Cookin MG

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Here is a concise answer to the question "how to cook eggs", based on the provided search

results:There are several basic ways to cook eggs:Hard Boiled: Place eggs in a pot, cover with
cold water, and bring to a boil. Once boiling, remove from heat, cover, and let sit for 12 minutes.
Then transfer to an ice bath before peeling. 14Scrambled: Beat eggs with milk or water, then
cook in a skillet over medium heat, using a spatula to gently fold and scrape the eggs as they
cook, about 2 minutes total. 23Fried (Sunny Side Up, Over Easy, Over Medium, Over Hard): Melt
butter in a skillet over medium-low heat, crack eggs directly into the pan, and cook for 2-3
minutes, flipping as desired to achieve the desired doneness of the yolk. 35Poached: Bring a pot
of water with a splash of vinegar to a gentle simmer, then carefully slide cracked eggs into the
water and cook for 2-3 minutes until the whites are set but the yolks are still runny. 35The key is
to use the right cooking method and time for your desired egg texture, and to stop the cooking
process at the right moment, such as by transferring to an ice bath.

The ability of low-income households to save and build assets is a critical issue for addressing
poverty. Research shows that poor families can and do save, but often face significant barriers to
doing so effectively. 13One key obstacle is the eligibility rules of public assistance programs,
which can penalize poor households for accumulating assets. For example, restrictions on
vehicle equity make it difficult for welfare recipients to own a car, which is often essential for
getting to and from work. 12 This creates a disincentive for saving and asset-building among
the poor.Additionally, traditional financial services are often ill-suited to the needs of low-
income savers. Formal banks may have high minimum balances, onerous paperwork, and
inconvenient locations that deter the poor from using them. 25 Instead, many low-income
households rely on informal mechanisms like savings clubs, deposit collectors, and holding
physical assets like livestock or jewelry. 25However, these informal savings methods can be risky
and inefficient compared to formal banking. They may offer lower returns, less security, and less
ability to accumulate larger sums for investments. 25 Innovative "commitment savings"
products designed for the poor, such as those linked to government transfer programs, show
promise in overcoming these barriers. 5Ultimately, enabling greater savings and asset-building
among low-income families requires a multi-pronged approach. This includes reforming public
assistance rules, improving the accessibility and appropriateness of formal financial services, and
developing new savings products tailored to the needs of the poor. 1235 By helping the poor
save and build a financial cushion, these efforts can enhance their economic security and

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