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Vacuum Assessment

as per ASME codes

An Application

venerdì 3 maggio 2024

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

The Issue
An 18" piping line is subjected to full vacuum: unfortunately, according to prescriptions
coming from ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 1 code in paragraph UG-28: Thickness of
Shells under External Pressure, maximum length without circumferential constraints is
limited to only just over 6m.

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D1 UG-28 – “by formula” approach

Unfortunately, results of UG-28 "by formula" approach are confirmed by various
commercial software.

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D2 P5 Buckling – “by analysis” approach (1/5)

Before increasing the thickness of the pipe or providing reinforcement rings, it is possible
to try with a "by analysis" approach according to ASME BPVC Section VIII Division 2 Part 5
in paragraph 5.4.2 Buckling Analysis - Method A.

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D2 P5 Buckling – “by analysis” approach (2/5)

Step 1: the first eigenvalue λcomponent=3,2065 for the system under full vacuum is
identified (including axial pressure thrust).

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D2 P5 Buckling – “by analysis” approach (3/5)

Steps 2/3: elastic stress analysis with the loads multiplied by the previously identified
eigenvalue βb component = λcomponent is performed, and mid-surface equivalent membrane
stress 17,05MPa at critical location is extracted.

Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D2 P5 Buckling – “by analysis” approach (4/5)

Step 4: since circumferential deformation is the main buckling mechanism, applicable
reduction factor for hoop stress βcr =0.8 is selected; then, the product of the equivalent
membrane stress with capacity reduction factor is σcomponent,crit=0,8*17.05=13.64MPa.

Being σcomponent,crit≤0.55S y it is then divided by a factor 2 to finally identify the allowable

membrane buckling equivalent stress Sc =13.64/2=6.82MPa.


Vacuum Assessment as per ASME codes - An application

ASME BPVC VIII D2 P5 Buckling – “by analysis” approach (5/5)

Step 5: elastic stress analysis with the original loads (that means now is βb component = 1 and
no more βb component = λcomponent ) is performed and the maximum equivalent membrane
stress Pm=5.32MPa is identified, to be compared with S c =6.82MPa: since P m < S c , object
piping line is verified against full vacuum buckling.

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