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Possessive adjectives

Complete the second sentences

I’ve got a car. It’s my car..

Brian’s got a computer. It’s his computer.
Julia’s got two children. They’re your children.
Ben and I have got nice parents. They are our parents
They’ve got two dogs. They’re your dogs.
The cat’s got a basket. It’s her basket.
The children have got a ball. They have their ball.
John and Peter have got a lot of CDs. They’re your CDs
The dog’s got four puppies. They’re his puppies.
Janet has got a new car It’s his new car.
My friend and I have got some DVDs. They are our DVDs.

Put in your; his; her; its or their

Julio and Andrea are from South Africa. Their surname is Sweet.

Our friends, Rosa & Carlos are from South Africa too. Their daughter,

Laura is eleven. Her eyes are blue. Her hair is dark brown.

Their dog is called Bobby. Its eyes are brown and its fur is black and white.

Laura’s school is in Port Melissa. It’s near her house. Its name is

Prince School. Laura’s teacher is very friendly. Her name is Miss Paola.

What about you? What’s your name? Where’s your school?

And your friends? What are their names?

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