CDLD Policy Implementation Procedures (Revised Edition)

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DATED 24 October, 2019


The Revised CDLD Policy implementation procedures has been published by the Local Government, Elections and Rural Development Department (Government of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa) with the technical assistance of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) Programme.

Authored by:
Syed Ishfaq Ur Rehman (Senior Policy Advisor, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)
Tariq bin Farooq (Senior CDLD Institutionalization Specialist, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)
Muhammad Irshad (Senior Devolved Planning Process Specialist, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)

Reviewed by:
Nadeem Bashir (Team Leader, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)
Said Rehman (Programme Coordinator, CDLD Policy Implementation Unit, LGE&RDD, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)
Muhammad Farooq Khan (Key Expert, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)

Approved by:
Secretary (Local Government, Elections and Rural Development Department, Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa)

Visualised by:
Asghar Ali Khan (Senior Communication Specialist, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa CDLD Programme)

Designed by:
Wasim Abbas (Ad.Sense Printing & Advertising, Peshawar)

Publishing date and location:

October 2019, Peshawar, Pakistan

The European Union supports the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to implement the Provincial Policy “Community Driven Local Development (CDLD)” through
financial resources, and technical assistance provided by Hulla & CO Human Dynamics GmbH & Co KG. The overall objective is to build responsiveness and
effectiveness of the State to restore citizen trust, stimulate employment and livelihood opportunities, and ensure the delivery of basic services.

This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of this document are the sole responsibility of the CDLD
Programme and can under no circumstances be regarded as reflecting the position of the European Union.
DATED 24 October, 2019
Acronyms 3


1.1. Policy Background 4
1.2. Rationale 4
1.3. Policy Dispensation 5
1.4. CDLD Programme Stakeholders 5


2.1. Provincial level 6
2.1.1. Policy Coordination and Review Committee (PCRC) 6
2.1.2. Sub Committee for CDLD Programme 7
2.1.3. Policy Implementation Unit (PIU) 7
2.2. District Level 8
2.2.1. District Development Committee (DDC) 8
2.2.2. Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) 10
2.2.3. CDLD District Team 11


3.1. Distribution of Funds to the Districts and Village / 13
Neighbourhood council (VC / NC)
3.2. Developmental and Operational Budget 13
3.2.1. Developmental Budget (89.65%) 13
3.2.2. Operational Budget (10.35%) 14
3.3. Fund Flow from Province to Districts and Reporting Mechanism 15
3.4. Fund Flow to CBOs 16
3.4.1. Release of First Installment to CBO 16
3.4.2. Release of 2nd and 3rd installments to CBO 17
3.5. Utilization of unspent fund and recovery from CBOs 18
3.6. Procurement Process under CDLD 19
4.1. Planning 20
4.1.1. Formulation of District Annual Work Plan 20
4.2. Identification 21
4.2.1. Orientation of VC / NCs on VCDP 21
4.2.2. Pre-VCDP Advertisement 22
4.2.3 VCDP Preparation and Review 22
4.2.4. Project Screening and Evaluation 24
4.3. Formulation 26
4.3.1. Social, Economic and Financial Feasibility 26
4.3.2. Technical, Environmental Feasibility and Detailed Survey 26
4.3.3. Social Mobilization and Capacity Building 27
4.3.4. Preparation of Detailed Project Proposal (DPP) 29
4.4. Approval 30
4.4.1. Technical Review by the Line Department and CDLD Team 30
4.4.2. Technical Sanction by TEC 30
4.4.3. Approval by DDC 31

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 1

4.5. Implementation 31
4.5.1. The Signing of CBO Contract Agreement 31
4.5.2. Issuance of Work order to CBO 32
4.5.3. Implementation Supervision of CBO Projects 33
4.6. Closure 34
4.6.1. Installation of Project Information Board 34
4.6.2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the CDLD Projects 34
4.6.3. Handing Over of Projects 34
4.6.4. Revision of CDLD Projects 35
5.1. Internal Monitoring 37
5.1.1. Monitoring by VC/NCs and CBOs 37
5.1.2. Overall Monitoring and Supervision by SMT and PoEs 37
5.1.3. Monitoring by District Administration and 39
District Line Departments
5.1.4. Monitoring by Commissioner’s Office 40
5.1.5. Monitoring by Local Government Department 40
5.2. External Monitoring 41
5.2.1. Monitoring BY Third Party Verification (TPV) Firm 41
5.2.2. Monitoring by the Donor Agency 42
5.3. Guidelines for Non-Performing and Inactive CBOs 42


6.1. Help Line 43
6.2. Complaint Management System (CMS) 43
6.3. Conflict Resolution Mechanism 43
6.3.1. Tehsil Level Committee 43
6.3.2. District Level Committee 44
6.4. Methods / Mediums for Registering Complaints 44
6.5. Review, Revision and Updates 44

A n n e x u r e s

2 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

ADP Annual Development Programme
CBO Community-Based Organization
CDLD Community Driven Local Development
CMS Complaint Management System
DAO District Accounts Officer
DC Deputy Commissioner
DDC District Development Committee
DEO Data Entry Operators
DGLG Director-General Local Government
DMO Divisional Monitoring Officer
DPP Detailed Project Proposal
DWSS Drinking Water Supply Scheme
EU European Union
GoKP Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
G/GP/M/HS Government/Girls Primary/Middle/High school
KPPRA Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regulatory Authority
LGA Local Government Act
LGE&RDD Local Government Elections & Rural Development Department
MB Measurement Book
MIS Management Information System
O&M Operation and Maintenance
PCRC Policy Coordination and Review Committee
PCC Plinth Cement Concrete
PIU Policy Implementation Unit
PoEs Pool of Engineers
PO-SM Programme Officer-Social Mobilization
RIE Rural Infrastructure Engineer
RISE Rural Infrastructure Sub Engineer
SMT Social Mobilization Team
SPE Senior Programme Engineer
TA Technical Assistance
TEC Technical Evaluation Committee
TPV Third-Party Verification
VCDP Village Council Development Plan
VC / NC Village Council / Neighbourhood Council

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 3


1.1. Policy Background

The Community Driven Local Development (CDLD) Policy framework, approved by the
Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GOKP) in 2013, supports the broader reform
agenda of the GOKP for achieving people-centered development, inclusive growth, and
poverty reduction to rebuild the trust between the State and citizens, and indirectly curb
militancy in the region. The overall goal of CDLD Policy is to achieve a sustainable
improvement in the coverage and quality of front-line public service delivery through the
active involvement of local communities. The Policy has been developed to achieve the
following three objectives:

ŸŸ Put in place fiscal and regulatory framework for CDLD where local communities are
in charge of executing local development/service delivery initiatives;

ŸŸ Build the capacity of relevant public sector entities and functionaries at the district
level to operationalize CDLD; and

ŸŸ Provide an enabling environment for CBO to access public funds earmarked for
CDLD initiatives.

This Policy is currently being implemented in thirteen districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

(Battagram, Buner, Chitral Lower, Chitral Upper, Dir Lower, Dir Upper, Haripur,
Malakand, Nowshera, Shangla, Swabi, Swat, and Torghar) under joint funding of GOKP
and European Union (EU) through budget support with the active engagement of the
Community Based Organizations (CBOs).

1.2. Rationale
The Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Community Driven Local Development Policy (CDLD Policy)
document provides an overall framework for any community driven development in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. In compliance with the CDLD Policy, Finance Department issued
instructions in the shape of notification No. FD/EU/CDLD/1-1/2013 dated 15 August
2014, which explains the detailed implementation procedures for any intervention under
the Policy. The CDLD Policy implementation procedures are reviewed on annual basis
for continuous improvement in the quality for CDLD Programme. This is also reflected
in the performance matrix agreed with the European Union. Based on the learnings
of implementation stakeholders, the CDLD Policy implementation procedures were
revised in 2017 and issued by Local Government Election and Rural Development
Department (LGE&RDD) on 23 June 2017 vide NOTIFICATION/LGE&RDD/CDLD
Unit/2017. Likewise, for second review, EU mission’s recommendations, Third Party
Verification (TPV) firm findings, and submission of the annual review workshop held in
June 2019 were presented to PCRC in its 17th meeting which were approved. Based on
the approval, the CDLD policy implementation procedures were revised. Subsequently,

4 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Secretary LGE&RDD approved the revised CDLD Policy implementation procedures
under section 1.7 of the CDLD Policy.

1.3. Policy Dispensation

Any Programme under the CDLD Policy, including EU and Government of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) funded District Governance and Community Development
(DGCD) Programme (to be referred to henceforth in this notification as the CDLD
Programme), shall be implemented in accordance with these Policy implementation
procedures and other relevant notifications/advisories issued by the GOKP from time to
time. These instructions shall be applicable to each of the districts included in the scope
of the CDLD Policy.

1.4. CDLD Programme Stakeholders

CDLD Programme is being implemented by the Local Government Department of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa with budgetary support of European Union. EU is also providing technical
assistance for capacity building and technical backstopping and third party verification
support for independent review. GoKP is implementing the Programme through its
respective divisional and district administration. For strengthening the capacity of
district administration additional human resource in the shape of social mobilization
and engineering teams are provided. GoKP is also contributing a huge amount of funds
from its own exchequer. All these efforts from Programme stakeholders are intended
to enable the communities participate in the development process in effective manner.
Further details about functions of the key implementers are provided in chapter 2. A
diagram explaining the key Programme stakeholders is given below:

Diagram Explaining Key Programme Stakeholders

European Union (EU)

Budget Support

Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

Local Government, Elections & Rural Development Department (LGE&RDD), GoKP

(Policy Coordination and Review Committee-PCRC)
CDLD Subcommittee
Technical Assistance Team

Policy Implementation Unit (PIU)

Third Party Verification

Divisional Commissioner

Deputy Commissioner
District Development Committee (DDC)

Additional Deputy Commissioner, Finance & Planning (Focal Person)

Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)

Engineering Team Social Team

Community Based Organizations (CBOs)

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 5


As part of the institutional mechanism, various committees are constituted both at the
provincial and district level to operationalize and implement the CDLD Policy and Programme
according to the notified procedures. This chapter explains the composition and functions
of these committees.

2.1. Provincial level

According to the CDLD Policy, the institutional framework for the implementation of
CDLD Programme at the provincial level is as under:

2.1.1. Policy Coordination and Review Committee (PCRC)

The PCRC provides overall guidance regarding the operationalization of the

CDLD Policy and reviews the progress of implementation of CDLD Programme,
as well as formulates recommendations on the refinement of policy parameters.
Detail of terms of reference of PCRC is given in CDLD Policy document. The
revised composition of PCRC is as under:

Designation Position
Secretary LGE&RD Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chairman
Secretary Finance Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Secretary Planning & Development Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Secretary Social Welfare and Women Development Department,
Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Secretary Elementary & Secondary Education Department,
Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Secretary Health Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Secretary Public Health Engineering Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Secretary Agriculture Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Secretary Environment Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Director-General LGE&RD Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Commissioner of respective Divisions Member
A representative of the European Union Delegation, Islamabad Member
One representative from the Civil Society Organization nominated by the Chair Member
Coordinator, CDLD LGE&RD Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Secretary

6 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

2.1.2. Sub Committee for CDLD Programme

In pursuance to the decision made by the PCRC, a sub-committee for CDLD

Programme is constituted with the following composition:

Designation Position
Director-General LGE&RD Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chairman
Additional Secretary (Dev) Finance Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Chief Rural Development, P&D Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Member
Director Admin / HR, Directorate General of LGE&RD Department,
Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Team Leader, CDLD Technical Assistance Team Member
Coordinator PIU-CDLD, LGE&RD Department, Govt. of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Secretary

The sub-committee is responsible to take steps for the institutionalization and

sustainability of CDLD approach at grass root level in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa,
review TPV reports and give follow-up to the respective commissioners to ensure
compliance of TPV recommendations. The sub-committee is also mandated
to address the administrative, logistic and operational issues, develop and
communicate yearly action plan and project cycle management, and interact
with EU delegation and performance assessment mission. The onus is on the
sub-committee to achieve performance matrix targets in a timely manner,
conduct periodic reviews of physical and financial progress, and issue necessary
instructions as and when required. Additionally, the consultation with stakeholders,
holding of policy dialogues, compilation of reports for PCRC, review of the
progress on complaint redressal system, assessment and approval of project staff
performance, review and revision of their pay packages, logistic and operational
matters from time to time, follow up of monitoring and evaluation reports and
undertake any other business assigned by the PCRC and Secretary LGE&RDD
will also be the responsibility of the sub-committee.

2.1.3. Policy Implementation Unit (PIU)

The PIU (previously called CDLD Coordination Unit) is liable to monitor and
coordinate the CDLD policy implementation related matters in support of Sub-
committee and PCRC. Currently, this unit is working under the umbrella of
Directorate of LGE&RDD. The PIU is headed by Additional Secretary LGE&RDD
also called Programme Coordinator-CDLD. The functions of this unit are given
under section 2.1.2 of CDLD Policy document.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 7

2.2. District Level
The institutional framework for the implementation of CDLD Programme at the district
level is as under:

2.2.1. District Development Committee (DDC)

The DDC shall undertake the functions related to CDLD Programme at the
district level under the chairmanship of respective Deputy Commissioner. The
composition and functions of DDC are as under:

Designation Position
Deputy Commissioner (DC) Chairman
District Education Officer (male) Member
District Education Officer (female) Member
District Health Officer Member
District Planning Officer Member
District Director of Agriculture Member
District Director of Livestock and Dairy Development Member
District Officer Fisheries Member
Executive Engineer, Communication & Works Member
Executive Engineer, Public Health Engineering Member
Executive Engineer, Irrigation Member
Assistant Director, LGE&RD Department Member
District Officer, Social Welfare & Women Empowerment Member
District Officer, Water Management Member
Tehsil Municipal Officer, District Headquarter Member
Divisional Forest Officer Member
One woman representative nominated by DDC Member
Senior Programme Engineer Member
Programme Officer-Social Mobilization Member
One representative from the Civil Society nominated by DDC Member
Additional Deputy Commissioner Finance & Planning Secretary

DDC may co-opt any other officer in the district as a member to provide technical
or specialized input. The DDC is empowered to designate, the member from civil
society organization, or any other district officer to provide technical backstopping
specifically for specialized and livelihood projects. A minimum of ten members

8 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

shall constitute a quorum for a meeting of DDC and it shall be guided by CDLD
Policy and instructions issued from time to time by the LGE&RDD.

The DDC is mandated to:

i. Approve annual work plan at the beginning of each fiscal year as per section

ii. Accord technical and administrative approval to the eligible projects submitted
by CBOs.

iii. Constitute the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) for screening,

evaluation, technical sanction and recommendation to CBO’s project.

iv. Ensure fund equity to benefit the neediest communities and village or
neighborhood council (VC/NC) in the district.

v. Pool any of the remaining amounts in the developmental budget of Village/

Neighborhood Council (VC/NC) and allocate it to the next eligible and feasible
project in VC/NC wise merit list of any VC/NC from that round until the funds
are exhausted. It is, however, important to mention that the funds cannot be
transferred to VC/NC for the next round.

vi. Re-appropriate allocated resources to the most deserving VC/NC in case no

eligible project in VC/NC wise merit list is found to which funds are earmarked,
and will also ensure the equity in the re-appropriation process.

vii. Suggest, additional eligibility and project assessment criteria to PCRC in

conformity with the CDLD Policy procedures, as required.

viii. Hold at least quarterly progress review meetings to monitor physical and
financial progress including Village Council Development Plan (VCDP)
related activities, status of accomplishment of annual targets of Programme
related activities, disbursement to CBOs, compliance of TPV, EU mission
and technical assistance (TA) team recommendations, status of internal
monitoring visits as mentioned in section 5.1, and implementation issues
related to CDLD Programme etc. The decision of such a meeting must be
communicated to all stakeholders both at district, divisional and provincial

ix. Resolve issues and bottlenecks in the implementation of the approved CBO’s
projects as per instructions given in section 6.3.

x. Take steps for the compliance of recommendations submitted by internal

and external monitoring entities as mentioned in section 5.1 & 5.2 and report

xi. Ensure compliance with policy directions and implement any other business
logic related to CDLD Programme assigned by PCRC.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 9

xii. Encourage projects contributing to the livelihood of the beneficiary community.

xiii. Advise line departments to undertake monitoring visits to CBO projects,

especially, those having technical and social issues.

2.2.2. Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC)

TThe composition of TEC is given below:

Designation Position
Additional Deputy Commissioner - Finance and Planning (ADC-F&P) Chairman
District Planning Officer, District Government
One Engineer from District Line Department Member
Assistant Director, LGE&RDD Member
Senior Programme Engineer Member
Programme Officer-Social Mobilization Member
A female nominee of the Social Welfare & Women Empowerment Department Member
Note: District in-charge of the relevant sector department shall attend as a member when
projects related to the sector are considered in the TEC.

The TEC is mandated to:

i. Carry out screening and technical evaluation of detailed project proposals

(DPPs) submitted by CBOs.

ii. Evaluate and approve the itemized costs of the project as per Market Rates
Schedule (MRS).

iii. Assess and approve the quality of items given in the project design document.

iv. Grant technical sanction to new, revised and re-estimated DPP and
recommendation to DDC for approval.

v. Provide support in physical and financial monitoring of the on-going projects

in quarterly and annual progress review meetings.

vi. Act as Price Evaluation Committee; evaluate and approve the cost of non-
scheduled items and provide guidance in special cases where the rate of any
item is found missing in MRS.

vii. Any other assignment advised by the DDC and Deputy Commissioner

10 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

2.2.3. CDLD District Team
ADC (F&P) shall be nominated as the focal person and responsible for the
implementation of CDLD project cycle management at the district level.
However, under unavoidable circumstances, the DC is authorized for shifting
this responsibility temporarily to any other competent officer, not below the rank
of ADC (F&P). Moreover, to enhance the capacities of ADC (F&P) office and to
ensure implementation, technical monitoring and supervision of CDLD projects,
district administration in each district shall contract the following staff as an
individual consultant from the open market under specific term and conditions: Social Mobilization Team (SMT)

The SMT shall consist of Programme Officer Social Mobilization (PO SM)
and Social Mobilizers (both male and female). The SMT shall work under
the direct supervision of PO-SM and shall report to ADC (F&P). This team
shall be responsible to implement the entire functions of social mobilization
i.e. VC/NC wise planning of activities, allocation of VC/NCs to each of tehsil
based CDLD staff member, preparation of VCDPs in coordination with
Secretary VC/NCs, preparation of socio-economic feasibility of VC/NC
wise projects, formation/reactivation of CBOs (men/women), preparation
of social part of DPP, CBO record keeping, capacity building of CBO’s
representatives, facilitation to CBOs during registration, bank account
opening, signing of grant agreement with district administration, on job
support to CBO’s sub-committee members during project implementation,
reporting, development of case studies, preparation of success stories,
CBO level conflict management, facilitation to internal and external
monitoring teams etc. as per approved terms of references (TOR). Both
the social mobilization and engineering teams shall work in synchronized
manner which shall be ensured through joint work and field planning. At
the district level, the team shall work in close coordination with district
administration and concerned line departments. At tehsil level, the team
shall undertake its functions under the supervision of respective Assistant
Commissioner whereas regular reporting line will remain the same. Pool of Engineers (PoEs)

The PoEs shall consist of Senior Programme Engineer (SPE), Rural

Infrastructure Engineer (RIE) and Rural Infrastructure Sub Engineers
(RISE). The PoEs shall work under the direct supervision of SPE who
will in turn report to ADC/DO (F&P). The PoEs shall be responsible to
undertake engineering functions i.e. VC/NC wise planning of engineering-
related activities, assigning VC/NCs to RIE and RISE, preparation of
technical and environmental feasibility of CBO projects in coordination
with Secretary VC/NC, undertaking survey, design, drawing, bill of
quantities and cost estimation of CBO projects, preparation and technical

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 11

review of DPPs, facilitation to line department during technical review and
issuance of non-duplication certificate, facilitation to TEC members during
screening and evaluation of projects, facilitation to DDC members during
approval of projects, provision of technical support during implementation
of projects, monitoring, supervision and inspection of CBO projects
including assurance of quality and quantity of construction material
through CBOs of new and on-going projects and entry of engineering-
related data in CDLD Management Information System (MIS). In addition,
the PoEs shall ensure availability of engineering records including copy
of approved DPPs, work order, copy of narrative and financial reports,
copy of Measurement Books (MBs), on job support to CBOs during
preparation of stock register, mastroll, receipts for their internal record,
availability of physical and financial progress of CBO’s projects, handing
taking of projects etc. as per the approved TORs. They shall assist
district administration, Commissioner office, TPV, TA team and relevant
engineering departments e.g. communication and works, public health
engineering, LGE&RDD, water management, soil conservation, irrigation
and tehsil municipal administration, etc. during site verification, technical
evaluation and monitoring visits. They will also be liable to submit the
project-wise progress reports to the relevant departments, and ADC (F&P)
on a monthly basis. The SPE will be based at the district level whereas
other engineers will be placed at tehsil level under the supervision of
respective Assistant Commissioner. The technical reporting channel will
remain the same. Data Entry Operators (DEOs)

In each district, DEOs shall maintain the Programme related records in

the office of ADC (F&P), ensure entry of accurate data in CDLD-MIS,
etc. They will also support ADC/DO (F&P) during the preparation of note
sheets, simple receipts, and sanctions for release of the fund to CBOs.
They may be engaged in social mobilization and capacity building related
activities as and when required.

12 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


This chapter explains the fund flow mechanism/grant management processes under CDLD
programme. Details of the fund flow mechanisms established both at the provincial and
district level are as under;

3.1. Distribution of Funds to the Districts and Village /

Neighbourhood council (VC / NC)
CDLD funds are distributed to Programme districts as per the applicable Provincial
Finance Commission (PFC) formula. The resource distribution worked out by the PFC
for the distribution of funds to Local Governments shall govern the allocation of funds in
CDLD Programme district. The current formula with the following factors and respective
weightage is adopted by the PFC;

Variable Factors

Multiple Indicators Cluster Survey (MICS)

Population Lag in Infrastructure
Based Backwardness
60% 20% 20%

As contemplated by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Local Government Act (LGA) 2013, for
working out the shares of the individual VC/NC in the target districts, population shall be
the sole criterion as calculated on the basis of last preceding census officially published.

Population of VC/NC
Funds of VC/NC = Total district funds in particular year x
Total population of the district

3.2. Developmental and Operational Budget

CDLD funds (EU and GoKP share) shall be pooled in provincial account. The CDLD funds
are bifurcated into two broad categories i.e. Developmental Budget and Operational

3.2.1. Developmental Budget (89.65%)

In each CDLD Programme district, a minimum of twenty percent (20%) of the

developmental budget shall be earmarked for women-specific projects and five
percent (5%) for livelihood projects. Upon receipt of funds to the district, funds
from developmental budget shall be released to CBOs in three installments (i.e.
40%, 40% and 20% of government share only).

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 13

3.2.2. Operational Budget (10.35%)

A maximum of 10.35 percent of the total CDLD allocated budget during a year
shall be earmarked to meet management and social mobilization support costs
of the Programme unless changed by PCRC including operational cost related
to hiring of human resources for CDLD projects, CDLD related costs of districts
administration, office of the respective Commissioners, CDLD PIU, social
mobilization activities implementation cost and the LGE&RDD.

A list of allowable objects (expenditure) under CDLD Programme is given below:

Object Descriptions Purpose

Telephone and trunk Landline telephone monthly bill, internet charges for CDLD
calls project staff.
Electricity charges Electricity / Gas charges for CDLD Office.
Rent for office building Rent of office for CDLD project staff.
Govt. Officials travelling charges for coordination / divisional
Traveling charges
meetings/trainings in other districts.
Hiring of vehicles Rent of rented vehicles for CDLD project staff.
POL charges To be used only for rented vehicles hired for CDLD project staff.
Stationary Stationery items
Payments to others for
Monthly consultancy fee of CDLD project staff
service rendered
Repair & Maintenance of
Repair of rented vehicles
Tea / Refreshment charges of TEC / DDC / Progress Review /
Entertainment Charges
Coordination meetings
Printing information about shortlisted schemes at tehsil
Printing and Publication level, billboards, banners, VCDP proforma printing, and
measurement book cost.
Advertisement and Advertisement charges of CFP Rounds, Hiring of Project Staff,
Publicity and Equipment for Staff.
Plant and Machinery Basic Engineering items
Furniture and Fixture Furniture for CDLD project staff.
Hardware Computers, Printers, Scanners for CDLD project staff.
Social mobilization Capacity building trainings for CBOs, VCDP related training,
activities consultative workshops, manager conference, etc.
Others Cost indirectly related to CDLD

14 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

3.3 Fund Flow from Province to Districts and Reporting Mechanism
By the commencement of each fiscal year, CDLD Programme districts shall send their
requirements for both developmental and operational funds to PIU / DGLG. PIU shall
prepare a release request and submit it to the Finance Department for the release of
funds. After scrutiny and analysis of the available funds, the Finance Department shall
release amount to LGE&RDD, which further authorizes respective districts to access
the funds. The funds transferred shall be utilized in operational and developmental
expenditures. The fund flow mechanism is mentioned in the below diagram:

Districts send PIU compiles PIU submits fund Finance Department

its funds all fund request to Finance releases funds to
requirement requests Department LGE&RDD
to PIU

LGE&RDD authorises Funds are

respective Deputy utililized at
Commissioner districts

The funds utilized will be reported on a monthly basis to PIU by using the following

Object wise report of district_________________________ for the month of________________________________

Object Object Amount Expenditure till Cumulative
till the Current
Code Description Released Last Month Expenditure

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 15

Each district will utilize the following performa for reporting of monthly disbursement to

District_____________________________________________________________ For the month__________________________________________

Expenditure Expenditure
Released Accumulative Remaining
Description DDO Code till Last Current
by Finance Expenditure Amount
Month Month




Prepared By: ADC (F&P) Verified By: DAO

3.4. Fund Flow to CBOs

The process of fund flow from the district office to CBO is given below:

3.4.1. Release of First Installment to CBO

i. After signing a grant agreement with district administration, the CBO shall
then submit a fund requisition form along with a resolution for the release
of first and subsequent installments as per the annexures 11.2, 11.3, 11.4
attached with CBO grant agreement.

ii. SPE and PO SM shall review/validate the request and submit to ADC (F&P)
on note sheet for preparation of simple receipt, sanction, which will be
submitted to DC along with project files for approval.

iii. After approval and signature, the Finance & Planning Office shall submit
the signed simple receipt and sanction to DAO for preparation of cheques.

iv. The DAO will prepare cheque and send it back to Finance and Planning
Office within one week. or the DAO prepare cheque on the title of CBO.

v. The Finance & Planning Office write a letter to managers of the respective
banks, subjected “transfer of amount to CBO account” along with CBO
bank account detail and cheque issued by DAO. In the latter case, the
cheque will be delivered to the CBO in the presence of two witnesses from
the same CBO and its receipt will be acknowledged in writing

The process of 1st installment released to CBO is mentioned in the below


16 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Process for Release of 1st Installment to CBO

CBO submits SPE and PO DC approves DAO processes

Finance Finance F&P office
fund SM review/ simple the case intimates
department department
DAO submits department
requisition for validate the receipt & and prepare bank for
releases releasesto
cheques releases
1st installment requsition checque to trasfer of
funds F&P office
along with and submit to are F&P or into
title funds to funds to
amount to
resolution ADC (F&P) prepared ofLGE&RDD

3.4.2. Release of 2nd and 3rd installments to CBO

Release of 2nd and 3rd installments shall be contingent upon the following
conditions which need to be fulfilled:

i. Upon submission of fund requisition along with a resolution for the release
of 2nd / 3rd instalment, the SPE/PO SM shall review/validate it and forward
it to RISE through RIE for preparation of MB and narrative and financial
reports on the prescribed formats.

ii. The RISE will visit the site and prepare MB on government-approved
prescribed format to be subsequently verified by RIE and endorsed by the
SPE. The Social Mobilizer will support CBO in the preparation of narrative
and financial report.

iii. The SPE will review and endorse MB and PO-SM will review and endorse
narrative and financial report along with other reports and submit to ADC
F&P for the preparation of simple receipt and sanctions through Account

iv. The ADC F&P will submit a simple receipt, sanctions, validated MB,
endorsed narrative and financial reports, along with project files to DC for
approval and signature.The Finance & Planning Office shall submit the
signed simple receipt and sanction to DAO for preparation of cheque.

v. The DAO prepares cheque and send back to Finance and Planning office.

vi. The Finance & Planning Office write a letter to the Managers of respective
banks, subjected “transfer of amount to CBO account” along with CBO
bank account detail and cheque issued by DAO.

vii. The submission of pre-requisites mentioned in section, the third

installment shall be released.

viii. After approval of 2nd / 3rd installment, Finance Department shall submit
the original copy of sanction and simple receipt to District Account Office
for the issuance of a cheque which is to be credited to CBO bank account.
However, prior to the release of the third instalment, the physical work
should be verified by the PoE and is found completed with quality and

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 17

within the project cost. The final instalment may be released to CBO in
advance, upon recommendation of SPE for the completion of rest of the
physical work.

Process for Release of 2nd / 3rd installment to CBOs

No No

CBO submits Sub Engineer

Yes Yes SPE endores
/ re-submits prepares /
Requisition RIE verifies MB, and
funds rectifies MB
Start validated by MB and reports and
requisition and financial
SPE / Reports submit to ADC
for 2nd / 3rd and physical
installment reports

ADC F&P Finance

DC approves District Account
submits Department F&P Office
2nd / 3rd Office prepare
simple receipt, submits signed intimates bank
installment cheque of 2nd /
sanction, MBs, sanction and for transfer End
and sign 3rd installment
reports, project simple receipt of amount to
sanction and and submit to
file along with to District CBO
simple receipts F&P Office
note sheet to DC Account Office

3.5. Utilization of unspent fund and recovery from CBOs

i. Upon completion of projects, any amount left in CBO bank account shall be used
for further extension of the project with prior approval of district administration, if
such need is raised by the community. Otherwise, the amount shall be reserved in
the CBO account for O&M of CDLD projects.

ii. If an amount has been released to CBO and CBO is not willing to complete the
agreed milestones the case shall be forwarded to the tehsil conflict management
committee for review and decision. Before this step, the social and technical
teams will try their level best to make the CBO functional. If CBO is not willing,
then Chairman committee will take administrative action against the CBO’s
office bearers for the recovery of government fund in accordance with existing
government rules and regulations.

18 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

3.6. Procurement Process under CDLD
The procurement process under CDLD Programme is as under:

i. The CDLD district team as mentioned in section 2.2.3 shall be contracted from
the open market by the district administration under specific terms of reference
and fixed remuneration as individual consultants in light of section 28 of Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Public Procurement Regularity Authority (KPPRA) Rules, 2014. In
subsection 4 of section 28, it is mentioned that “for key assignments, interviews
may be set up and capability of the candidate should be evaluated”. For increased
transparency, accountability and to check the capability of candidates, the district
administration may follow section 3 and section 8 of the “Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
policy regulating appointment to posts in development project” amendment
notification No.SO(Policy)/E&AD/1-25/2017 issued on 6/12/2017. This may only
be utilized as a tool for shortlisting and preparation of final merit lists. However, the
agreement will be signed by the candidate with the respective DC as an individual
consultant in light of section 28 of KPPRA rule 2014.

ii. All the items related to the office establishment/operations of CDLD district team
shall be procured in accordance with the KPPRA Rules, 2014.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 19


This chapter explains the mechanism for implementation of the entire CDLD project cycle
management and also provides an in-depth understanding of various processes to be
undertaken in compliance with CDLD Policy. The following steps constitute a complete
CDLD project cycle which shall be followed for implementation of CDLD schemes.

CDLD Project Cycle

(Annual work planning)

Closure Identification
(Handing over, O&M) (VCDP preparation, VC / NC
wise merit list)

Implementation Formulation
(Agreement, releases, work (CBO formation, DPP
order, supervision) preparation)

Review and Approval

(Desk review, TEC, DDC)

4.1. Planning
At the start of each fiscal year, DC will call a meeting of all DDC members including
respective Assistant Commissioners and CDLD district team to undertake annual work
planning in the following manner:

4.1.1. Formulation of District Annual Work Plan

During the annual work planning, the following factors shall be considered for
targeting a geographic area for the implementation of CDLD project cycle;

i. At the beginning of each fiscal year, a detailed and robust work plan shall be
developed jointly by the district administration, the CDLD district team and
other relevant stakeholders headed by DC. The work plan shall consider
100% coverage of VC/NCs in each district during a fiscal year.

ii. Allocation of 20% of the annual budget for women-specific projects and 5% for
livelihood related infrastructure shall be considered.

iii. The VC/NCs will be selected for the implementation of the entire CDLD
project cycle on the basis of seasonality, vulnerability, geography, and other
local factors.

20 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

iv. All VC/NCs shall be selected from each tehsil in one fiscal year to ensure
geographic equity.

v. The preparation/review of VCDP shall be planned from the first of March in

the current fiscal year so that the priority list of VCDPs could be considered for
funding during the next fiscal year.

vi. Data entry of revised VCDP priority needs shall be planned before the end of
each fiscal year.

vii. A clear timeline shall be mentioned for all the activities related to project cycle
management and DDC is authorized to implement the plan in accordance with
the approved milestones and timelines.

viii. Approval of DPPs shall be planned before 30th April so that grant agreement
could be signed with the CBOs and physical work could be initiated in the
fiscal year.

ix. Review of annual work plan shall be carried out by district administration in
collaboration with the relevant stakeholders at least on a quarterly basis.

x. The hiring of individual consultants, hiring of vehicles, procurement of furniture

and fixture (if required) shall be the part of the annual work plan.

4.2. Identification
The Khyber Pukhtunkhwa Local Government Act (Amendment), 2019 stipulates
decentralized development planning. In compliance with LGA (Amendment), 2019
section 15 (substitute of section 29 of LGA 2013) subsection iii “identify development
needs of the area for use by Tehsil Local Government in prioritizing development plans
for the tehsil”, Village Council Development Plans (VCDPs) shall be developed under
CDLD in the respective VC/NCs identifying and prioritizing development needs of the
area. The preparation and annual review of VCDP shall be supervised and randomly
monitored by the ADC (F&P) and AD-LG to ensure that the process is completed
in compliance with the VCDP preparation guidelines. It shall be mandatory for all
development stakeholders including elected representatives, line departments, and
NGOs to consult the respective VCDP while initiating any developmental activity at VC/
NC level. In each district, the AD-LG office shall be responsible for the implementation of
VCDP related activities. However, the district administration or LGE&RDD may assign
the task to CDLD district team or any other entity to support the preparation and annual
review of VCDP. In this regard, the following steps shall be followed in compliance with
the detailed guidelines issued by the Director-General Local Government (DGLG)/PIU.

4.2.1. Orientation of VC / NCs on VCDP

The ADLG in the respective districts will organise an orientation workshop

supported by SMT to orient elected representatives including Chairmen, Lady
Councillors and Secretaries from selected VC/NCs on the mechanism to be

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 21

followed for the preparation and annual review of the VCDP at tehsil level. During
the orientation, an action plan shall be developed for the preparation and annual
review of VCDP in each VC/NC.

4.2.2. Pre-VCDP Advertisement

Broader level of awareness shall be provided to the targeted CDLD stakeholders,

i.e. communities both men and women, civil society organizations (CBOs,
Parent-Teacher Councils (PTCs), Primary Health Care Management Committees
(PCMCs), Water User Committees (WUCs), Non-Governmental Organisations
(NGOs) etc.), concerned elected representatives of the District, Tehsil and VCs/
NCs in each district. This process shall be carried out through a pre-VCDP
advertisement both for the preparation and annual review of VCDP. In addition,
the awareness campaign shall also be taken up by the district administration using
appropriate media. In the pre-VCDP advertisement, the following must clearly be
mentioned i.e.

a. In each district, based on the VCDP list of priorities, CDLD-MIS shall generate
a merit list of priority needs for each VC/NC, under the screening and project
selection criteria given in section 4.2.4 for for funding under CDLD.

b. Projects that fall within the range of 0.3 to 3.5 million PKR shall be considered
under CDLD.

c. 10% of community share (in-kind/cash) shall be considered mandatory for

CDLD projects.

d. The project shall be implemented through CBOs only.

e. The operation and maintenance (O&M) of the project shall primarily be the
responsibility of CBO.

f. At least, 20% of the annual budget shall be allocated for women-specific

projects and 5% for livelihood related infrastructure

4.2.3 VCDP Preparation and Review

The elected and appointed representative in each VC/NC with the support of SMT
shall hold inclusive broad-based community consultative planning meetings with
all relevant stakeholders in coordination with the Secretary VC/NC, to identify and
prioritize the overall needs. Schemes under the following sectors are eligible for
funding under CDLD Policy:

Sector Indicative Interventions

Construction of additional rooms, missing facilities like (boundary wall,
latrine, etc., repairs & rehabilitation etc., solarization.

22 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Sector Indicative Interventions
Construction of additional room, missing facilities (boundary wall, latrine
etc., repairs & rehabilitation etc., solarization, labour room.
Link / rural roads, bridge, PCC road, culverts, cause way, breast /
retaining wall for roads, repair and rehabilitation of roads etc.
Street pavement, waiting areas in public service, street lights,
construction of under pass etc.
Dug well, hand/pressure pump, gravity flow water supply, water storage
Water Supply
Sanitation and
Drainage, community latrines, solid waste collection and disposal,
solid waste
dumping sites for solid waste.
On-farm water management, water conservation, soil conservation,
watercourses, irrigation channels, check dams, water harvesting
Irrigation / Water
structure, repair of irrigation canals, solar tube well, tube well,
protection wall, pipe irrigation, Gabion Structure, water storage tank for
Livestock, and Godowns, warehouses, missing facilities in veterinary clinics / hospitals.
Sports Rehabilitation and improvement of playgrounds, additional facilities.
Development / improvement of tourist resorts, infrastructure for
facilities and services, construction of Parks.
Development of local folk products, improve and promote cultural
heritage site.
Social Welfare
Construction of education facility for special person, vocational centers
& Community
for men, vocational centre for women graveyard, funeral places.

i. The consultative planning process shall give due attention to the needs of
women and girls, marginalised groups like minorities, handicapped, elderly,
homeless persons, transgender and victims of disaster (if any).

ii. During the consultative planning process, a list of prioritized needs shall
be prepared which shall be revised on an annual basis with the active
involvement of all stakeholders of VC/NC. The VCDP preparation/revision
format is attached as Annexure-1.

iii. The schemes benefiting women at large shall be considered as women-

specific projects.

iv. After the preparation of VCDP, the elected council of VC/NC shall approve
the VCDP document and shall refer to AD-LG for quality review and further
dissemination to all stakeholders for the integration of prioritized needs in
Annual Development Programmes (ADPs).

v. The quality review of approved VCDP shall be completed by ADLG office with
the technical assistance of SMT or any other technical support available.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 23

vi. After quality review, the VCDP data shall be punched in CDLD-MIS by the

vii. The quality review of VCDP data in CDLD-MIS shall be completed by DEO
with the facilitation of SMT.

viii. This process of VCDP preparation/revision shall take place from March to
May for the next fiscal year not later than the finalisation of Tehsil and VC/NC

4.2.4. Project Screening and Evaluation

Only those prioritized needs of VC/NCs shall be eligible for consideration under
CDLD which qualify the below-mentioned screening criteria:

S.# 1. Screening indicators Yes/No

i Are the project beneficiary households less than 15?
ii Is cost per beneficiary household greater than 20,000 PKR?
iii Does project duration exceed 12 months?
Are project beneficiary households more than the total households of
that VC/NC?
v Does the project fall outside CDLD indicative interventions?
vi Is the project cost beyond the CDLD defined cost range?

Under the above screening criteria, any given indicator inked as “Yes”, will result
in outright rejection of the prioritized project.

Projects which qualify the above screening criteria shall then be evaluated against
the evaluation criteria given below. Any project that secure maximum score will
be shortlisted for funding under CDLD in that particular VC/NC. This two-stage
screening and scoring is entirely automated and shall be executed through CDLD-

The evaluation criteria of projects are as under:.

2. MIS Based Project Evaluation and Ranking Criteria

S.# Indicators Weigtage
1 Basic Needs 10%
2 Cost Effectiveness 10%
3 VCDP Priority 20%
4 Gender Priority 15%
5 Time Efficiency 5%

24 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

2. MIS Based Project Evaluation and Ranking Criteria
S.# Indicators Weigtage
6 Economic Growth 25%
7 Climate Change 15%
Total 100%

Detail of MIS based project evaluation and ranking criteria is attached as


Based on project eligibility criteria, a VC/NC wise merit list of prioritized projects
shall be generated. The ADC (F&P) shall refer the CDLD-MIS based automated
VC/NC wise merit list of prioritized projects to the concerned line departments
to check possible duplication of funding from other sources. In response, the
concerned line department shall issue a non-duplication certificate to those
projects which are not funded by any other source.

In the projects pertaining to vocational training centers, the rehabilitation and

construction of additional/missing facilities are allowed, only for those vocational
training centers which are owned and managed by a concerned line department.
The construction of an entirely new vocational training center is not permissible
under CDLD.

Before awarding vocational center related projects, the following additional

considerations shall be taken into account:

a. The CBO proposed to establish vocational centres shall be liable to provide

a formal agreement between the Social Welfare and Women Empowerment
Department and the individual owner of the land. The agreement should clearly
state that the land has been donated to the department for the construction
of the vocational centre for at least ten years period and during the period the
landowner shall have no right to claim ownership of the land. The agreement
shall be required to be submitted with DPP.

b. The Social Welfare and Women Empowerment Department shall ensure

that the proposed vocational centre is already functional under its umbrella.
Besides, the CBO shall have to present sustainability plan with the DPP.

c. During the validation of such projects, SMT and concerned line agency shall
ensure that the sustainability plan provided by CBO is viable.

d. Prior to the preparation of DPP, the SMT shall also ensure that the CBO has
the capacity to run the vocational centre and the CBO possesses appropriate
human and physical resources and the department is willing to own the
vocational centre.

e. No O&M and recurring cost shall be budgeted for such projects in the DPPs

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 25

4.3. Formulation
Based on the VC/NC wise merit list of prioritized projects, the ADC (F&P) shall share
VC/NC wise merit list of prioritized projects with SMT and PoEs to undertake social
and technical feasibility, survey and preparation of DPPs. The ADC (F&P) shall
assign the targets of the financial year and direct PO-SM and SPE to submit tehsil
wise implementation plan for the timely implementation and monitoring of activities.
The implementation plan shall also be further shared with concerned Assistant
Commissioners and TA team for compliance monitoring. The SMT shall embark on
social feasibility, formation/reactivation of CBOs and capacity building of CBO’s.
Whereas in the meantime PoEs shall undertake environmental, technical feasibility,
and preparation of DPPs as per the below-mentioned processes.

4.3.1. Social, Economic and Financial Feasibility

Upon receipt of VC/NC wise merit list of prioritized projects from the respective line
departments, the SMT shall contact the concerned community through Secretary
VC/NC to undertake social and financial feasibility. The SMT shall:

i. Validate the information mentioned in the VC/NC wise merit list of proposed

ii. Ensure that the project is socially desirable, economically viable, financially
feasible, and the community is willing to implement the proposed scheme in
compliance with the CDLD modality.

iii. Ensure that the community is willing to contribute a 10% share in cash or kind.

iv. Ensure that the CBO members are willing to contribute preferably PKR.100
(user charges) per beneficiary household per month in CBO saving account
during the implementation till completion of the project for O&M of the project

During the visit, if the proposed scheme is found socially desirable then PoEs
shall conduct a survey of the site for technical and environmental feasibility.

4.3.2. Technical, Environmental Feasibility and Detailed Survey

After conducting social feasibility, the concerned community along with PoE will
undertake technical and environmental feasibility of the scheme. During technical
feasibility and detailed survey, the projects such as gravity flow schemes,
culverts, bridges, buildings, hand pumps, tube wells, dug wells, etc. are required
to be carefully assessed. For certain projects, specific tests are required. These
include water quality tests for Drinking Water Supply Scheme (DWSS), Electrical
Resistivity Test (ERT) for sub-surface water schemes, and soil bearing capacity
tests before the preparation of DPP. Prior to the initiation of such projects the
following steps shall be undertaken;

26 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

i. PoE shall recommend the required pre-feasibility tests to the beneficiary

ii. The beneficiary community/CBO will be asked to conduct the pre-feasibility

tests from the government-approved/recommended institutes/vendors.
Initially, the cost of the test shall be borne by the beneficiary community.

iii. Upon receipt of successful test results, the beneficiary community/ CBO
will provide a copy of the test results along with invoice/bill to the PoE and
subsequently, the cost shall be added in DPP with the project cost and paid
to the community.

iv. Prior to payment of the amount mentioned in the invoice, the PoE may verify
the test results.

v. In case of failure of test results, further work shall be abandoned and only
cost of the test shall be paid to the respective community or CBO as per the
invoice/bill; and no extra payments shall be made to the claimant. In such
cases, beneficiary community or CBO shall provide a copy of the test results
with the original invoice to PoE for onward submission to SPE. The CDLD
SPE will submit the case to ADC (F&P) for onward approval from respective
Deputy Commissioner (DC).

vi. In addition, to ensure quality, strength, and durability of concrete in the

infrastructure design-mixes, slump tests shall be conducted by PoEs. These
tests shall be recorded through photos and maintained in the DPP for onward

vii. In case of considering sub-surface water, at least one resistivity test shall be

If the project is found feasible in all aspects then SMT will initiate the process
of social mobilization with providing support in the preparation of DPPs. Social,
technical, environmental and financial feasibility shall be conducted on the
prescribed format attached as Annexure-3.

4.3.3. Social Mobilization and Capacity Building

Upon successful completion of social, economic, environmental, financial and

technical feasibilities, SMT shall perform the following tasks; CBO Formation/Revitalization

Community schemes under the CDLD Policy are to be implemented by

organized men/women community based organizations (CBOs). The
SMT shall form/revitalize men and women CBOs as per the instructions
mentioned in the CDLD Social Mobilization Manual. During the formation/
revitalization of CBOs, SMT shall consider the following factors:

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 27

i. An office-bearer of CBO will be democratically elected by general body
members on the basis of two-third majority, and the general body will
have the authority to change or remove CBO office bearers under the
same rule.

ii. The willingness of the CBO members to contribute 10% community

share (cash/ kind) for CBO project is mandatory. To build the habit of
savings, each beneficiary household shall contribute PKR.100 (user
charges) per month, from the start of the project till its completion.
This will also ensure availability of minimum resources for O&M of the
project. The community may continue this practice for sustainability of
the CDLD scheme or any other initiative at the community level.

iii. The capability of CBO to resolve any dispute that may arise during the
whole course of social mobilization and project implementation is vital.

iv. Willingness to form two subcommittees through consensus or a simple

majority of CBO general body members i.e. a) Project management,
operation, and maintenance committee b) Monitoring and auditing
committee. The TORs of CBO sub-committee are attached as

v. The willingness of CBO to develop by-laws and to maintain records

related to project and other day-to-day business. CBO Registration

Under CDLD, DCs in the respective districts are authorized to register the
CBOs formed/revitalized by the SMT for the purpose of CDLD Programme
as per the advisory from P&DD attached as Annexure-5. For this purpose,
CBO will pass a resolution for registration to be registered with the
concerned DC. The DC may authorize any District Officer to register the
CBO on his behalf. CBO Bank Account Opening

The SMT will support the CBOs in the opening of bank account which
is mandatory for accessing CDLD funds. Following are pre-requisite for
opening CBO bank account:

i. Account opening request letter from DC or any District Officer authorized

by the DC in the respective district.

ii. Registration certificate issued and signed by DC or any District Officer

authorized by the DC to do so.

iii. CBO resolution for the nomination of authorized persons (President

and Secretary) for account opening and operations.

28 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

iv. List of general body members.

v. Undertaking from the general body regarding any changes/amendments

to the bank.

vi. CBO by-laws.

vii. Attested copies of CNICs of all members of the general body and
executive body.

In order to ensure maximum transparency, the CBO bank account shall

be opened under joint signatories including CBO President and Secretary. Capacity Building of CBO Office Bearers

After approval from DDC, the SMT along with PoEs shall arrange the
following formal and informal capacity building events for the CBO office
bearers, CBO sub-committee members and VC/NC Secretaries:

i. Training on role and responsibilities, CDLD project implementation,

record keeping, project-specific O&M, etc. as per approved CBO
training manual.

ii. The SMT shall conduct periodic CBOs Managers Conferences at tehsil
or district level to share the implementation results of CDLD modality,
progress, implementation issues and way forward.

In addition, the SMT and PoEs shall provide on-job support to CBOs during
project implementation. Social Mobilizer and concerned Engineer shall
plan a joint visit to CBOs for providing on-job support in the implementation
of the CDLD project. Prior to the visit, the CBO shall be informed to ensure
the availability of general body members, subcommittee members, and
office bearers as required. In addition, during the visit, both shall support
and provide on-job training to CBO maintaining CBO proceeding register,
saving or O&M fund records, project-related stock register, mastroll, cash
book, receipts, etc. for internal record.

4.3.4. Preparation of Detailed Project Proposal (DPP)

Alongside the social mobilization process, and based on successful social,

technical, environmental feasibility and detailed survey, both SMT and PoEs shall
support the CBOs to undertake the following functions for preparation of DPPs:

i. Preparation of design, drawing, bill of quantities, and cost estimates as part

of the DPP in accordance with CDLD specified procedures and DPP format
attached as Annexure-6.

ii. Cost estimates shall be based on latest approved Market Rate Schedule
(MRS), with fixed 10% community contribution (in cash/kind), and less 17%

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 29

(9.5% contractors’ profit and 7.5% tax) in Malakand division, while adding
area factor, accordingly. However, 5% overhead cost shall not be deducted.
Whereas in districts outside Malakand Division, estimates will be based on
less 9.5% (Contractor’s Profit) as 7.5% tax is deducted of each bill by the

iii. Material mentioned in the DPP is locally available and the CBO has the
capacity to implement and sustain the project.

Moreover, separate files for each DPP will be prepared for approval by the
respective DC. In addition, the SPE shall validate (countersign) each page of all
the DPPs. The checklist of CBO project file is attached as Annexure-7. Submission of DPPs to ADC (F&P)

Once the process of preparation of DPP is completed, the SMT and PoEs
shall facilitate the CBO to submit DPP in the office of ADC (F&P). Prior to
submission of DPPs, PoEs shall ensure that the pre-feasibility tests are
conducted from government-approved/recommended institutes/vendors
and the test results are part of DPPs.

4.4. Approval
Before the project is approved by the DDC, the following tasks will be performed:

4.4.1. Technical Review by the Line Department and CDLD Team

ADC (F&P) shall, within three working days, send the DPP to the focal person
notified by the concerned line department through SPE and PO-SM to, check the
duplication of funding from any other source, validate data provided in the DPP,
check feasibility and cost estimates, and O&M arrangements of the scheme. The
concerned line department shall respond on the prescribed format attached as
Annexure-8 within three days.

Upon recommendations of the line department, the SPE and PO-SM will ensure
the planning and design review of DPPs in the prescribed format attached as
Annexure-9. After planning and design review, the DPPs shall be submitted to
ADC (F&P) for onward submission to TEC.

4.4.2. Technical Sanction by TEC

The technical sanction of DPPs shall be granted by TEC as follows:

i. After the validation of DPPs by the line department, SPE and PO-SM at
first place and/or after rectification of errors, the ADC (F&P) shall convene
a meeting of the TEC within one week, by circulating a working paper. SPE
and PO-SM shall present the DPPs in the TEC meeting. After evaluation of

30 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

DPPs on the prescribed format attached as Annexure-10, the TEC shall
finalize recommendations. If the DPP is found technically complete, the TEC
shall grant technical sanction of the projects. The ADC (F&P) shall send
back all those proposals to SMT/PoEs which require further clarification and
rectification, within two days. Upon receipt of erroneous DPPs, the SMT/PoEs
shall rectify the errors and submit to ADC (F&P) within the stipulated time

ii. The rectified DPPs shall be presented to TEC and after granting technical
sanction, DPP shall be forwarded to DDC for approval.

4.4.3. Approval by DDC

Upon technical sanction by the TEC, approval of DPPs shall be undertaken as


i. DDC meeting shall be convened within ten days after the TEC meeting. ADC
(F&P) shall circulate agenda and working paper to all DDC members.

ii. All technically sanctioned DPPs shall be submitted to the DDC for review.

iii. SPE and PO-SM shall present the DPPs to the DDC.

iv. DDC shall grant approval of those projects which are completed from all

v. Minutes of the DDC meeting shall be issued and circulated to all concerned.

vi. Based on the approval of DDC, DC will accord the administrative approval.

After the administrative approval, the ADC (F&P) will submit a request to DGLG/
PIU LGE&RDD for the release of funds equivalent to the cost of projects approved
the DDC. DGLG/PIU LGE&RDD shall review and forward the funds request to
Finance Department for release of funds.

4.5. Implementation
Once the scheme is approved, the following steps are to be taken for implementation
of the scheme:

4.5.1. The Signing of CBO Contract Agreement

After the administrative approval, the CBOs shall be called for the signing of the
agreement by district administration through SMT. The grant agreement between
the Deputy Commissioner and CBOs is attached as Annexure-11. The subject of
such negotiations shall be agreed to the achievement of various project milestones
and other performance targets, their delivery schedule, reporting requirements
and their frequency, and the terms and conditions of releases of first, second and
third installments. After mutual agreement, the contract shall be signed between

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 31

the parties, specifying the agreed terms and performance requirements. In case,
if a CBO fails to sign the agreement within two weeks, then the ADC (F&P) shall
issue an intimation letter to the CBO. If the CBO does not respond to the letter,
then the ADC (F&P) shall write to the DDC to cancel the project and consider the
next project in the VC/NC wise merit list.

The original copy of approved DPP shall be retained in the office of ADC (F&P)
with an original copy of the signed agreement and other related documents for
office record and ready reference. At the time of agreement signing, CBO shall
ensure to submit two copies of approved DPP to the office of ADC (F&P) in which,
one copy of DPP shall be handed over to PoEs. Whereas, CBO shall hold the
same copy of DPP and agreement for its record and onward utilization during the
implementation of the project. Extension of CBO Contract Agreement

Community schemes under CDLD Programme are smaller in size and are
expected to be completed within the stipulated time. In rare cases, if a CBO
contract agreement is expired, the following steps shall be considered:

i. The DDC shall undertake a quarterly review of CBO contracts.

Contracts which are expired due to a delay of funds or other similar
reasons shall be extended.

ii. Contracts which are expired prior to the completion of projects, due to
deficiencies found on part of CBO, the CBO shall provide justification
for the delay of a project in form of resolution to TEC with ratification
from the Secretary of the respective VC/NC.

iii. In response, the TEC shall forward its recommendations to DCC for
the approval of an extension of the CBO project contract agreement.
In case, if the CBO fails to provide justification with mentioning valid
reasons regarding extension of contract agreement then TEC is
authorized to close the project based on work done.

iv. Based on TEC recommendation and ratification of Secretary VC/

NC, the DDC shall grant approval of the extension of CBO contract
agreement with specific deadline for the completion of the project

4.5.2. Issuance of Work order to CBO

Prior to the issuance of work order, 1st installment is released to the CBO as
mentioned in section 3.4.1. After the release of 1st installment, the ADC (F&P)
shall issue the work order attached as Annexure-12 to CBO within 10 days
(for all pending agreements signed with CBOs) for commencement of work at
the project site. Moreover, in order to ensure transparency, accountability, and
ownership, first installment cheque along with the work order shall be handed
over to office bearers (President and Secretary) of concerned CBO by the SMT

32 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

& PoE in the presence of the concerned communities. Likewise, the second and
third installment cheques shall also be handed over to the CBO office bearers
publically. The events shall be documented/recorded appropriately with pictures
and videos and shall be archived in the ADC (F&P) office for ready reference. Pre-requisite for the Release of 2nd and 3rd Installments

The physical progress of infrastructure works shall be verified, both for

quantity and quality of work, by the PoEs. The process of releases of 2nd
and 3rd installments is already mentioned in section 3.4.2. Whereas the
process of technical supervision and inspection of projects is mentioned in
section 5.1.2. However, prior to the releases of 2nd and 3rd installment, the
CBO shall ensure to complete the following tasks.

i. CBO shall submit progress reports as per Annexure-11 (11.3, 11.4)

attached with grant agreement supported by PoE and SMT according
to the following schedule:

Report When Submitted to

ADC (F&P)/
1st Report At the time of 2nd installment along with fund requisition
Focal person

At the time of completion of the project and final ADC (F&P)/

2nd Report
installment along with fund requisition Focal person

ii. The CBO shall prepare both social and technical records duly verified
by SMT and PoE.

iii. The concerned CBOs shall maintain records in shape of proceeding

register, saving/O&M, stock register, mastroll, cash book, bills/receipts,
etc. for their internal utilization with the support of SMT and PoEs.

iv. The CBO shall retain copy of the approved DPP, grant agreement, MBs
and progress reports for presentation to the external monitors/auditors.

v. Such records shall be maintained for a minimum of three years after

the project completion or after an audit has taken place whichever is

vi. The ADC (F&P) office shall maintain the bank book and other records
related to the releases as mentioned in chapter 3.

4.5.3. Implementation Supervision of CBO Projects

The SMT shall also be responsible to provide the required social mobilization
and capacity building support to CBOs throughout the project implementation till
project completion as mentioned under section 4.3.3.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 33

4.6. Closure
The community projects are not completed with the erection of concrete structure. It
will be considered “completed”, once the following steps to ensure sustainability are

4.6.1. Installation of Project Information Board

Once a CDLD scheme is completed, PoEs with the support of SMT shall install
project information board as per the following details:

i. The standard specimen is followed during the design of the project information

ii. Contents of the project information board are correct and insignia of the
government and donor are visible.

iii. At the project site, the project information board is installed at an appropriate

iv. For information of the general public, a consolidated list of CDLD projects
shall be displayed on large size project information board in each tehsil, at the
tehsil entry point.

4.6.2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) of the CDLD Projects

The O&M of CDLD projects which are to be handed over to line departments
shall be the sole responsibility of the concerned department whereas, O&M of the
projects which are handed over to the CBO shall be the sole responsibility of CBO.
During the implementation, SMT shall monitor the O&M plan in the respective VC/
NCs to ensure that the O&M plan is being implemented and the collection of O&M
fund is being deposited in the CBO bank account.

4.6.3. Handing Over of Projects

After the completion of CDLD project, DDC shall decide to formally handover
the community-owned projects i.e. DWSS, street pavements, hand pumps, and
drainage system etc. to the CBOs. Whereas the projects constructed within
the premises of the government-owned facility e.g. missing facilities within a
government school or basic health unit shall be handed over to the concerned
government line agency. Handing/taking over certificates for both scenarios are
attached as Annexure-13. In this regard district administration through AD-LG
shall ensure that Secretary VC/NC has recorded the data of completed CDLD
schemes in the inventory register of respective VC/NC.

34 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

The diagrammatic representation of CDLD project cycle is mentioned as under:

Detailed CDLD Project Cycle Management

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

1. Planning 2. Identification 3. Formulation

Social Social
Orientation Pre-VCDP Economic Mobilization
of VC / NCs Annoucement and and Capacity
Formulation on VCDP Financial Building of
of District Feasibilities CBOs
Annual Work
Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

Preparation Screening Preparation
and Review and Scoring and Review

Technical Technical Signing Issuance of Handing
of Project
Review by Sanction by of CBO Work Order Over of
CDLD Team TEC Agreement to CBO Project

Implementation Operation and

Supervision of Maintenance
by DDC
CBO Projects of Project

4. Approval 5. Implementation 6. Closure

Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting

4.6.4. Revision of CDLD Projects

i. Any request for changes in the scope of the scheme shall be forwarded to
TEC in form of a resolution by the concerned CBO.

ii. Under unavoidable circumstances, e.g. site is damaged by disaster or social

conflicts raised in the project area, any change in scope of the project shall
be referred to TEC for review. After review, technical evaluation and re-
appropriation within the same project cost, the TEC shall accord technical
sanction. Such projects will not require the approval of DDC.

iii. Considering the remoteness and vulnerability of the area, TEC is competent
to re-appropriate the cost of transportation and other scheme related items
which are not specified in the MRS. However, the re-appropriations shall be
made within the project cost.

iv. While purchasing material/items from out district in a specific situation,

revised cost shall be technically sanctioned by the TEC after reviewing and
considering regulations of sales/income tax and others on the required items

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 35

v. TEC is authorised to approve certain other smaller appropriations within the
approved cost of the project.

vi. Under excpetional circumstances, during the implementation of the project,

SPE is authorised to change the scope of work up to 5% by filing a justification
note. Any required change greater than 5% shall be referred to DDC by TEC
with its recommendation. DDC is authorised to approve change in the scope
of the ongoing project up to 15% however, total cost should not exceed PKR.
3.5 million and VC/NC budget for the fiscal year.

vii. While doing changes as explained above, SPE, TEC, and DDC shall ensure
that the revisions made are consistent with the public benefit.

viii. Under unavoidable circumstances, if community need arises and a large-

scale project is required to be undertaken but the project falls outside the
maximum limits in terms of cost and/or duration and/or VC/NC, then SMT/
PoE shall validate and refer such cases to TEC. In response, TEC shall check
the acuteness of need and also ensure that the project shall benefit maximum
of the target population. The TEC shall forward its recommendations to DDC
for approval. Upon agreement of DDC to undertake the project, the PoE shall
prepare DPP of the project and the project shall be forwarded to PCRC for
approval. After the approval of PCRC, the DDC shall issue instructions to
SMT to form a consortium of two CBOs within same or neighboring VC/NCs.
In response, the SMT shall provide support in the formation of the consortium
of two CBOs through election or selection process. In such cases, these two
CBOs (within same VC/NC or in the neighboring VC/NCs) shall pool their
CDLD funds to undertake a large-scale project. However, cost of such project
should not exceed the total fund allocation of the same VC/NC or sum of the
CDLD allocation of both VC/NCs for the fiscal year. Such project shall be
completed within 18 months.

ix. Any escalation in the project cost before the implementation would require
approval of DDC, after technical sanction from TEC provided that escalated
cost is less than PKR.3.5 million and available budget of the VC/NC. Prior to
technical sanction, TEC shall ensure that:

a. Justifications provided by the concerned CBO in the form of resolution

are valid;

b. The project shall provide maximum benefit to the community.

If escalation takes the cost of the project beyond PKR.3.5 million, such projects
shall be referred to PCRC through DDC for consideration.

x. Any change in the design of a project, prior to the submission of DPP to TEC,
shall be reviewed by a joint committee of SPE, concerned PoE and PO-SM
provided that the approved cost, sector, mohalla of the project is not changed.

xi. Work execution not complying with engineering standards may be forwarded
to DDC. The DDC is authorised to withdraw all or a certain amount of funds for
the rectification of sub-standard work or close the project based on work done.

36 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


The government shall put in place robust and elaborated monitoring and evaluation
arrangements, which shall be comprised of both internal and external monitoring of CDLD
project activities.

5.1. Internal Monitoring

The objective of the internal monitoring is to ensure that the individual projects under
CDLD are implemented as per the agreed work plan and without any administrative,
social or political bottlenecks. This monitoring shall involve the CBOs, VC/NCs, district
administration, office of the Commissioner, and Local Government Department.

5.1.1. Monitoring by VC/NCs and CBOs

As per functions assigned to VC / NC under LGA, 2019, the council shall;

i. Monitor the process of identification, prioritization of schemes during the

preparation of VCDP.

ii. Monitor CBO project implementation and utilization of CDLD funds.

iii. Ensure that the O&M plan is implemented.

iv. Report the project related observations through Secretary VC / NC to ADLG

and onward to District Administration in the respective districts.

CBO monitoring and audit committee is mandated to monitor all the activities
during the implementation of the project, check records and conduct an internal
audit and present their report to CBO general body for rectification

5.1.2. Overall Monitoring and Supervision by SMT and PoEs

The SMT & PoEs are expected to work very closely in the field. They shall be
responsible for the monitoring and supervision of the entire CDLD project cycle
embedded throughout all stages.

PoE/SMT shall

i. Ensure the compliance of monthly work plan duly approved by the SPE and

ii. Draw the layouts physically on site of the project as per the approved design
and present all the sections of grant agreement in a CBO meeting, and ensure

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 37

supervision that the CBOs are implementing the project in accordance with
the approved design.

iii. Monitor that the CBOs are utilizing the material as per the specification
mentioned in DPP.

iv. Monitor and supervise the quality of physical work as per the approved design
and within the approved budget.

v. Monitor the timelines for the accomplishment of each milestone given in work
plan, procurement plan and O&M plan in the approved DPP.

vi. Ensure proper reporting social, technical and financial aspects of projects
during the project implementation.

vii. Ensure proper monitoring visits in accordance with the guidelines, preparation
of financial and technical reports, preparation and verification of MBs.

viii. Facilitate line department engineers during the monitoring visits.

ix. Support district administration and any other relevant stakeholder during a
visit to CBOs and project site.

x. Monitor project related documentation/recordkeeping at CBO level such as

proceeding registers, stock register, cash register, mastroll, receipts, etc. and
project on job support during the completion of these records. Such records
shall be utilized by CBOs for internal control.

xi. Monitor that CBO holds all relevant records which are to be presented to
external monitors, auditors i.e. copy of approved DPPs, copy of signed grant
agreement, copies of resolutions, fund requisitions, bank statement, copies
of MBs, copies of technical and financial reports, a record of O&M fund and
comments of visitors etc. In case of any missing record, ensure the availability
of records.

xii. Ensure recording visit reports in CBO register as well as CDLD-MIS.

xiii. Ensure the preparation and submission of each visit report to SPE for
monitoring, supervision and audit purpose.

xiv. Facilitate to resolve any conflict at the CBO level.

xv. Ensure to enter the progress of the projects into CDLD-MIS soon after the
field visit Specific Technical Supervision and Inspection of Project

The technical supervision and inspection of the CBO project shall be

undertaken by the PoE who shall pay a minimum of four to seven visits
per project to supervise 100% of the projects assigned. The PoE shall

38 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

be solely responsible to ensure the technical feasibility, detailed survey,
preparation of DPP, the layout of scheme, quality of material, quality of on-
going physical work and proper implementation of projects in compliance
with the design and specification of the projects as per CDLD guidelines.

The PoE visits shall be carried out in accordance with the plan to be
prepared for each project on case to case basis in order to ensure that all
projects in a district are visited by PoE. The SPE may randomly visit projects
before the release of the final installment. PoE’s technical supervision and
assistance shall be in accordance with the government system. Following
is an indicative visit plan to be followed broadly while preparing a project-
specific visit plan.

i. The first visit shall be made to the proposed site on the basis of
information provided in the DPP with respect to the ground situation.
They shall orient CBO on the work plan, procurement plan regarding
the implementation of the project, specification of design, drawing,
material, maintaining project register and drawing layout, etc.

ii. In the second visit, standards and quality of materials shall be procured
(or samples of the materials delivered at the site) for the project to
ensure the pre-execution quality control measures and technical inputs
shall be checked. In addition, appropriate technical guidance shall be
provided to the CBO regarding initiation of physical work.

iii. In the rest of the visits prior to the last visit PoE shall undertake
monitoring and supervision of the physical work to check and verify
both the quality and quantity at the project site and provide required
technical inputs for work ahead and also ensure monitoring and
measurement of the work progress as per agreed work schedule.

The last visit shall be paid to undertake final measurement of work

done at the project site regarding validation of quality and quantity,
the release of 3rd installment and issuance of handing/taking over

During the monitoring, supervision, and inspection of CBO projects, DGLG/

PIU approved reporting format shall be used. It is mandatory for all PoEs to
enter their monitoring visit in CDLD-MIS soon after their field visit.

5.1.3. Monitoring by District Administration and District Line Departments

i. The DC shall cause a schedule to be prepared for random checking of

the progress of CDLD projects, ensuring that at least 30% of the ongoing
CDLD projects in the district are visited by the district officers during every
calendar quarter. The concerned district line department heads may authorize
officers from the field formation or district headquarter office to conduct such

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 39

monitoring visits and report back. Whereas additional monitoring visits shall
be paid by the DCs, heads of relevant district line department, Assistant
Commissioners, TMO, Additional Assistant Commissioner and ADC (F&Ps)
of respective districts to monitor CDLD projects.

ii. DDC, in each district, shall conduct quarterly meetings to review the findings
and take appropriate actions accordingly.

iii. Monitoring reports on prescribed format shall be submitted to the ADC (F&P)
in the DC Office, who shall prepare a summary for review by the DC, and
in turn, shall prepare quarterly monitoring reports to be presented in the
quarterly divisional monitoring meetings chaired by the Commissioner of the
respective divisions. Copies of the monthly, quarterly, and annual monitoring
reports shall also be sent to DGLG in the LGE&RDD.

iv. Regular coordination meetings will be ensured at the district level by the DC
through ADC (F&P) to review progress and shall ensure that the targets are
achieved in a timely manner and quality of the projects is satisfactory. The
coordination meeting shall be chaired by ADC (F&P) and the participation of
PoE, SMT and CDLD-TA staff shall be mandatory.

v. ADC (F&P) being CDLD focal person at district level shall compile monthly
progress report received from SMT and PoE (on 5th of each month), on
prescribed format issued by PIU/DGLG office.

vi. After review, the report shall be forwarded to Coordinator CDLD, Commissioner
Office of respective division and Chief Foreign Aid at P&DD on monthly basis
before 10th of each month.

5.1.4. Monitoring by Commissioner’s Office

i. The Divisional Monitoring Officer (DMO) in the Commissioner Office shall

review quarterly progress reports received from the DO F&P on an agreed

ii. In addition, the DMO will prepare a random inspection schedule for its
monitoring team, covering at least 3% and 5% of the on-going CDLD projects
every quarter in each district.

iii. The Commissioner shall call and chair the divisional monitoring meeting on a
quarterly basis to ascertain the progress of the CDLD Policy implementation
on behalf of the LGE&RDD and ensure the progress is on track.

5.1.5. Monitoring by Local Government Department

CDLD Programme is housed at Local Government Department and the overall

implementation responsibility lies with the department. LGE&RDD reviews regularly
and ensures that performance matrix targets are achieved in efficient manner. It

40 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

ensures that all the internal monitoring systems are working and actions are being
taken on the findings and recommendations of external monitors including TPV,
EU and others. Director General Local Government himself and through Policy
Implementation Unit perform random monitoring in the field, facilitate TPV and
EU inspection missions, review various monitoring reports and take appropriate
actions to resolve implementation issues. Also, CDLD Sub-committee and PCRC
review major/significant internal and external reports and ensure timely actions on
the findings and recommendations of these reports.

CDLD Multi-Tiered Monitoring System

European Union
(MTE, Annual Assessment, EU Delegation)
Third Party Verification

Policy Coordination & Review

Committee (PCRC)
CDLD Subcommittee
Director General Local Government
Policy Implementation Unit

Divisional Monitoring Unit

Commissioner Office External Monitoring System

Interral Monitoring System

Pool of Enigneers (PoEs),
Social Mobilization Team (SMT)
District Administration,
Line Departments, AD-LG (30%)


5.2. External Monitoring

The following entities will be responsible for external monitoring:

5.2.1. Monitoring of Third Party Verification (TPV) Firm

To assure compliance of CDLD processes, design and standards an accredited

audit firm shall be hired. The firm shall undertake verification of physical assets as
well as a continuous audit of the CDLD projects until the end of the Programme.
Based on field monitoring, the third-party audit firm shall submit annual, quarterly,
and early warning reports. The observations, findings, and recommendations
mentioned in the reports shall cover both the CDLD projects’ specific observations
as well as any systemic issues to improve the CDLD Policy and its implementation.
Upon receipt of TPV reports, DGLG shall recommend district administration
in the respective districts to take appropriate action in the light of findings and
recommendations of the third-party audit firm.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 41

5.2.2. Monitoring by the Donor Agency

In order to monitor CDLD Programme processes and progress of activities, and

to undertake performance assessment, and course correction of Programme
activities, during the planning and implementation of the CDLD projects the
funding agency/donor may randomly visit the project sites. In this regard, the
district administration in the respective districts shall facilitate such missions in all
respects. Findings and recommendations of such mission will be reviewed and
appropriate actions will be ensured by the LGE&RDD, respective divisional and
districts administrations.

5.3. Guidelines for Non-Performing and Inactive CBOs

Under certain unavoidable circumstances, wherein the CBOs selected to undertake
CDLD projects are found non-performing or in-active during or before the implementation
of CDLD project activities, the following guidelines will be followed:

i. In case, 1st installment is disbursed into CBO account, the work order is issued and
the CBO is unable to undertake the physical work as per the contract agreement.
(Ref. Grant Agreement clause 9.1, 9.2-a, 10.1, 10.2), the SMT shall re-visit such
CBOs to further mobilize and to start the physical work in compliance with the
agreed work plan mentioned in the DPP. Even after the intervention of SMT, if the
CBO is found non-responsive, a special TEC meeting will be convened to obtain
the consent and recommendation of the concerned line department. Upon failure
of taking any decision, the case shall be forwarded to DDC for taking appropriate
administrative action.

ii. Any social conflict found during the implementation which may create hindrance
in smooth implementation of the project shall be referred to the Tehsil Conflict
Management Committee.

iii. In certain circumstances, a project is prioritized through CDLD-MIS for further

processing and in the meanwhile, the community intends to change the sector.
In such a scenario, the SMT/PoE shall immediately report the changing scenario
to ADC (F&P). Eventually, the project shall be dropped and the next project in the
VC/NC wise merit list within the same VC/NC shall be considered for undertaking
social, technical feasibility, detailed survey, and further proceedings.

iv. In case, if a CBO is found dormant, the Social Mobilizer/Engineer shall meet the
CBO members/community and try to revitalize the CBO and resolve any impeding
issue. If they fail in their attempt, they shall update Assistant Commissioner in their
respective Tehsil to conduct a meeting with the office bearers of dormant CBO to
ensure compliance with the agreement signed between district administration and
the CBO.

42 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


6.1. Help Line

A dedicated helpline (landline) will be established at the concerned Divisional
Commissioner Office in the CDLD complaint cell. In case of complaints lodged through
helpline number, the assigned complaint handling officer will fill the complaint form
by asking the complainant all the questions given in the complaint form and will then
enter it to the online/offline system linked with CDLD-MIS. The helpline shall respond
to community/CBO complainant’s queries on various project issues related to CDLD.

6.2. Complaint Management System (CMS)

The CMS shall work through a notified complaint cell which shall be established at two
tiers keeping in view the ease of access for citizens. The first tier of the CMS will be
established at the district level in the office of the DC. In the second tier, citizens will
also have access to the same facility at the respective Commissioner Offices of CDLD

At the district and divisional level, the complaints are to be registered or submitted
to a focal point designated by the competent authority i.e. DCs of respective districts
and Commissioners of the respective divisions. The assigned focal persons will be
responsible for recording and processing of complaints as per the notified procedure.
The working of complaint cells in the offices of Commissioner / DC will be followed as
per guidelines.

6.3. Conflict Resolution Mechanism

In case there arises any social conflict or dispute related to the CDLD community project,
the party/complainant directly or through CMS may approach the following forums:

6.3.1. Tehsil Level Committee

A committee headed by Assistant Commissioner or Additional Assistant

Commissioner and comprising of the Secretary of the concerned VC/NC, a
member of civil society not a party to the dispute, and one member from the
tehsil municipal administration, shall resolve the dispute either by consensus or
by giving a majority decision. The members shall be nominated by the chair of
the committee.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 43

6.3.2. District Level Committee

In each district, DC shall be authorized to constitute a committee regarding the

resolution of any conflict. This committee shall be comprised of DC, concerned
Assistant Commissioner, DO F&P and head of concerned line department. In
case, a conflict or dispute could not be resolved by the tehsil level committee
or in case either of the disputing party is not satisfied with the decision made by
the tehsil level committee, the chair shall forward the case to the DC with the
recommendation of the tehsil committee for a final decision. In case either of the
disputing party is not satisfied with the decision of the committee, it can also take
up the case to the district level committee chaired by DC. In such cases, the DC
shall give a final decision after soliciting the recommendations of the tehsil level
committee through the chair.

6.4. Methods / Mediums for Registering Complaints

A complainant can submit a graveness through the following platforms:

1. Website

2. The hotline

3. In-person (written or verbal)

4. Android and IOS application

As per government directions, no anonymous complaint shall be entertained.

6.5. Review, Revision and Updates

Based on lessons learned during Programme implementation, details provided in this
notification may be revised and updated. Major changes will be approved by PCRC
while a minor change to a process or changes in the templates, scoring, etc. for smooth
Programme implementation will be advised by the DGLG.

44 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 45


A. Basic Information
Name of VC/NC Ward / Union council
Tehsil District
Total population (as per latest
Total Household at VC / NC
published census report)
Number of revenue villages / sub villages Number of hamlets
Name of revenue villages / sub-villages
Name of hamlets
B. Detail of Council Members
B1. Detail of members VC/NC
Number of General Councilor Number of Youth Councilor
Number of Women Councilor Number of peasant councilor
Number of minority councilor
B2. Detail of Member Tehsil council & District Councils
Name of Tehsil Council Member Name of District Council Member
B3. Name of MPA B4. Name of MNA
C. Grass Root level organization at VC / NC
Numbers of Water User
Numbers of PTCs1
Committees (WUC)
Number of Primary Care Management
Number of CBOs2 (Men)
Committee (PCMC) members
Number of village organization
Number of CBOs (Women)
Number of any other organized
Number of registered Village Organizations
D. Details of social service institutes at VC/NC level
Number of GPS3 (for boys) Number of students
Number of GPS (for girls) Number of students
Number of GPS (mix) Number of students =……….............…
Number of GMS4 (for boys) Number of students
Number of GMS (for girls) Number of students

Parent Teacher Council
Community based organization
Government Primary School
Government Middle School

46 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Number of GHS5 (for boys) Number of students
Number of GHS (for girls) Number of students
Number of Private schools in area Number of students=.....……..........……
Name of health facilities in public sector Number of patient in monthly
(Civil dispensary, BHU etc) OPD
Detail of Private health facilities (private Number of patient in monthly
clinic, maternity center etc) OPD
E. Facilities related to basic infrastructure
Available schemes of drinking water Jeep able road
PCC roads Streets
Any other

F. Priority list of schemes at VC/NC level

Income generation
Duration of project
by (Men / women

project (Yes / No)

Problem (specific

Potential funding
Project proposed
village / Mohalla
Name of village

Estimated cost

Beneficiary HH
intervention /
Name of sub

Number of

(In month)

(In PKR)

/ both)

G. During annual review of VCDP existing priority list of schemes and newly added priorities
Name of sub village / Mohalla

Has anyone implemented?

Potential funding 7sources

If Yes, than funding source

Income generation project
Number of Beneficiary HH
Problem (specific please)

Proposed intervention /

(Men /women / both)

Project proposed by

Duration of project
Name of village

Estimated cost

(In month)

(Yes / No)
(In PKR)


Government High School
It may be CDLD, VC/NC fund, Tehsil, District & MPA funds etc.
It may be CDLD, VC/NC fund, Tehsil, District & MPA funds etc.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 47

H. Details of continues/completed project during last fiscal year

ADP, Tehsil ADP, District ADP,

mention accurate detail)

Current status of project

CDLD fund, provincial or
Name of hamlet (please

Funding source (VC/NC

(ongoing, completed,

Remarks (if any)

Name of project

cancelled etc.)

Signed by:

Name and Signature of Chairman VC/NC: ………...................……. Dated: …....................…..

Name and signature of Secretary VC/NC:………...................……. Dated: …....................…..

I. List of participants, attended the pre-consultation and VCDP preparation meeting

Venue: ……………………........................................................................................................................ Date: …..........................……………………

Mohalla / Profession / Contact

S# Name Gender Signature
Village Designation Number

Letter from Secretary VC/NC and resolution from elected council of VC/NC for the approval
of VCDP are mandatory.

48 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


1. MIS Based Project Evaluation and Ranking Criteria

S# Indicator Weightage Criteria % Score
Dug well / Hand / Pressure pump 10
Gravity flow water supply 10
Additional rooms in boys’ school 10
Additional rooms in girls’ school 10
1 Basic needs 10%
Missing facilities in boys’ school 10
Missing facilities in girls’ school 10
Missing facilities in health 10
Labor room 10
1 20
2 18
3 16
4 14
5 12
2 VCDP priority 20% 6 10
7 8
8 6
9 4
10 2
11 0
2,000 or below 10
2,001 9
4,001 8
6,001 7
8,001 6
Cost effectiveness
3 (Cost per beneficiary 10% 10,001 5
12,001 4
14,001 3
16,001 2
18,001 1
20,001 0

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 49

Women specific 15
4 Gender priority* 15% Men specific 05
Both men & women 10
0 0
30,000 0.5
45,000 0.75
60,000 1
75,000 1.25
90,000 1.5
105,000 1.75
120,000 2
135,000 2.25
150,000 2.5
5 Time efficiency 5%
165,000 2.75
180,000 3
195,000 3.25
210,000 3.5
225,000 3.75
240,000 4
255,000 4.25
270,000 4.5
285,000 4.75
300,000 5
Bridge 20
Cause way 2.5
Check dam 2.5
Community center 0
Community latrines 2.5
Additional room in boys’ school 12.5
6 Economic growth 25%
Additional room in girls’ school 12.5
Construction of park 5
Culvert 5
Drainage 7.5
Dug well / hand / pressure pump 10
Solid waste management 8.75

50 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Gravity flow water supply 10
Construction of educational facility for
special person
Irrigation channel / water courses 25
Labour room 5
Missing facilities in boys’ school 10
Missing facilities in girls’ school 10
Missing facilities in health 10
PCC road 25
Play ground 5
Protection wall 10
Solarization in boys’ schools 20
Solarization in girls’ school 20
Solarization in labor room 20
Solarization in health facilities 20
Breast / Retaining wall 12.5
Sanitation / sewerage System 8.75
Street lights 20
Street pavement 20
Tube well 10
Veterinary hospital, clinic and missing
Vocational center for men 17.5
Vocational center for women 17.5
Solid waste management 7.5
Irrigation channel / water courses 15
Repair of canal 15
7 Climate change 15%
Protection wall 9
Breast / retaining wall 9
Sanitation / sewerage system 7.5

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 51

*Detail of projects under gender priority is mentioned below:

S# Sector Specific project Beneficiary of the
1 Education Additional room in girls’ school Women
2 Education Missing facilities in girls’ school Women
3 Education Solarization in girls’ school Women
Repair and rehabilitation in girls’
4 Education Women
5 Health Labour room Women
6 Health Solarization in labour room Women
Social welfare and community
7 Vocational center for women Women
8 Sports, culture & tourism Construction of park Both
9 Education Additional room in boys’ school Men
10 Education Missing facilities in boys’ school Men
11 Education Solarization in boys’ schools Men
Repair and rehabilitation in boys’
12 Education Men
Social welfare and community
13 Construction of Eid Gah Men
Social welfare and community
14 Vocational center for men Men
15 Sports, culture & tourism Play ground Men
16 Agriculture, livestock and fisheries Godown Both
17 Agriculture, livestock and fisheries Storage room Both
Veterinary hospital, clinic and
18 Agriculture, livestock and fisheries Both
missing facilities
19 Health Construction of additional room Both
20 Health Repair and rehabilitation of rooms Both
21 Health Missing facilities in health Both
22 Health Solarization in health facilities Both
23 Health New health Facility Both
24 Irrigation/water management Irrigation channel/water courses Both
25 Irrigation/water management Check dam Both
26 Irrigation/water management Water harvesting structure Both
27 Irrigation/water management Tube well Both
28 Irrigation/water management Protection wall Both

52 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

S# Sector Specific project Beneficiary of the
29 Irrigation/water management Water storage tank for irrigation Both
30 Irrigation/water management Pressure pumps for irrigation Both
31 Irrigation/water management Repair of canal Both
32 Roads Link/rural road Both
33 Roads Bridge Both
34 Roads PCC road Both
35 Roads Cause way Both
36 Roads Culvert Both
37 Roads Breast/retaining wall Both
38 Roads Repair and rehabilitation of road Both
39 Roads Gabion structure Both
40 Sanitation and solid waste management Drainage Both
41 Sanitation and solid waste management Sanitation/sewerage system Both
42 Sanitation and solid waste management Community latrine Both
43 Sanitation and solid waste management Solid waste management Both
Social welfare and community
44 Community center Both
Social welfare and community
45 Construction of funeral place Both
Social welfare and community
46 Construction of graveyard Both
Social welfare and community Construction of education facility
47 Both
development for special person
48 Sports, culture & tourism Improvement of tourist resorts Both
49 Water supply Gravity flow water supply Both
50 Water Supply Dug well/hand/pressure pump Both
51 Works Street pavement Both
52 Works Waiting areas in public service Both
53 Works Street light Both
54 Works Construction of under pass Both

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 53


Social Part: (Social Organizer)

Village / Mohalla VC / NC
Tehsil District
Date Number of Participants
1. Representation of all beneficiary 2. Participants agreed to resolve the
households are available in the meeting? same issue as prioritized by MIS from
(Y/N) * VCDP priority list? (Y/N) *
3. Does CBO exist? (Y/N)
4. Name of existing CBO
If Y, Q 4, 5 & 6 applicable.
6. Beneficiaries willing to revitalize the
5. Date of formation of existing CBO (if any):
existing (Y/N) *
7. Beneficiaries are willing to form a CBO 8. Community is willing to carryout O&M
(if there isn’t any). (Y/N) * of the project? (Y/N) *
9. Is there any social conflict/dispute? (Y/N) 10. Main tribes in the village:
11. Languages: 12. Main Sources of Income/ livelihoods:
13. Total HH 14. Beneficiary HH:
15. Male Beneficiaries: 16. Female Beneficiaries:
17. Total beneficiaries: 18. Requested Project Sector
*Negative response against any of the asterisk factor will result in project unfeasibility.

Economic & Financial Part:

Willingness to contribute 10% share? (Y/N) *

Rough Cost of the Project Proposed (based on preliminary survey)
Cost Per Beneficiary of the Proposed Project= (Rough cost/ Total Beneficiaries)
Rough cost is within the CDLD allocated VC/NC budget? (Y/N)
Project will contribute to economic benefits? (Y/N)
*Negative response against any of the asterisk factor will result in project unfeasibility.

Justification expressing benefits of the proposed project:

Social Benefits:____________________________________________________________


Economic Benefits:_________________________________________________________


54 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Inclusive Benefits: (Marginalized, Women and Special People)



Technical & Environmental Part: (To be filled by Engineer)

1. Willingness to implement the project themselves? (Y/N) *

2. Is there any experience of implementing community-based projects (Y/N)
3. Is the skilled labor available locally or can be arranged? (Y/N)
4. Is construction material for proposed project easily available/ delivered at
proposed site? (Y/N)
5. The site seems feasible for construction of all proposed structures? (Y/N) *
6. The proposed site fulfills the requirement of project design parameters? (Y/N) *
7. Prefeasibility tests required? (Y/N)
8. Community willing to conduct prefeasibility tests? (Y/N) *
9. Test Result8? (Failed/ Passed) *
*Negative response against any of the asterisk factor will result in project unfeasibility.

On Site
If Yes, Monitoring
Environmental Screening Questions Yes No Management
Mitigation Plan Responsibility
Activity may destruct/degrade natural
Activity may degrade marginal lands?
Activity may significantly increase the
use of fertilizers application?
Activity may lead to erosion, vegetation
loss, and gully formation?
Activity may cause siltation due to
flooding and further meandering rivers
and waterways?
Activity may cause degradation of
protected habitats due to destruction in
and around protected areas?
Activity may cause Bio-diversity loss
due to a decrease in wild plants and
animal species?

To be filled after test result.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 55

On Site
If Yes, Monitoring
Environmental Screening Questions Yes No Management
Mitigation Plan Responsibility
Activity may cause deforestation due
to encroachment and excessive/
uncontrolled harvesting?
Activity may cause drainage and
degradation of wetlands and riparian
Activity poses any threat to water table?
Activity may increase the salinity of
Activity may alter hydrology and
Is there any threat to human health,
mainly due to water-borne diseases?
Damage to the ecosystem due to water
quality and quantity?
Have any adverse impact on potable
water supplies?
Adverse impacts on scenic values or
The site has historic, cultural, or social
Erosion, changing water table, illegal
land clearing, logging or poaching due
to construction?
Is the site prone to flooding?
Area and / or site prone to land sliding?
May increase untreated or insufficiently
treated sewage that can contaminate
drinking water?
Disruption of local socioeconomic
arrangements/ adverse effects to
inhabitants other than beneficiaries?
Alteration in the pattern of land use or
land use conflicts?

Proposed Project Description with Components: (Engineer)


56 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Respondent Name Contact Number Signature

Recommendations by Social Mobilizer:


Recommendations by Field Engineer:


Name SM:____________________________ Name Engr.:_______________________

Signature:_____________________________ Signature:_________________________

Date: _________________________________ Date: ____________________________

Verification from Secretary VC/NC:

I Secretary VC/NC confirm/verify, that the information related to the subject scheme is
correct in my knowledge. I am also verifying that no duplication appears to be involved in
the implementation of the subject project.

Name secretary VC / NC:____________________________________________________

Stamp & Signature: _______________________ Date:______________________

Analysis Remarks expressing justification for feasibility or unfeasibility:


Name PO-SM: ________________

Signature: ____________________

Name of Senior Programme Engineer: _________________________________________

Signature: ____________________

Dated: ____________________

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 57

Each CBO under CDLD will constitute two sub-committees for the implementation of the
project. The specific terms of references of these committees are as under;

1. Project Management, Operation, and Maintenance Committee (PMOMC)

• Responsible for the implementation of all milestones agreed in approved DPP work
plan, procurement plan and operation and maintenance plan.

• Get complete information from concern engineer about all components of approved
DPPs i.e. total estimated cost (CDLD share, community share), measurements of
project, drawing, design, required material, quality, and quantity of material, etc.

• Procurement of quality material from the market according to the specification

mentioned in DPP. Collect receipts of procured material for record-keeping and in
accordance with the receipts ensure entry of material in project stock register and
expenses in cash register.

• Keenly observe the instructions delivered by implementing engineers and adopt the
same standards during the implementation of the scheme.

• During the implementation of the project, ensure proper record keeping of procured
material receipts, stock register, cash book, roaster and attendance register, labor
payment record, vehicle’s fares, and payments against the utilization of machinery,
etc. for CBO internal record.

• Cooperate with and facilitate the visiting line department and district monitoring
officials for inspecting their schemes under execution in all respects. Ensure that all
the necessary records are available on-site and can also be produced to the visiting
officials on demand.
Remarks of visiting officer about the project recorded in project register.

• To inform the general body of CBO about project total estimated cost, received cost
from government, expenses and the quality and quantity of work on a monthly basis.

• Presentation of signed documents i.e. cash book, stock register, payment register,
saving/O&M fund register, etc. to monitoring and auditing committee for their
verification and signatures on fortnightly basis. This will ensure the transparency of
CBO internally.

• Ensure the implementation of guidelines received from the government on time to


• Close coordination with concern line department for getting any guideline related to
operation and maintenance of the project.

• Ensure the monthly collection of O&M fund from all beneficiary households in support
of President and Secretary of CBO.

58 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

• In case of major O&M requirement, inform the general body of CBO about the
required amount.

• Perform O&M activities in light of received trainings from CDLD programme.

• Ensure close coordination with all stakeholders within and outside the CBO.

2. Monitoring and Audit Committee (MAC)

• Get complete information from concern engineer about all components of approved
DPPs i.e. total estimated cost (CDLD share, community share), measurements of
project, drawing, design, required material, quality, and quantity of material, etc. to
perform better monitoring and audit function.

• Inspecting the material and work quality and quantity, identifying issues and reporting
to the general body of CBO.

• Preparing an action plan for resolving issues and fixing responsibility for

• Check stock register, cash book, raster and attendance register, receipts with the
materials procured by PMOMC during implementation and maintain check and
balance between released amount and expenditures.

• Monitor all the activities during the implementation of the project, check records
and conduct an internal audit and present their report to CBO general body for

• Playing a role in pointing out, post-O&M requirements not identified by O&M


• Support CBOs during external monitoring visits.

Note: Both committees are responsible to submit their reports to their general body.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 59


60 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


1. Particulars of Community Based organization

UC / VC /
District Tehsil
Ward NC
Village Name of CBO
Type of CBO Men Women Mix
Number of CBO’s general body
Men Men Total
Number of households represented by CBO (beneficiary HH)
Number of total HH in a village
Registration of CBO with Deputy Commissioner (Y/N) Reg. #
CBO details
A/C Title
CBO Bank
A/C Number
Account details
Bank Branch
Name 1. CNIC#
CBO Bank
Account Name 2. CNIC#
Name 3. CNIC#

CBO office Gender

bearers Name

General CNIC
Secretary Phone#

2. Particulars for the proposed project
2.1. Name of the project
2.2. Beneficiary details

Number of Total number of Male Beneficiaries Female Beneficiaries

beneficiary HH project beneficiaries
Number %age Number %age

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 61

2.3. Nature of the project (tick appropriate)
2.3.1 New Scheme 2.3.2 Extension
2.3.3 Repair 2.3.4 Rehabilitation
2.3.5 Other (Please specify)
2.4 Sectors (Tick appropriate)
Health (Construction
Education (Construction of
of additional rooms,
additional Rooms, missing
2.4.1 2.4.2 missing facilities,
facilities, rehabilitation,
solarization etc.)
solarization etc.)
Works (Street
Roads (Link/Rural Roads,
Pavement, Waiting
2.4.3 Bridges, Culverts, Retaining 2.4.4
Areas in public service
walls for Roads)
areas, Street lights)
Sanitation and Solid
Waste Management
Drinking-Water (Motor
(Drainage, Community
2.4.5 Pumps, Hand Pumps, Gravity, 2.4.6
latrines, dumping
pressure pump)
plot for Solid waste /
Irrigation / Water
Agriculture, Livestock, Management /
Fisheries and Farm, Forestry Soil and Water
(Fruit Processing units, Conservation (Water
2.4.7 godowns, Warehouses, 2.4.8 Courses/channels,
Missing facilities in animal Check Dams, Flood
clinic/hospital, Fish Farms protection walls, Water
and hatcheries) Storage Tanks, solar
tube well)
Social Welfare
& Community
Sports, Culture and
2.4.10 Development (Special
2.4.9 Tourism (Rehabilitation of
Education, Vocational
playgrounds, parks)
Centres, graveyard,
Others (Name if other than
2.5 Project Duration ______________________ (Months)
3. Project Description
3.1 Project Justification

62 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

3.2 Detailed project description

3.3 Site Location: (South, East, West, North including location of the beneficiary population vis-
à-vis the main population centre, a major road or any other reference point. This should be
duly reflect in the map attached.

3.4 Work plan with mile stone, activities and timelines (Mark ü (start to end)
S# Milestone Activity Timeline (start to end)
1 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 …..

3.5 Project procurement plan: (Mark ü (start to end)

S# Item Quantity Timeline (start to end)
1 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 -- --
3.6 Operation and maintenance plan
Proposed Fund
S# Activity Frequency Cost in collection responsibility Remarks
PKR method
4. Abstract of Cost
Component No. Description Cost (In PKR)
Total Cost

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 63

Deduction (Contractor profit + Tax) from schedule item
Additions (location/area factor)
Grand Total
CDLD Share (90%)
CBO Share (10%)
Cost/beneficiary HH
5. CBO’s Sub Committees
5.1 Project Management, Operation and Maintenance Committee
S# Name Contact # Roles and responsibility
5.2 Monitoring and Audit Committee
S# Name Contact # Roles and responsibility
6. Undertaking
I/We hereby undertake that:
ŸŸ This project has NOT been proposed /undertaken under any other plan/programme of the
government/donors/NGOs or any other sources.
ŸŸ Community is ready to take over the implementation and post-completion O&M responsibilities.
ŸŸ The site of the project, involved land and its appurtenances are free from any disputes and legal
ŸŸ The Government and external monitoring team will be allowed for routine monitoring, evaluation, and
audit of the schemes.
Submitted By
Name Name
Designation in Designation
Date Date
Stamp and Stamp and
signature signature

64 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


1 Social Record
ŸŸ First Application/concern VC/NC wise MIS based merit list
‫شی ٹ‬
ŸŸ Attendance sheets / � ‫احرضی‬
ŸŸ Resolutions from CBO
ŸŸ By laws
ŸŸ Beneficiary list / ‫مس�ف�ی�د وہےن واےل رھگاونں یک رہفتس‬
ŸŸ Village Map
ŸŸ Registration
ŸŸ Account Opening record (copies of CNIC etc.)
ŸŸ Account opening receipt
ŸŸ Land acquisition certificate (if applicable)
ŸŸ Grant Agreement between CBO and Deputy Commissioner
ŸŸ Others
2 Technical Record
ŸŸ CBO Socio-economic and technical feasibility
ŸŸ Survey sheet
ŸŸ Survey checklist
ŸŸ Water quality, resistivity and any other test (if applicable)
ŸŸ Detailed Project Proposal
i. Site plan
ii. Design Justification
iii. Detailed Drawing
iv. Detailed Cost estimates
v. Pre-Pictures
ŸŸ Non-duplication certificate from concern line Department
ŸŸ Desk Review of DPP
ŸŸ Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) Screening sheet
3 Administrative Records
ŸŸ TEC meeting minutes (sanction of project highlighted)
ŸŸ Special TEC minutes in case of any variance related to project
ŸŸ District Development Committee minutes (approval of project highlighted)
ŸŸ Administrative Approval from Deputy Commissioner (AA of project highlighted)
ŸŸ Work Order from district Administration

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 65

4 Financial Record
ŸŸ Fund requisition along with resolution for first instalment
ŸŸ Fund requisition along with resolution for 2nd instalment
ŸŸ Fund requisition along with resolution for final instalment
ŸŸ MBs, Narrative and financial report for 2nd instalment
ŸŸ MBs, Narrative and financial reports for 3rd instalment
ŸŸ Sanctions and simple receipts (highlight the project)
5 Reports
ŸŸ Engineers field visit
ŸŸ Social mobilizers field visit
ŸŸ Line department
ŸŸ Any other
6 Any other document related to project

66 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


Tick the appropriate Remarks

S.# Information
information (if any)

1 The facts and figures given in the VCDP have been checked 

2 Schemes appear to be technically feasible 

3 Overall cost appears to be reasonable 

4 O&M arrangement is satisfactory 

5 No duplication appears to be involved 

The schemes do not appear to contravene any
Government Policy 

Signed and Stamp by:______________________________________________________

Name of focal person:______________________________________________________


Department:______________________________ Dated: __________________________

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 67


A. Social Aspects

# Section Description Recommendations
Yes No
General information about the community and proposed project

Names of the VC/NC, UC, Tehsil and district clearly

mentioned in the DPP?
 

Is the name of the project clearly mentioned in the

 
Is the nature of the proposed project clearly
mentioned? (i.e. New scheme, extension, repair,  
Is the sector of the proposed project clearly
1 mentioned in the DPP and other relevant documents?
 
Is the basic information (site location map) required
for tracking, validation and the exact location of the  
community mentioned in the DPP?
Is the Village Map showing different population
groups/cultivated area etc. mentioned/attached with  
the DPP?
Is Project duration clearly and reasonably mentioned
in the DPP as per CDLD defined timeframe?
 
Is CBO demographic data (segregated by gender)
available in DPP?
 

Is socio-economic and technical feasibility attached?  

Has the proposed project properly been justified in
the DPP?
 
Is the proposed project cost effective; confirming
Socio-economic feasibility

that proposed project is benefitting maximum  

Is community willing to participate & contribute their
2 share in the implementation of the proposed project?
 
Is the beneficiary data matching with VCDP data? (as
 
Is there any social dispute/conflict with regards to the
proposed project?
 
The resolution for proposed project detailed survey
attached with at least 70% members concurrence  
The list of CBO members and beneficiary households
attached with DPP?
 

68 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

# Section Description Recommendations
Yes No
Names with complete information of the office
bearers of the CBO mentioned in the DPP?
 
Bank account details available in the DPP? (Bank
accounts opening in process are permissible)
 
The copy of the registration certificate attached with
 
Are information/names of CBO three subcommittees
available? (Membership of Management &
Procurement Committee should not be repeated
 
in Monitoring & Audit Committee)

Is O&M plan attached with the DPP?  

3.2.1. Copy of approved VCDP attached with DPP?  

3.2.2. MIS score for VCDP project attached with the
 

Land acquisition affidavit (if applicable) attached with
 
Undertaking by CBO management in section 7 of the
DPP is duly signed?
 

B. Engineering Aspects

# Section Description Recommendations
Yes No

Main components of scheme are properly designed

with all details & dimensions on separate page.
 

Engineering standards & specifications as followed

by LDs.
 

Design parameters are accurate & complete.  


1 All calculations should be in uniform standard units in

 
Design formulae used are correct, up-to-date & as
per design requirements.
 
Structural design correlates with the data recorded
on survey sheet.
 
Authentic software is used to design scheme
components. (If applicable)
 

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 69

# Section Description Recommendations
Yes No

Required drawings of each component attached.  

X-Sec of each component available.  

L-Sec (roads & channel) available.  

Front elevation (building) available.  


2 Side elevation (building) available.  

Site plan attached with complete information &
 
Dimensions of different parameters (Length, Width,
Height, Depth etc.) of all components are provided in  
X-Sec of the structures correlates with the design
 

Calculated quantities of material & labor are correct.  

Units of material are properly mentioned.  

Values of different quantities & items are calculated
 

The rate analysis page correlates with the detail

estimation page.
 

Cost estimation as per the latest MRS.  

Summary page showing cost, material & labor is
 
Contractor’s profit of 10 %, and tax 7% deducted from
the total cost.
 
Location factor of further remoteness, added to total
 
Cost of non-scheduled items have been analyzed and
verified by PoEs.
 
Milestones are set in proper sequence & justified
 

BOQ correlates with designs & drawings.  

BOQ presentation quality is good as per standard
 

70 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

# Section Description Recommendations
Yes No
Cover / Title page duly signed by concerned PoE
Engineers attached?
 
Other engineering related Documents

Existing arrangements & proposed structures are

defined in detail in the project description section?
 

Pre-project photographs are attached?  

O&M plan is attached and described in detail.  
Work Plan is attached, correlated with milestones and
activities mentioned in BoQ
 
Procurement plan is attached in conformance with
summary of material.
 

Social Aspect Checked by: Engineering Aspect Checked by:

Name:__________________ Name:___________________
Signature:_______________ Signature:________________
Date: __________________ Date: ___________________
Signature: ______________ Signature: _______________

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 71


S. no: _______________ (for official use only)

MIS reference no.__________________________________________ (for official use only)

Screening and Evaluation of Detailed Project Proposal

Yes / No
S.# “No” remark in any of these will result in outright rejection of Remarks
/ NA
the proposed project proposal.
A Social Aspects
Is the proposed project shortlisted from the priority list of
approved VCDP of the concerned VC/NC?
Is the project proposal completely filled, along with the
Has the CBO’s level of preparedness been checked and CBO
found ready to implement the project?
Is the beneficiary data provided in the DPP validated and found
Has the project been properly justified and verified that it
addresses the genuine needs of the community?
Is the project site conflict free and there are no social disputes
so far?
Has the project proposed been verified that it is intended to
benefit community, not an individual?
Land proposed for the project is communal and not owned by
an individual or has been acquired in the name of CBO.
Does CBO agree to take the responsibility of O&M of the project
as per CDLD procedures?
B Technical Aspects
Has the project location been physically verified and found well
oriented with the design and drawings?
Is the selected site stable and resilient enough to withstand
natural disasters?
Has the CBO agreed to carry out Operation and maintenance
B-3 of the project and provided detailed O&M plan in the attached
Is the project technically feasible and detailed design &
B-4 drawings are satisfactory and cost estimates provided are error
Is the project environmentally feasible and has no major effect
on local flora and fauna?

72 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Screening and Evaluation of Detailed Project Proposal
Yes / No
S.# “No” remark in any of these will result in outright rejection of Remarks
/ NA
the proposed project proposal.
Has the resistivity test been carried out and local history been
considered for availability and continuous supply of water?
Has the water quality test been carried out and found the water
safe for drinking?
C Financial Aspects

C-1 Is community providing its 10% mandatory contribution?

Is per beneficiary cost of project is less than or equal to the

agreed per beneficiary cost?

C-3 Is the Project within approved time limit?

C-4 Is the project cost within approved CDLD ceiling?

Are the cost estimates based on latest MRS with area factor
Is the cost of Non Schedule Items (NSI’s) and carriage and
C-6 transportation considered realistically and according to the
ground situation?


1. Name 2. Name

Designation Designation

Department Department

Signature Signature

Date Date

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 73

3. Name 4. Name

Designation Designation

Department Department

Signature Signature

Date Date

5. Name 6. Name

Designation Designation

Department Department

Signature Signature

Date Date

74 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures



This Agreement is made on this day of____________________________ between the

Deputy Commissioner of the District__________________, Government of the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, (hereinafter referred to as the “First Party”), which expression, unless the
context otherwise requires, shall include his legally appointed authorities, representatives
and successors-in-office of the First Part and the_____________________________
through its President________________________________, having it’s registered office
at______________________________________________________ (hereinafter referred
as the “Second Party”), which expression, wherever the context so permits shall mean
and include its associates, successors in interests, permitted representatives and assigns
of the Second Part;

WHEREAS the First Party has approved a policy namely, “Community-Driven Local
Development”, to provide an enabling environment for CBOs duly registered, to access
public funds, in the sectors as specified in Annex: ’13.1’ of Schedule, appended to this
Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the Schedule). These public funds may be utilized for
the capacity building of community developing infrastructure, improve public service delivery
system identified by Second Party, (hereinafter referred to as the “development work”)
and shall help decrease the trust deficit between the public office and the community.

AND WHEREAS, the First Party desires to carry out the development work and the
Second Party agreed to implement the development work, supported financially by the First
Party, with the maximum of the____ % percent (hereinafter referred to as the “Government
Fund”), with the minimum (ten percent) 10% contribution by the Second Party, in cash or
kind i.e. in shape of labor, providing raw materials or other services towards the completion
of development work, as the case may be, (hereinafter referred to as the “Contributed
Fund”), on such terms and condition as specified under this Agreement.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Parties hereby agree as follows:

1. Commencement, 1.1 This Agreement shall commence from the day on

Duration, and extension which the Parties signed this Agreement.
of Agreement:
1.2 The duration of this Agreement shall be _______,
which shall not be more than 12 months.

1.3 Notwithstanding anything contained in clause 1.2,

this Agreement may be extended, from time to time,
with mutual consent of the Parties and subject to
the approval of Policy Coordination and Review
Committee, constituted by the Local Government,
Elections and Rural Development Department of

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 75

2. Funds: The total amount, with the maximum of Government
Fund and minimum of Contributed Fund, shall be rupees,
___________________________________, which shall
be requisitioned by the Second Party, through Fund
Requisition Form, as specified in Annex: ’13.2’ of the

3. Mode of Payment: 3.1 The payment from Government Fund to the Second
Party by the First Party shall be as follows:

First Installment; (40% ) Rs.__________

Second Installment; and (50%) Rs.__________

Final Installment (10%) Rs.__________

Total Rs.__________

3.2 The First Party shall pay the first instalment to the
Second Party at the time of signing of this Agreement.

3.3 The second instalment shall be paid to the Second

Party, at the time of submitting a narrative report as
well as financial report, as specified at Annex: ’13.3’
and ’13.4’, of the Schedule, respectively, to the First

3.4 The final instalment shall be made to the Second

Party at the time of submitting a final report as
specified at Annex: ’13.5’ of the Schedule.

3.5 All these payments shall be made to the Second

Party, after submitting the Funds Requisition Form,
as specified at Annex: ’13.2’, of the Schedule,
subject to proper verification and due satisfaction of
the First Party.

3.6 All the payments to the Second Party shall be

made through crossed cheques, under proper
acknowledgment receipt and witnessed by
representatives of the Second Party, in the designated
bank account of the Second Party, jointly operated
by the President and Secretary of the Second Party,
with the following particulars:

Bank Account No.:______________________________

Title of Account: ________________________________
Bank Name: ___________________________________
Branch: ______________________________________

76 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

4. Responsibility of the The responsibilities of the First Party are to-
First Party:
(a) carry out the external audit of the narrative report,
financial report and final report submitted by the
Second Party;

(b) visit the sites where the developmental work is in

progress and to examine or peruse all the relevant
records for the purpose of monitoring, evaluation,
and audit;

(C) ensure that the respective district technical line

departments shall provide engineering support to
the Second Party for the purpose to assess the work
quality and for implementation of the development

(d) ensure, before granting the Government Fund to the

Second Party, that whether the development work is
already covered by the relevant departments of the
district government;

(e) conduct random checking of the development work,

as and when required;

(f) appoint auditor, monitor or evaluator, as the case

may be, for the purpose of an audit, monitoring or
evaluation of the development work;

(g) ensure that the implementation of the development

work is being carried out in conformity to the giving
design, drawings, sketches, specifications, and
engineering standards; and

(h) proceed against the Second Party in accordance with

the relevant laws, for the time being enforced, and
recover the Government fund allocated or deposited
to the First Party, in case of any embezzlement, miss
appropriation, and non-compliance, as the case may
be, noticed by the First Party

5. Responsibility of the The responsibilities of the Second Party are to-

Second Party:
(a) provide the Contributed Fund for the implementation
of the Agreement;

(b) obtain and retain receipts on file for all expenditure

incurred and payments made on prescribed voucher
and registers for audit, including independent third
party auditors. Such records shall be maintained for
a minimum of seven years or until after three years
after the audit takes place, whichever is later;

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 77

(c) allow and support access for the First Party and
its representatives to the sites where development
work is carried on and to all relevant records for the
purposes of monitoring, evaluation, and audit;

(d) submit the narrative report, financial report and final

report, as specified under this Agreement;

(e) submit ad-hoc progress reports, as and when


(f) return the all un-expended funds to the First Party,

through cross cheque, on submission of the final

(g) make representative or office bearer available to

meet with answers and questions and provide
management information to the auditor, monitor or
evaluator, as the case may be, appointed by the First

(h) make the implementation of the development work

strictly in conformity in the giving design, drawings,
sketches, specifications, and engineering standards;

(i) restrict himself from making any changes or

modifications to the given design, specifications and
engineering standards, without the prior approval of
the First Party;

(j) bear additional costs, in case the development

work does not complete in the available or agreed
resources of the Government fund and Contributed

(k) ensure safe custody of all materials brought to the

site of development work, against any loss, damage,
theft, pilferage, misuse, etc;

(l) maintain an onsite register to be unknown, as

registered of material, reflecting a stock balance
of all items of development works, including daily
issuance, etc;

(m) maintain and repair the development works done by

it after the completion of the development work;

(n) (provide adequate supervision of and care for the

development work; and

78 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

(o) avoid embezzlement, miss appropriation and
non-compliance with the design and quality of the
material used for the development work.
6. Law Governing This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of Pakistan,
Agreement: for the time being enforced.

7. Force Majeure: The Parties shall not be responsible for any delay in
fulfillment of the obligations under this Agreement due to
circumstances of Force Majeure, such as acts of God,
war, riots, civil commotion, strike, lockouts and other
circumstances and disturbances, which are beyond the
control of both the Parties. Any Party unable to fulfill
the obligations under this Agreement shall immediately
within one week inform other Party of the beginning
and discontinuation of such circumstances. In the case
of fulfillment of the obligations, the time of limit shall be
extended for a corresponding period of time.
8. Dispute Resolution: 8.1 The Parties shall attempt in good faith to negotiate a
settlement to any dispute between them arising out of
or in connection with this Agreement;

8.2 In the event that a dispute arises between the Parties,

that cannot be settled amicably, the dispute shall
be referred to arbitration by a single arbitrator to be
appointed by each Party.

8.3 In case the dispute could not be resolved by the

arbitrators, as so appointed, the matter shall be
referred to the Commissioner the __________ division
for resolution. The decision of such Commissioner
in this respect shall be final and binding on both the

8.4 The development work shall not be ceased or delayed

during the process of settlement of the dispute
between the Parties.
9. Termination of 9.1 The First Party may, at any time upon giving the
Agreement Second Party thirty (30) days prior written notice,
terminate this Agreement and in case the Second
Party intends to terminate this Agreement, the
Second Party shall also give a thirty (30) days prior
written notice to the First Party.

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 79

9.2 This Agreement shall be terminated in the following
(a) any changes occur which, in the opinion of the
First Party, impair significantly the value of the
development works;
(b) in case of any change of the First Party’s policy
priorities within which the development work is
to be delivered, or the Government Fund and
Contributed Fund available is insufficient to
finance the development work.

9.3 Upon the termination of this Agreement, the Second

Party shall provide to the First Party the narrative
reports and financial report (including invoices and
receipts), up to the date of such termination.

9.4 Consequent upon the termination, the Second Party

shall reimburse the total or unspent Government
fund, as the case may be, to the First Party. In case
this Agreement is terminated due to any fault of the
Second Party, the First Party shall have the right
to declare the Second Party as blacklisted and no
agreement shall be executed with them in the future.
In addition, the Second Party may recommend to the
Registering Authority to cancel its registration.
10. Notices: 10.1 Any notice given under the provisions of this
Agreement shall be in writing and if sent by registered
mail and shall be deemed to have been served on
the following days i.e. date of posting, appropriately
addressed as given below. If notice is sent by telex
or fax it shall be deemed to have been served when
transmissions thereof to the appropriate telex or fax
number sent out below has been received.

10.2 Upon the issuance of the notice, all ongoing

transactions shall be completed by the Second Party
within the said notice period, provided however new
transactions may be initiated within the first thirty (30)
days of the notice period. Upon the expiry of the said
thirty days of the notice period, no new transactions
shall be accepted.

80 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

To the First Party:

To the Second Party:


IN WITNESSES WHEREOF, both the Parties hereto have herein set their hands and seal
the day and year first written above:

For and on behalf of the First Party. For and on behalf of the Second Party.

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

Designation: ________________________ Designation: ________________________


Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

CNIC: _____________________________ CNIC: _____________________________

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

CNIC: _____________________________ CNIC: _____________________________

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 81

Annexure 11.1: Sectors identified in the advertisement

Education (Construction of additional rooms, Health (Construction of additional rooms, missing

missing facilities, rehabilitation). facilities, rehabilitation)..

Roads (Link / Rural Roads, Bridges, Culverts, Works (Street Pavement, Waiting Areas in public
Protection walls for Roads). service areas, Street lights).

Sanitation and Solid Waste Management

Drinking-Water (Motor Pumps, Hand Pumps,
(Drainage, Community Latrines, a dumping plot for
Solid waste/disposal).

Agriculture, Livestock, Fisheries and Farm Irrigation / Water Management / Soil and
Forestry (Fruit Processing units, Godowns, Water Conservation (Water Courses/channels,
Warehouses, Missing facilities in animal clinic / Check Dams, Flood protection walls, Water Storage
hospital, Fish Farms and hatcheries). Tanks).

Social Welfare & Community Development

Sports, Culture and Tourism (Rehabilitation of
(Special Education, Vocational Centres, Graveyard,
playing grounds, parks).


82 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Annexure 11.2: Funds Requisition Form

Project Code:_____________________________________________________________

Name of the CBO:_________________________________________________________

Name of the Project:_______________________________________________________

Location of Project:____________________ Name of Village:_______________________

Union Council:________________________ Village Council:_______________________

Tehsil:_______________________________ District:_____________________________

CBO Bank Account Title:____________________________________________________

CBO Bank Account Number:_________________________________________________

Bank Name:______________________________________________________________

Bank Branch Address:______________________________________________________

Project Total Cost:____________________ GoKP Share:________________________

Funds already received:_______________ Balance GoKP Share:_________________

Amount Requested:__________________ Installment #:________________________

Amount in Word:

President of CBO Secretary of CBO

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

(Resolution from CBO for the request of 1st installment must be attached with this form).

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 83

Annexure 11.3: Narrative Report

Project Code:_____________________ Reporting Period:___________________

Name of the CBO:_________________________________________________________

Name of the Project:________________________________________________________

A. Activity during this period:__________________________________________________





B. Achievement of milestones:

S.# Milestones Target Set Percentage completed

1 Milestone # .…………….......................................................……………………… %

2 Milestone # .…………….......................................................……………………… %

3 Milestone # .…………….......................................................……………………… %

4 Milestone # .…………….......................................................……………………… %

5 Milestone # .…………….......................................................……………………… %

I certify that the above information is correct and complete.

President of CBO Secretary of CBO

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

(Field Engineer from PoE will provide support during the preparation of this report).

84 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures

Annexure 11.4: Financial Report:

Dated:___________________ Project Code:________________


Name of the CBO:_________________________________________________________

Name of the Project:_______________________________________________________

Agreed Expenditure Expenditure Total

Budget Line
Budget till last report this report Expenditure

(Item 1)

(Item 2)

(Item 3)

(Item 4)

(Item 5)

(Item 6)

(Item 7)


We certify that the above financial information is correct and complete:

President of CBO Secretary of CBO

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

(Field Engineer from PoE will provide support during the preparation of this report).

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 85

Annexure 11.5: Final Report:

Dated:___________________ Project Code:________________


Name of the CBO:_________________________________________________________

Name of the Project:_______________________________________________________

Agreed Expenditure Expenditure Total

Budget Line
Budget till last report this report Expenditure

(Item 1)

(Item 2)

(Item 3)

(Item 4)

(Item 5)

(Item 6)

(Item 7)


We certify that the above financial information is correct and complete.

President of CBO Secretary of CBO

Name : _____________________________ Name : _____________________________

Signature : __________________________ Signature : __________________________

86 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures



Ref No:____________ MIS Code:______________ Dated:_______________



(CBO’s Name & Address)

Subject: Work Order, Construction of (Name of Approved / Sanctioned Scheme)

Your scheme namely___________________________ has been approved by the Deputy

Commissioner/DDC forum under the CDLD Programme, amounting PKR_____________
of the administrative approval granted on serial #___________. The approved amount also
contains 10 % community share, PKR__________. Hence, under the covenants of the
mutual grant contract agreement, you will be entitled to receive the balance amount of PKR

You are hereby advised to start physical construction work on the site with immediate effect
under the directions of engineer-in-charge. The said scope of work must be completed within
the stipulated time period of____________ months positively, effective from this______day
of_________ 201________.

The 40% mobilization advances, amounting to PKR_____________, of the total GoKP

CDLD share in the shape of cross cheque bearing #___________ of________ 201_____
has been released to the CBO joint bank account. However, it will be the CBO responsibility
to fulfill their obligations as per the agreement signed between the two parties.

The approved scope of work is as under:

(BoQ of the respective scheme is to be pasted here).

S.# Item of work Quantity Unit Rate Amount (Rs)

GoKP (CDLD) Share (90 %):
CBO Share (10 %):

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 87

The second and third installments of 50 % and 10 %, respectively, will be paid on the basis
of work done, where CBO will be required to submit the following support documents along
with payment request:

a. Bills / vouchers displaying the quantum of work done.

b. Copies of stock register.

c. Copies of the cash book.

d. Copies of CBO resolution with a request for 2nd or last instalments.

e. Quotations of procured materials.

Note: The final payments would be carried out on work done basis as per GoKP standard
procedures in vogue.

The Additional Deputy Commissioner,

Finance & Planning / Focal Person CDLD
__________________________ District

88 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


MIS Code:_____________________ Date:_____________________





Basic Information:

Project Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________
VC / NC Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Completion Cost (in PKR):_______________________________________________________________________________________

Affirming the contract agreement and amendments, the project was started on____________________________
________________________________________ and successfully completed on_________________________________________

It is agreed that the repair and maintenance of the cited project will be the responsibility of the
concerned CBO while the line department will provide technical support on request. Secretary VC/NC
will oversee the periodic maintenance conducted by the CBO.


Additional Deputy Commissioner Secretary VC/NC
- Finance & Planning (ADC-F&P)
Reference no of Inventory
Name:______________________________ CBO Name:________________________ Register:___________________________
Stamp & Signature:_______________ Signature of President:___________ Name:______________________________
Date:_______________________________ Signature of Secretary:___________ Stamp & Signature:_______________
Date:_______________________________ Date:_______________________________

Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures 89

MIS Code:_____________________ Date:_____________________





Basic Information:

Project Name:____________________________________________________________________________________________________
VC / NC Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Completion Cost (in PKR):_______________________________________________________________________________________

Affirming the contract agreement and amendments, the project was started on____________________________
________________________________________ and successfully completed on_________________________________________

It is agreed that the repair and maintenance of the project will be the responsibility of the concerned line
department from the date of handing over.


Additional Deputy Commissioner Representative of concerned
- Finance & Planning (ADC-F&P) department

Name:______________________________ Reference no of inventory

CBO Name:________________________
Stamp & Signature:_______________ Register:___________________________
Signature of President:___________
Date:_______________________________ Name & Designation:______________
Stamp & Signature:_______________ Signature of Secretary:___________

Date:_______________________________ Date:_______________________________

90 Revised CDLD POLICY Implementation Procedures


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