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Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023

Noel Tarp
C/- P. O Box 456, Mt. Hagen,
Western Highlands Province, PNG
Phone| Email: (+675) 72258608 |

 Date of Birth: 5/12/1996
 Province: Jiwaka
 Language(s): English, PNG Pidgin (Fluent)
 Nationality: Papua New Guinean
 NID:# 1188831628
 Marital Status: Married Spouse: 1(one daughter)
 Religion: Christianity (Church of the Nazarene)


 Bachelor of Arts Degree (Major in Planning & Development Studies and Minor in
Geography, Heritage & Indigenous Studies, and other elective course were also
undertaken) – University of Goroka, Goroka, EHP.
2018 – 2021

 Distance and Flexible Learning Certificate (Upgraded my marks) – Department of

Open and Distance Learning Study Center, Mt Hagen, Western Highlands Province.
2016 - 2017

 Upper Secondary School Certificate (Gr.12) and Lower Secondary School

Certificate (Gr.10) – Fr. Peter Secondary School (Fatima), Banz, Jiwaka Province.
2012 – 2015

 Primary School Certificate (Gr.8) – Kimil Primary School, Banz, Jiwaka Province.
2010 – 2011
Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023


1. January – May 2023: Crock Building & Electrical Construction

Position: Consultant – Casual Employment

Duties and Responsibilities:

 In charge of the Human Resource Management System,

 Control Administration and Communication System,
 Writing Bid Proposal and apply for Tender in the construction industry,
 In charge of writing project proposals to government (Districts, Provincial, and National),
 Assists Managing Director with technical advice and incorporating Strategic Planning into the
company structure,
 Conducting meetings and training with employees on Occupational Health & Safety Measures

2. February – November 2022: Oxfam in Papua New Guinea (OiP)

Position: Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Project Officer – Contract Employment.

Duties and Responsibilities:

 Implement projects activities through multi-sectoral approach – using participatory processes to

involve every key stakeholders as per the project design,
 Participatory planning, organizing, leading, and controlling,
 Signing of MOU with key government officers (PA, DA, DEO, DHO, etc.) and key stakeholders
 Monitoring, evaluation, accountability and learning (MEAL) – assess and evaluate the progress of
the project activity and collect and keep relevant information & data of the project and submit to
the Program Manager on a weekly bias.
 Assist in developing MEAL framework and MEAL planning, and
 Do major reporting to Program Manager and Country Coordinator,
 Procure materials, mobilize communities and carry out project activities in communities,
 Running Training Workshop with key stakeholders
 Report direct to Country Coordinator on project implementation and closer.

3. December 2021 – February 2022: Church of the Nazarene – Education Agency

Position: Consultant – Contract Employment

Duties & Responsibilities:

Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023

 I worked as a consultant with the Nazarene Education Agency at Jiwaka Province, started from
December 2021 to February 2022. I’ve developed a project proposal for Kudjip Nazarene
Secondary School to seek assistance for establishing a double classroom, administration building,
and WASH facilities.

4. June – September 2021: Oxfam in Papua New Guinea (OiP)

Position: Industrial Training – Internship Trainee

Duties & Responsibilities:

 Assist WASH Gender Officers in Running Training with Leaders, stakeholders, partners, etc.,
and also do Awareness in project communities at Go roka District,
 Involve in developing MEL frameworks and tools, merging together different M&E frameworks
into one MEL framework,
 Monitor, Eveluate and Reporting WASH Project activities throughout Goroka District, and also
with Australian Humanitarian Partnership (AHP) Simbu Covid-19 Project at Simbu Province.
 Assist Senior Humanitarian Officer in conducting training with partners and key stakeholders on
SARV and also monitor, evaluate and reporting SARV Project activities,
 Collecting and Analyzing data on Pandemic Preparedness and Response Plan and Disaster Risk
Reduction and submit to consultant for finalizing,
 Signing of MOU with key government officer on project partnership implementations.

5. December 2020 – February 2021: Nazarene Mission Services (MNS)

Position: Project Manager – Contract Employment

Duties & Responsibilities:

 I did a 2 months contract employment during my vacation as a Project Manager shadowing

Senior Project Manager Earl Hartwig at the Kudjip Nazarene Hospital Expansion Project Funded
by PNG incentive Fund Phase 4. It was an on the job training where I was able to work alongside
with experts and the technical staff members to carry out activity schedule on several tasks while
planning and monitoring project deliverables. Specific sections in which training were obtained
are processes of project initiation, project planning, project execution and project closure.

6. March 2019 – November 2021: Komiufa Women’s Association

Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023

Position: Technical Advisor – Volunteer Employment

Duties & Responsibilities:

 I assisted Komiufa Women’s Association in designing programs, seeking funds, writing and
editing proposals, running trainings and awareness, do budgeting, reporting and acquittals.

7. October – December 2019: Coffee Industry Corporation (CIC)

Position: Casual Enumerator – Casual Employment

Duties & Responsibilities:

 I was engaged with Center for Development Corporation (C4DC) a partner international
organization with the CIC. I’ve collected data and analyze data on Kobo toolbox and deploy the
data to the Project Manager’s main server. The data collected were from the three districts in
Jiwaka Province.

8. Voluntary Works – I participate in voluntary jobs with churches, NGO, schools, community and
other areas during my school holiday from 2015 to 2019.

During my school holidays, I worked as a community affairs officer in terms of infrastructure

development activities like, schools, aid-post, etc. Also, I act as peace mediator and talk
peacefully with communities and solve many problems in the communities I attached to.


 Dedicated to work and respect the supervisor, team leaders, coordinators, the bosses in
the organization, and abide by the organization’s rules and core values.
 To be a responsible professional worker in the organization and do every task that is
delegate to me on time.
 To serve the organization with honesty, faith, obedience, commitment, patience and
uphold the work ethics and guidelines that is set by every organization whether public or
private sector.
 Contributing positively to the nations development and be the role model to the future


 Certificate in Basic Computing at Fr Peter (Fatima) Secondary School

Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023


 Hard Skills -

Designing Program, Designing MEAL System, Collecting Data, Analysis & Reporting, Strategic
Planning, Financial Management System, Administration & Communication System, Human
Resources Management System, Project Management Skills, SIA, Computer Skills (Microsoft
Office, Microsoft Project, Advance Primavera P6, ESRI software, MapInfo, Adobe Reader, FL
Studio), Writing Program/Project Proposals, Cartography, GIS Analysis & Workflow, Arc GIS,
Solid Works, Sketch Up Pro, and basics on AutoCAD.

 Soft Skills-

Good communication skills, Good writing skills, Apply expertise in multiple domains, Detail
oriented, Stakeholder support skills, Critical Thinking, Active Learning, Learning Strategies,
Active Listening, Writing, Judgment & Decision Making, Monitoring and Assessing
Performance, Time Management, Coordination, Persuasion, Service Orientation, Good
Caretaker, System Analysis, System Evaluation, Operations Analysis and Negotiation skills.


 Community Based Organization (CBO)

 Founder and Director – Current Director for Mulma Sustainable Developmental

Association Inc which composed of 15,000+ members from Mulma 4, 5 and 6 Council
Ward, Middle-Jimi LLG, Jimi District, Jiwaka Province, Papua New Guinea.

 University of Goroka

 Leader Representative to UOG Jiwaka Students’ Union Association at the University of

Goroka in 2020 to 2021.
Noel Tarp – Curriculum Vitae, 2023


1. George Kalwe (Mr.) Managing Director for Crock Building and Electrical Construction
Contact Phone: (+675) 73907055, Email:

2. Philip Kupo (Mr.) Country Coordinator for Oxfam in PNG (OiP)

Contact Phone: +675 323 1085 (office) Digicel: +675 72257088

3. Kollen Koti (Mr.) Senior Humanitarian Officer and AHP Program Manager for Oxfam
in PNG (OiP). Contact Phone : (+675) 70166948, Email:

4. Jeff Parik (Mr.) WASH Project Coordinator for Oxfam in PNG (OiP)
Contact Phone: (+675) 71427979, Email:

5. Mujijauw (Mr.) Senior Tutor- Planning and Development Studies Discipline.

Contact: Phone 5311825 (office), email:
Phone: (+675) 72601568.

6. Jordan C. Thompson (Mr.) Director for Nazarene Mission Service;

Church of the Nazarene P. O. Box 456, Mt Hagen, W.H.P, Papua New Guinea
Phone: (+675) 7211 0431, Email:

7. Earl Hartwig (Mr.) Project Manager, Kudjip Hospital Expansion Project

Phone: (+675) 7293 2867, Email:

I am Noel Tarp solemnly declare and sign that all the above information is true according to my
knowledge and understanding as of 2nd of June, 2023.

Sign: ________________

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