal

Submitted to: HAJJOUBI KAREN


Made by

 Oussama Hannouda -
 Amal Bare – 116560
 Raid Kamar – 118028
 Aymane Baghdadi –
 Ould Errachid hamdi -
 Ayman Khalil Chbouki -
 De Andrade faria Amine-
 Oussama sguiri - 115958

1-Objective Finding:
Our university prioritizes various aspects, yet we've identified a gap in transportation. Introducing
“CampusRide," our initiative aims to enhance student transportation on and around campus. By improving
services, we aim to create a more efficient experience for our university community. Our goals are clear: strengthen
academic support and enhance transportation, ensuring our university is a place where students can excel and
navigate campus life seamlessly.

Divergent Thinking: During our initial brainstorming session, we let ideas flow freely, exploring multiple areas of
discussion. We considered options such as expanding and improving gym facilities, implementing sustainability
initiatives, and various other potential enhancements for campus life.

Convergent Thinking: As we delved deeper into these ideas, a central theme emerged. We found that, among the
various areas discussed, the most pressing need for improvement was in the realm of Transportation. Our collective
focus converged on this specific aspect, recognizing it as a critical area requiring attention and enhancement.
-Addressing the transportation challenge is crucial for improving the overall university experience. Our focus on
this issue reflects our commitment to making campus life more seamless for students. By tackling this problem, we
aim to create an environment where all students can easily access resources and engage in university activities,
promoting a thriving academic and daily experience for everyone.
2-Fact Finding:
We chose the Six Honest Serving Men method:
1-What :
 What is the current state of student transportation on the campus?
 What are the existing modes of transportation available to students?
2-Why :
 Why is student transportation a significant concern for the campus community?
 Why have previous attempts at improving transportation been successful or unsuccessful?
3-When :
 When do students primarily use transportation services? (e.g., peak class hours, weekends)
 When was the last significant update or improvement made to transportation services?
4-How :
 How are transportation services currently funded and managed?
 How do students feel about the reliability and efficiency of existing transportation options?
5-Where :
 Where are the key locations and routes for student transportation on campus?
 Where do students face the most challenges or delays in transportation?
6-Who :
 Who is responsible for overseeing and implementing improvements in student transportation?
 Who are the primary stakeholders, and what are their perspectives on the current state of transportation


Shuttle Sustainable Navigation Real-Time Community

Services Transportation Apps Tracking Carpooling
Shuttle Services - 4 3 5 2
Transportation 4 - 2 3 1
Apps 3 2 - 4 1
Tracking 5 3 4 - 2
Carpooling 2 1 1 2 -

1. Highest Interaction: Shuttle Services vs. Real-Time Tracking (5)

 Implementing real-time tracking could significantly enhance the efficiency of shuttle services, reducing wait times.
2. Middle Interaction : Sustainable Transportation vs. Navigation Apps (2)
 Implementing navigation apps may not significantly affect sustainable transportation.
3. Lowest Interaction: Sustainable Transportation vs. Community Carpooling (1)
 Promoting community carpooling may have minimal impact on sustainable transportation.

A thorough explanation with each problem:

1. Shuttle Services :
 Problem: Prolonged Wait Times and Inadequate Coverage
 Explanation: Students face challenges with shuttle services due to long wait times and inadequate coverage,
impacting their daily commute and overall convenience.
2. Substainable Transportation :
 Problem: Limited Implementation of Eco-Friendly Options
 Explanation: The adoption of eco-friendly options, such as bicycles and electric shuttles, may be limited. Overcoming
this challenge is essential to align with the university's sustainability goals.
3. Navigation App :
 Problem: Lack of Accessibility and Guidance
 Explanation: Students currently lack an accessible and dedicated navigation app. The absence of such a tool hinders
their ability to easily locate transportation services and navigate the campus.
4. Real-Time Tracking:
 Problem : Uncertainty and Inefficiency
 Explanation: The absence of real-time tracking for existing transportation services leads to uncertainty and
inefficiency. Students face challenges in predicting arrival times and planning their schedules accordingly.
5. Carpooling Platform :
 Problem: Limited Participation and Community Engagement
 Explanation: While carpooling can be an effective solution, there is a challenge in encouraging widespread
participation and fostering a sense of community among students. Addressing this issue is crucial for the success of the
carpooling platform.

After a fruitful brainstorming session with my group members, we've come up with some exciting ideas to
improve student transportation on campus. Here is a summary of our discussion:

Idea Description
Incorporate digital displays at bus stops showing real-time shuttle arrivals
Smart Bus Stops and departures for more efficient waiting.
Implement a reward system where students earn points or incentives for
Reward System for Carpooling participating in community carpooling, making it a more attractive option.
Develop a comprehensive mobile app integrating navigation, real-time
Mobile App Integration tracking, and a platform for organizing and joining carpools.
Establish a campus-wide bike-sharing program to provide an additional eco-
Bike Sharing Program friendly transportation option for students.
Create interactive campus maps displaying transportation routes, points of
interest, and events to encourage exploration of alternative transportation
Interactive Campus Maps options.
Partnerships with Ride-Sharing Explore partnerships with ride-sharing companies to provide discounted or
Companies special transportation services exclusively for students.
Implement a flexible shuttle route system that adapts based on peak hours,
Flexible Shuttle Routes class schedules, and special events to ensure optimal coverage.
Establish a student-led transportation committee to gather ongoing
Student Transportation Committee feedback, assess implemented solutions, and propose further improvements.
Education Campaign on Launch an awareness campaign to educate students about the benefits of
Sustainable Transportation sustainable transportation, encouraging a shift in commuting habits.
Community Bulletin Board for Create physical or digital bulletin boards where students can post or find
Carpools information about carpools, fostering a sense of community engagement.


Transportation Initiatives Scoring :

Minus (Negative Interesting
Initiative Plus (Positive Aspects) Aspects) (Interesting Aspects)
Enhances efficiency and Requires significant Can improve overall
Smart Bus Stops reduces wait times (+3) initial investment (-2) user experience (+2)
Potential logistical
Reward System for Incentivizes eco-friendly challenges in Fosters a sense of
Carpooling behavior (+3) implementation (-2) community (+2)
Provides a
comprehensive solution Development and Enhances accessibility
Mobile App Integration for students (+3) maintenance costs (-2) and convenience (+2)
Requires infrastructure
Offers an eco-friendly setup and maintenance (- Supports sustainability
Bike Sharing Program alternative (+3) 2) goals (+2)
Enhances overall
Interactive Campus Improves navigation and Initial development effort campus experience
Maps exploration (+3) (-2) (+2)
Provides exclusive
Partnerships with Ride- Expands transportation Dependence on external services for students
Sharing Companies options (+3) partnerships (-2) (+2)
Adapts to varying Requires effective Optimizes coverage
Flexible Shuttle Routes demand (+3) scheduling (-2) during peak times (+2)
Student Transportation Gathers continuous Requires ongoing Empowers student
Committee feedback (+3) management (-2) involvement (+2)
Education Campaign on
Sustainable Promotes eco-friendly Requires ongoing effort (- Influences behavior
Transportation habits (+3) 2) change (+2)
Community Bulletin Fosters a sense of Requires active collaborative
Board for Carpools community (+3) participation (-2) transportation (+2)

Our final solution is The Smart Bus Stops Initiative:

Introducing the Smart Bus Stops Initiative:
In the pursuit of elevating campus transportation to new heights, we present the Smart Bus Stops Initiative—a visionary project designed to
revolutionize the commuting experience for our campus community.

1. Description:
 The Smart Bus Stops initiative aims to improve the campus transportation system with intelligent bus stops using
modern technology.
 Objectives include enhancing efficiency, reducing wait times, and improving the overall user experience for campus
2. Implementation:
 Real-time Tracking: Install GPS trackers on buses for real-time tracking.
 Automated Arrival Notifications: Implement a notification system for approaching buses.
 User-Friendly Interfaces: Design interfaces for route information and schedules.

 Energy-Efficient Lighting: Install sustainable lighting

 Smart Shelter Design: Include features like seating, solar-powered charging stations, and environmental sensors.
3. Expected Benefits:
 Enhanced Efficiency: Real-time tracking and arrival notifications reduce wait times.
 Improved User Experience: User-friendly interfaces and smart shelter designs enhance the overall experience.
 Increased Sustainability: Energy-efficient lighting and solar-powered features contribute to sustainability goals.
 Convenient Information Access: Users can easily access information about bus routes, schedules, and campus maps.
 Community Engagement: Fosters a sense of community through centralized and modernized transportation hubs.
4. Potential Impacts:
 Reduced Environmental Impact: Contributes to reducing the carbon footprint associated with campus commuting.
 Time and Cost Savings: Real-time tracking and automated notifications save time and potentially reduce costs.
 Enhanced Safety: Improved visibility and smart shelter designs contribute to a safer waiting environment.
 Positive Campus Image: Showcases a commitment to modernization and user-centric services.
 Increased Public Transit Usage: Encourages more individuals to use public transit, reducing traffic congestion and
parking demands.

6- Acceptance Finding
Presentation to 'Sell' Our Solution:
This table provides a concise overview of the key points for selling the Smart Bus Stops Initiative.

Key Points Description

Efficiency and Reduced Real-time tracking and automated notifications for an efficient
Wait Times commute.
User-Centric Design User-friendly interfaces and smart shelters for a positive journey.
Energy-efficient lighting and solar features for environmental
Sustainability Focus responsibility.
Convenient Information Easy access to vital transportation information for seamless
Access journeys.
Community Hub Centralized hubs fostering interaction among students and staff.
Feasibility and Reliability Technologically advanced and strategically partnered for reliability.
Reduced environmental impact, time/cost savings, enhanced safety,
Real Impact and a positive campus image.
Phased implementation starting with pilot testing for user-centric
Next Steps refinement.

Sources of Possible Resistance:

1. Financial Concerns:
 Stakeholder skepticism about the initial investment and cost-effectiveness.
2. Technological Apprehension:
 Resistance from individuals wary of adopting advanced technology due to complexity or potential
technical issues.
3. Operational Changes:
 Resistance from transportation staff to operational changes, such as real-time tracking and automated
4. Dependency on External Partnerships:
 Resistance due to concerns about reliability or sustainability of external partnerships.
Benefits, Feasibility, and Potential Impact:
1. Enhanced Efficiency:
 Real-time tracking and notifications significantly reduce wait times, optimizing transportation efficiency.

2. Improved User Experience :
 User-friendly interfaces and smart shelter designs contribute to a positive commuting experience.
3. Increased Sustainability:
 Energy-efficient lighting and solar features align with sustainability goals.
4. Convenient Information Access :
 Users gain easy access to vital information for seamless journey planning.
5. Community Engagement :
 Fosters a sense of community through a centralized transportation hub.
 Feasible given technological advancements and planned partnerships for execution.
Potential Impact:
1. Reduced Environmental Impact :
 Real-time tracking and optimized routes contribute to lower fuel consumption.
2. Time and Cost Savings:
 Real-time tracking and automated notifications reduce journey planning time and costs.
3. Enhanced Safety:
 Improved visibility and smart shelter designs create a safer waiting environment.
4. Positive Campus Image :
 Implementation positively impacts the campus image, highlighting commitment to modernization.
5. Increased Public Transit Usage :
 Smart Bus Stops may encourage more public transit usage, reducing traffic and parking demands.


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