NFPA-220-2018 - Norma Sobre Tipos de Construcción de Edificios en Función de La Combustibilidad y El Grado de Resistencia Al Fuego de Los Elementos Estructurales de Un Edificio.

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NFPA®codes, standards, reco1n1nended practices, and guides ("NFPA Standards"), of \Vhich the docu1nen t
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ISBN: 978-145591685-6 (Print)

ISBN: 978-145591686-3 (PDF)
ISBN: 978-145591797-6 (eBook)


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Copy1ight © 2017 National Fire Protection Association®. All Rights Reserved.

NFPA® 220

Standard on

Types of Building Construction

2018 Edition

'fhis edition of NFPA 220, Standard on ·rypes of Building Construction, was prepared by the 'fechnical
Co1nrnittee on Building Construction. lt " 'as issued by the Standards Council on t\ugust 1, 2017, with
an effective date of August 21, 2017, and supersedes all previous editions.
'fhis docu1nent has been arnended by one or 1nore Tentative lnteri1n t\Jnendn1ents (Tlf\s) and/ or
Errata. See "Codes & Standards" at W\V\ for 1nore information.
'fhis edition of NFPA 220 was approved as an Arnerican National Standard on August 21, 2017.

Origin and Development of NFPA 220

ln 1952, the Co1nrnittee on Building Consu·uction secured tentative adoption of NFPA 220,
Standard on 1)1pes of Building Construction, at the NFPA t\nnual Meeting. At the 1954 NFPt\ Annual
Meeting, revisions of the 1952 tentative text were adopted by the Association, and in 1955 rninor
revisions also were acted on favorably. A new definition of nonco1nbustibilit)' and edito1ial changes in
the desc1iption of the fire resistance rating of structural in embers (under the definition of fire-resistive
constr·uction) " 'ere adopted at the 1956 NFPA Annual l\ileeting on the reco1nrnendation of the
Co1nrnittee on Building Consu·uction.
ln 1958, " 'ith the develop1nent of the use of plastics in building construction, 1·econ1rnendations
on the types of standard fire tests to be used in e'"aluating the fire safety of these n1aterials were
adopted and inserted in the appendix.
ln 1961, an appendix " 'as adopted to furnish a guide to NFPA corrunittees, regulatory officials,
and others that addressed the classification of air-supported su·uctures.
ln 1975, a n1ore fundarr1ental definition of 1wnco11ibustible was added, including the inu·oduction
of a definition of the tenn li11iited-co1nbustible based on potential heat value limitations and 111ore
generalized definitions for types of building construction.
ln 1979, the standard \Vas extensively re\vritten to inu·oduce the no1nenclature related to
construction Type I through Type V, which included parenthetically placed hourly fire resistance
designations of the suuctural con1ponents.
The 1985 edition included the addition of a ne\v Chapter 4, \vhich provided referenced
publications \Vhose use is 111andated \vithin this standard. The 1992 and 1995 editions provided
changes in technical terminology as \Veil as changes to increase the user-friendliness of the standard.
The 1999 edition i111ple111ented a ntunber of relatively minor changes, including the addition of
several new definitions, the addition of a ne\v require111ent pertaining to exterior non-load-bea1ing
\Valls, and a ne"' provision concerning the use of h eavy ti111ber exterior " 'alls.
ln the 2006 edition, NFPA 220 beca111e an extract doctunent of 1VFJ~A 500rP, Section 7.2. At the
request of the Standards Council, the ne\V edition provided users \vi th a stand-alone set of
require111ents for construction types and fire resistance ratings of structural elements.
The 2009 edition provided updates to the extracted tex t that \vas sourced back to flt/PA 5000 and
NFPA 90A. These revisions included updates to th e test protocols used to establish fla111e spread/
smoke developed index values, 111odified criteria for 111aterials used in air handling plenum spaces,
and provided recognition of th e ne\V c1ite1ia used to detennine building height and grade

NFPA and National Fire Protection Association are registered trndeniarks of the National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, i\·iassachusetts 02169.

The 2012 edition \vas updated to reflect changes in flt/PA 5000 and NFPA 90A. Revisions included updates to th e
requiren1ents for plenu1ns and noncon1bustible nlaterials.
The 2015 edition \vas revised to include ne\v require1nents for li1nited and nonco1nbustible 1naterials. Referenced
publications \Vere updated.
The 2018 edition includes updates to extracted 111aterial from NFPA 5000. Referenced publications have been updated.

2018 Edition
CO.t.1.t.11TTEE PERSONNEL 220-3

Technical Committee on Building Construction

Renato R. Molina, Chair

Nasser Ahmed Al Zeyara, Qatar Civil Defense, Qatar (E] Robert E. Hanson, Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, GA [U]
Farid Alfawakhiri, Ainerican Iron and Steel Institute, IL [.t.1] Khaled Heiza, .t.1onofia Universit)', Eg)'pt (SE]
Mark Chrisman, Henderson Engineers, KS (SE] Joseph T. Holland, Hoover Treated \.Yood Products, FL [.t.1]
David S. Collins, The Preview Group, lnc., OH (SE] Jeffrey M. Hugo, National Fire Sprinkler Association, Inc., l'vll (l'vl ]
Rep. Ainerican Institute of Ai·chitects AaronJohnson, Rural/ Metro Corporation, FL (El
RichardJ. Davis, F.t.1 Global, .t.•l A (I] Dale Litton, Texas Instrun1ents, Inc., TX [U ]
Richard L. Day, Michigan State Fire Marshal's Office, Ml [El Re p. Serniconductor Industry Association
Alan J . Dopart, \,\Tillis of New Jersey, NJ [I] Vickie J . Lovell, lnterCode Incorporated , FL [M]
Victor L. Dubrowski, Code Consultants, Inc., .t.10 [SE] Re p. Fi re Safe North An1erica
Paul Ferro, Fire Depa1·trnent City of New York, NY [L] Joe McElvaney, City of Phoenix Fire Departrnent, AZ [E]
Rep. International Association of Fire Fighters Thon1as W. McKeon, Everest National Insurance, J\'.J [I]
David W. Frable, U.S. Gene ral Services Ad111inistrat.ion, IL [U] Brad Schiffer, Brad Schiffer/ Ta.x is, Inc., FL [SE]
Sam ,V. Francis, A111erican ' •\food Council, PA [l'vf] Michael Scluneida, Gypsu111 Association , OH [l'vl]
James W. Gaut, .t.·f arrio tt Vacations \.\lorldwide, FL [U] Joseph H . Versteeg, Ve rsteeg Associates, CT [E)
Kurtis Grant, U.S. Depa rtment of Health & Hun1an Services, GA Rep . Interna tional Fire Marshals Association
[E] Peter J . Willse, XL Global Asset Protection Services, CT [I]
'Villiam J. Hall, Portland Ce111entAssociation, VA [M] Luke C. 'Voods, UL LLC, l'vlA [RT]

David G. Bueche, Hoover Treated ' •\food Prod ucts, CO [.t.·f] Willian1 E. Koffel, Koffel Associa tes, Inc., MD [U)
(f\lt. to.Joseph T. Holland) (Alt. to Dale Li tton)
Paul D. Coats, American \.Vood Council, SC [.t.1] Edward R. LaPine,JENSEN HUGHES/ AON, AZ [SE)
(Alt. to San1 \\I. Fra ncis) (Alt. to Re nato R. Mol ina)
James M. Dalton, Chicago Fire Deparunent, TL [L) Richard N. \Nalke, UL LLC, TL [RT]
(Alt. to Paul Ferro) (Alt. to Luke C. \•\foods)
Jonathan Humble, American Tro n and Steel Institute, CT [ l'vf]
(Alt. to Farid Alfawakhiri)

Valerie Bou tin, NFPA Staff Lia ison

This list. represen./s the membership at t.he the was /Jalloted on t.he final text. oft.his edi.t.i-On.
Since that. time, changes in /he membership may have occurred. A key to classifications is fou.nd at the
back oft.he document.

NOTE: Men1bersh ip o n a con1n1ittee shall not in a nd of itself constitute a n e ndorsement of

the Association or any docu111ent developed by the con1n1ittee o n which the n1en1ber serves.

Committee Scope: T his co111n1ittee shall have pri111ary responsibi lity for d ocu111e nts on the
selection and d esign of types of bui ld ing construction, exterior walls, bui ld ing height and
area, firewalls, and fi re barrier walls, as they relate to the protection of life and property fro111
fire . For the processi ng of iVFPA 5000, Chapter 7, a nd Sections 8.3 and 8.4, this con1n1ittee
reports directly to the NFPA 5000 Correlating Com111ittee; whereas, for the processing of
NFPA 220 and NFPA 221, this con1mittee d oes not report to t11e 1V1'PA 5000 Correlating

2018 Edition


Chapter 1 Administration ............................................ 220- 5 Chapter 4 Types of Construction ............................... 220- 6

1.1 Scope. .................................................................. . 220-5 4.1 Gene ra l................................................................. 220-6
1.2 Purpose. ............................... ......................... ...... . 220-5 4.2 Reserved ...... ...... ................... ...... ................... ...... . 220-8
1.3 Application. (Reserved) ........ ......................... ..... 220- 5 4.3 Type I ( 442 or 332) and Type II (222, 111, or
1.4 Reu·oact1v1ty................................•........................• 220- 5 000) Constru ction .............................................. . 220- 8
1.5 Equivalency............................•........................•.... 220- 5 4.4 Type TIT (21 1 or 200) Construction ................... . 220- 9
1.6 Units . ............................ ...... ................... .............. . 220-5 4.5 1y pe IV (2HH ) Consu'tlction. ............................ . 220-9
4.6 Type V ( 111 or 000) Construction .................. ... . 220- 11
Chapter 2 Referenced Publications ........................... . 220- 5
2.1 General. ................................................................ 220-5 Chapter 5 Fire Resistance Rating Requirement5 for
2.2 NFPA Publications........... ......................... .......... . 220-5 Structural Elements ................... ...... ........... 220- 11
2.3 Other Publications. ............. ...... ................... ...... . 220- 6 5.1 Fire Resistance Rating Require1nents . ............ ... . 220- 11
2.4 References for Ext.ract5 in ~·fandat.ory Sections. 220- 6
Annex A Explanatory l\iaterial .................................. 220- 12
Chapter 3 Definitions ...... ...... ................... ...... ............. . 220-6
3.1 General. ............................................................... . 220- 6 AnnexB Infonnational References .......................... 220- 13
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions.................................. . 220- 6
Index 220- 14
3.3 General Definitions........................................... .. 220-6

2018 Edition

N FPA220 fro tn tl1e hazards addressed in this standard at th e ti me th e

standard \vas issu ed .
Standard on
1.4.2 Unless oth er,vise specified , th e provisio ns of th is stand-
ard sh all not apply to fac ilities, equipme nt, str uctures, o r instal-
Types of Building Construction latio ns th at existed or \Ve re approved fo r constru ction or
installation prio r to th e effective date o f th e standard. ' •Vh ere
2018 Edition specifi ed, th e provisio ns o f th is standard shall be retroactive.
1.4.3 In th ose cases " 'here th e autho rity having jurisdi ctio n
IMPORTANT NOTE: This NFPA doc111nent is 11iade available fo r
dete rmin es th at th e existing situati o n p resents an u nacce ptable
use subject to important notices and legal disclaimers. These notices
degree o f risk, the au th ority having j urisdi cti o n sh all be permi t-
and disclaimers appear in all publications containing this document
ted to ap ply re troac tively a ny portions of this standard d ee111ed
and 111ay be fou nd under the heading "Important Notices and
approp ria te.
Disclai1ners Concerning NFPA Standards." They can also be viewed
at wwtv.nfPa.or!Jfdisclain1ers or obtained on request from NFPA. 1.4.4 The re troac tive requ ireme nts of th is standard sh all be
UPDATES, ALERTS, AND FUTURE EDITIONS: New edit·io11s of perm itted to be mo difi ed if th eir a pplicati o n clearly " 'ould be
NFPA codes, standards, reco·1nmended practices, and guides (i.e., itnprac ti cal in th e judgme nt of th e auth ority having jurisd ic-
NFPA Standards) are released on scheduled rev·ision cycles. This tion , and o nly '"h ere it is clearly evide nt th at a reasonable
edition 111ay be superseded 1ry a later one, or it may be amended degree of safety is provided.
outside of its sd1eduled revision cycle through the issuance of Tenta-
tive Interim A111endn1ents (TIAs) . A11 official NFPA Standard at any 1.5 Equivalency.
point in tinze consists of the current edition of the document, together 1.5. 1 Noth ing in this standard is in te nded to p reve nt th e use
with a.ll TIAs and Errata in effect. To verify that this docun1ent is the o f systeins, 111ethods, or d evices of equ ivale nt or superior qual-
current edition or to determine if it has been amended by TIAs or ity, strength, fi re resistance, effective ness, durability, a nd safety
Errata, please consull the National Fire Codes® Subscription Service over those prescribed by th is standa rd .
or the "List of NFPA Codes & Standards" at
In addition to T/As and Errata, the doc111nent irifonnation pages also 1.5.2 Technical d ocume ntatio n shall be sub111i tted to th e
include the option to sign up for al.erts for individual docum.ents and au th ority having jurisdictio n to demo nstrate equ ivale ncy. The
to be involved in the development of the next edition. systein, inethod , o r d evice shall be approved for th e in te nded
NOTICE: An aste1isk (*) follo\ving th e nu1nbe r o r letter purpose by th e auth ority havingjurisdictio n.
designating a paragraph indicates th at explan ato ry 1nate1i al o n 1.6 Units.
th e paragraph can be fou n d in Annex A.
A refere nce in brackets [ ] follo\ving a section o r paragraph 1.6. 1 SI Units. Jvfetric u n its in this standard are in accorda nce
indicates 1nate ri al th at has been extrac ted fro1n anoth er NFPA ' "ith the 111o dernized metric system kn o'"n as the Internatio nal
docu1nen t. As an aid to th e user, th e co1nplete ti tle a nd ed itio n Syste111 of Uni ts (ST).
of th e source doc un1e n ts for extracts in 1nan datory sections of
th e d ocun1e nt are give n in Ch apter 2 and those for extrac ts in 1.6.2 Primary and Equivalent Values. If a value for a measure-
inforn1a tion al sections are give n in Annex B. Extracted tex t m en t as give n in this standard is follo\ved by an equ ivalent
111ay be edi ted fo r consisten cy an d style and inay includ e th e value in other un its, the first stated value shall be regarded as
revisio n of in ternal pa ragraph re fe re nces and o tl1e r refere nces th e requ ire inen t. A give n equ ivalen t value mig ht be a pp roxi-
as appropria te. Requests fo r interpretations or revisio ns of ma te.
extracted text shall be sent to th e technical co1n1nittee respon-
sible fo r th e source docu1ne nt. Chapter 2 Re ferenced Publications
Info nnatio n o n referen ced publicatio ns can be found in
Chapter 2 and Annex B. 2.1 Gen eral. The docu111en ts or portio ns th ereof listed in this
chapte r are refere nced '"ith in this standard and sh all be
Chapter 1 Administration considered part of the requ ireme n ts o f th is d ocume nt.
A 2.2 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Association,
1.1* Scope. This standard defin es types of bu ilding construc- 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, :tvIA 02169-7471.
tion based o n th e combustibi lity and th e fire resistance ra ti ng
of a bui lding's structural elen1e n ts. Fire \valls, no nbearing exte- NFPA 90A, Sta:rula1d.fffl' the Installation ofAir-Cmulitioning and
rio r \Valls, no nbearing in te ri or partitio ns, fire barr ie r '"alls, Ventilating Syste1ns, 2018 edition.
shaft e nclosures, and o penings in " 'alls, partiti ons, fl oors, and NFPA 101®, Life Sa(et)' Code®, 2018 edi tion.
roofs are not re la ted to th e types of building constru ctio n and NFPA 285, Standard Fire Test lviethod for Evaluation ofFire Propa-
are regulated by oth e r standards a nd codes, " 'he re appro pria te. gation Charac/.elistics of Exterior 1Von-Load-Bea1ing \.Vall Assem.blies
Cmtaining Com.bustible Coinpon.ents, 2012 edition.
1.2 Purpose. This standa rd provides definitio ns for standard NFPA 500rP, Building Construction arul Safety Code®, 2018
typ es of buildi ng constr uction. edition.
1.3 Application. (Reser ved)
1.4 Retroactivity.
1.4.1 The provisio ns of tl1is standa rd refl ect a consensus of
\Vha t is necessary to p rovide an accep table degree of protectio n

Shaded text = Revisions. a = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section d ele tions. N = New rnatedal. 2018 Edition

2.3 Other Publications. 3.2.5 Should. Indicates a reco111111endation or that \vh ich is
advised but not required.
a 2.3.1 ASTM Publications. ASTtvl International, 100 Barr
Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, v\lest Conshohocken, PA 3.2.6 Standard. An NFPA Standard, the 111ain text of 'vhich
19428-2959. contains only mandatory provisions using the " 'Ord "shall" to
indicate require111ent5 and that is in a form generally suitable
ASTM E84, Standard Test J\1ethod f01· Su1jace Burning Character- for mandatory reference by another standard or code or for
istics of Building J\1ateiials, 20 l 5a. adoption into la'"· Nonmandatory provisions are not to be
ASTM E 119, Standard Test A1ethods for Fire 1esL5 of Bu.ilding considered a part of the require111ents of a standard and shall
Construction and Mateiials, 2014. be located in an appendix, annex, footnote, informational
note, or other 111eans as permitted in the NFPA rvranuals of
ASTM El36, Standard Test Method for Behavior of Materialr in a Style. V\'hen used in a generic sense, such as in the phrase
Vertical Tuhe Fu.1·nace at 750°C, 2012. "standards development process" or "standards development
ASTM E2652, Standard Test i\1ethod for Behavior of MateriaLr in activities," the term "standards" includes all NFPA Standards,
a 11ibe Furnace with a Cone-shaf>ed Ailflow Stabilize1; at 750°C, includ ing Codes, Standards, Recon1111ended Practices, and
2012. Guides.

2.3.2 UL Publications. Undenvriters Laboratories Inc., 333 3.3 General Definitions.

Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, IL 60062-2096. 3.3.1 Fire Resistance Rating. The time, in minutes or hours,
ANSI/UL 263, Standard for Fire 1ests of Bu.ilding Construction that materials or assemblies have " 'ithstood a fire exposure as
and Matei7.al5, 2003, revised 2015. d etennined by the tests, or methods based on tests, prescribed
by this standard. [5000, 2018].
ANSI/UL 723, Standard frrr Test for Su.1jace Burning Cha1·acte1is-
tics of Building 1\1aterials, 2008, revised 2013. 3.3.2* Flame Spread Index. A nu111ber obtained according to
ASTM E84, Standard Test Method for Sinface Bu1ning Characteris-
2.3.3 Other Publications. tics of Building 1VIaterials, or ANSI/UL 723, Standard for Test for
Su'1face Bu1ning Characteristics of Building Materu1ls.
Merrian1-\.\febster's Collegiate Dictionary, 11th edition,
Merrian1-\.\febster, Inc., Sp1ingfield, NIA, 2003. 3.3.3 Limited-Combustible Material. See 4.1.6.
2.4 References for Extracts in Mandatory Sections. 3.3.4 Noncombustible Material. See 4.1.5.
NFPA 500r.?, Building Construction and Sa/et)' Code®, 20 18
edition. Chapter 4 Types of Constru ction

4.1 General. (5000:7.2.l]

Chapter 3 Definitions
4.1.1 * Buildings and strucLures shall be classified according to
3.1 * General. The defin itions contained in th is chapter shall their type of construction, which shall be based upon one of
apply to the terms used in th is standard. v\lhere terms are not five basic types of construction designated as Type I, Type II,
defined in this chapter or " 'ithin another chapter, they shall be Type III, Type IV, and Type V, with fire resistance ratings not
defined us ing th eir ordinarily accepted meanings " 'ith in the less than those specified in Table 4.1. l and Sections 4.3
context in 'vhich they are used. 1Vferria111.-l•Vebster's Collegiate through 4.6, and 1vith fire resistance ratings 111eeting the
Di.ctiona1)', 1·1th edition, shall be the source for the ordinarily requirements of Chapter 5. [5000: ]
accepted meaning.
4.1.2 Where two or 111ore types of construction are used in the
3.2 NFPA Official Definitions. sa1ne building, the entire building shall be classified as the least
type of construction in the building and shall be suqject to the
3.2.1 * Approved. Acceptable to the authority having jurisdic- requirements for that type, except as permitted by other provi-
tion. sions of NFPA 5000. (5000:]
3.2.2* Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ ). An organization, 4.1.3 l{equi1·e1nents fo1· specific rnaterials, types of consu-uc-
office, or individual responsible for enforcing the requ irements tion, and fi1·e protection shall be rnini111un1 req ui1·ernen ts, and
of a code or standard, or for approving equipment, 111aterials, any material, type of construction, or fire protection affording
an installation, or a procedure. safety or a fi1·e resistance rating equal to or greate1· than that
3.2.3* Listed. Equip1nent, materials, or services included in a provided in 1\fFPA 5000, shall be pennitted. [5000:
list published by an organization that is acceptable to the A 4.1.4 Materials shall be in accordance with all of the follo1ving,
authority having j urisdiction and concerned 1vith evaluation of
except as 1nodified by any special requiren1ents in Section 4.3:
products or services, that maintains periodic inspection of
production of listed equipment or 1naterials or periodic evalua- ( l) NFPA 5000, Chapter 41, Concrete
tion of services, and whose listing states that either the equip- (2) NFPA 5000, Chapter 42, Alt1111inun1
111ent, material, or service meets appropriate designated (3) NFPA 5000, Chapter 43, 1v1asonry
standards or has been tested and found suitable for a specified (4) NFPA 5000, Chapter 44, Steel
pur pose. (5) NFPA 5000, Chapter 45, \•\food
(6) NFPA 5000, Chapter 46, Glass and Glazing
3.2.4 Shall. Indicates a mandatory require1nent. (7) NFPA 5000, Chapter 47, Gypsum Board, Lath, and Plaster
(8) NFPA 5000, Chapter 48, Plastics

2018 Edition Shaded text = Revisions. A = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section de letions. N = New rnaterial.

a Table 4.1.1 Fire Resistance Ratings for Typ e I through Type V Construction (hr)

Type I Type II Typ e III Type IV TypeV

Construction Element 442 332 222 111 000 211 200 2HH 111 000
Exterior Bearing
Supporting 1nore than 4 3 2 1 oo 2 2 2 1 ob
one floo1~ colu1nns,
or oth er bearing
Supporting one floor 4 3 2 1 oo 2 2 2 1 ob
Supporting a roof only 4 3 I 1 oo 2 2 2 1 ob
Interior Bearing Walls
Supporting rnore than 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 2 1 0
one floor, colu rnns,
or other bearin<rb
Supporting one floor 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
Supporting roofs only 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
Supporting more than 4 3 2 1 0 1 0 H 1 0
one floor, columns,
or other bearing
Supporting one floor 3 2 2 1 0 1 0 H 1 0
Supporting roofs only 3 2 1 1 0 1 0 H 1 0
Beams, Girders,
Trusses, and Arches
Supporting more than 4 3 2 I 0 l 0 H I 0
one floo 1~ columns,
or other b earing
Supporting one floor 2 2 2 I 0 l 0 H I 0
Supporting roofs only 2 2 l I 0 l 0 H 1 0
Floor-Ceiling 2 2 2 1 0 1 0 H 1 0
Roof-Ceiling 2 1 Y;i 1 1 0 1 0 H 1 0
Interior Nonbearing 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Exterior Nonbearing oo ob oo oo oo oo oo oo oo ob
H: heavy tin1ber n1en1bers (.1ee textfm· requirements).
"See NFPA 5000, 7.3.2. 1.
bSee NFPA 5000, Section 7 .3.
<see,, a nd
(5000: Table 7.2.l.l )

Shaded text = Revisions. .a. = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section dele tions. N = New rnatedal. 2018 Edition

4. 1.5 Noncombustible Material 4.2 Reserved.

a 4.1.5. 1* A 1naterial that con1plies \vi th any of the follo,ving 4.3 Type I (442 or 332) and Type II (222, I 11, or 000)
shall be considered a nonco1nbustible 1naterial: Construction. (5000:7.2.3)
(1) * The material that, in the fonn in "'hi ch it is used, and 4.3. I Type I and Type II Construction. Type I (442 or 332)
under the conditions anticipated, 'viii not ignite, burn, and Type II (222, I 11 , or 000) construction shall be those types
support co1nbustion, or release fla1n1nab le vapors "'hen in "'hich the fire "'alls, structural elements, "'alls, arches, Floors,
subjected to fire or heat. and roof.s are of approved noncombustible or limited-
(2) The 1naterial is reported as passing ASTM El36, Standard cornbustible materials. [5000:]
Jest Method for Behavior of Materials in a Fertical 11.tbe Fi.trnace
at 750°C. 4.3.2 Special Requirements - Type I and Type II Construc-
(3) The 1naterial is reported as co1nplying "'ith the pass/ fail tion. The special requirernents in through 4.3.2. I 6
criteria of ASTNI El36 \Vhen tested in accordance "'ith shall apply to Type I and Type II construction. [5000:
the test 1nethod and procedure in ASTM E2652, Standard 4.3.2. I Wood Sleepers. ' •\There "'ood sleepers are used for
Jest l\!fethod f&r Behavior of l\!fateiials in a 11.tbe Furnace with a installing "'ood Flooring on nonco1nbustible Floors, the furring
Cone-shaped Ai1jlow Stabilizei; at 750°C. [ space shall be filled "'ith noncornbustible or limited-
(5000:7. l.4. l. l) cornbustible material or shall be fireblocked so that there \viii
be no open space exceeding 100 ft2 (9 1n2) in area under the Vl'here the tern1 li1nited-comm1stible is used in th is Code, it flooring. [5000:7 .2.3.2. l)
shall also include the term nonco·mbustibl.e. [5000:7.L4.L2] Sleeper Space. The furring spaces created by sleepers
4.1.6* Limited-Combustible Material. A 1naterial shall be in 4.3.2.·1 shall be filled solidly under all permanent partitions
considered a limited-combustible rnaterial \vhere both of the to prevent spread of fire under the Flooring. [5000:
follo,ving conditions of 4. 1.6. l , and 4.·l .6.2, and the conditions
of either 4. I .6.3 or 4. I .6.4 are met. [5000:7. 1.4.2) Mezzanine Floors in Type I and Type II (222 or I I I)
Construction. i\1ezzan ine Floors in Type I and Type II (222 or
a 4.1.6. I The rnaterial does not corn ply \Vi th the requ irements I 11) construction shall have a fire resistance rating of not less
for a noncornbustible 1naterial in accordance \Vith 4. 1.5. than l hour. [5000:
[5000: ] Mezzanine Floors in Type II (000) Construction.
a The 1naterial, in the fo1m in which it is used, exhibits a Mezzanine Floors in Type II (000) construction shall not be
potential heat value not exceeding 3500 Btu/ lb (8141 ~J/ kg) , required to have a fire resistance rating. [5000:
when tested in accordance with NFPA 259. [5000: Platforms. Pennanent platfonns shall be constructed
a The material shall have a su·uctural base of nonco111- of noncombustible or limited-combustible 111aterials.
bustible material with a surfacing not exceeding a thickness of [5000:]
1/ 8 in. (3.2 mn1) where the surfacing exhibits a flame spread
index not greater than 50 when tested in accordance with a Space Beneath Platforms. When the space beneath
ASTM £84, Standard Test Method for Su1face Burning Characteris- any permanent platform is used for storage or any purpose
tics of Building Materutls or ANSI/ UL 723, Standard for Test f&r other than equip111ent, wiring, or plumbing, the floor construc-
Su·1face Burning Characteristics of Building A1atetials. tion shall have a fire resistance rating not less than 1 hour.
[5000: l] [5000:]
a The nlaterial shall be co1nposed of 1naterials that in Fire-Retardant-Treated \~ood Platforms. Fire-
the fo1-rn and thickness used, neither exhibit a flame spread retardant-treated wood shall be pennitted for permanent plat-
index greater than 25 nor evidence of continued progressive fonns that do not exceed 3000 ft2 (278 1n2 ) , that are not 1nore
co1nbustion "'hen tested in accordance with AST!Vl E84 or than 30 in. (760 mm) above the Floor, and that do not occupy
ANSI/ UL 723 and are of such cornposition that all surfaces 1nore than 50 percent of the floor area of the room or space in
that would be exposed by cutting through the 1naterial on any which they are located. [5000:
plane would neither exhibit a fla1ne spread index greater than
25 nor exhibit evidence of continued progressive cornbustion Roofs 20 ft (6100 mm) or More Above Any Floor. In
when tested in accordance "'ith AST!Vl E84 or ANSI/UL 723. occupancies other than mercantile, industrial, or storage occu-
[5000:7. l.4.2.2) pancies 1vith ordinary or high hazard contents, or other occu-
pancies with high hazard contents exceeding the 111aximum
N 4.l.6.5 An alternate approach for a nlaterial to be considered allowable quantities (i\1AQ) per control area as set forth in
a lirnited cornbustible material is where the 1naterial is tested in 34.l.3 of NFPA 5000, the fire-resistive protection of the roof/
accordance "'ith ASTM £2965, Standard ?est fcrr Determination of ceiling assembly required by Table 4.1.l shall not be required
Low Levels of Heat Release Rate for 1\!fateiials and J>roducts Using an where every part of the roof/ ceiling assembly is 20 ft
O>:ygen Co111bustion Calorinzetei-, a t an incident heat flux of (6100 mm) or more above any floor i1nmediately below.
75 k'•\T/ m 2 for a 20- minute exposure, the peak heat release rate [5000:
does not exceed 150 k'•\T/ m 2 for longer than 10 seconds, the Fire-Retardant-Treated \~ood Roof. [5000:
total heat released does not exceed 8 MJ/ m2 . [5000: Fire-retardant-treated wood 1nembers shall be V\'here the term li1nited-co·rnl>ustibl.e is used in th is Code, it permitted to be used for unprotected members specified in
shall also include the term noncornbustible. [5000: [5000:]

2018 Edition Shaded text = Revisions. A = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section de letions. N = New rnaterial.
TYPES OF CONSTRUCTlON 220-9 Fire-retardant-treated " 'ood shall be permitted for Ceiling Plenum Tested Assembly. vVhere th e plenum
roof construction, includ ing girders and trusses, under the is a part of a floorI ceiling or roof/ ceiling assen1bly that h as
follo\ving conditions: been tested or investigated and assigned a fire resistance rating
( l) In Type II buildings of l hour or 111ore, and the assembly contains air ducts and
(2) In Type I buildings \vh ere the nun1ber of stories is t\vo or openings for air duct5, all the 111aterials and the construction of
fe\\rer the a5se111bly, including the air duct materials and the size and
(3) In Type I buildings " 'here the nu111ber of stories is th ree protection of th e openings, shall conform \vith th e design of
or more \Vh en the vertical distance fro 111 the floor to th e the fire resistance-rated asse111bly, as tested in accordance \1rith
roof is 20 ft (6100 111111) or 111ore (5000: ASTM El 19, Standatr.l Jest 111ethods f(!r Fire Jests of Building
Construction and f\1at£rials; or ANSI/UL 263, Standard for Fire Heavy Timber Structural Elements. In all occupan- Jests of Buil.ding Construction and Mo.terio.l,s. [5000:8.2. 1.4]
cies, heavy tin1ber structural ele111en ts sh all be pen11itted to be
used for the roof construction \vhere a 1-hour fire res istance 4.4 Type m (211 or 200) Construction. (5000:7.2.4]
rating or less is requ ired. [5000: l OJ 4.4. 1 Type III Cons truction. Type TIT (211 or 200) construc-
4.3.2. 11 Interior Nonbearing Walls. [5000: l l ] tion shall be that type in "'h ich exterior \valls and structural
ele111ents that are portions of exterior \Valls are of approved
4.3.2. 11. 1 Interior nonbearing " 'alls shall be constructed of nonco111bustible or lim ited-combustible 111aterials, and in \vh ich
nonco111bustible or limited-co111bustible 111aterials. fire \valls, interior structural ele111ents, "'alls, arches, floors, and
[5000: 1.1 ] roofs are entirely or partially of 'vood of smaller d imensions
than requ ired for Type TV construction or are of approved Interior non bearing \Valls required to have a fire nonco111bustible, li111ited-combustible, or other approved
resistance rating of2 hours or less shall be pen11itted to be fire- co111bustible materials. [5000:]
retardant-treated \vood enclosed \Vithin nonco111bustible or
li111ited-co111bustible materials, provided that such \valls are not 4.4.2 Special Requirem ents - Type ID Construction. The
used as shaft enclosures. [5000: l l .2] special requirements in 4.4.2.l through shall apply to
Type III construction. (5000:] Exterior Nonbearing Walls. Nonbearing exte1ior
walls shall be constructed of noncombustible 111aterials, limited- F'rre-Retardant-Treated Wood. Approved fire-
combustible materials, or materials specified in or retardant-treated wood framing shall be pennitted within the [5000:] assembly of exterior \valls having a required fire resistance
rating of 2 hours or less and a ho1izontal separation of not less Fire-retardant-treated \vood shall be pen11itted in than 60 in. (1525 mm), provided that the fire resistance rating
exterior nonbearing walls when such \Valls are not required to is maintained and the exposed outer and inner faces of such
have fire resistance ratings. [5000:] walls are constructed of limited-combustible or noncombusti-
A Exterior nonbearing \Valls tested in accordance with ble materials. (5000:]
and meeting the conditions of acceptance of NFPA 285 shall be H eavy Timber. vVood columns and arches conforming
permitted. [5000:] to heavy ti111ber sizes shall be pennitted where exterior walls
A Combustible Materials. Co111bustible 111aterials shall are required to have a 1-hour fire resistance rating or less.
be permitted in accordance with the follo,ving: [5000:7.2.4. 2.2]
(1) Foamed plastic insulation complying with Section 48.4 of A Exterior Nonbearing \~alls. Exte1ior nonbearing walls
NFPA 5000 tested in accordance with, and meeting the conditions of
(2) Metal composite material con1plying with Section 37.4 of acceptance of, NFPA 285 shall be pennitted. [5000:]
NFPA 5000
(3) Thermal and acoustical insulation, other than foamed 4.5 Type IV (2HH) Construction. (5000:7.2.5)
plastic, complying with Section 8.16 of NFPA 5000 4.5.1 Type IV Construction. Type IV (2H H) consu·uction
(4) Interior floor finish and interior finish, u·im, and 111ill- shall be that type in which fi1·e walls, exterio1· walls, and interior
work, such as doors, door frames, windo\v sashes, and bearing "'alls and structural elen1ents that are portions of such
window frames walls are of approved noncon1bustible or li111ited-corr1bustible
(5) Light-transmitting plastic complying with Sections 38.11 n1aterials, except as allowed for exte1ior walls in Other
and 48. 7 of NFPA 5000 inte1ior structural elernents, arches, floors, and roofs shall be of
(6) Class A, Class B, or Class C roof coverings solid 01· larr1inated wood or cross-laminated tirr1ber \vithout
(7) Blocking concealed spaces or with concealed spaces confo1·rning to
[5000:7 .] and shall corr1ply with the allowable din1ensions of 4.5.5.
A Ceiling Cavity Plenums and Raised Floor Plenums. [5000:7.2.5.l)
(5000:] For the p urpose of this Code, the application 4.5.2 Exterior Wall Separation. Exterior \valls greater than
of these provisions for ceiling cavity plenurr1s and raised floor 30 ft (9.1 m) fron1 the property li ne shall be pen nitted to be of
plenurns shall apply to all buildings and shall not be subject to heavy timber consu·uction, pro,~ded that the 2-hour rating as
the lirnitations as set forth in Section 1.3 of NFPA 90A. required by Table 4.1.l is n1aintained and such walls contain no
[5000:7 .] cotnbustible concealed spaces. (5000:
A Plenum Materials Combustibility. Materials exposed
to the airflo\v \Vithin ceili ng cavity p lenums and raised floor
plenun1s shall co111ply \vith NFPA 90A.

Shaded text = Revisions. .a. = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section deletions. N = New rnatedal. 2018 Edition

4.5.3 Interior Columns, Arches, Beams, Girders, and Tn1Sses. tii11ber trusses th at do not support floor loads, shall h ave
Interior columns, arches, bean1s, girders, and trusses of 111embers not less th an 4 in. (100 m111) in \vidth and not less
approved nlaterials other than " 'ood shall be pen11itted, provi- than 6 in. (150 m111) in depth. (5000:
ded that they are protected to provide a fire resistance rating of
not less than l hour. (5000: Spaced me111bers shall be pen11itted to be co111posed
of ~vo or 111ore pieces not less th an 3 in. (75 111111) in thickness
4.5.4 Concealed Spaces. Certain concealed spaces shall be 'vhere blocked solidly throughout th eir intervening spaces or
permitted in accordance " 'ith the follo"ring: 'vhere such spaces are tightly closed by a continuous \vood
( I) Concealed spaces in accordance 'vi th cover plate not less than 2 in. (51 n1111) in th ickness that is
(2) Concealed spaces 'vithin ·1-hour fire resistance-rated in te- secured to the underside of the me111bers. (5000:]
rior 'valls and partitions in accordance 'vith do not Splice Plates. Splice plates shall be not less than 3 in.
require add itional protection. (75 111m) in thickness. [5000:]
(3) Concealed spaces in floors, roofs, or \Valls of cross-
lam inated ti111ber construction in accordance \,rith one or a Floors. Floors shall be constructed 'vithout concealed
111ore of the follo\,ring and v1h ich do not contain co111bus- spaces and shall be pen11itted to be any of the follo\ving materi-
tibles other than building ele 111ents and electrical, als:
mechanical, fire protection, or plu111bing 111aterials and ( I) Materials shall be spline or tongue-and-groove plank not
equip111ent: less than 3 in. (75 m111) in thickness that is covered \Vith
The building is sprin klered throughout and auto- l in. (25 111m) tongue-and-groove flooring, laid cross\vise
matic sprinklers are also provided in the concealed or diagonally to the plank, or 'vi th Y,, in. ('12.7 m111) \VOOd
space. structural panel; or they shall be constructed of lam inated
(b) The concealed space is fi lled co111pletely " 'ith planks not less than 4 in. (100 111m) in '"idth, set close
nonco111bustible insulation. together on edge, spiked at intervals of 18 in. (455 mm),
(c) Surfaces " 'ithin the concealed space are fully and covered 'vith l in. (25 111m) tongue-and-groove floor-
sheathed " 'ith not less than 1h in. ( 12.7 111m) gypsu111 ing, laid cross,vise or diagonally to the plank, or 'vith Y,, in.
board or nonco111bustible 111aterials. (12.7 mm) " 'OOd structural panel.
[5000: (2) Cross-lam inated ti111ber complying 'vith 45.5.7 of
NFPA 5000 sh all be not less than 4 in. ('100 111m) th ick
4.5.5 Type IV (2HH) Allo\vable Dimensions. All dimensions and shall be continuous be~veen supports. Individual
in 4.5.5 for solid sa,vn members shall be considered no111inal. timbers shall be fastened to one another: Cross-laminated
[5000: timbers shall be pen11itted to be connected to \Valls 'vith-
4.5.5. I Columns. [5000:] out shrin kage gaps provided d i111ensional changes are
considered in design.
4.5.5. I. I ' •Vood columns supporting floor loads shall be not
less than 8 in. (205 111m) in any dimension. (5000:] [5000:7. 2.5 .5 .7] ' •Vood columns supporting only roof loads shall be

a Roof Decks. Roof decks shall be pen11itted to be
not less than 6 in. (150 111m) in width and not less than 8 in. constructed of any of the follo,ving 111aterials:
(205 mn1) in depth. (5000:] (l) Spline or tongue-and-groove plank not less than 2 111.
(5·1 mm) in th ickness Beams. [5000:7 .] (2) Laminated planks not less than 3 in. (75 111m) in \,ridth, ' •Vood beams and girders supporting floor loads shall set close together on edge, and laid as required for floors
be not less than 6 in. (150 mm) in width and not less than (3) l Ys in. (29 mm) thick interior "'OOd structural panel,
10 in. (255 111m) in depth. [5000:] exterior glue
(4) Cross-laminated ti111 ber ' •Vood bea111s and girders and other roof framing (5) Approved nonco111bustible or li mited-combustible materi-
supporting roof loads only shall be not less than 4 in. als of equivalent fire durabi li ty
(100 min) in width and not less than 6 in. (150 111m) in depth.
[5000:7.2 .] [5000:7.] Arches. (5000:] 4.5.6 Special Requirements - Type IV Construction. The

special requirements in 4.5.6. l through shall apply to Fra111ed or glued larninated arches that spring frorn Type IV construction. [5000:]
the finished ground level or the floor line, and tirnber trusses
that support floor loads, shall be not less than 8 in. (205 mrn) Structural Elements. Structural ele111ents shall be of
in 1vidth or depth. (5000: l] heavy timber members (sawn or glued-laminated), cross-
laminated timber, or fire resistance- rated consu·uction as set Fra111ed or glued lan1inated arches for roof consuuc- forth in Table 4.1.l 'vhen materials other than heavy timber are
tion that spring from the finished ground level or the floor line used. [5000:]
and do not support floor loads shall have n1en1bers not less
than 6 in. (150 m111) in 'vidth and not less than 8 in. (205 111m) Columns, Arches, Beams, and Roof Decl<lng. Where
in depth for the lo,ver half of the n1en1ber height, and not less horizontal separation of 20 ft (6100 111m) or 111ore is provided,
than 6 in. (150 mn1) in depth for the upper half of the n1e111ber wood colu111ns, arches, beams, and roof decking conforming to
height. (5000: the requirements for heavy timber in 4.5.5 shall be permitted
to be used on the exterior of the building. [5000:] Fra111ed or glued lan1inated arches for roof consuuc-
tion that spring fro111 the top of 'valls or 'vall abuu11ents, and

2018 Edition Shaded text = Revisions. A = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section de letions. N = New rnaterial.
FIRE RESISTANCE RATING REQUIREJVIENTS FOR STRUCTURAL ELEJVIENTS 220-11 Partitions. Pennanent partitions shall be pennitted to 5.1.3 Structural elements shall 1neet the requ1re1nenrs of
be of solid "'ood construction fonned by not less than t\vo 5.1.3. l through
layers of 1natched boards of l in. (25 1nn1) no1ninal thickness
or of 1-hour fire resistance-rated construction as set forth in Su·uctural elements, floors, and bearing "'alls shall
Table 4.1. l. (5000:] have a fire resistance rating not less than the fire resistance
rating required for the structural e le1nent, bearing or nonbear- Floors. Floors shall be permitted to be of heavy ing "'all, floor~ or roof they support. [5000: l]
timber, masonry, concrete, "'OOd, or steel and shall be construc-
ted as requ ired in Chapter 8 of l\IFPA 5000. [5000:] Structural ele1nents, floors, and bearing \Valls shall be
required to have only the fire resistance rating required for the Roofs. Roofs of 1-hour fire resistance-rated construc- construction classification of the building, provided that both
tion shall be pennitted. [5000:] of the follo"ring criteria are met: Stair\vays. [5000:] ( 1) The structural elements support non bearing ,van or parti-
tion assemblies having a required fire res istance rating of Stainvays shall be permitted to be constructed "'ith 1 hour or less.
'vood treads and risers of not less than 2 in. (51 1nm) no1ninal (2) The structural elements do not serve as exit enclosures,
thickness. [5000: 1] prote ction for vertical openings, or occupancy separa- ' •Vhere built-on, laminated, or plank inclines are tions. [5000:]
required for floors, stairways shall be permitted to be 1 in. Structural elements, such as girders, bea1ns, u·usses,
(25 mn1) nominal thickness or shall be permitted to be and spandrels, that have d irect connections to columns carry-
constructed as required for buildings of Type I or Type II ing gravity loads, and that are essential to the stability of the
construction. [5000:7 .] building as a v1hole, shall have a fire resistance rating not less
4.5.6. 7 Exterior Walls. Exterior walls having a required fire than that of the columns to \Vh ich they are connected.
resistance rating of 2 hours or less shall be permitted to be [5000:]
constructed with any of the follo1ving materials: 5.1.4 Structural elements required to have a fire resistance
[5000:7 .2 .5.6.7] rating and that support 1nore than t"'O floors, one floor and
(1) Noncombustible 1naterial shall be permitted. roof, a bearing wall, or a nonbearing wall more than t1vo stories
(2) Li111ited-combustible material shall be permitted. high shall be individually protected on all sides for their full
(3) Fire-retardant-u·eated wood shall be pennitted. Approved length with materials providing the required fire resistance
fire-retardant-u·eated wood framing shall be permitted rating. [5000:]
within the assembly of exterior 1valls having a horizontal 5.1.5* Structural elements, other than those specified in 5.1.3,
separation of not less than 60 in. (1525 mn1), provided required to have a fire resistance rating shall be protected by
that the fire resistance rating is maintained and the individual encasement, or by 1nembrane or ceiling protection
exposed outer and inner faces of such 1valls are consu·uc- in accordance with Section 8.6of 1VFPA 5000 or a con1bination
ted of limited-combustible or noncombustible 1naterials. of both. [5000:]
(4) Cross-laminated ti1nber complying with 45.5.7 of
NFPA 5000shall be permitted provided the exte1ior 5.1.6 In addition to the require1nents of 5.1.3 and 5.1.4,
surface of the cross-la1ninated timber is protected by one columns shall meet the following requirements:
of the following: (1) Where colu1nns require a fire resistance rating, the entire
(a) Fire-retardant-u·eated wood not less than column, including its connections to beams or girders,
(12 mm) thick shall be individually protected.
(b) Gypsum board not less than !4 in. (12.7 mm) thick (2) v\There the column extends through a ceiling, the fire-
(c) Nonco1nbustible 1naterial resistive protection provided for the column shall be
continuous fro1n the top of the floor through the ceiling
a Exterior Nonbearing Walls. Exterior nonbearing 1valls space to the top of the column. [5000:]
tested in accordance with, and meeting the conditions of
acceptance ofNFPA 285 shall be permitted. [5000:] 5.1.7 Structural elements complying with Section 4.5 shall not
be required to comply with 5.1.4. [5000:]
4.6 Type V (111 or 000) Construction. Type V (111 or 000)
consu·uction shall be that type in which structural elernents, a 5.1.8 The required thickness and construction of fire-resistive
walls, arches, floors, and roofs are entirely or partially of "'OOd materials or assemblies enclosing trusses shall be based on one
or other approved nlaterial. (5000:7.2.6) of the following:
(1) Results of full-scale tests or combinations of tests on truss
Chapter 5 Fire Resistance Rating Requirements for Structural components
Elements (2) Approved calculations based on such tests to verify that
the asse1nbly is provided with the required fire resistance
5.1 Fire Resistance Rating Requirements. rating in accordance 1vith 8.2.3 of 1'TFPA 5000
a 5.1.l The fire 1·esistance ratings of su·uctural elements and
building assen1blies shall be detennined in accordance "'ith 5.1.9 The fire resistance rating required for exte1·nal su·uc-
Section 8.2 in NFPA 5000or8 .2.3 in NFPA 101. tural elen1ents located beyond the perirneter of the building
floor a1·ea shall be pe1-rnitted to be calculated by using analyti-
5.1.2 Fire resistance protection shall be provided for suuc- cal methods in accordance with the provisions set forth in 8.2.3
tural elements as set forth in Chapter 5. of /'lFI'A 5000. (5000:]

Shaded text = Revisions. .a. = Text deletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section deletions. N = New rnatedal. 2018 Edition

5.1. 10 Structural ele1nents " 'ithin exte1ior \valls or located zation that is concerned \vi th product evaluations and is thus in
along the exterior peri1neter of a building or structure shall a position to detennine con1pliance "'ith appropriate standards
h ave a fire resistance rating as required by Table 4.1. l for exte- for the current production of listed ite1ns.
rior bearing " 'alls based on the type of construction.
(5000: A.3.2.2 Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). The phrase
"authority having jurisdiction," or its acronym AI-IJ, is used in
5.1.11 * Structural elements \Vithin an exterior \Vall located NFPA docu1nents in a broad 1n anne1~ since jurisdictions and
'"here openings are not pennitted, or '''here protection of approval agencies vary, as do their responsibilities. Where
openings is required in accordance \Vith 7.3.5 of l\TFPA 5000, public safety is pri1nary, the authority h aving jurisdiction 1nay
shall h ave a fire resistance rating based on protection against be a federal, state, local, or other regional department or indi-
exterior fire exposure as required for exterior bearing 'valls or vidual such as a fire chief; fire nlarshal; chief of a fire preven-
the structural element, '"hichever requires the greater fire tion bureau, labor department, or h ealth deparunent; building
resistance rating. (5000: official; electrical inspector; or oth ers having statutory author-
ity. For insurance purposes, an insurance inspection depart-
5.1.12 The edges of lugs, brackets, rivets, and bolt heads 1nent, rating bureau, or other insurance co1npany
attach ed to structural ele1nents shall be permitted to extend to representative 1nay be th e authority having jurisdiction. In
\Vithin I in. (25 min) of the surface of the fire-resistive protec- 1nany circu1nstances, the property O\vner or his or her designa-
tion. [5000: 1] ted agent assu1nes the role of the authori ty having jurisdiction;
5.1.13 Conduits, pipes, or ducts shall not be embedded \Vithin at government installations, the co1n1nanding officer or depart-
the required fire-resistive protection of any structural elements 1nental official 1nay be the au th ority h avingjurisdiction.
requiring individual encase1nent to ach ieve the required fire A.3.2.3 Listed. The means for identifying listed equipn1ent
resistance rating. (5000:] 1nay vary for each organization concerned "'ith product evalua-
5.1.14 Fire-resistive 111aterials covering columns required to tion; so1ne organizations do not recognize equipn1ent as listed
have a fire resistance rating, where exposed to impact damage un less it is a lso labeled. The authority h aving jurisdiction
by 111oving vehicles, by handling of merchandise, or by other should utilize the syste1n e1nployed by the listing organization
111eans, shall be protected from da111age. (5000:] to identify a listed product.

5.1.15 In load bearing, light frame walls requiring a fire resist- A.3.3.2 Flame Spread Index. Under the criteria of ASTM E84,
ance rating, 111embrane protection shall not be required to Standard Jest Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building
extend beyond the edge or flange of the consu·uction in open- 1\!fateriais, and ANSI/ UL 723, Standard for Test for Su1face Burning
ings that are framed or where doors or windows are installed. Characteristics of Building Materials the flame spread index is
[5000:] expressed numerically on a scale for '"hich th e zero point is
fixed by the perfonnance of inorganic-re inforced cement
board and the 100 point (approximately) is fixed by the
Annex A Explanatory Material performance of untreated red oak flooring.
Annex A is not a part of the require1nents of this NFPA docu:numt fJut is A.4.1.1 The system of designating types of construction also
included .for infonnational f>u1poses only. This annex contains explan- includes a specific breakdo,vn of th e types of construction
at01)' rnaterial, nunibered to C(frrespond with the a/>plicable text para-
through the use of Arabic numbers. These Arabic numbers
graphs. follo'" the roman nu1neral notation ,._,here identifying a type of
a A.1.1 It is necessary for the user to consider the influence of construction [e.g., Type I (442), Type II ( 11 1), Type III (200) ]
location, occupanC)', exterior exposure, possibility of mechani- and indicate th e fire resistance rating requirernents for certain
cal and physical damage to fire-resistant material, and other structural elements as follO\\IS:
features that could impose additional requirements for safe- ( I) First Arabic number - exterior bearing \valls
guarding life and property, as com111only covered in building (2) Second Arabic number - columns, beams, girders,
codes. trusses and arches, supporting bearing \Valls, columns, or
For infonnation on the construction of fire walls and fire loads frorn more than one floor
barrier walls, see NFPA 221. For the installation of opening (3) Third Arabic nu1nber - floor construction
protection, see NFPA 80 and NFPA 90A. Table A.4. l. l provides a co1nparison of si1nilar types of
A.3.1 These definitions apply to the materials used in the construction for various model building codes.
construction of buildings but do not apply to furnishings, the [5000: A.7.2.l.l]
contents of buildings, or the fire hazard evaluation of mate1i-
als. A. The provisions of do not require inherently
nonco1nbustible rnaterials to be tested in order to be classified
A.3.2.1 Approved. The National Fire Protection Association as noncombustible materials. (5000: A.7.'1.4 ..1]
does not approve, inspect, or certify any installations, proce-
dures, equipment, or materials; nor does it approve or evaluate A. Exa111ples of such materials include steel,
testing laboratories. In determining the acceptabilit)' of installa- concrete, masonry, and glass. (5000: A. (1))
tions, procedures, equip111ent, or 111aterials, the autho1ity a A.4.1.6 :tvfaterial subject to increase in combustibility or flame
having jurisdiction 111ay base acceptance on compliance with spread index beyond the limits herein established through the
NFPA or other appropriate standards. In the absence of such effects of age, moisture, or other atmospheric condition is
standards, said authority 111ay require evidence of proper instal- considered combustible. (See 1VFPA 259.)
lation, procedure, or use. The authority having jurisdiction
111ay also refer to the listings or labeling practices of an organi-

2018 Edition Shaded text = Revisions. A = Text d eletions and figure/ table revisions. • = Section de letions. N = New rnaterial.
ANNEXB 220-13

Table A.4.1.1 Cross-Reference o f Building Construction Typ es

NFPA 5000 1(442) 1(332) 11(222) 11(111) 11(000) 111(211) 111(200) IV(2HH) V(lll) V(OOO)
B/ NBC lA lB 2A 2B 2C 3A 3B 4 5A 5B
SBC I II IV 1 hr IV UNP V 1 hr VUNP Ill VI 1 hr VI UNP


UBC: Uniform Building Code.
FR: Fire rated.
N: Nonsprinklered.
HT: Heavy ti1nber.
B/NBC: National Building Code.
SBC: St<tru/aitl Building Code.
!BC: lnlenultional Building Cod£.
UNP: Unprotected. [5000: Table A.7.2. I.I ]

A.5.1.5 Fire resistance-rated bearing \\lall asse111blies, floorI NFPA 221, Standa1d for l-ligh Challenge Fire l'Valls, Fire Walls,
ceili ng asse111blies, and roof/ ceili ng assemblies that are not and Fire Bar1ier Vl'alls, 2018 edition.
addressed by 5. 1.4 can intersect and provide protection to each
other to the extent that the san1e level of protection is provided NFPA 259, Standard Test Method for Potential Heat of BuiUling
by the individual protective elements that intersect. 1Vfate1ials, 2013 edition.

aA.5.1.11 Tt is not the intent to require protection of structural NFPA 500rP, Building Construction and Safet)' Cod~, 2018
ele 111ents against exterior fire exposure due merely to the pres- edition.
ence of fire sprinkl ers or an occupiable exterior space, such as B.1.2 Other Publications .
a porch or balcony, unless specifically requ ired by other codes,
such as 1VFPA 5000. a B.1.2.1 ASTM Publications. ASTM International, l 00 Barr
Harbor Drive, P.O. Box C700, v\Test Conshohocken, PA
Annex B Inf ormational Ref er en ces
ASTJV! E84, Standard Test 1\1fethod for Suiface Burning Characte1c
B.l Referenced Publications. The docu1nenls or portions istics of Building 1\1fate1ials, 20 I 5a.
thereof listed in this annex are referenced within the informa- B.1.2.2 UL Publications. U nden\lriters Laboratories Tnc., 333
tional sections of this standard and are nol part of lhe require- Pfingsten Road, Northbrook, TL 60062-2096.
1nents of this document unless also listed in Chapter 2 for
other reasons. ANSI/UL 723, Standard for Test for Suiface Burning Characte1is-
tics of Building 1Vfate1ials, 2008, revised 2013.
B.1.1 NFPA Publications. National Fire Protection Associa-
tion, 1 Batterymarch Park, Quincy, NIA 02169-7471. B.2 Informational References. (Reser ved)
NFPA 80, Standard .for Fire Doors and Other Opening Protectives, B.3 References for Extracts in Informational Sections.
2016 edition.
NFPA 500rP, Building Construction and Safet)' Cod~, 2018
NFPA 90A, Standanl for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and edition.
Ventilating Syste1ns, 2018 edition.

Shaded text = Revisions. .a. = Text deletions and figure/table revisions. • = Section dele tions. N = New rnatedal. 2018 Edition

Copyright© 2017 National Fire Protection Association. All Rights Reserved.

The copyright in this index is separate and distinct fro1n the cop)~·ight in the docutnent that it indexes. The licensing pro,~­
sions set forth for th e docu1ne nt are not applicable to this index. This index may not be reproduced in \Vhole or in part by any
111eans \vi th out the express \vritte n pennission of NFPA.

-A- Special Require1nents - Type I and Type II

Administration, Ch ap. I Construction, 4.3.2
Equivalency, 1.5 Ceiling Cavity Plen u1ns and Raised Floor
Purpose, 1.2
Ceiling Plenu1n Tested Assembly,
Retroactivity, 1.4
Co1n bustible l\llaterials,
Scope, 1.1, A.I . I
Exterior Non bearing \Valls,
Units, 1.6
Fire-Retardant-Treated \Vood Platforms,
Pri1nary and Equivale nt Values, l .6.2
Fire-Retardant-Treated \Vood Roof,
SI Units, 1.6.l
Heavy Timber Structural Ele1nents, 4.3.2. l 0
Interior Nonbearing Walls, 4.3.2.II
Definition, 3.2.l, A.3.2.1
l\llezzanine Floors in Type I and 1y pe II (222 or 111)
Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) Construction,
Definition, 3.2.2, A.3.2.2 l\llezzanine Floors in Type II (000) Construction,
Plenu1n t.1aterials Con1bustibility,
Fire Resistance Rating Roofs 20 ft (6100 mn1) or t.1ore Above Any Floo1~
Definition, 3.3. I Sleeper Space,
Fire Resistance Rating Requirements for Structural Space Beneath PlacJorn1s,
Elements, Chap. 5
Wood Sleepers, 4.3.2.l
Flame Spread Index
1y pe land Type 11Consu'Uction, 4.3.I
Definition, 3.3.2, A.3.3.2
1y pe l!I (211or200) Construction, 4.4
-L- Special Require1nencs - 1y pe l!I Construction, 4.4.2
Limited-Combustible Material Exterior Non bearing Walls,
Definition, 3.3.3 Fire-Retardant-Treated \'Vood, 4.4.2.l
.Heavy Tin1ber,
Definition, 3.2.3, A.3.2.3 1y pe l!I Construction, 4.4.1
1y pe lV (2.H H) Construction, 4.5
-N- Concealed Spaces, 4.5.4
Noncombustible Material Exterior 'v\lall Separation, 4.5.2
Definition, 3.3.4 Interior Cohunns, Arch es, Bea1ns, Girders, and Trusses, 4.5.3
Special Require1nencs - 1y pe lV Consu·uction, 4.5.6
-R- Colu1nns, Arch es, Bean1s, and Roof Decking,
Referenced Publications, Chap. 2 Exterior Non bearing Walls,
Exterior 'v\lalls,
-S- Floors,
Shall Partitions,
Definition, 3.2.4 R00l.s, 4 .::>
" ••
Should Stairways,
Definition, 3.2.5 Stt'Uctural Ele1nen ts, 4.5.6. l
Standard 1y pe lV (2.H H) Allowable Di1nensions, 4.5.5
Definition, 3.2.6 Arch es,
-T- Colu1nns,
Types of Construction, Chap. 4 Floors,
Gene ral, 4.1 Roof Decks,
Limited-Co1nbustible Material, 4.1.6, A.4.1.6 Splice Plates,
Nonco1nbustible t.'1aterial, 4.1.5 1y pe lV Consu·uction, 4.5.1
Type I (442 or 332) and Type II (222, 11l , or 000) 1y pe V (111or000) Consu·uction, 4.6
Construction, 4.3

2018 Edition
Sequence ofEvents for the Standards Committee Membership
Development Process Classifications1 ·2•3•4
Once the cun-ent edition is jJublished, a Standard is opened for The follo,~-ing classifications ap ply to Con1mittee me mbers
Public 1n/Jul. and 1-epresent their principal interest in the acti,'ity of the
Com 1nittec.
Step 1 - Input Stage
• Input accepted from the public or othe1- con1n1ittees for 1- M 1\1a111tfacturer: A representative of a nlaker or mar-
consideration to develop the First Draft keter of a producl, asscn1bly, or system, or portion
• Technical Con1n1ittcc holds First Draft Meeting to revise thereof, that is affected by the standard.
Standard (23 \Vccks); Technical Co1nn1ittee(s) 'vith C-0r- 2. U User: A reprcscntati\'C of a n e ntity that is su~ject to
re lati ng Con1mittce ( 10 "'eeks) the provisions of the standard or that voluntarily
• Technical Con1mi ttcc ballot5 on First Draft (12 " 'eeks); uses the standard.
Technical Con11nittcc(s) \vith Correlating Con1mittee 3. IJ\il lnslallRr/Mainlainf'r: A re presentative of an en city that
(11 \\1eeks) is in the business of installing or n1aintaining a prod-
• Con-elating Co1nn1ittec First !)raft Meeting (9 \vee ks) uct, assembly, or systc n1 affected by the standard.
• Con-elating Comn1incc ballots on First Di-aft (5 '~'eeks) 4. L l ,abor: A labor representative or cn1ployee concerned
• First Draft' Re po rt posted on the docu1nent infonnation \vit·h safety in the 1vorkplacc.
page 5. Rrr Af>/Jlied Researrh/ 'festing l.aboratory1: A represe ntative
of an inde pendent testing laboratory o r indepen-
Step 2 - Commen t Stage de nt applied researc h organization that pron1ulgates
• Public Con11nc nts accepted on First Draft (10 " 'eeks) fol- a nd/o r e nfo rces standards.
lo,vi ng posting o /' First Draft Report 6. E l~riforcing A·11.thority: A rcprcscn tative of an agency or
• lf Standard docs no t receive Public Con1n1ents and the a n organization that promulgates a nd/ or e nforces
Technical Co1nmittcc c hooses not to hold a Second Draft standards.
1neeting, the Standa rd becomes a Consent Standard and 7. l Insurance: A representative of an insurance company,
is sent directly to the Standards Council for issuance (see broker, agc n t, bureau, o r inspection agency.
Step 4) or 8. C Consu11zer: A person \Vho is or represents the ulcin1ate
• Technical Comn1ittcc holds Second Draft .\!leering purchaser of a product, system , or sen'ice affected by
(21 "·eeks); ·rcchnical Co1nmittec(s) \\'ith Correlating the standard, but \\1ho is not included in (2) .
Co1nn1ittee (7 '"eeks) 9. SE Special F.xpert: A person not representing (1) tllroug h
• Technical Comn1iucc ballots on Second Draft (11 \veeks); (8) and \vho has special expe rtise in the scope of tile
Technical Com1nittec(s) \vith Con-elating Com1nittee standard or portion thereof.
(10 '"eeks)
• Corre lating Com1nittcc Second Draft .\1eeting (9 \\'eeks)
'OTE 1: "Standard" connotes code, standard, recon1-
• Corre lating Con1n1ittec ballots on Second Di-aft
me nded practice, or guide.
(8 \Veeks)
• Second Draft Report posted o n the docun1ent informa- lQTE 2: A represen tative includes an e mployee.
tion page OTE 3: While these classifications 11iill be used by the
Standards Council to achieve a balance for Technical Con1-
Step 3 - NFPA Technical Meeting mittees, l'he Standards Council n1ay detern1ine that ne\v
• Notice of Inte nt to Nlakc a Motion (NlTJ\1.A.Nl) acce pted classifications of 111cn1bcr or unique interests need repre-
(5 \vccks) follo,ving the posting of Second Draft Report sentation in o rde r to foste r the best possible Com1nittee
• NrfMAMs a rc rcvic" 1cd and valid n1otions are certified deliberations on a ny project. In this connection, the Stan-
by the Mo tio ns Co1n111i ttcc for presentation at the NFPA dards Council n1ay n1akc such appointrnent~ as it deerns
Technical Meel'ing appropriate in the public interest, such as the classification
• NFPA me rnbe rship n1ccts each.June at tile NFPA Techni- of "Utili ties" in the National Electrical Code Comn1ittee.
cal Meeting to act on Standards \Vi th "Certified A1ne nd-
N01' E 4: Representatives of subsidiaries of any group are
ing Motio ns" (certified NITMAMs)
generally considered to have the same classification as the
• Con11nittce(s) vote o n a ny successful amendments to the
pare nt o rgani zation.
Technical Comrn ittcc Re po rts made by the NFPA n1em-
bership at the NFPA 'fcchnical Meeting
Step 4 - Council Appeals and Issuance of Standard
• r otification of inLcnL LO file an appeal to the Standards
Counci l on Technical IV!ccting accion rnust be filed \vithin
20 days of Lhc FPA Technical tvleeting
• Standards Council decides, based on all evidence,
'"hether to issue Lhc sLandard or to take other action
1. Tin1e periods arc approxin1atc; refer to published sched-
ules for actual dates.
2. Annual revision cycle clocun1e nts \\iitb certified an1end-
ing 111otio ns take approxin1ately 101 1veeks to con1plete.
3. Fall revisio n cycle docun1c nts receiving certified an1end-
ing n1otio ns take approximately 141 "'eeks to complete.
6/ 16-A
Submitting Public Input I Public Comment Through the Online Submission System
Soon after the current edition is published, a Standard is open for Public Input.

Before accessing the Online Sub1nission System, you 1nust first sign in at W\ Note: You ivill be asked to
sign-in or create a free online account ivith NI'PA before using this systeni:

a. Click on Sign In at the upper right side of the page.

b . Under the Codes and Standards heading, click on the "List of NFPA Codes & Standards," and then select
your docu1nent fron1 the list or use one of the search features.


a. Go directly to your specific docu1nent information page by typing the convenient shortcut link of
\V'.\l\ document# (Example: NFPA 921 \Vould be """' . Sign in at the upper right
side of the page.

To begin your Public Input, select the link "The next edition of this standard is no'v open for Public Input"
located on the About tab, Current & Prior Editions tab, and the Next Edition tab. Alternatively, t11e Next Edition
tab includes a link to Submit Public Input online.

At this point, the NFPA Standards Develop1nent Site \Viii open showing details for the document you have
selected. This "Docu1nent Hon1e" page site includes an explanatory introduction, information on the current
document phase and closing date, a left-hand navigation panel that includes useful links, a document 'fable of
Contents, and icons at the top you can click for Help \Vhen using the site. The 1-Ielp icons and navigation panel
\Viii be visible except when you are actually in the process of creating a Public Input.

Once tl1e First Draft Report beco1nes available there is a Public Co1nment period during \Vhich anyone may
subn1it a Public Co1nment on the First Draft. Any objections or further related changes to tl1e content of the First
Draft must be submitted at the Co1n1nent stage.

To subn1it a Public Co1n1nent you 1nay access the online subn1ission system utilizing the same steps as previously
explained for the subn1ission of Public Input.

For further information on submitting public input and public comments, go to: http:/ /\\1\\1\\'

Other Resources Available on the Document Information Pages

About tab: \liew general docun1ent and subject-related information.

Current & Prior Editions tab: Research current and previous edition infor1nation on a Standard.

Nex t Edition tab: Follo'v the co1nmittee's progress in the processing of a Standard in its next revision cycle.

Technical Committee tab: \liew current con1mittee me1nber rosters or apply to a co1n1nittee.

Technical Questions tab: For n1e1nbers and Public Sector Officials/ AHJ s to submit questions about codes and
standards to NFPA staff. Our Technical Questions Service provides a convenient \\ ay to receive ti1nely and consis-

tent technical assistance \Vhen you need to know 1nore about NFPA codes and standards relevant to your \Vork.
Responses are provided by NFPA staff on an inforn1al basis.

Products & Training tab: List of NFPA's publications and training available for purchase.

Information on the NFPA Standards Development Process

I. Applicable Regulations. The pri1nary rules governing the processing of NFPA standards (codes, standards,
recom1nended practices, and guides) are the NFPA Regulations Gtroerning the DevelofJnient of NFPA Standards (Regs). Other
applicable rules include NFPA B)1laws, NFPA Technical A1eeting Convention Rules, NFPA Guide.for the Conduct ofParticipa:nts in
the NFPA Standards Develop1nent Process, and the NFPA Regulations Governing Petitions to the Board of Directors.fro1n Decisions of
the Standards Council Most of these rules and regulations are contained in the NFPA Standards Direct&')'- For copies of the
Directory•, contact Codes and Standards Administration at NFPA Headquarters; all these documents are also available on
the NFPA \vebsite at '\vw\"
The following is general information on the NFPA process. All participants, however, should refer to the actual rules and
regulations for a full understanding of this process and for the criteria that govern participation.
II. Technical Committee Report. The Technical Co1nmittee Report is defined as "the Report of the responsible
Committee(s) , in accordance 1vith the Regulations, in preparation of a ne1v or revised NFPA Standard." The Technical
Committee Report is in t\vo parts and consists of the First Draft Report and the Second Draft Report. (See Regs at
Section 1.4.)
III. Step 1: First Draft Report. The First Draft Report is defined as "Part one of the Technical Committee Report, which
docu1nents the Input Stage." The First Draft Report consists of the First Draft, Public Input, Committee Input, Com1nittee
and Correlating Committee Statements, Correlatjng Notes, and Ballot Statements. (See Regs at and Section 4.3.)
Any oqjection to an action in the First Draft Report must be raised through the filing of an appropriate Co1nment for
consideration in the Second Draft Report or the objection will be considered resolved. [See Regs at 4.3.l (b).]
IV. Step 2: Second Draft Report. The Second Draft Report is defined as "Part t\vO of the Technical Committee Report,
which documents the Co1nment Stage." The Second Draft Report consists of the Second Draft, Public Comments with
corresponding Co1nmittee Actions and Committee State1nents, Correlating Notes and their respective Committee
Statements, Com1nittee Comments, Correlating Revisions, and Ballot State1nents. (See Regs at and Section 4.4.)
The First Draft Report and the Second Draft Report together constitute the Technical Com1nittee Report. Any outstanding
objection following the Second Draft Report 1nust be raised through an appropriate Amending l\ifotion at
the NFPA Technical l\1eeting or the objection will be considered resolved. [See Regs at 4.4.l (b) .]
V. Step 3a: Action at NFPA Technical Meeting. Following the publication of the Second Draft Report, there is a period
during which those wishing to 1nake proper A.Inending Motions on the Technical Committee Reports 1nust signal their
intention by sub1nitting a Notice of Intent to Make a Motjon (NITl\1AM) . (See Regs at 4.5.2.) Standards that receive
notice of proper A.Inending Motions (Certified Amending Motjons) will be presented for action at the annual June NFPA
Technical Meeting. At the meeting, the NFPA membership can consider and act on these Certified A.Inending l\ifotions as
well as Follow-up Amending Motions, that is, motions that become necessary as a result of a previous successful Amending
Motion. (See through and Table 1, Colu1nns 1-3 of Regs for a su1nmary of the available Amending Motions
and \vho may 1nake them.) Any outstanding oqjection following action at an NFPA Technical Meeting (and any further
Technical Committee consideration follo1ving successful A.Inending Motions, see Regs at 4.5.3. 7 through 1nust be
raised through an appeal to the Standards Council or it will be considered to be resolved.
VI. Step 3b: Documents Forwarded Directly to the Council. vVhere no NITMA!\if is received and certified in accordance
with the Technical Meeting Convention Rules, the standard is for1varded directly to the Standards Council for action on
issuance. Objections are dee1ned to be resolved for these docu1nents. (See Regs at
VII. Step 4a: Council Appeals. Anyone can appeal to the Standards Council concerning procedural or substantive matters
related to the develop1nent, content, or issuance of any docu1nent of the NFPA or on matters witl1in the purvie1v of the
authorit)' of the Council, as established by the Bylaws and as determined by the Board of Directors. Such appeals must be in
written form and filed \Vith the Secretary of the Standards Council (see Regs at Section 1.6). Time consu-aints for filing an
appeal nlust be in accordance witl1 1.6.2 of the Regs. Oqjections are deemed to be resolved if not pursued at this level.
VIII. Step 4b: Document Issuance. The Standards Council is the issuer of all documents (see A.I·ticle 8 of B)1laws). The
Council acts on tlle issuance of a docu1nent presented for action at an NFPA Technical Meeting 1vithin 75 days from the
date of the recommendation fro111 the NFPA Technical l\ifeeting, unless this period is extended by the Council (see Regs at
4.7.2). For documents for1varded directly to the Standards Council, the Council acts on the issuance of the docu1nent at its
next scheduled meeting, or at such other meeting as the Council may determine (see Regs at and 4.7.4).
IX. P etitions to the Board of Directors. The Standards Council has been delegated the responsibility for the
ad1ninisu·ation of the codes and standards development process and the issuance of docu1nents. However, where
extraordinary circu1nstances requiring the intervention of the Board of Directors exist, the Board of Directors 1nay take
any action necessary to fulfill its obligations to preserve the integrity of the codes and standards develop1nent process
and to protect the interests of the NFPA. The rules for petitioning the Board of Directors can be found in the Regulations
Govl!17ting Petitions to the Board ofDirectorsjimn Decisions of the Standards Council and in Section 1.7 of the Regs.
X. For More Information. The progi-am for the NFPA Technical l\ifeeting (as well as the NFPA website as information
becomes available) should be consulted for the date on which each report scheduled for conside1-ation at the meeting will
be presented. To view tlle First Draft Report and Second Draft Report as well as information on NFPA rules and for up-to-
date information on schedules and deadlines for processing NFPA documents, check the NFPA 1vebsite (w'"""
docinfo) or contact NFPA Codes & Standards Administration at (617) 984-7246.

6/ 16-C

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