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Filipino Values that are Characteristics of Filipinos:

1. Respect for the elderly

2. Close family ties
3. Sense of hospitality
4. Solidarity with others at times of distress

We value these qualities of Filipinos.

Theories of Ethics that center on Self  Senses of the Self)

1) Subjectivism 2) Psychological Egoism 3) Ethical Egoism


The starting point of subjectivism is the recognition that the

individual thinking person (the subject) is at the heart of all moral
valuations. It is the one which is confronted with the situation and is
burdened with the need to make a decision or judgment. From this
point, subjectivism leaps to the more radical claim that the individual
is the sole determinant of what is morally good or bad, right or wrong.

Examples: 1. “ No one can tell me what is right and wrong.”

2. “ No one knows my situation better than myself.”

3. “ I am entitled to my own opinion.”

4. “ It is good if I say that it is good.”

These statements are somewhat appealing because they seem to

express a cherished sense of personal independence, but actually
these have problems of subjectivism.
PSYCHOLOGICAL EGOISM- This is the theory that describes the

underlying dynamic behind all human


Example:” Human beings are naturally self-centered, so all of our

actions are always already motivated by self-interest. “ This points out
that there is already an underlying basis for how one acts. The ego or
self has its desire and interests, and all our actions are geared toward
satisfying these interests.

We do things in pursuit of our own self-interest all the time. I do

this because I enjoy it…because I want it….The psychological egoist
would maintain that underlying such apparently other-directed
behavior is a self-serving desire even if one does not acknowledge it.

What about other behaviors?

Example: Acts of generousity : Someone stops watching movie

because s/he wants to help.

The idea is that whether or not the person admits it, actions are
ultimately always-motivated by self-serving desire.

This theory has strong points: a) Simplicity- when an idea is marked by

by simplicity, it has a unique appeal to it. It is a theory that identifies a
single basis that will somehow account for all actions. The
motivations behind of the actions being performed are obviously self-


This does not suppose that all our actions are already inevitably
self-serving, instead ethical egoism prescribes that we should make
our own ends, our own interests, as the single overriding concern. We
may act in the way that is beneficial to others, but we should only do
that only if it ultimately benefits us. This theory acknowledge that
everyone ought to put herself/himself at the center One has to
consider herself/himself as the priority and not allow any other
concerns- such as the welfare of other people to detract from this

We have our own interests and desires, and would want them
satisfied. This was explicated by the book of Plato, The Republic, in
which one has only to care his/her own interest.

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