Microsoft Excel

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Student Name: __________________________

Activity 1:

Instructions: Match each key term on the left with the definition on the right that best describes it.

Key Term 1. Spreadsheet An electronic document in which data is

arranged in the rows and columns of a grid and can be
a. Worksheet manipulated and used in calculations.
b. Cell
2. In Excel documents, Worksheet is a collection of cells
c. Mixed Cell
Referencing organized in rows and columns.
d. Cell
3. In Excel, Workbook is a collection of worksheets
e. Row contained in a file.
f. Absolute
4. Row A series of data put out horizontally in a table or
Referencing spreadsheet.
g. Auto Fill
5. Column A vertical series of cells in a chart, table, or
h. Cell Address
i. Column spreadsheet.
j. Function
6. Cell Where a row and column intersect. For example,
k. Spreadsheet
l. Formula where Column C and Row 12 intersect is referred to as cell
m. Workbook
n. Relative Cell
Referencing 7. Cell Address An alphanumeric value used to identify a
specific cell in a spreadsheet. For example, C12.
8. Formula An expression that operates on values in a
range of cells or a cell. For example, =A1+A2+A3, which
finds the sum of the range of values from cell A1 to cell A3. A
formula always begins with an equal (=) sign.

9. Function A preset formula that helps perform

mathematical, statistical, and logical operations. A function
always begins with an equal (=) sign.
10. In Excel, Auto Fill can fill a range in a specific
direction by using the fill handle. A fill handle is a small
square appearing at the bottom-right corner of a selected cell
or range.
11. Cell Referencing A cell or a range of cells on a

Student Name: __________________________

worksheet and can be used in a formula so that Microsoft

Office Excel can find the values or data that you want that
formula to calculate.
12. Relative Cell Referencing is the default cell
referencing in Excel. It changes when a formula is copied to
another cell.
13. In absolute cell referencing, Absolute Cell Referencing
remain constant no matter where they are copied.
14. Mixed Cell Referencing A type of Absolute reference
where either the column is made constant and the row is
made relative, or the column is made relative and the row is
made constant.

Activity 2:

Instructions: Highlight T if the statement is true, F if the statement is false, or write the best answer
in the space provided.

1. A Workbook is what we call an Excel file and it may contain one or more Worksheets. T

2. A Workbook is a single page created inside a Worksheet, where you can enter, edit and
manipulate data. F

3. Cells represent the intersection of a row and column in Excel and are identified by a letter and
a number. F

4. Columns run horizontally across the page and are identified by numbers. F

5. Rows run vertically down the page and are identified by letters. F

6. A cell range in an Excel file is a collection of selected cells. T

7. A cell range can be referred to in a formula and functions. T

8. Only cells from one column or row may be included in a cell range. F

9. The cell range F7:F11 includes 5 cells, ranging from F7 to F11. T

10. Cells from column D are included in the cell range B7:C11. F

Student Name: __________________________

11. Numbers, which can later be used in formulas, are called values. T

12. A label is text in a cell, usually describing data in the rows or columns surrounding it, and can
be used in formulas. T

13. Wrapping text allows you to display long cell content on multiple lines within a single cell. T

14. Merged cells cannot be unmerged to restore the original individual cells. T

15. The Format Painter feature in MS Excel can be used to copy formatting from one cell to
another. T

16. Pressing CTRL + 1 allows you to quickly open the Format Cells dialog box. T

17. To select a cell or cell range, you cannot use the CTRL key and click on each individual cell.

18. Formulas in Excel always begin with a plus (+) sign. F

19. The SUM function is used for adding individual values together, while the addition operator is
used to add up a range of values. T

20. Relative references change when a formula is copied to another cell. T

21. Absolute (fixed) references remain constant no matter where they are copied. T

22. B$2 is a mixed reference with an absolute column and relative row. T

23. $B$2 is an absolute reference with an absolute column and absolute row. T

24. $B2 is a mixed reference with an absolute column and relative row. F

25. B2 is a relative reference with a relative column and relative row. T

26. Pressing the F4 key does not convert the relative reference to an absolute reference. F

27. You can use the autofill feature in Excel to quickly fill a series of months by dragging the fill
handle. T

28. Auto-filling weekdays in Excel cannot be accomplished by selecting the starting cell and
dragging the auto-fill handle. F

29. When auto-filling numbers in Excel, the series is incremented or decremented based on the
pattern of the initially selected cells. T

30. In Excel, the response for the formula 4 + 10 * 2 is 24. F

Student Name: __________________________

31. In Excel, the response for the formula 4 + 10 * 2 is 28. T

32. Ctrl + T allows you to quickly change the selected cell range into a table. F

Activity 3:

Instructions: Match each choice with its correct description from the list below.

List of Descriptions:

1. Represents data using individual data points plotted on a graph with two axes showing
correlation and clustering in big datasets if the order of points in the dataset is not essential.

2. Used to represent data using horizontal or vertical bars of varying lengths comparing parts of a
bigger set of data, highlighting different categories, or showing change over time.
3. It contains chart elements such as titles, axes, and gridlines.

4. The cells that contain values and labels to be graphed in a chart.

5. Slices of a circle are used to display data, with each slice showing show relative proportions
and percentages of a whole dataset and/or used when comparing the effect of ONE factor on
different categories.

6. A visual representation of numeric data in a worksheet.

7. Represents data using a series of points connected by straight lines displaying trends over
time and comparing changes over the same period of time for more than one group.

a. Chart (6 ) b. Source data (4)

c. Chart Object (3) d. Pie Charts (5)

e. Bar Charts (2) f. Scatter (X,Y) Charts ( 1)

g. Line Charts (7)

Student Name: __________________________

Activity 4:

Instructions: Fill in the blank with the correct term from the below list:
(A) scatter (X,Y) chart (B) design (C) % (D) header row (E) monetary (F) accounting format
(G) columns (H) total row (I) bar chart (J) insert (K) special format (L) sort (M) SUM (N) formatting
(O) cell (P) line (Q) chart (R) rows (S) 1000's (T) scatter (X,Y) chart (U) styles (V) pie chart
(W) filter (X) axes (Y) general number (Z) serial number

1. The __ general number ____ format displays numbers just the way you type them.
2. You can specify the number of decimal places and whether or not you use a __1000's ____
3. The Currency format is used for _ monetary _____ values and displays the default currency
4. The ____ accounting format ____ is used for monetary values but aligns the currency symbols
and decimal points.
5. Dates are stored as a __ serial number ____ in the background in Excel. The date format
shows them in the format that you specify.
6. The Percentage format multiplies the value by 100 and adds the __%___ symbol after the
7. The___ special format _____ displays a number as a phone number, postal code, or similar

8. This is a __bar chart______.

9. This is a ___pie chart_____.

Student Name: __________________________

10. This is a __ chart______.

11. This is a ___scatter_(X,Y) chart____.

12. Go to the __insert______ tab in the Excel Ribbon to insert a chart.

13. A chart in Excel is composed of chart elements that help in understanding the data, including
titles, _axes_____, and gridlines.

14. Using the __styles______ tools in Excel, you may change a chart's appearance and layout.
15. You must choose the ___rows____ range that you wish to turn into a table in order to build
one in Excel.
16. In Excel, if your data range has column headers, you should select the "My table has
__header_____" option.
17. Excel tables you can automatically add additional ___rows_____ and ____column____ as you
add more data.
18. You can apply predefined Excel table ___styles_____ to format your table with different styles.
19. In Excel, use the ___sort____ button located in the table header to order the data in the table.
20. Table formatting and customization options are available in Excel's ___design_____ tab.
21. In Excel, you may filter a table by clicking the ____filter____ button on a column's header row.
22. You can add a total to a table in Excel by selecting the table, clicking on the Design tab, and
using the __total row_____ checkbox.

Student Name: __________________________

23. In addition to __sum______ function, other functions like AVERAGE, COUNT, MAX, and MIN
can be used in the total row of a table.

Activity 5:

Instructions: Match the following Excel functions with the appropriate descriptions:
5. MIN
6. SUM
8. MAX

List of Descriptions:

A. SUM - Calculates the total of a batch of numbers.

B. MAX - Finds the largest value in a range of cells.
C. MIN - Finds the smallest value in a range of cells.
D. COUNT - Count ALL items in a range – will include labels and values.
E. COUNTA - Counts all numeric values in a range.
F. AVERAGE - Calculates the arithmetic mean of a range of cells.
G. COUNTIF - Counts the number of cells meeting specific criteria.
H. VLOOKUP - Searches for a specific value in the first column of a dataset and gets the
corresponding value from another column based on the given criteria.

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