Delegate Buy-In Stats

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In 2011 enke delegates were selected according to several different methods:
Using enke application and selection criteria -- all independent school delegates and Investec delegates
Using CSI programmes own selection criteria
Randomly selected from a group and sent to the forum without a selection process
The impact of the level of rigour of each selection process on each delegates commitment and participation at the forum
and into the Youth Award is unclear. In 2011, enke had little inuence on the individual selection methods utilised by each of
the sponsor programmes. We provided our selection criteria as a reference, but did not enforce the use of our process. The
enke selection process was used exclusively with applicants from independent schools.
We want to ascertain whether different application/selection processes result in varying levels of buy-in to the programme
among delegates and whether this affects a delegates performance throughout their enke experience. The objectives of this
study are as follows:
Devine best application/selection system for all future enke delegates
Generate more commitment and interest in the programme run at the forum among delegates
Determine the commitment of delegates with different levels of buy-in to the programme
Determine the ultimate success level of delegates with different level of buy-in
Analysis of the data
Data collection for this study comprised of the following steps:
Contacting liaisons at each CSI programme and documenting their selection processes
Logging the selection processes of each programme, in comparison with the process enke uses in selecting students
from independent schools
Compare statistics of delegate performance throughout the forum and Youth Award across each CSI programmes
Relevant statistics for comparison:
Impactful delegate statistics for each CSI programme
Trends in percent average change between pre and post forum surveys for each CSI programme
Percent drop-out rate each month for each CSI programme
Before analyzing the data gathered through the questionnaires at the forum, the following hypotheses were made:
Delegates that undergo and application process have greater levels of buy-in than delegates that do not undergo a
selection process
Delegates with greater buy-in are referenced more by their peers as impactful delegates
Delegates with greater buy-in submit their CAP report forms each month and graduate from the programme
Delegates with less buy-in have a greater drop-out rate from the programme
Ownership of all Intellectual Property and produced goods remains with TFE until the goods are paid for in full. Regarding the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented to [client], [client] will not be under
any obligations to implement the aforementioned, or to appoint TFE to implement such. If, however, [client] does decide to implement the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented, they will appoint TFE to
manage this process. Failing this, none of the work presented by TFE may be implemented by [client] or any other parties. All concepts, designs and corporate identity presented will remain the sole property of TFE.
enke: Make Your Mark T +27 (0)11 027 0679 E
Selection processes
The Investec delegates are selected using enkes criteria. This means that the criteria used and selection process is set forth
by enke. It is the same process as enke uses to select independent school students.
Interested students complete application forms
Using enkes selection criteria, supervisors of Investecs maths and science programmes (ProMaths, Hammanskraal,
JASA) select applicants
In addition to this, the enke programme is used as an incentive to increase learning, commitment, and academic success
among students
The ENGEN delegates selection process does not use the enke application processes and materials.
Supervisors and educators at ENGENs afliate schools and programems are instructed to select students that exhibit the
qualities of a leader
Supervisors are advised that this does not necessarily mean the strongest students academically
Selected students are then spoken to about the importance of representing ENGEN while at the forum, and in general
enkes application materials were provided to the supervisors as a reference point, but the students did not apply,
Old Mutual Foundation
The Nedbank students application and selection process differed slightly from that of other organisations.
Supervisors at Nedbanks programmes selected with a primary base of academic success rate. Top academic achievers
were allowed to apply to participate in the forum
Supervisors made the initial decisions about which delegates could apply. Only after the rst cut was made was
leadership potential and application taken into consideration
Shortlisted students were allowed to apply using the enke application forms
Final selection was made by programme supervisors
The breakdown
Cross referencing selection process information from all enke and CSI programmes with analysis from the impactful
delegates study, as well as the questionnaire study led to some interesting statistics.
Impactful delegates:
13 of Nedbanks students did not receive a reference from their peers. This means that none of these students was
thought of as being impactful by delegates at the forum.
The delegate that received the most references was an Investec delegate.
5 delegates sponsored by ENGEN did not receive references by their peer group
4 delegates sponsored by Investec did not receive references by their peer group.
No delegates from independent schools did not receive references by their peer group.
Of the top 5 most referenced delegates, 2 were from Investec and 3 were from independent schools.
Ownership of all Intellectual Property and produced goods remains with TFE until the goods are paid for in full. Regarding the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented to [client], [client] will not be under
any obligations to implement the aforementioned, or to appoint TFE to implement such. If, however, [client] does decide to implement the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented, they will appoint TFE to
manage this process. Failing this, none of the work presented by TFE may be implemented by [client] or any other parties. All concepts, designs and corporate identity presented will remain the sole property of TFE.
enke: Make Your Mark T +27 (0)11 027 0679 E
Waiting on OMF
Investec and independent school students, on the whole, were identied as being the most inuential or impactful
delegates by their peers. This could be attributed to the similarity in their selection process, which identies students that
are socially aware, exhibit leadership qualities, and have interest in participating in the programme.
Nedbank delegates were selected based on a primarily academic criteria. Top academic achievers then had to
demonstrate interest in the programme and complete applications. The initial selection group points to the large number of
Nedbank delegates that were not identied as being impactful. Leadership qualities are often distinct from academic
performance. Perhaps this is seen in this data.
Selecting participants based on enkes criteria isolates a different demographic of students than selecting based on
academic performance. enkes selection process does not emphasise academic ability or achievement, but rather
leadership potential and the potential for benet from participation. We are looking for the type of person who is engaged
and passionate about their community and society, not simply a good student. While these two groups often converge, it
is not certain that the best leaders will be the top academics, or vice versa.
Greater buy-in is encouraged by a selection process that either requires students to apply from a large pool of individuals
(e.g. students from independent schools) or those that are selected without taking into account academic achievement
(e.g. Investec students). These students engaged more with the curriculum at the forum and were stronger presences
within the group.
Delegates from independent schools and delegates from Investec were consistently identied as being inuential,
impactful, or inspirational. These two groups of delegates far outranked delegates from other programmes. These groups
were selected via the same selection/application process.
enke should mandate that all programmes select delegates using the enke application/selection process.
Alternatively, we should provide better and more detailed instruction as to what were looking for in our delegates when
programmes run their own selection processes
Or, enke needs to adapt the programme at the forum and beyond so that greater buy-in is created throughout the week
so that all delegates leave the forum on a par
Ownership of all Intellectual Property and produced goods remains with TFE until the goods are paid for in full. Regarding the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented to [client], [client] will not be under
any obligations to implement the aforementioned, or to appoint TFE to implement such. If, however, [client] does decide to implement the corporate identity, concepts and designs presented, they will appoint TFE to
manage this process. Failing this, none of the work presented by TFE may be implemented by [client] or any other parties. All concepts, designs and corporate identity presented will remain the sole property of TFE.
enke: Make Your Mark T +27 (0)11 027 0679 E

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