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Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures Treated With Femoral

Nail: The Effect of Cerclage Wire Augmentation on
Complications, Fracture Union, and Reduction: A
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Comparative
Wayne Hoskins, FRACS, PhD,a b Laura McDonald, MBBS, Dip Anat,c Tim Spelman, MBBS, PhD,d

and Roger Bingham, FRACSb

cerclage wire and 911 without. A random-effects meta-analysis

Objective: To perform a systematic review and meta-analysis of was used to analyze the pooled aggregate data.
subtrochanteric femur fractures treated with an intramedullary nail,
augmented with or without cerclage wiring, comparing the risk of Conclusions: There is no statistically significant advantage in
reoperation, nonunion, loss of fixation, and implant failure; fracture using cerclage wire with femoral intramedullary nail when treating
reduction and time to union. subtrochanteric femur fractures regarding risk of reoperation, non-
union, loss of fixation, and implant failure or time to union. An
Data Source: A systematic review according to Preferred advantage favoring cerclage wire was seen for accuracy of fracture
Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guide- reduction. Cerclage wiring was used more often in cases associated
lines was performed through MEDLINE, EMBASE, PubMed, Web with high-energy trauma. Given the relatively small number of
of Science, and Scopus databases using a combination of controlled events available to be modelled, a clinical benefit for cerclage wiring
vocabulary and keywords on September 30, 2020. may still exist for certain fracture types.
Study Selection: All comparative (prospective and retrospective) Key Words: femur, hip fractures, femoral neck fractures, femoral
studies of subtrochanteric fractures managed with intramedullary nail, cerclage wire
nail, that compared the addition of cerclage wire to without in
patients 16 years of age or older were included. Pathological, Level of Evidence: Therapeutic Level III. See Instructions for
atypical bisphosphonate, and segmental fractures were excluded, as Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
were non-English literature. (J Orthop Trauma 2022;36:e142–e151)
Data Extraction: Data from each study were independently
recorded by 2 investigators. INTRODUCTION
Subtrochanteric femur fractures have a predisposition
Data Synthesis: Agreement was obtained on 18 studies (all for varus deformity1,2 and are a challenge to treat because of
retrospective) for final inclusion, with 378 patients receiving anatomical and biomechanical reasons.3 Cephalomedullary
femoral nails have become the preferred modern implant
choice.4,5 Despite contemporary surgical techniques, subtro-
Accepted for publication September 2, 2021. chanteric fractures have high rates of malreduction,4–6 with
From the aFaculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences, The University associated complications including delayed union, nonunion,
of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia; bTraumaplasty.Melbourne, East loss of fixation, and implant failure.7,8 Reoperation rates for
Melbourne, VIC, Australia; cDepartment of Orthopaedics, The Alfred implant or fracture related complications in large series have
Hospital, Melborune, VIC, Australia; and dDepartment of Surgery, The
University of Melbourne, St. Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne, VIC, ranged between 9% and 10%.9,10
Australia. With certain fracture patterns, in particular spiral or
W. Hoskins has given paid educational presentations for Smith & Nephew. R. oblique fractures, clamp assisted reduction 6 cerclage wiring
Bingham has given paid educational presentations for Smith & Nephew are valid treatment options before femoral intramedullary
and DePuy-Synthes. The remaining authors report no conflict of interest. nailing when closed reduction has failed.4,10–12 The advan-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF tages of open reduction techniques are improved reduction
versions of this article on the journal’s Web site (www.jorthotrauma. while reaming and inserting the intramedullary nail. If cerc-
com). lage wire is used, reduction may be maintained and there may
Reprints: Wayne Hoskins, FRACS, PhD, Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and be improvements in the overall stability of the construct.
Health Sciences, The University of Melbourne, Building 181, Grattan St,
Melbourne, VIC 3010, Australia (e-mail:
Although minimally invasive techniques have been devel-
Copyright © 2021 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. oped to insert cerclage wire, a biological insult with the open
DOI: 10.1097/BOT.0000000000002266 approach and application occurs.13,14 Theoretically, this has

e142 | J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures

consequences to fracture zone vascularity and fracture heal- return to theatre for reoperation at any time point, whereas the
ing. The surgical procedure is also longer and blood loss secondary outcome measures were the risk of nonunion, loss
greater.15–18 of fixation, and implant failure; accuracy of fracture reduc-
The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis is tion, and time to union, set a priori. Accuracy of fracture
to ask: in patients receiving femoral intramedullary nailing for reduction was determined modified from Baumgaertner
the management of a subtrochanteric femur fracture, does the et al19 as being good (both maximal cortical displacement
rate of reoperation differ if the fracture fixation is augmented ,4 mm and angulation #10 degrees), acceptable (either max-
with cerclage wire compared with that without, and what is imal cortical displacement ,4 mm or angulation #10
the effect on the rate of nonunion, loss of fixation and implant degrees), or poor (maximal cortical displacement $4 mm
failure; accuracy of fracture reduction, and time to union? and angulation .10 degrees). The data collected were ana-
lyzed using R version 3.6.3 (R Foundation for Statistical
Computing, Vienna, Austria) by a single investigator (T.S.).
Assessment of Risk of Bias
Search Strategy Two review investigators (W.H. and L.M.) independently
This systematic review was performed according to the assessed the risk of bias of the included studies using the
guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for observational studies.20 The “other
Reviews and Meta-Analyses. A literature search was per- sources of bias” that we assessed were major imbalances in
formed in EMBASE, PubMed, Web of Science, and Scopus important baseline confounders (eg, age, sex, energy of injury).
databases using a combination of controlled vocabulary and No attempt was made to mask the trial reports. Where disagree-
keywords. The search strategy in MEDLINE (Ovid) illus- ment existed concerning the assessment, we reached consensus
trates the approach: through discussion among all investigators.
1. Hip Fractures/su
2. Femoral Neck Fractures/su Unit of Analysis Issues
3. ((hip or femur or femoral) and (fracture* or break*)).tw. The studies and data included in the final analysis were
4. 1 or 2 or 3 assessed for potential unit of analysis issues relating to the
5. (subtrochanteric or trochanteric or intertrochanteric).tw. clustering of patients to the cerclage wire intervention or
6. cerclage*.tw. comparator group based on surgeon, clinic, or hospital and/or
7. (wire* or wiring or cable* or cabling).tw. treated with multiple interventions that were analyzed on a per
8. 6 or 7 surgical fixation basis. No studies in this review included
9. 4 and 5 and 8 analysis of patients treated with bilateral surgical fixation as
10. limit 9 to (yr = “1986–2020” and English). part of that study.
The search included studies published between January 1,
1986 and September 30, 2020 and limited to full-text articles in Data Synthesis and Analysis
English and was conducted by 2 independent investigators Outcome variables that were reported in a comparable
(W.H. and R.B.). Where there was disagreement over the manner among studies (criteria set a priori) were included in
inclusion of a study, the investigators reviewed the study the meta-analysis. A random effects logistic meta-analysis
together until consensus was reached, with a further investigator model was used to compare binary outcomes between the
if required (L.M.). The search was supplemented with hand cerclage wiring and noncerclage groups. Continuous out-
searching conference proceedings and publication reference lists, comes were compared using a random-effects mean differ-
and experts in the field were contacted to ask whether they knew ence meta-analysis regression. A random-effects model was
of additional studies to ensure complete capture of the literature. preferred over a fixed effects approach to control for
differences in the treatment effect between studies attributable
Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria to differences in study patient populations, settings and
We included all comparative (prospective and retro- observation periods. We expected heterogeneity in follow-
spective) studies that compared subtrochanteric femur frac- up times and planned for pooled analysis of reoperation
tures managed with intramedullary femoral nail with cerclage (primary outcome measure). Therefore, our pooled analysis of
wire to without cerclage wire in patients 16 years of age or reoperation was performed on data at the final follow-up of
older. Studies including patients under 16 years of age, each study. Continuous variables will be reported as mean 6
pathological fractures, atypical bisphosphonate associated SD, with the mean weighted for sample size. Categorical
fractures, and segmental fractures were excluded. Articles in variables will be reported as frequencies with percentages.
languages other than English were also excluded. For all comparisons, P , 0.05 was considered significant.

Data Extraction Assessment of Heterogeneity

Data were extracted from eligible studies by the 2 Heterogeneity (variation in the outcomes between studies)
investigators (W.H. and L.M.) into a bespoke piloted Excel was assessed via inspection of forest plots and via derivation of
(2003; Microsoft, Redmond, WA) spread sheet. We recorded the I2-statistic.21 A P-value of ,0.1 for x2 was set to indicate
details of study methods, participants, interventions, and significant heterogeneity. I2 was interpreted as 0%–40% might
outcomes. The primary outcome measure was the risk of not be important; 30%–60% may represent moderate

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Hoskins et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022

heterogeneity; 50%–90% may represent substantial heterogene- Risk of Reoperation

ity; and 75%–100% indicated considerable heterogeneity.22 Seventeen studies compared the risk of reoperation for
861 patients in the control group and 373 patients in the
RESULTS cerclage wire group. There was no statistical difference
The search yielded 906 studies with no additional between cerclage wiring and noncerclage wiring for reopera-
studies identified, and after 453 duplicates were removed, tion (Odds Ratio [OR] = 0.72 favoring cerclage wiring (95%
453 titles and abstracts remained for screening. Three Confidence Interval [CI] 0.31–1.65), P = 0.630) (Fig. 2).
hundred Fifty-Six studies were deemed irrelevant, leaving
97 studies assessed for eligibility. Agreement was obtained on Risk of Nonunion
18 studies for final inclusion after full text review with 378 Seventeen studies compared the risk of nonunion for
patients receiving cerclage wire and 911 without (Fig. 1). All 889 patients in the control group and 367 patients in the
studies were retrospective comparative studies (Table 1). The cerclage wire group. There was no statistical difference
Newcastle–Ottawa assessment showed risks of bias in patient between cerclage wiring and noncerclage wiring for risk of
selection (heterogeneity of the groups) and attrition, with lack nonunion [OR = 0.84 favoring cerclage wiring (95% CI 0.32–
of follow-up. 2.16), P = 0.731] (Fig. 3).
Patient characteristics for the studies included are
shown in Supplemental Digital Content 1 (See Table, The mean reported age of Risk of Loss of Fixation
the patients in years was 63.8 for cerclage wire and 64.1 Fourteen studies compared the risk of loss of fixation
for without cerclage. Women comprised 44.4% of cerclage for 559 patients in the control group and 267 patients in the
wire and 48.3% without. High-energy trauma caused fracture cerclage wire group. There was no statistical difference
in 72.3% of cases where cerclage wire was used and 40.3% between cerclage wiring and noncerclage wiring for risk of
where it was not. loss of fixation [OR = 0.30 favoring cerclage wiring (95%
The raw data for the primary outcome measure and the CI 0.01–15.71), P = 0.793] (see Figure, Supplemental
secondary outcome measures is presented in Table 2. Digital Content 2,

FIGURE 1. Study flow chart per PRISMA

standards. Overall records identified 906
studies which were included in the final
inclusions of 18 studies for quantitative
analysis. PRISMA, Preferred Reporting
Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures

TABLE 1. Summary of Studies Included in Systematic Review

Study Newcastle–Ottawa Scale Number without Number with
Study Author Year Design Score Cerclage Cerclage Classification
Afsari et al4 2009 Retrospective 5 35 9 AO classification
Alho et al24 1996 Retrospective 5 7 3 Not specified
Annappa et al1 2020 Retrospective 5 41 14 Not specified
Boldin et al28 2003 Retrospective 5 50 5 AO classification
Choi et al23 2014 Retrospective 6 21 10 AO classification and fielding
Codesido et al13 2017 Retrospective 6 60 30 OTA/AO and Seinsheimer
Fauconnier et al16 2020 Retrospective 5 92 23 Not specified
Gong et al25 2016 Retrospective 6 8 5 AO classification
Hoskins et al9 2015 Retrospective 5 115 20 Russell Taylor
Jiang et al29 2007 Retrospective 5 32 17 Seinsheimer
Karayiannis and 2019 Retrospective 5 16 69 AO classification
Mehta et al30 2019 Retrospective 5 89 52 Not specified
Ramakrishnan 2004 Retrospective 6 16 8 Seinsheimer
et al17
Rehme et al18 2020 Retrospective 5 188 72 OTA/AO classification
Seyhan et al26 2012 Retrospective 5 22 11 Seinsheimer
Trikha et al2 2018 Retrospective 6 27 21 OTA/AO classification
Wang et al31 2010 Retrospective 6 21 4 Seinsheimer
Zhou et al27 2015 Retrospective 5 71 5 Seinsheimer

Open Reduction
Study Author IMN Implant Nail Length Cerclage Type No. of Cerclage Used without Cerclage
Afsari et al4 91% cephalomedullary, Not specified Not specified 1 100% opened
9% recon
Alho et al24 Gross–Kempf Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Annappa et al1 Long PFN (Synthes), Not specified Not specified Not specified 39% opened
PFNA (Synthes)
Boldin et al28 PFN (Synthes) 240 or 320–420 mm Not specified Not specified 0% opened
Choi et al23 PFN, PFNA, A2FN Not specified Not specified Not specified 38% opened
Codesido et al13 Gamma (Stryker), Not specified Dall Miles (Stryker) 1-2 cables—28 · 1, 2 · 0% opened
Charfix (ChM) 2
Fauconnier Not specified 74% long nail Not specified Not specified Not specified
et al16
Gong et al25 PFNA (Synthes) 280–380 mm Not specified 1 100% opened
Hoskins et al9 86% cephalomedullary, 82% long no cerclage, Not specified Not specified 27% opened
14% recon 95% with cerclage
Jiang et al29 Long PFN (Synthes), 340 mm Not specified Not specified 0% opened
Long Gamma (Stryker)
Karayiannis and Gamma 3 (Stryker) Not specified Cable or wire 1, 2 or 3 Not specified
Mehta et al30 PFNA (Synthes) Not specified Not specified Not specified 0% opened
Ramakrishnan Long proximal femoral 340/380/420 mm Dall Miles Cables Not specified 0% opened
et al17 nail (Stratec Medical) (Stryker–Howmedica)
Rehme et al18 Gamma3 (Stryker), Between 180 mm and Cerclage cables (Stryker) 1-3 cables—10 · 1, 31 0% opened
InterTAN (Smith and 420 mm · 2, 11 · 3
Seyhan et al26 PFN (Synthes), Standard Not specified Cerclage cables (Smith Not specified 100% opened
PFNA (Synthes), Long & Nephew)
PFNA (Synthes), Smith
& Nephew piriformis
entry long nails
Trikha et al2 Not specified Not specified Cerclage wire (DePuy– 1 or 2 Not specified
Wang et al31 Long PFNA (Synthes) 300, 340, 380 mm Not specified Not specified 5% opened
Zhou et al27 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified 93% opened

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Hoskins et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022

TABLE 2. Reoperation Because of All Cause, Nonunion, Loss of Fixation, Implant Failure, Fracture Reduction, and Time to Union
(Reported in Raw Numbers)
Number Without Number With Rtt Without Rtt with Nonunion Without Nonunion With
Study Author Year Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage
Afsari et al4 2009 35 9 1 0 1 0
Alho et al24 1996 7 3 2 0 0 0
Annappa et al1 2020 41 14 8 5 5 3
Boldin et al28 2003 50 5 Not specified Not specified 0 0
Choi et al23 2014 21 10 3 0 3 0
Codesido et al13 2017 60 30 4 1 5 0
Fauconnier et al16 2020 92 23 4 1 14 3
Gong et al25 2016 8 5 0 0 0 0
Hoskins et al9 2015 115 20 13 0 7 0
Jiang et al29 2007 32 17 0 0 0 1
Karayiannis and 2019 16 69 1 5 1 4
Mehta et al30 2019 89 52 14 2 3 0
Ramakrishnan 2004 16 8 0 0 0 0
et al17*
Rehme et al18 2020 188 72 0 3 8 4
Seyhan et al26 2012 22 11 6 3 Not specified Not specified
Trikha et al2 2018 27 21 2 1 0 0
Wang et al31 2010 21 4 0 0 0 0

Loss of Loss of Implant Implant Fracture Fracture Mean Time Mean Time
Fixation/Cut- Fixation/Cut- Failure Failure Reduction Reduction to Union to Union
Out Without Out With Without With Without With Without With
Study Author Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage Cerclage
Afsari et al4 0 0 0 0 100% good 100% good Not specified Not specified
Alho et al24 0 0 2 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Annappa et al1 0 0 3 2 33% good 64% good Not specified Not specified
Boldin et al28 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Choi et al23 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Codesido 3 1 0 0 38% good 97% good 6.9 mo 4.4 mo
et al13
Fauconnier Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Not specified Not specified 8.6 6.9
et al16 specified mo 6 4.2 mo 6 2.8
Gong et al25 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified 4.8 mo 5.4 mo
Hoskins et al9 5 0 2 0 17% good 60% good Not specified Not specified
Jiang et al29 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
Karayiannis 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
and James32
Mehta et al30 8 0 6 4 26% good 83% good Not specified Not specified
Ramakrishnan 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
et al17*
Rehme et al18 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Not specified Not specified 96% at 1 y 94% at 1 y
Seyhan et al26 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not Not specified Not specified 21 wk 6 9 19 wk 6 8
Trikha et al2 0 0 2 0 74% good 95% good 18.15 wk 17.14 wk
(SD 2.13) (SD 3.29)
Wang et al31 0 0 0 0 Not specified Not specified Not specified Not specified
*Ramakrishnan et al17 recorded 19.4 weeks (16–30) time to union for fracture with and without cerclage wire combined.

Risk of Implant Failure between cerclage wiring and noncerclage wiring for risk of
Fourteen studies compared the risk of implant failure implant failure [OR = 0.99 favoring cerclage wiring (95% CI
for 889 patients in the control group and 367 patients in the 0.24–4.09), P = 0.986] (see Figure, Supplemental Digital
cerclage wire group. There was no statistical difference Content 3,

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures

FIGURE 2. Reoperation.

Accuracy of Fracture Reduction wiring for good fracture reduction compared with noncerclage
Six studies compared the accuracy of fracture reduction wiring [b-coefficient = 42.52 favoring cerclage wiring (95% CI
for 367 patients in the control group and 146 patients in the 23.49–61.56), P , 0.001] (see Figure, Supplemental Digital
cerclage wire group. There was a benefit favoring cerclage Content 4,

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Hoskins et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022

FIGURE 3. Nonunion.

Time to Union cerclage wiring and noncerclage wiring for time to union
Five studies compared the time to union for 209 [b-coefficient = 21.21 favoring cerclage wiring (95% CI
patients in the control group and 90 patients in the cerclage 22.70 to 0.28), P = 0.260] (see Figure, Supplemental
wire group. There was no statistical difference between Digital Content 5,

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J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022 Subtrochanteric Femur Fractures

DISCUSSION oblique fractures,1,25 or only low energy fractures.15 Some

The clinical difference between augmenting subtro- studies excluded transverse or comminuted fractures25 or
chanteric femur fractures treated with a femoral intramedul- fractures not amenable to cerclage wire.2 These limitations
lary nail using a cerclage wire and without, is not known. with the inclusion criteria and the lack of reporting have likely
There are theoretical benefits of the addition of cerclage wire, created heterogeneity in the pooled and compared fractures in
including improved reduction and construct stability. The the study for these reasons.
disadvantages include an open approach, increased surgical For the control group we were unable to subanalyze on
time, and greater blood loss. There is limited literature the basis of whether the fracture was able to be reduced
available with direct comparison of cases with cerclage wire through closed means, or if reduction occurred with open
and without. This systematic review of the literature and techniques and the surgeon elected not to insert a cerclage
meta-analysis produced 18 comparative studies comparing wire (Table 1). This would seem an important clinical differ-
complications, fracture union, and accuracy of reduction entiation. Some studies control groups had 100% open reduc-
between subtrochanteric femur fractures managed with fem- tion,4,25,26 or the majority reduced open (93%),27 but most all
oral intramedullary nail, and augmented with cerclage wire or had closed reduction1,15,17,18,28–30 or most fractures reduced
without. We identified no statistical advantage in using closed (5%–39% opened),9,23,31 with many studies not spec-
cerclage wire with intramedullary nail when treating sub- ifying.2,16,24,32 There were 5 included studies that docu-
trochanteric femur fractures regarding the risk of reoperation, mented quality of reduction and whether the control group’s
nonunion, loss of fixation, and implant failure or the time to fracture was opened. One study opened all fractures and
union. A benefit favoring cerclage wire was found for more achieved good reduction in 100%.4 Two studies did not open
accurate fracture reduction. A higher percentage of fractures any and only achieved 26%–38% good reductions,1,15,30
although 2 studies selectively opened and achieved 33% good
as a result of high-energy trauma was seen in the cerclage
reductions opening 39%,1 and 17% good reductions opening
wire group. Although we found no statistical advantage in
27%.9 This may suggest that more should be done to obtain
using cerclage wire, the use of cerclage wire augmentation
and maintain reduction when a fracture is opened given the
was associated with a reduction in the odds of all of outcomes
low rates of good reduction when cerclage wire was not used.
and did so in a cohort that included a higher percentage of
Although we did not find that there was a statistical benefit for
high energy trauma. This study is likely to be underpowered,
time to union, other studies have demonstrated that there is a
given the relatively small number of events available to be linear relationship between postoperative fracture displace-
modelled. A clinical benefit for cerclage wiring may still exist ment and bone union time.23 Only 2 included studies re-
for certain fracture types. When surgeons decide to manage a corded the accuracy of reduction and time to union. The
subtrochanteric femur fracture, consideration can still be first study achieved 38% good reduction with closed tech-
given to the use of cerclage wire if acceptable closed niques which united in 6.9 months, compared with 97% good
reduction cannot be achieved and the fracture pattern allows reduction in the cerclage wire group uniting in 4.4 months.15
it. The routine use of cerclage wiring in simple facture The second achieved 74% good reduction in the noncerclage
patterns that reduce closed seems difficult to justify. group (reduction method not specified), which united in 18.2
As far as we are aware, this is the first systematic weeks, compared with 95% good reduction in the cerclage
review and meta-analysis performed about cerclage wire use wire group which united in 17.1 weeks.2 This would suggest
in the management of subtrochanteric femur fractures. A that open reduction 6 cerclage wire should occur if reduction
limitation of the study is that the included studies were all cannot be achieved closed, with the benefits of better reduc-
retrospective in nature, and mostly had a low number of tion and potentially time to union. Cerclage wire application
patients. Based on the Newcastle–Ottawa scoring system, the in this situation may produce a functional benefit to patients
study quality was average. The results may change if there as some studies have found,18,26 but not all.32 Improved
were more studies, increased patient numbers, longer follow- patient function could be due to fracture reduction, construct
up, higher quality studies, and prospective studies that better stability and/or faster fracture healing. Other studies have
controlled confounding variables. We did not exclude studies shown a relationship to poor fracture reduction with an
from the meta-analysis based on the assessment of quality increased risk of implant failure.30 We found no statistical
because there was little variation in study quality. In the benefit for cerclage wire for implant breakage rates or pre-
included studies, groups were matched for age and sex, venting reoperation, but it is plausible to suggest that with
although there was a greater percentage of high-energy better fracture reduction this may occur. It remains unclear
trauma in the cerclage wire group, which is a recognized whether the results of open reduction without cerclage wire
confounder. Time to union increases with fracture classifica- differ if a cerclage wire had have been applied. There may be
tion severity and comminution.23 This may be a selection bias fracture patterns that are not amenable to cerclage wire and it
for the cerclage wire cohort. There was a lack of uniform is unknown if other augments such as unicortical plates or
definition of what fracture types based on fracture classifica- blocking screws may have a similar clinical utility in these
tions were included in studies and what fracture patterns were situations.26 Improved reporting of fracture types and surgical
managed with or without cerclage wire. Because of this and a decision-making is required in future studies.
lack of reporting, we were unable to subanalyze different Nail type, length, and diameter are all factors that may
fracture types. Some studies solely included fractures when affect outcomes. There was variability in the type of nail used
deformity4 or comminution was present,24 only spiral or and its length (Table 1), with few studies overall reporting

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Hoskins et al J Orthop Trauma  Volume 36, Number 4, April 2022

nail length. Most studies that specified an implant used a long 4. Afsari A, Liporace F, Lindvall E, et al. Clamp-assisted reduction of high
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