Workbook 35meditation Practices

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ReWilding with Sabrina Lynn

35 Meditations Workbook
Wisdom Practices For Grounding, Enlightening & Embodying
Key Takeaways:

1 The Spiritual Awakening Path

When we awaken we can feel ALIVE and CONNECTED like never before! But it’s not always roses and unicorns…
You can also face incredible challenges during a spiritual awakening, leaving you feeling lost, confused, alone, and unsure of
what steps to take next. There can be so many internal changes that it can be hard to understand or make sense of. Although
this, too, is a time to embrace, it can be challenging to trust. It can feel like everything is falling apart and you’re at risk of being
trapped in an unfulfilled life. But this doesn’t have to be the case!

2 Contractions Are Normal (and Necessary)

Contractions are actually essential… They support your spiritual awakening by allowing your physical body to catch up to
the energetic & emotional shifts that have occurred.
Spiritual (and personal) expansion & contraction are polarities, like inhaling & exhaling… You can’t have one without the other.
Sometimes, we kick up a lot more drama about a contraction than we need to because we’re judging ourselves, thinking we’re
failing or falling backwards.

3 Developing Your Toolkit of Spiritual Practices For Life

Own your spiritual awakening path! The way you walk this path is unique to you…
Start to create your own toolkit of spiritual practices that can serve you in any moment. Whenever you’re feeling stuck, or you
don’t know what to do next — in any crisis moment you find yourself in — make sure you have practices you can use that really
resonate with YOU! Learn to go within and ask yourself, “What practice will best serve me, right now?”

35 Spiritual Practices For Working With The Four Elements
1. Sit or stand in your center point. Straighten your spine, shift your 8. AIR Practice — Conversations: Soulful conversations can be an
shoulders, sit on your sitz bones or stand with your feet shoulder- invaluable practice for spiritual awakening! Finding your soul tribe
width apart. This is a power position that can shift your entire or an Anam Cara to talk to can support your path in ways other
energetics… Breathe into your center from here. things do not. Anam Cara is a Celtic word for “soul friend”,
someone who cares more for your soul than your ego and will tell
2. Tap into Wise Self. Go one layer deeper as you breathe, sinking you the truth!
into your balance point to access your deepest elder wisdom.
Sinking into your tailbone specifically can help. 9. AIR Practice — Reading: We are blessed in our current world to
have access to the wisdom of spiritual traditions from the ages,
3. Reflective Question: What’s causing the pain in your contraction? across religious & cultural boundaries. People WANT to share their
Can you release your self-judgement about the stage of spiritual knowledge with you. Create your own book list if this way of
awakening you’re currently in? Rather than seeing it as failing, going practicing calls to you.
too slowly or “not being spiritual enough”, can you let yourself
relax and rest in this phase? 10. AIR Practice — Studying: A course of study can be formal or
informal. Don’t underestimate the power of study journeys you
4. Feel into the words: EARTH, AIR, FIRE & WATER. After centering can embark on by yourself by setting a commitment to learning
yourself and dropping into Wise Self, what element are you called more. For example: study the Chakra system, the gods &
to in this moment? goddesses of other traditions, meditation practices, energy or
hands-on healing… The list is endless.
5. AIR Practice — Journaling: This is about keeping a log of your
thoughts and feelings each day. Your journal is a great place to 11. AIR Practice — Sophia Wisdom: The feminine archetype of
record the insights you receive in your practice, workshops & during Wisdom in the Christian & Hellenistic traditions, particularly
meditation. It is unstructured, often ungrammatical, stream-of- Christian mysticism, Sophia is the wisdom moving through all of
consciousness writing. For some, it works better to use paper & pen life. Tap into the Shakti or life energy in the air around you. What
to connect with your Wise Self while journaling. If you’re called to wisdom do you receive when you inhale?
digital formats, the Day One app is a great way to journal.
12. AIR Practice — Tree Branches: Imagine yourself as the Tree of
6. AIR Practice — Writing: While journaling is informal & reflective, Life with roots going deep into the earth & branches reaching into
writing is a craft. It can be about shaping your life story or memoir, the sky. Use your branches to pick up Sophia Wisdom. Feel how
creative writing and storytelling aimed at publication, or, perhaps, writing this increases your capacity to tap into universal wisdom.
about your spiritual experiences in a blog or in our Facebook Group!
13. AIR Practice — Wind: Invite air to blow through you on windy
7. AIR Practice — Reflective Questions: This is one we love in ReWilding! days (or work with a fan). Purify & cleanse your aura out in the
Allowing time to journal through the reflective questions Sabrina poses in elements to rid yourself of the psychic debris you’ve picked up
podcasts & workshops is an excellent way to receive insights. from others. or from public places.

14. WATER Practice — Sacred Waters: This is about activating the 21. FIRE Practice — Candle Gazing: Keep your gaze fixed on the
Shakti or energy in the Sacred Waters of the body by consciously flame of a candle and breathe. This is a focus-based practice. Take
moving to feel the flow of water. Sway your hips to feel the Sacred all of your concentration & awareness to the flame. Build your
Waters washing through your pelvic bowl. Imagine rain pouring capacity to stay intensely focused.
through you or a fountain below you flowing up into your Chakras.
22. FIRE Practice — Alchemizing Flame: Fire has an alchemizing
15. WATER Practice — The Jellyfish Pulse: Practice doing slow- quality that can facilitate rapid transformation. Work with this
moving, flowing pulses with your hands and imagine them like a quality by writing things on paper and burning them to shift or end
jellyfish “pulse of life”. Move this healing pulse through your whole something. Feel the alchemizing flame within. What fuels it? Can
body. you burn your false masks, something about your ancestral
heritage, or karma that no longer serves?
16. WATER Practice — Emotion-Based Practice: The ebb & flow of
feelings & emotions have long been associated with water. You 23. FIRE Practice — Powerhouse Prayer: As you do a flame or fire
might feel, for example, that sadness washes over you… Can you practice, say the words, “I release that which no longer serves.”
bring a flow of water to the sadness? Can you swim in the emotion, What can you burn & let go of?
really feeling it, and allowing it to move in any way it wants?
24. FIRE Practice — Light the Way Forward: Imagine a torch being
17. WATER Practice — Body Organs: Many traditions associate certain carried by the guides & guardians of your soul path. Ask for them
organs with the elements. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, for to show you the path ahead. Use this for decision-making but don’t
example, the water element is the bladder & kidneys. Tap into let your mind maneuver the torch or get in the way!
water as it flows through your blood or other body fluids. What
does it bring up for you from your depths? 25. FIRE Practice — Colored Flames: Visualize violet, rose, gold or
green flames. You might associate the colors with the Chakras, with
18. FIRE Practice — Kundalini Shaking: The Shakti or energy most areas of your body, or with archetypal energies. They might be
associated with the element of fire or lightning is Kundalini. It can healing, awakening, warming, enlightening or empowering. Play
be activated by intentionally holding the energy in your focus and with the colors to find what works for you.
shaking your body. Find Kundalini music or drumming tracks on
Spotify and wake up your fire energy with Kundalini Shaking. 26. EARTH Practice — Dance: This grounds you in your body after
expansive phases when your consciousness has shifted but your
19. FIRE Practice — Rising Flame: Feel or imagine a flame in your physicality hasn’t caught up. This is an essential practice for
Base Chakra and feel it rising higher & higher up your body. How “feminine”work. Check out our Spotify ReWilding Workshops
big can you make your fire? (This can also be a Kundalini practice.) Playlist for some great movement music!

20. FIRE Practice — Sacred Inner Flame: Associated with the Goddess 27. EARTH Practice — Yoga: All body-based practices are good for
Vesta, your sacred inner flame takes you into your inner temple the earth element however, yoga developed as a spiritual practice
space or inner sanctum. It might be in your solar plexus or in your for enlightenment & expansion of consciousness. Begin by
Dan Tien or heart. Place your hands over this place and rest with incorporating a couple of yoga postures into your daily practice.
your inner flame. Feel what lights you up.

28. EARTH Practice — Free-Flow Movement: This is a
ReWilding favorite for embodiment, bringing the divine into 35. Your Astrology Chart: Run your own Birth Chart and find out which of the
your life in a tangible way… The divine is not “other than” elements are most prominent. Sometimes the elements we have more of
your body! Deepen into your body wisdom, allowing it to work better for us… Sometimes we need more of the ones we don’t have in
guide the movement. As we always say in ReWilding, “Let it our chart! If you’re sensitive to the energetics of the current astrology, it can
be weird!” be helpful to work with the element most illuminated in the skies! (If you
don’t know how to run your chart, download our FREE Astrology Masterclass
29. EARTH Practice — Structured Exercise: Weights, as an here).
example, can be used to bring structure & discipline into
your practice. Use the exercise as a devotion to something BONUS Workbook Practice!!
important to you.
We’d love to gift you with this 30-minute GOLDEN KALI Guided Meditation in
30. EARTH Practice — Lie Face Down on the Earth: Visualize which Golden Kali draws out any dense energy in your body, taking it into herself
your belly connecting with the belly of Mother Earth. Feel for alchemization, and pours the grace-filled, golden love light back into you.
your deep connection going through the ground into the This beautiful practice is recommended in contraction phases or when
depths. ANYTHING challenging is happening in your life. Allow Kali to transmute
everything you’re holding!
31. EARTH Practice — Walk Barefoot: Whether you’re on sand
at the beach, on grass or soil, connect through your feet to
the earth. Feel yourself coming “down-to-earth” as you CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD BONUS GIFT
walk. Let your energy sink into the earth through your feet.

32. EARTH Practice — Grounding: When you feel like you've

been "blown open" during spiritual practice or you feel
scattered in energy, discern when the earth is calling you
home. This is really important when you’ve been doing
consciousness or “oneness” practices. Learn to recognize
when you need to call yourself home to your body.

33. EARTH Practices — Animals: Animals are grounded &

present… They’re far less “heady” than we are! Earth
yourself in the presence animals.

34. EARTH Practice — Bone Woman: Tap into the deep

wisdom in your bones with this ancient, earthy energy.
Sometimes, a doorway into Bone Woman is the myth of La
Loba, wild woman & collector of bones, who sings life back
into the dead.

Feel into expansion & contraction. What’s Make a list of what you tried, what Are there other practices that fit with this
happening for you in this moment? Can resonated, what worked or didn’t work, element for you? How will you change the
you zoom out and see the bigger picture and what insights you received. What practices to suit your unique way of
of your spiritual awakening path? How challenged you? What did you love? What working? Are you stuck in a rut doing the
have your contraction phases supported will you turn to in expansion phases? What same practices that have always worked
you to embody your growth even more? will support you when in contraction? for you? How can you add to your toolkit? 6.

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