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Effective As of 01 January 2024

Dear Valued Customers,
Please find below the basic / usual local charges applicable until further notice:

20' 40' 20' 40'
65 Expires 31 Dec 2023
Documentation fee* Both All Per BL USD
67 Effective 01 Jan 2024
Doc & Admin All Per BL USD 32 CMA CGM, APL, ANL - USA / Canada / Mexico / Japan
Advanced Manifest Declaration documentation** EXP All Per BL USD 27 CMA CGM, APL - Europe / Turkey / Russia Baltic
All Per BL USD 35 CMA CGM, APL - South Africa
Container release services at origin* EXP All Per Cntr USD 65
Container return services at destination* IMP All Per Cntr USD 65
SYSTEMATIC Sealing service export EXP All Per Cntr USD 16
Container inspection IMP All Per Cntr USD 38 48 38 48 Not Applicable for SOC
55 CTR32/CTR34 is always a systematic charge applied to all containers to cover damages till USD 400
Expires 31 Dec 2023
Both All Per Cntr USD Not Applicable to SOC
Container maintenance service
60 CTR32/CTR34 is always a systematic charge applied to all containers to cover damages till USD 400
Effective 01 Jan 2024
Not Applicable to SOC
Both All Per Cntr USD 220 260 270 310
Port & Terminal Terminal handling (THC)
Terminal gate in/out* Both All Per Cntr USD 30 30 45 45
Switch of Bill of Lading* EXP All Per BL USD 175
Bill of Lading amendment* Both All Per BL USD 65
20 IVA exempted Expires 31 Dec 2023
Certificates documentation IMP All Per BL USD
50 IVA exempted Effective 01 Jan 2024
65 Expires 31 Dec 2023
75 Effective 01 Jan 2024
All Per BL USD 65 Expires 31 Dec 2023 for non US shipments
Reissuance of Bill of Lading*
IMP Expires 11 Jan 2024 Shipments from / to USA and U.S. Territories
75 Effective 01 Jan 2024 for non US shipments
Doc & Admin Effective 12 Jan 2024 Shipments from / to USA and U.S. Territories
Late Shipping Instruction Submission* EXP All Per BL USD 175 It’s applied when Shipping Instruction received after Draft Deadline without previous Extended Deadline authorization.
175 Applicable for customs-related amendments
Customs Manifest Amendment* IMP All Per BL USD
Late or Missing Documentation EXP All Per BL USD 160 Applicable for Correction Letter
VGM Amendment* EXP All Per Cntr USD 65
Invoice Amendment (Correccion de facturacion)* Both All Per BL USD 55 In case of cancellation and/or re issuance of invoices
150 10 calendar days period starting from the due date of the invoices, then same amount successively applied every 10
Late payment (Gestión Adicional de Cobro) Both All Per BL USD
days until its payment in full
Empty Drop Off Merchant's Haulage IMP All (except PYASU & PYPIL) Per Cntr USD 435 865
Equipment 110 150 110 150 Expires 31 Dec 2023
Container Grade Selection IMP All Per Cntr USD
120 160 120 160 Effective 01 Jan 2024
Freight-Related Per Cntr USD 250 400 250 400 Based on Authorities Announcement, relayed by an agency advisory Expires 14 Feb 2024
Low Water Surcharge Both All
Per TEU USD 150 150 150 150 Based on Authorities Announcement, relayed by an agency advisory Effective 15 Feb 2024

1) * Subject to IVA
2) **CUS16 added to any quote and paid with freight
3) Do not include tariffs to special equipment (OT, FR) and SOC that must be checked separately.
4) Con respecto a los conceptos de las facturas emitidas por CMA CGM SA (facturas del exterior), por favor tener en cuenta los siguientes puntos:
Según la ley 125/91 (TA), artículo 10, CMA CGM le recuerda, que lo dispuesto en los incisos e), f) y h) se aplican para los fletes que tienen destino Paraguay y demoras generadas en Paraguay.
Todas las retenciones de impuestos incluyendo el IVA deberán ser absorbidas por el cliente.
Aclaramos los servicios sujetos al IVA:
- THC58 / Terminal handling (THC) at origin se aplica el IVA 10% al monto de la factura.
- THC34 / Terminal handling (DDC) at destination se aplica el IVA 10% al monto de la factura.
- Detention & Demurrage (demora y detención) se aplica el IVA 10% al monto de la factura.
- Reparación de contenedores se aplica el IVA 10% al monto de la factura.
Aclaramos los servicios sujetos a retención:
- CAR50 / ON CARRIAGE HAULAGE (flete fluvial de importación)
- CAR70 / ON CARRIAGE FEEDER (flete fluvial de importación)
5) Low Water Surcharge se aplica cuando lo definen los proveedores fluviales. Debe verificarse caso por caso.
6) Valid at time of shipment (EXP), Valid at time of discharge (IMP), Subject to change
7) For additional information regarding invoices issued by CMA CGM SA, please contact the Commercial Team
8) To find the associated basic freight please see Bunker related surcharges, the Peak season charges and similar charges and the Security related surcharges may also apply and are
accessible at Other charges such as contingency charges and local charges may be applicable.
9) Cash payments****LPF : USD 150 - 8 calendar days period starting from the due date , then will apply on 16th and 31st day until payment in full , invoice over USD 500 is eligible for LPF , not applicable for Detention and Demurrage.
Pagos Contado: **** LPF “Gestión Adicional de Cobro”: USD 150 - 8 días corridos de la fecha de vencimiento de las facturas y luego aplicara el mismo costo el día 16 y el día 31 hasta la cancelación total de las mismas. Se aplicará a facturas mayores a USD 500 excluyendo facturas por concepto Detention y Demurrage.
Credit payments****LPF : 0.375% of total amount per week (1.5% month – pro rata) every 7 days after the due date of the invoice (charge per week)
Pagos Crédito****LPF "Gestion adicional de Cobro “: 0,375% del importe total por semana (1,5% mes - prorrateado) cada 7 días después de la fecha de vencimiento de la factura (cargo por semana)

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