Agricultural Practical Specimens 2024

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Agricultural Practical Specimens 2024 F (Clay Soil) G F (Clay Soil) G F (Clay Soil) G

(Loamy Soil) H (Loamy Soil) H (Loamy Soil) H

(2a) The provision of specimens, materials and (Sandy Soil) (Sandy Soil) (Sandy Soil)
equipment for the test is your responsibility. smooth/ smooth/ smooth/
(2bi) Where a specimen is not readily available in powdery to powdery to powdery to
sufficient quantity. It should be shared among small touch touch touch
groups of candidates. intermediate/nei intermediate/nei intermediate/nei
(2bii) Each candidate should be provided with the ther smooth nor ther smooth nor ther smooth nor
following specimens labeled accordingly: coarse coarse coarse
A – Ranging Pole; B – Arrow; C – Measuring Tape; D – coarse/gritty to coarse/gritty to coarse/gritty to
Wooden Peg. touch touch touch
• For specimens E, F and G, you are requested to get sticky when wet sticky when wet sticky when wet
some quantity of dry sand, dry clay (ground) and dry not sticky when not sticky when not sticky when
loam (ground) respectively. wet not sticky wet not sticky wet not sticky
• Get three capillary tubes, label each of them E, F and when wet when wet when wet
G. • Close the lower ends of each of the capillary tubes a roll was a roll was a roll was
with a plug of cotton wool. produced produced produced
• Put the: (i) dry sand into the capillary tube labelled formed a weak formed a weak formed a weak
E; (ii) dry clay (ground) into the capillary tube labelled roll no roll was roll no roll was roll no roll was
F; (iii) dry loam (ground) into the capillary tube labelled produced produced produced
G. moderately moderately
• Shake or tap the ends of the capillary tubes to make plastic not plastic not
sure that the particles are tightly packed/settled in plastic plastic
each of the capillary tubes. ne/tiny grains a
• Get a water trough and put water in it until it is half ring was formed
full. • Set the capillary tubes securely in the trough. ne/tiny grains a
• Leave the setup to stand for 24 hours before the ring was formed
H – Maize Weevil; I – Bean beetle; J – Grasshopper; K – (b) Crops that can be grown on specimen H (Sandy
Cotton stainer; L – Tilapia (whole and fresh); M – Hay; soil)
N – Fish meal.

Explanations for some of them Groundnut Cowpea Soybean Millet Coconut Oil
Take a sample each of specimens F (CLAY SOIL), G palm Cotton Sugarcane Guinea corn Pigeon pea
(LOAMY SOIL) and H (SANDY SOIL) and rub each Watermelon
between the thumb and forenger. Put a sample of (c)(i) Preferred specimen for maize production -
each of the specimens on your palm and add a little Specimen G (Loamy soil)
amount of water succulent to wet it. Mix each sample (ii) Reasons why specimen G (Loamy soil is
with water. preferred for maize production)
Attempt producing a roll and then a ring.  It has good
(a) Tabulate your observations from the experiment.  aeration Contains
(b) Name two  high organic matter
 Leaching of nutrients is minimized
crops that can be grown on specimen H. (c) (i)
 Easy to cultivate
Which of specimens F,G, and H is preferred for
 Has a crumby structure
maize productions? (ii) Give three reasons for your
 Has good water retention capacity
answers in c
 Encourages microbial activities
 It is well-drained
(a) Tabulation of observation from the
Study specimens G (GRASSHOPPER), H (BEAN
BEETLE), carefully and answer the following
questions. (a)(i) Classify specimens G and H according
to their feeding habits. (ii) Name one part of crops 4. Tilapia is a surface feeder while catfish is a bottom
damaged by each of specimens G and H. (ii) State feeder,
three ways in which specimen H is economically 5. Catfish checks/controls the population of tilapia
important. which multiplies at a very fast rate and could
Explanation overpopulate the pond,
(a)(i) Classification of specimen G (Grasshopper) and 6. Optimizing farmers' income/ harvest,
H (Bean beetle) based on their feeding habits; 7. To ensure adequate utilization of the pond's space.
Specimen G (Grasshopper): biting and chewing insect
pest Specimen H (Bean beetle): boring insect pest (b) Fishing gears used for harvesting specimens K
(ii) Part of crops damaged by specimens G and H; (Tilapia) and L (Catfish) in a pond: 1 Hook and line, 2
G (Grasshopper): Leaf, young shoot, succulent stem H Fish trap, 3 Fishing gourd, 4 Use of nets e.g seine
(Bean beetle): Seeds net, drag net, scoop net, cast net, shying
(iii) Ways in which specimen H (Bean beetle) is spear/harpoons basket
economically important Study carefully the experimental set-ups below and
1. Destroys viability of seeds/destroys cotyledon. use them to answer the following questions
2. Reduces market value of crop/quality of crop. (a) What is the aim of the experiment for which
3. Increases farmer's cost of production. Reduces the the apparatus has been set-up? (b) List the
quantity of stored produce (seed) experimental set-ups in the order which as
(a). State three effects of maize weevil on maize grains. risen through the soil samples, starting with
(b) Explain briefly five general control measures of the highest. (C) List six items of apparatus used
insect pests of grains in storage in the experimental set-up (d) Describe briefly
(a) Effects of maize weevil on maize grains are: (i) the procedure used in setting up
destroys the endosperm, thereby, reducing the food the experiment
value grains. ( (ii) reduces viability of infested grains as Explanation
the embryos are damaged. (iii) reduces market value of (a) The aim of the experimental set up is to compare /
infested grains. (iv) predisposes infested grains to determine and measure the capillarity of rise in water
other pathogenic microorganisms attack. (v) reduces of different types of soils.
the quantity of the maize grains and produce. (b) The rise in water is in the following order:
(b) General control measures of insect pests of grains Specimen A- highest- loam, Specimen B - higher - Clay
in storage are: (i) Early harvesting of grains such as Specimen C-lowest- sand (c)
maize, guinea corn and cowpea reduces the level of Apparatus used in the experimental set up are:
infestation and damage in the field. (ii) Proper cleaning a large beaker / basin/dish/trough. 3 capillary tubes/
and fumigation of sores before grains are stored helps glass tubes
to reduce the level of infestation and damage. (iii) Soil samples (use the given sample here). Water
Storage of maize -cobs with or without the husks and Cotton wool clamps/ retort stands
guinea corn heads over re places where they are (c) Method used:
regularly smoked has been found to be selective in Take three glass tubes and plug each with cotton wool.
controlling the insect pests (iv) Storage and fumigation Fill each tube with dry samples of clayey, loamy and
of she in silos or sealed polythene bags/ containers. (v) sandy soils respectively. Fix the three tubes in an
maize cob stored in cribs and unthreshed guinea corn upright position with clamps Get the three glass tubes
heads in rhumbus should be treated with insecticides immersed in a trough of water, Allow to stand for the
such as Actellic 25 dust or liquid, (vi) Grains should be required time. Watch the upward movement into the
dried to reduce their moisture content to the desired soil samples and record your observations,
level to kill the eggs and larva of pests.
(a) Give three reasons for stocking K (TILAPIA) and L
(CATFISH) together in a pond.
a) Reasons for stocking specimens K(Tilapia) and
L(Catfish) together in a pond:
1. Tilapia and catfish can co-exist successfully in
2. Tilapia and catfish have different feeding habits,
3. Tilapia is herbivorous while catfish is carnivorous,

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