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Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University

College of medicine
Department of Biochemistry

Department of Biochemistry
Assignment 01: Second Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
Course: Nutrition (NUTR-222; Nursing)

Topic: Dietary Carbohydrate and Lipid

• Work in groups. One group will have maximum 3 students
• Answer all the question provided in the form. use properly structured sentences and
don't forget the units in your calculation. Add the reference/ bibliography at the end of
the document (background reading material and website used) .
• Take a printout and submit it manually to the course-coordinator/ instructor
• Last date of submission: 21-01-2023
• PLAGIARISM will check. Make sure that the work is original.

Sr. No. Student’s ID Name of the Student

1 2220005739 Saad Fahad Alabbad

2 2220000493 Hussain Mohammed Alghanem

3 2220000435 Abbas Mohammed Alhassan

1) Select a meal plan that contain a fruit, dairy product, bread and two
vegetables (with serving size):

Meal plant 1 Serving Size

Fruit Pineapple ½ Cup contain 37.1 Kcal
Dairy Product Milk 1 Cup contain 148.8 Kcal
Bread Oatmeal 1 slice contain 72.6 Kcal
Vegetables Broccoli ½ Cup contain 15.5 Kcal
Carrot 1 Cup contain 52.5 Kcal

Total serving size : 326.5 Kcal.

Reference: Eat This Much, I. (n.d.). Eat this much, your personal diet assistant. Eat This
Much. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from
NUTR222 Assignment1, second semester 2022 2023

2) List the carbohydrates and lipids content for each item:

Meal plant carbohydrates lipids

Fruit Pineapple 9.8g 0.1g
Dairy Product Milk 11.7g 7.9g
Bread Oatmeal 13.1g 1.2g
Vegetables Broccoli 3.0g 0.2g
Carrot 12.3g 0.3g

Reference: Eat This Much, I. (n.d.). Eat this much, your personal diet assistant. Eat This
Much. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from

3) List the glycemic index and glycemic load for each item:

Meal plant glycemic index glycemic load

Fruit Pineapple 66.0 Medium GI 8.6 low GL
Dairy Product Milk 31.0 low GI 1.6 low GL
Bread Oatmeal 47.0 low GI 19.2 Medium GL
Vegetables Broccoli 15.0 low GI 0.5 low GL
Carrot 30.0 low GI 2.0 low GL

Reference: #1 glycemic index guide. Glycemic Index Guide. (2023, January 24). Retrieved
January 25, 2023, from

4) Calculate the total carbohydrate intake and the number of calories derived
from carb in this meal:

9.8g of Pineapple x 4 = 39.2Kcal
11.7g of Milk x 4 = 46.8Kcal
13.1 of Oatmeal x 4 = 52.4 Kcal
3.0g of Broccoli x 4 = 12.0 Kcal
12.3g of Carrot x 4 = 49.2 Kcal

- Total carbohydrate : 199.6 Kcal

- The total carbohydrate intake : 199.6/326.5 x100 = 61.13%
NUTR222 Assignment1, second semester 2022 2023

5) Calculate the total lipid intake and the amount of calories derived from fat
in this meal:

0.1 g of Pineapple x 9 = 0.9 Kcal
7.9 g of Milk x 9 = 71.1 Kcal
1.2 g of Oatmeal x 9 = 10.8 Kcal
0.2 g of Broccoli x 9 = 1.8 Kcal
0.3 g of Carrot x 9 = 2.7 Kcal

- Total carbohydrate : 87.3 Kcal

- The total lipid intake : 87.3/326.5 x100 = 26.7%

6) Which supplements or food should be added or replaced if the patient has a

high risk for coronary artery disease:

1. Vegetables ex. Broccoli.

2. Fruits ex. Banana.
3. Nuts ex. Pistachio.
4. Whole grains ex. Brown rice.
5. Lean animal protein.
6. Fish.

Reference: Zaleska. (2023, January 19). How to create a heart-healthy diet plan. Cleveland
Clinic. Retrieved January 25, 2023, from

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