Psychological Analysis

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In the midst of an unknown danger that has engulfed the entire world in fear and

disaster, one of the deadliest viruses in recent years, the coronavirus, has shattered
human society's stability in terms of livelihood and education. Various lockdowns and
restrictions were imposed during the pandemic to control the disease's spread; aligned
with such regulations is the implementation of distance learning or online learning based
on the protocol designed by the Department of Health (DOH) in collaboration with the
Commission of Higher Education (CHED) and the Department of Education (DepEd).
The implementation drew many criticisms and was not well received; one of the major
dilemmas for parents is the added burden of high internet costs with only low and
sometimes unstable slow internet. Students' learning is also less extensive and
comprehensive when compared to face-to-face classes. The goal of this paper is to
serve as a medium for providing insight into the experiences of these students as they
engage in ongoing virtual learning.

To better understand their personal experiences and how they have persevered in
overcoming the challenges of online learning, an introduction to their personal cases is
required. Let us focus on one of the people I interviewed named Jade; one of his
remarkable characteristics is his clear awareness of the self; when I asked him to
describe himself, two distinct traits emerged: he confidently stated he was a
"Materialistic" and a "Selfish person," and he supported these statements by stating that
this was his friend's description of him. He went on to say that he developed these
characteristics as a result of his parents' neglect of him as a child. This may be aligned
with Adler's proposition on the concept of External Factors in Maladjustment, as
according to the Adlerian concept of being unloved and unwanted by the parents, often
people like Jade see society as an enemy and can be distrustful of other people, thus
Jade's pet peeve is people who are liars and unable to keep their words, which was
supported further when he stated in the interview that he has difficulty approaching
people. His inability to share anything with other people is a clear manifestation of his
selfishness. Competing with himself and pushing himself to the limit without regard for
others is a clear distinct trait of striving for personal superiority in order to feel a sense of
accomplishment a way to get his parents' attention and earn their affection.
Furthermore, Honey, the last person I interviewed, described herself as a "Chameleon,"
a person who shapeshifts their behaviour depending on their environment. She
personally shared that she was from a foster home, clear evidence of Horneye's
concept of a person who has experienced basic anxiety, a feeling that she was
unwanted and abandoned by her parents. Her behavior is best explained by the
neurotic defences of moving toward the people in which she is compliant with the needs
of the persons she encounters. However, for her, the way she copes is to volunteer at
work and helps her fellow youth in that foster home it might be possible that she wants
others to not feel the same abandonment she has experienced. When asked about her
pet peeve she stated that based on her experience she doesn’t like people who are liars
and backstabbers as she has encountered such people.

In order to provide for our needs, we sacrificed our safety needs in Maslow's hierarchy
as we attempted to balance our work and school, facing the dangers of working outside
the confines of our homes and confronting the hazard of the covid pandemic. With
discipline and personal growth, we will be able to complete our school's tasks on time
while accommodating the demands of the nature of our jobs. For Jade, who mastered
the discipline of managing his time in efficient ways, and Honey, who went through thick
and thin, crying to the pressures of stopping her studies for four years in order to work,
but with the support of her peers and mentors, she became a person who continues to
strive for her success in life. I've been working to provide for my family, but with their
help and motivation, I've been able to get back up every time life knocks me down.
Though the road to success is steep, with challenges that will continue to test who I am,
the journey will always lead to a fulfilling life.

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