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Click on 'Therapy Panel' button. Therapy Panel will be displayed.

() Click on 'Evaluate'. Information window will be displayed. Click on 'OK' to initiate evaluation.

The evaluation will last 3 to 5 minutes. Once concluded information window will appear with the
message: 'Patient must smoke a cigarette now.

Detach the harness, and invite the client out oft he room to smoke the cigarette

Upon return, place the cigarette butt onto the test plate of interface box.

Attach the harness

There are 3 options possible fort he therapy:

• Stress reduction
0 • Lung cleaner
• Larynx treat

Click one oft he 3

options Click 'Treat'.

Click 'OK'.

'Treat' button will be activated. Click on it

Process will take 12 to 15 minutes. When finished Information window will advise 'Therapy over'. Click on
'OK' to finish session and then on 'Close' to end

The data of the patient is stored in the computer and if further sessions are required, you have the option
to load the person back, and modify the data ifrequired. A'delete' button has been provided to delete
unwanted entries.


Will be completed with the new version oft he Prayer Wheel

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 1


20.1Stress Causing or Aggavating a Specific Disease

20.2 Pre-requisites for Best Quantum Biofeedback & Bioresonance Practice

20.3The 8 Pillars ofHealth, Wellness &Anti-Aging

20.4 EDUCTOR64 Quantum World ofHealth



Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 2

DISCLAIMER: This section is designed to suggest a choice of harmonizations when you are working
with someone who is currently under the care of a doctor and who has been diagnosed with a disease.
This client has come to us to help them manage the stress related to its condition. There must be no
misunderstanding! It is essential that any person who has a chronic & degenerative health problem be
followed bya qualified health professional! It is essential to have the client to sign the informed consent

In addition to the Disease Dictionary, the main module (Consciousness) contains some specifics procedures to
eradicate specific diseases as describeb below:


The main matrix provides 2 quick ways to get the client's reactivity to diseases (Stress)

(J • Sub-Category DISEASE
• A Search for DEDIC in the search item. This will provide the client's reactivity to the diseases in the
Disease Dictionary

It is always possible tosearch the matrix for a specific disease


A) Timed Treatment (Superlearning Panel) / Dgeneration

This harmonsation is used primarily in the case of chronic diseases (cancer, etc.).

From the EPR Test Panel

• "C" Programs • Top menu bar

u I
• C_Timed cybernetic •
biofeedback therapies
Music & Superlearning

• C_Timed_Treatments •
• C_Enable_timed therapy • 5 minutes recommended. Until rectification +95%
• Set the time Time

• Adjust Voltage & Amperage • Tomaximun


• C_Degeneration •
• C_Cancer_Types • This search in the brain for traces of unresolved trauma.
I These "patterns" of brain create interference with the flow of the
",) energy to specific regions of the body, which become
vulnerable to

• C_Start Degenerative • 5 minutes Recommended - Move the harness to the affected

Correction therapy region. A message mightappear stating that Degen Virus has

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 3

• C_Mental_Cause for •
mental indices
• C_Fatty_acid_Stim • If it is appropriate
• C Reduce the effects
• C Reduce the effects of • !fit is appropriate

• C_Degen_virus_destruct •
• C_Neoplasm Scan on the • Anew panel open. (see NEOPLASM SCAN in
Pink panel BJ
0 I • C Close • To close the pink

BJ NEOPLASM SCAN - on the pinkpanel

This therapy should be performed onlywhen a cancer has beed diagnosed bya licenced health professional.

From the pink panel

• CScan cancer_Type • A therapy starts. At the end a panel appears with the

• Click OK • The DEGEN SCAN panel appears

• Click Result Degen Scan • This will activate the Treat
• Search for the cancer type • The neme of the organ replace the words INTRODUCTION. Look
from the tabs below at the content of the biological conflict for a hint about the
INTRODUCTION and click trigger event or the problem
until the name of the

• C_add_Additional_Piggy_ba • To add piggy back

ktherapies therapies

• C Focus on item loaded •

• C Emotional release •
• CDetox •

• CLoad •
• C close • The Piggy back panel
• Set the timer • 10 min. ATTENTION: During this therapy it will NOT be possible
to preceed for other therapy in the Main Consciousness

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 4

• Click treat • Until rectification is +95%. Love indexshould bealso greater
than Frustration Index

• Click Close/ Click OK • This will automatically terminate the NEOPLASM SCAN
THERAPY on the Main Consciousness Panel

• Click OK on the Blue Panel •

Optional: At this stage, if you want to pursue with theTherapy EMOTIONS, click the button EMOTION SCREEN.
This therapy is described at section ??

C) Brain Scan/ Scan Degen (Cancer) Type

() From the NLP panel

• C Brain Scan •
• C Brain Scan for Nutrition • Note the needs of the client A new button appears (Degen
• C Degen Scan • A therapy starts. At the end a panel appears with the

• COK • The DEGEN SCAN panel appears

• C Result Degen Scan • This will activate the Treat

• Search for the cancer • The neme of the organ replace the words INTRODUCTION. Look
type from the tabs below at the content of the biological conflict for a hint about the
L.) I INTRODUCTION and click trigger event or the problem
until the name of the
• C_add_Additional_Piggy_ba • To add piggy back therapies

• C Focus on item loaded •

• C Emotional •
• release CDetox •
• CLoad •
• Cclose • The Piggy back panel
• Set the timer • 10 min. ATTENTION: During this therapy it will NOT be possible
to preceed for other therapy in the Main Consciousness
• Click treat • Until rectification is +95%. Love indexshould bealso greater
than Frustration Index

• Click Close/ Click OK • This will automatically terminate the DEGENERATION SCAN
THERAPY on the Main Consciousness Panel

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 5

• Click OK on the Blue Panel •

D) Degeneration - Superlearning Panel

A cascade of 4 Degeneration AFE Therapies are available as follow:

• Superleaming Panel/ Menu Phase RX/ Access EDUCTOR Degeneration & Inflammation

Therapies These therapies are AFE therapies and are carried out according to the same procedure
■ "C" - Degeneration 1,2,3 or ■ Attention these therapies are very powerful. It is strongly
4 recommended not to perform more than 2 of these therapies
in a same session
) I ■ 11
C"OK ■

■ "C" Start degeneration ■ Examine the emotions that show on the fest of the
therapy panel.

■ "C" Stop degeneration ■ When the correction reaches 100%

■ "C"Close You must manually close this program as

Optional: During this AFE therapies you can activate as many C-SCAN panels as described in section 11.1.2

E) Degeneration - NLP Panel

3 Denerations therapies are possible from the NLP Panel

• Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Degeneration
• Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Super degeneration Therapy
• Magic Window (for Eductoronly) / Hi Freq Therapy- (Note: Duration is limited to 15 min)

F) Home Use Prescrtption Panel

A Degeneration Therapy is available on the Home Use Prescription Panel - See section 2.2

G) Cancer Therapy- BIG Module

From BIG Panel/

■ Menu Solfeggio and Fractal RX: / Fractal for cancer

• Menu EDUCTOR Magic Window/ Cancer Therapy



A) Timed Treatment (SuperlearningPanel)

From the EPR Test Panel

• "C" Programs • Top menu bar

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 6

• C_Timed cybernetic •
,, biofeedback therapies
Music & Superleaming

• C_Timed_Treatments •
• C_Enable_timed therapy • 5 minutes recommended. Until rectification
• Set the time Time +95%

• Adjust Voltage & • Tomaximun

Amperage Bar

• C_Blood Sugar Disorder • You can click on piggy back therapy (Add additional treatment
:.· )
• C_Treat Diabetes • 5 minutes Recommended

• C_Mental_Cause for • Ifappropriate

mental indices

• C_Fatty_acid_Stim •
• C Reactivity Disease • To help the body systems to
• C Insuline Quality •
• Stimulate C Insuline •
• Stimulation •
• C_Degen_virus_destruct • A new panel
0 open.
C_Neoplasm Scan on the
• C Close • To close the pink

HJ Sugar Craving-NLP Panel (For EDUCTOR only)

This AFE therapy can be accessed as follow from the NLP Panel

• Magic Window/ Treating sugar craving and balancing bowel flora

l) Diabetic Neuropathy- NLP Panel

This AFE therapy can be accessed as follow from the NLP Panel

• Menu New GSRtDCs / Diabetic neuropathy


A) From Auto Zap

• EPR Test Panel/ Menu Auto Focus Bioresonance Zap/ Zap Lymes Disease

BJ From NLP Panel

• Menu New GSRtDCs / Lyme's like disease

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 7

This is an AFE therapy- see section XX to know how to activate this therapy


Many harmonizationsare possible;

A) From NLP Panel

• Menu New GSRtDCs / MS and other Demyelination

• Menu New GSRtDCs / Neurological Paralysis or Spams
• Menu Magic Window/ Neurological Etherial repair
• Menu Special EDUCTOR therapies/ lmmuno-
Neuro BJ From Home Use Prescription
• Neuro-Immuno
• Note: you can use the Buttleflyto send the frequencies toa specific level
(dimension) CJ From BodyViewer
• Menu AFE Therapy/ Neuro lmmuno


This AFE therapy can be accessed as follow from the NLP Panel

• Menu New GSRtDCs / Stimulate Brain Circulation-Stroke RX


• From NLP panel

• From BIG panel

An AFE therapy is available through the NLP Panel

• NLP Panel/ Menu Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Tinnitus

• NLP Panel/ Menu Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Vestibular System repair


An AFE therapies are available

• NLP panel / Therapies

o Bipolair Depression
o Schizophrenic RX
• NLP Panel/ Special EDUCTOR Therapies
o Depression Basic
• NLP Panel / New GSRtDCs
o Schizophrenia tendency
o Depression Rx Bipolaire


• From Home Use prescription/ Addiction

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 8

• From NLP Panel/ Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Addiction

r, • From BodyViewer /Psychological/ Addiction Therapy Auditory

• From Disease Dictionary/ Addiction


To be completed

A cascade of 4 Inflammation AFE Therapies are available as follow:

• Superlearning Panel/ Menu Phase RX/ Access EDUCTOR Degeneration & Inflammation Therapies



Many harmonizations are possible:

• NLP Panel/ Menu Special Eductor Therapies/ Hypoadrenia

• NLP Panel/ Menu Special Eductor Therapies/ Energyze
• NLP Panel/ Menu Special Eductor Therapies/ Energy
• NLP Panel/ GSRtDCs Menu/ Chronic Fatigue/ Hypo-Endocrine Rx
• Superlearning Panel/ Menu Additional/ Restore Chi
• Superlearning Panel/ Menu Additional/ Balance Life Force
• EPR Test Panel/ Autofocus Bio-resonance Zap/ Zap Chronic Fatigue Virus
• Biofeedback Panel/ Menu Organs System/ Adrenal Stirn
• Biofeedback Panel / Menu Organs System / ATP Active Transport
• BodyViewer / Menu Scio Therapy/ Energy Boost
20.1.14 INSOMNIA

• NLP Panel/ Menu Special EDUCTOR Therapies/ Insomnia (AFE therapy)

• Home Use Prescription/ Insomnia
• Superlearning Panel/ Timed Treatments/ Start Relaxation & Sleep Treatment


A therapy is available on the Home Use Prescription.

This therapy can be specialized by using the procedure allowing to send the frequencies at a specific level (see
section 2.2.4)


All these harmonizations are carried out according to the same process:

' .J
From Spinal Panel

• Timed Therapies/ Stimulate fertility Male/Female

We can consider all therapies related to HORMONES


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 9


Science of Stress
• Understanding the effect of Stress
Quantum Physics
• Understanding how quantum physics
change our perception of reality
Body Electric
• The body is electrical in nature. It
emits continously frequencies that can
be measured.
Bio- Resonance
To communicate, the body's cells and
organs vibrate ata specific frequency.
.··1 Bio-Feedback
• Allow ongoing communication
with the client's reactivity to the
healing frequencies
• Only a little part of our life is
perceived consciously by the brain. All
...t.=).u,a-..,,,i " the rest is stored in unconscious





• Small Intestine - Joy, Shock, Sorrow, Sadness, Internalization, (Un)appreciated, Nervousness, Over -
excited, Discouraged, Assimilation, Nourishing, Hurting
• Heart - Forgiveness, Compassion, Self-confidence, Self-esteem, Self-worth, Self-doubt, Insecure,
Secure, Anger, Hate, Love
• Triple Warmer - Elation Despair, Despondent, Lightness, Heaviness, Humiliated, Loneliness,
Hope(less), Serving, Balance, Buoyancy

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 10

• Circulation/Sex (Pericardum) - Gloomy, Hysteria, Relaxation, Stubbornness, Renounce the past,
Tranquility, Responsible, Generosity, Jealousy, Remorse, Calm

• Spleen - Rejected, Assurance, Indifference, (Dis)approved, Faith in the future, Anxiety re. the future,
Consideration, Recollection, Confidence, Alienation, Sympathy, Empathy, Brooding, Cynicism, Envy

• Stomach-(Un)reliable, Criticism, Contentment, Disappointment, Deprivation, Hunger, Nausea, Greed,

Empty, Sympathy, Empathy, Harmony, Disgust, Doubt, Bitter


• Lung - Cheerful, Depressed, False pride, Haughty, Humility, Modesty, Openness, Scom/Distain,
0 (In)tolerance, Prejudice, Contempt, Regret
• Large intestines - Guilt, Grief, Regret, Release, Self-worth, Enthusiasm, Depression, Letting go,
Indifference, (Un)merciful, Compassion, Sadness, Apathy


• Kidney - Fear, Anxiety, Phobia, Sexual (in) security, Creative (in)security, Superstition, Paranoia,
Cautious, Careless, Reckless, Careless, Reckless, (In)decisive, (Un)loyal
• Bladder - Fear, Anxiety, Peace, Dread, Terror/Panic, Resoluteness, Restless, Frustration, Impatience,
Inner direction, Courage, Confidence, (In)adequacy

. Wood/ AIR

• Liver - Anger, RagejWrath, Distressed, Vengefulness, (Self-righteous indignation, Resentment,

Transformation, Responsibility, (Un)happiness, Irritability, Hostility, Content, Bitter
• Gall Bladder - Love/Anger, RagejWrath, (Self-)righteous indignation, Forbearance, Adoration,
Motivation, Assertive, Boredom, Helpless, Impotent, Passive, Humble, Choice, Proud

• CONCEPTION VESSEL - Self-respect, Overwhelm, Shyness, Success, Shame

• GOVERNING VESSEL - Embarrassment, Unsupported, (Dis)honesty, (Dis)trust, Truth


Source: Wikipedia

u lstlaw ("Iron Rule") : Severe diseases originate from a shock event which is experienced by the individual
as very difficult, highly acute, dramatic and isolating. The shack's psychological conflict content determines
the location of the appearance of a focus of activity in the brain that can be seen in a CT scan as a set of
concentric rings, called "Hamer foci", which correspond to the location of the disease in the body. The
subsequent development of the conflict determines the development of both the brain focus and the disease.

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 11

2nd law (Two phased nature of disease): A patient who has not solved their conflict is in the first,
c, active conflict phase, where the sympathetic nervous system predominates and which manifests as a "cold
disease" accompanied bycold skin and extremities, stress, weight loss andsleepdisorders. If they manage to
resolve the conflict, they enter a second, post-resolution healing phase, in which the parasympathetic
nervous system predominates, commonly diagnosed as a separate "warm" (rheumatic, infectious, allergic,
etc.) disease. This second phase is the one which usually entails more risks, and a complete cure only comes
upon its completion. In some circumstances, not solving the conflict but downgrading it to a reasonably
livable level may be preferable than facing the second phase.

3rd law (Ontogenetic system of diseases): Hamer proposes that disease progression is primarily controlled
by the brain, either by the "old brain" (brainstem and cerebellum) or the "new brain" (cerebrum). The old
brain controls more primitive processes, having to do with basic survival, such as breathing, eating, and
reproduction, whereas the new brain manages more advanced personal and social issues, such as
territorial conflicts, separation conflicts and self-devaluation and identity conflicts.

Hamer's research is tied to the science of embryology because he links the type of disease progression
whether involving tissue augmentation (tumor growth), tissue loss (necrosis or ulceration) or functional
impairment-with the embryonic germ layer (endoderm, mesoderm or ectoderm) from which both the
organ tissues and the corresponding brain regions originate. Conflicts which have their focus either in the
brain stem (which controls body tissues that derive from the endoderm) or the cerebellum (which controls
tissues that derive from the mesoderm) show cell multiplicationin the conflict active phase, and destruction of
the resulting tumors in the healing phase. Cerebrum directed conflicts (affecting the rest ofmesoderm-
derived tissues and all ectoderm-derived ones) show either cell decrease (necroses, ulcers) or function
impairment or interruption in the active phase, and the replenishment of the damaged tissues in the healing
phase (which can also be diagnosed as a tumor).

4th law (Ontogenetic system of microbes): Microbes do not cause diseases but are used by the body,
0 coordinated by the brain, to optimize the healing phase, provided that the required microbes are available
when needed. Fungi and mycobacteria work on tissues that originated in the endoderm, as well as on some of
the tissues originating in the mesoderm. Bacteria work on all mesoderm derived tissues and viruses on
ectoderm derived ones. Hamer maintains that these microbes, rather than being antagonistic to the body,
actually perform a necessary role in healing, and that some of the interventions of conventional medicine are
counterproductive, by interfering with these natural processes.

5th law ("Quintessence"): The conflict active phase and the healing phase of diseases, as described above,
constitute "special meaningful programs of nature," developed during the evolution of the species, to allow
organisms to override everyday functioning in order to deal with particular emergency situations.

Recommanded book: The 5 Biological Laws and Dr. Hamer's New Medicine


Quantum Medicine is based on the body's ability to communicate all kinds of information and to regulate
itself in case of imbalance. It suggests an interrelation between physical symptoms, energy imbalances and
emotional disorders. Any technique of rebalancing / harmonization / healing aims to accompany the body in
its desire to restore homeostasis in ALL levels (not only physical).

• Things never repeat

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 12

• Each individual is "unique". Each patient must be treated individually according to a protocol that
r-, is adapted to him/her
• The body is intelligent and can heal itself (auto-regulation]
• The therapist must consider the "whole" individual (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, social,
environmental, etc.]
• If we harmonize/balance the energetic body, the chemistry of the physical body will adjust itself
• The therapist and the client (patient] are interconnected
• Reality includes infinite possibilities for each individual
• The patient is not limited to his condition.
• Reality depends on the level of consciousness of the observer......A change of consciousness will bring
a different observation
• All persons things events circumstances in our life represent what is inside of us conscious or
unconscious (MIRROR EFFECT)
,_- 'r • Client/patient must assume 100% of responsibilityfor his/her health
• There is no Time, no Space.....just the Here & Now
• There is a resonance between the client and the therapist/doctor.


A Quantum Biofeedback & Bioresonance session involves 3 actors:

• The device - a device validated and legal

• The client- a client that participates actively in his healing
• The practitioner- a well-trained practitioner who is personally active in his personal development

It is well accepted that unresolved conflicts are the underlying cause of disease. The best key for Prevention is
to solve conflicts as they arise. The main conflicts to be resolved are conflicts with

() • Father
• Mother
• Sister (s)
• Brother (s)
• Current Spouse
• Exs(es)
• In-laws
• Ancestors
• Bosses/ co-workers
• Neighbors,
• Current job
• Money
• Himself/Herself

Practitioner should encourage and help their clients to solve all their conflicts! To do so, practitioners should
start bysolving their own conflicts!


Our device provides many sources of information giving clues about what are the client's main stressors. Here
are a few elements that could be the starting point of the practitioner reflexion

• What is the condition of the Bio-Energetic terrain?

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 13

• What are the organs or systems involved?
,· •

ls the client vulnerable to toxicity?
What is the client's stress level?
• ls the client emotionally & mentally balanced?
• What are the SCIO/EDUCTOR's suggested therapies?
• What is the "resonance" between this client and myself?


I have developed the 8 Pillars ofHealth, Wellness &Anti-Aging as aframework tohelp the practitioner
toassess the client's condition and to help him/her reach the full potential

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• Self-regulatingsystem
• Detox
• Assimilation of Nutrients
• Oxygenation & hydration
• Immunity
• Mental & Emotional Balance
• Regeneration Capacity
• Capacity for a Quantum Change


The EDUCTOR software integrates many alternative medicine modalities. To optimize their Quantum
Biofeedback & Bioresonance practice, practitioners should try to acquire some basic knowledge about
the following topics:

d· 1.
2. Stress is THE Medical Concern
3. Basic Biofeedback & Bioresonance
4. knowledge Science ofEDUCTOR + How
5. does it works
6. Legal - Validation, Verification and Evidence Based Medicine
7. Physics & Quantum Medicine/ Quantum Approach/ Principe of Entwinement

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 14

me a
r of

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 15

8. Cellule / Mitochondries / Metabolisme
9. Digestion &Assimilation
10. Immunology/ Ox/ Hydration
11. Cardiology et ECG
12. Brain Electro-Stimulation et EEG
13. PsychoNeuroimmunology-Communication Brain/ Syst Immunitaire
14. Hormonology /Menopause/ Andropause
15. Quantum Nutrition/ Sucre/ Fatty acid etc.
16. Detox
17. Chromosomes / Genes /DNA
Homeopathy+ Homeo Constitutions+ Miasmes
Electro-acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
21. Herbal Medicine /Ayurveda
CJ Blood & Blood Therapy
22. Conflict/ Hamer Medicine
24. Neurotransmittors / Addiction
25. Sports & Injury
26. Emotions/ Humorology
Electro-Smog & Geopathic Stress
28. Numerology & Medical Astrology
Flower Essences/ Aromatherapy/ Essential Oils
Aura & Chakra / Color Therapy/ Energy Work/ Orgone / Sacred Geometry/ Crystal Healing
Spinal / Dental / TMJ
31. Music&Sound therapy
32. Quantum Agriculture/ Caring for Animal and Vegetal
33. The Registered Wellness Consultant & Coach


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 16


21.1 Final Rectification

21.2Varhope Improvement

21.3Scheduling Next Session

21.4Quick and Easy Final Report

21.S Save a Backup of the Clients/ Restoring Clients

21.6 Troubleshooting


:· ..-1

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 17


C1 Before ending the session, it is advised to check the Current rectification panel. This panel is accessible
from the Main Panel.

Various rectification therapies are possible. Chose the one that is most suitable for your cient The same
results ofrectification can be obtained by using one of the following four buttons:

Overall rectify
Correct all maximum till
Rectify all of below
Super EDUCTOR rectification (takes many minutes)

Multiple therapies listed in the central column of the table indicate that the main issue of the session has
not been resolved completely. You can then choose to return in the EDUCTOR64 in order to continue the
0 or ask the program to finish.

From time to time, one or several lines appear in red in this panel. They highlight the deficiencies of the
client including minerals, amino acids orother, thus preventing toachieve a percentage ofrectificationhigher.
Finally, the number of therapies not completed is asecond element of information indicating that the
objective of this session has not been reached. You will need to possibly return in the modules of therapy
for the complete correctly.

Your session is now

complete. From the Main

• C Check Current rectification • To check the corrections which remain to be done.A blue
• Check the results •
u I
• Click the therapy that is • Choose one of the four buttons to rectify the all up to
most the obtaining of 100%. This therapy is very powerful.
suitable for the client
• "C" - Close Panel • Close this table in order to return to the Test Matrix to
check the percentage of improvement of the VARHOPE.

• "C" - Close • Only if you want to Close the

Clasp/ EDUCTOR64!



The result ofVARHOPE improvement appears on the red panel and the percentage ofimprovementis
indicated in the white line. However, itis possible that at the end of your session, you get a negative
percentage or to zero. These results may indicate that your client has exceeded its threshold energy
absorption often due to a nutritional deficiency as for example minerals, amino acids, etc. If the objective
of this meeting was the detoxification, it is also possible that the index of improvement is not high.
Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 18
The Auto-Therapies have effect on the body electric and on the measures of the VARHOPE: To have a good %
improvement, make sure to do the 2 therapies suggested by the system!
From EPR Test panel:

• "C" Close • You are now on the main

• C Check Current • Click one of the 4 rectifications
rectification program

• "C" Close panel •

• "C" - research •
• "C" - Nelson Report •
• "C" - Make a Nelson •
Medicine Report

• "C" - unconscious • Take note of,the suggestion for next

of next visit
• "C" - Retest • In the bar of the upper
• "C" -TestVARHOPE • From the sub-menu, check the improvement of the
Improvement VARHOPE. Analyze the report in order to ensure that you
have correctly identified and treated the most important
problems. In addition, watch the line indicating immediate
healing goal. If a note figure on this line, it is important to
take into account immediately.
• "C' -close • Close.


The Nelson Report panel give suggestion about the need for additional sessions

-'Mat_urity (' -MoliVatiOn How !Ong How Often to
r ('· Desire (' JUdg'.elTlenf treat Original Memo and.Image
/"' ·Greed
- Visible


From EPR Test panel

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 19

• "C" Information/ • Close.
,, I
• "C" Unconscious selection • Take note of the suggestion of the
of next visit system
• "C' Close • To close the


Attention: must be vigilant regarding the printed reports that it provides to clients.
Practitioners do notwantto be involved in prosecutions (medical diagnosis illegal). Be cautious. Learn how to
use the appropriate language according to your skills recognized in your practice.

From the EPR Test panel

• "C" Information/ Info • From the top menu.

• From the top menu bar, press this button in order to
• "C" - Information/ "C" - obtain additional choice of reports or research
Add SOC Report
• Ifneeded
• "C" - Information/
Add larger Report
Form Demographics
• Toadd the 200 items the most significant items of the matrix.
• "C" - Information/ "C" -
Add top 200
L) I Significant Items to

• "C" - Information/ • To get the Medical Nelson Report

Nelson report

• "C" -Add Report to info • Add the report to the of information.

• To close
• "C" - close


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Ud (f•kamed_..,DffW,J
AIWloctf F•Md 1W: Praill!

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 20

From the EPR Test panel /
Menu Information you can
add more information to the
report as shown on the
picture tote left

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 21


In this section of chart report, the results obtained in each of the therapies earned out during the session
are now available in graphical fonn for printing in color. IMPORTANT: Each report must be loaded and
saved individually otherwise the data obtained will be those of the previous client

• uc" - Information • In the top

• "C" - Load Chart maker • From the sub-menu, load the generator of tables and reports
color reports in
• "C'-OK • In the Message
• "C' - Data Base From the menu bar located at the top of the panel, go to
Grid the
I right The grid of basic data is now available for
infonnation only.
• "C" - Conscida • This button gives access to the general data of the matrix
by ascending order ofreactivity.

• "C" - Emotions • This button gives access to the emotions of the

• "C 11- Risks • This button gives access to the risk profile of the
• "C" -Agravati.ons • This button gives access to the causes which aggravate
symptoms or disease.
• "C" - Causes • This button gives access to the causes causing the symptoms
or disease.

u I
• "C" - N euro Trans • This button gives access to infonnation concerning the
condition of the neurotransmitters in the client

• "C" - Sarcodes • This button gives access to the status oforgans or tissues of
the client

• "C" -Allergy • This button gives access to the substances causing the
allergies in the client

• "C" - Make a Nelson • By pressing this button, you get the medical report of
Medicine Report Nelson.

• "C" - CHART Emotions • By choosing this tab, the results are displayed in the tips of
the tart and downloaded from emotions appearing in the NLP
• "C" - CHART Risk • By choosing this tab, the results are displayed in the tips of
the tart and downloaded from the risks appearing in the
· I profile panel for risks.

• "C" - CHART aggravation • By choosing this tab, the results are displayed in the tips of
the tart and specify more clearly toward the end of the

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 22

• "C" - CHART Causes • By choosing this tab, the results are displayed in the tips of the
,,, tart and specify more clearly toward the end of the meeting.

• "C" - CHART NeuroTrans • Bychoosing this tab, the results are displayed in the tips of the
tart and downloaded from the Charter of the neurotransmitters
appearing in the NLP panel.

Optional: Other tabs are available such as causes of disease, acupuncture, chiropractic, nutrition,
homeopathy, naturopathy, medical, psychological, Solutions, Ayurvedic and Dental


',. .l
From the EPR Test Panel,
• "C" - Information/ Report • Report (the sub-menu, the panel of the client report appears)

• "Cn - Current Examination • Report of current review (in the middle of the panel: simply
Report load the information).

• "C"-OK • Remove simply load the information.

• "C" - Save Examination • Back up the review. The button is located in the upper center
right at the top of the panel.

• "C" - close • Close.

• "C" - Remove Info • Remove the information by pressing the tab that is located in
the upper left comer of the table blue.
\. )


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·a: ce Geography I, Backup and Restore.

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•-••!••- I ch for past Patient II
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Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 23




When a new practitioner begins with this program. there is a tendency to bug rapidly (freeze). It is a common
practice to all. In fact, since we do not know this program, we tend to run more erroneous maneuvers at
the beginning. Be without fear! You will quickly learn What NOT to do to avoid this kind of problem. Among
other things, avoid executing a new command before you are sure that the preceeding one is well and
truly ended.

Also avoid the unnecessary movements with your mouse while the program executes a therapy. This could be
enough to cause a loop without end, which would prevent the program to continue its process. Take the time
to read the messages that are sent to you on the panel before pressing OK because often we answer by reflex

without readin g the real meaning of the messages.


When you experience this problem with your computer and that the commands do not seem more answer, it
is very possible that you just be in the presence of an information window that is merely waiting for you to
click on OK before proceeding to the next step. The problem that we are experiencing all is that this window,
most of the time, appears below the open window rather than to be above it

It may happen that the program is "frozen". If this situation happens to you, because this will surely you arrive
early or later, do not panic. You only have to move from one panel to the other using the keys Alt+ Tab of the
keyboard on several occasions for that this window will eventually appear at the top of the other and finally
click OK before that everything to be normal again.

If this way of doing does not solve your issue, it may be that the device is in difficulty. In this case, you will
need tostop the program that is no longer responds tocommands. To do this, use the following keys on the

• C Ctr! + Alt+ Del (Control + Alt • All the keys simultaneously. The first two keys are at
+ the bottom to the left of the keyboard. The Delete key
Delete) (Delete) is usually located at the top right of the keyboard.
The panel of the task pane of Windows now appears in

• CEnd Task • Select the program that is no longer responding and

press end of tasks for you in release.

• C Don't Send error report • Answer You do not wantto send an error
• CC!ose • Close all windows subsequent until the return of the initial
I • C EDUCTOR64 Icon • Restart the program again.

• CYes • In order to bring the data of the last


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 24

You will need to enter your password again but you will not need to recalibrate the client It is not
recommended to repeat the test You will notice that the items in the matrix are the same. It appears all the
same have more elements which are indicated in red. Be without fear and proceed to your therapies as


Your computer should be primarily dedicated to the eductor program64. This recommendation is made
in order to avoid any potential problems that may occur when using his computer for various purposes.

There is nothing more stressful than to see that his computer does not work properly when you are in full
session with a client who arrives from far away to receive his training. Therefore, avoid this unnecessary
embarrassment by ensuring that your computer is in good operating condition because you are the only
one to use.
It is strongly recommended not to install games on your computer. This are not the games which pose a
problem but rather the children who will be tempted to use this computer for the games that it contains.


If you can not see the whole panel, you can adjust the number of dots per inch of the panel of your
computer (PPP). To perform this adjustment, you must get out of these windows until you are back on
the desktop of your panel.

■ "C" - • Click on the right button of your mouse in the

center of the panel of your office.

• "C"- • Click Properties / Settings / Advanced


In this window, you will find the settings concerning the number of dots per inch of your panel. Make
sure that the (DP!) or the PPP chosen is in the position "Normal size" (96 DPI) prior to press the
buttonApp(y follow-up of the OK button.


EDUCTOR64 is very well protected. So, there is no problem using internet

Do not hesitate to search internet enven during a session if needed.


The recommended anti-Virus is ESET NOD32 (www.esetcom)


• )

!tis advised to turn off the Screen saver facility as well as the Hibernation facility so that your device will not be
interrupted during long term therapy


It is strongly suggested to keep your computer up-to-date and to allow the Windows updates

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 25

Here are a few tips of maintenance which will give you the assurance that your computer operates at its
full capacity at any time:

• Make sure that the function of cleaning the hard drive regularly followed by the defragmentation
function is done each week or more often.
• Connect regularly your computer with internet
• Ensure that Windows updates regularly
• Do not use Screen Saver
• Do not install new programs that could interfere wit EDUCTOR64.
• Avoid using special effects on the mouse since these functions can affect the EDUCTOR64

Lieu Cleaning the full hard drive

• "C" - Start / All Programs / • To proceed to the regular cleaning of all the temporary
Accessories /System Tools/ Disk files that Windows has been able to create during its
Cleanup execution as well as emptying the trash, etc..

• "C"-OK • Press OK when the next window will appear to start


• "C"-OK • Press OK again in the next window but make sure that
each box is beautiful and well checked in order to do a
thorough cleaning of the disk The window will disappear
by itself when the work will be completed.

• "C" -OK • Press OK again in the next


Defragmenting the hard drive

• "C" - Start / All Programs / • To defragment each file on the hard disk in order to
Accessories /System Tools I accelerate the process of access of information which are
Defragmentateur of disc contained on the hard disk

• "C" - defragment • Press directly on this button to start the

• "C" - file/ exit • To close when the operation is complete.


All what you need to know about your device is presented in your account section FAQ

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 26

t- -• C • -0,.,,.,,,,..,.., ._.
I> 0 !

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Login to your Account

It is important to always have in mind your codes to access
your account (email & password).
Important to keep your information up-to-date



81\fliiii Forgot password?


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 27

' !

APPENDIX 1: Glossaiy & Terminology

APPENDIX 2: List of Meridians & Concordance

APPENDIX 3: Link Vertebrae/ Organs/ Emotions

APPENDIX 4: Anatomy of the Brain

APPENDIX S: Type ofHormones

APPENDIX 6: Link Teeth - Organs - Emotions

<) APPENDIX 7: List of Scientists &Main

Discoveries APPENDIX 7: References Books/

Sites APPENDIX 8: Therapies Locator



Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 28


Allerrode Energy prototype of food, inhaling etc. to the dosage of 30C. Allergen.

Amperage Function of the brain, serotonin, lack of love, life force. If it is low, problem
of nature mental/emotional.

Darldield Analysis It is a method of visualization of disturbances of blood by a specialized system

of microscope.

Phase Angle Period of time between a stimulating current and the voltage produced by
an alternating current of SO kilohertz in the driver, expressed in degrees of phase
shift. A complete cycle of current represents 360 degrees, as well a dephasing of
6degrees represents a deviation from 6/360E of a cycle or 1.67%

A view of the whole of the body. The response of cells, regeneration, ability of
a person to repeat, to replace its cells.

Biofeedback Measurement of the physiological response of the client andreturnof the

signal to the client

Calibration The initial process in order to establish the interface with the client, where
the optimal response of reactivity of the client (the period of exposure) is
established for a variety of elements (approximately 20)

Capacitance The property of an electrical circuit that tends to oppose the change in

() The ratio of load of the potential of the body, being an indicator of the energy
reserve of the body
Consistency A measure of the percentage of resemblance between the return signal and
the input signal initial. Generally increases if there is a reaction harmonic of the
client, with numbers above 75 indicating a positive reaction.

Indicates the harmonic attraction for a substance in the whole body.

Reactivity Dysfunctions See hypo/hyperreactivity above.

Selye Stress Bar A scale for the estimation of stress which indicates where the electric body of
the client is, in terms of an alarm, adaptation or of exhaustion.

Element of the test matrix EPR Energy signatures of stress, prepared on a homeopathic mode before the
measurement of their energy characteristics of electrical way.

Color band-yellow Element for which the client has a reactivity of more than one standard deviation of
ZJ the average reactivity.
Colo, oand- purple .- Elements for which the client has a reactivity to more than two standard deviations
of the medium reactivity

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 29

Color band- red Reflects of the elements for which the client has a high reactivity to three or more,
deviations type of the medium reactivity.

EPR Reactivity physiological Electro

Flower Essences It reflects specifically for mental aspects spiritual emotional and generally have
a vibration higher than of the remedies geared more physically. Other remedies
can also have a mental association spiritual emotional in addition to their
physical association.

Fourier Mathematical report resulting from harmonic dissections in

Seven parties. It is a complicated calculation, which is presented in various places

but for which no information current correlative exists.
The mathematical relationship of the numbers resulting from 7 parts of the

Major frequency of Relating to the risk of degeneration, nerve activity excessive, stress, aging,
resonance cancer and the jetlag (symptom of the time offset), the excess of emotional
pain and/or physical and the increased consumption of caffeine. This value
can be extremely high among autistic children or among people who have a
spiritual awareness very high.

The predominant frequency of the body energy of the client.

Hydration The absorption of water in the body.

0 Hyper reactivity Body Yang, excesses or allergy.

The body energy of the client responds too quickly or present a response of
hyper immunity.

Hypo reactivity Body Yin, emotional disability and chronic, pathology.

The body energy of the client responds weakly.

Impedance The ability of a support to drive the current, being the report between the
induced voltage and a current in a conductor and having the two components of
resistance and reactance.

The ability of the energy to circulate around thebody. A electric

lockingand/or energy could slow down

Imponderable The signing of energy substance non-physical. They include the emotions,
"-..l stress geopathiques. essentially everything that is not substantial

Reactance Speed Index The speed at which the bodyresponds to pathogens. May indicate the
presence ofa disease.

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 30

Number of times that the SCIO/INDIGO/EDUCTORhas had to reduce the speed
,- )
of test in order to obtain the optimal response of the body electric power of
Inductance The ability of an electrical circuit which is opposed to the current load.

Isode Inorganic components which poison the body (drugs, vaccines and
chemical product)-

Energy signature of a toxic material

Sarcode Energy signature outcome of fabric or pathogenic microbes. Tissues diseases.


Oxidation/oxygenation The circulation of oxygen.

.r' ) calibration accuracy Indicative of the precision of the interface for the test of the majority of the
clients. To 98% 1 On 50 May be tested, 95% 1 on 20, to 90% 1 on 100. At
95%, nominal target in the test process, 49 On 50 can be tested.

Pressure of the protons It is an indication of the pressure exerted by the content in proton of the
electrical body of the client. The normal target is 65 to70. Below 65 The field is
considered acid and above 70 alkaline. There is no correlation between this
electrical measurement of the body and the urine, saliva, or other body fiuids.

Below 65 = acid and above 70= alkaline.

Reactance Component of the Impedance associated with the storage of energy in a

media driver.

Reactivity Energy response of a client expressed in number corresponding to its reaction to

u the exposure to a element during 1/80e to 1/llOth of a second

Corrected Indicates that an energy disorder has been repaired according to the way
to measure the SCIO. It does not indicate how much time this correction will
Resistance Component of the Impedance associated with the dissipation of energy in a media

Resonance Reactivity of the client to an item after 1 second of exposure. Indicates that
element remains significant.
soc Deleting and obstruction of the healing calculated in the panel of demography

Trivecteur Description given to the holographes three--dimensional electrical who

are employed s in the SCIO to characterize the resistance of electrical behavior of the
body() conductivity, static (capacity, amperage), magnetic (inductance, voltage).

Xrroid Name invented by Bill Nelson to the test of reactivity carried out at speeds of

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 31





Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 32



f 'l

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 33


Meridian Name Short Link to

Governing Vessel DU


Ancestral REN et ST Conception Vessel & Stomach

, .!.
Conception Vessel REN


Pancreas PA

Lung LU

Spleen SP

Lymph LU Lung

Liver LV

Large Intestine LI

u Connective Tissue ST Stomach

Nerve LI Large Intestine

Stomach Stet REN

Sexcirculation p Pericard

Skin BL Bladder

Allergy p Pericard

Fibrous BL Bladder

Neoplasm SJSANJIAO Triple Warmer

Fatty degeneration GB Gall Bladder

Hormonal SJ SAN JIAO Triple Warmer

',. }
Gall Bladder GB

Heart He

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 34

Kidney Ki
(; Small intestine SI

Bladder BL

,: )


• (J

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 35



The neck

Blood supply to the head,

Fear. Confusion. Leak Feel not good enough.
pituitary gland, scalp, the facial
Cl "That will say the neighbors?". Internal chatter
bones, brain, inner ear and
without end.
middle ear, sympathetic nervous
Eyes, optic nerves, auditory
nerves, sinus, OS mastoid, Rejection of the Wisdom. Refusal to know or
<) CZ understand. Indecision. Resentment and blame.
language, front
Lack of balance in life. Denial of its spirituality.

Accept the blame of the other. Guilt Martyrdom.

The cheeks, external ear, os of the
C3 Indecision. Grinding of black Take more that one
face, tooth, nerve Tri-shield
cannot bear.

Nose, lips, mouth, Eustachian

C4 Guilt Pent-up anger. Bitterness

Fear of ridicule and humiliation. Afraid to

Vocal cords, the glands in the
cs neck, pharynx
express themselves. Rejection of the good in
itself. Overloaded.
CJ The muscles of the neck, Burden. Overloaded. Try to decide for others. The
shoulders, Tonsil resistors. Lack of flexibility

Thyroid Gland, bursae'"' in the

C7 Confusion, anger, feel powerless. Cannot get there.
shoulders, elbows

Thoracic/ Dorsal

Arm To from the shoulders,

Fear of the life. Too much to overcome. Cannot
Tl including the hands, wrists and
deal with it Closure to life.
fingers; esophagus and trachea

Heart, including its valves and Fear, griefand pain. Do notwantto feel. Closure of
recovery ; coronary arteries the heart

Internal chaos. Deep wounds and old. Inability to

u Lungs, bronchi, pleura, chest, communicate.

T4 Gallbladder, led billiaire . Bitterness. Need to accuse others. Conviction

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 36

TS Liver, solar plexus, blood Refusal to rectify the emotions. Feel stuck Rage.
() Anger toward life. Filled with negative emotions.
T6 Stomach
Afraid of the future. Constant concern.

T7 The pancreas, the duodenum Buried pain. Refusal to rejoice.

TB Rate Obsession of the failure. Resist the well.

The adrenal glands and Feel abandoned by the life. Blame the other. Be
suprarenales a victim.

Refusal to take in charge. Need to be a victim. "!

Tl0 Kidneys
tis your fault"

,, Tll Kidney, ureter The low image of itself. Fear ofrelations.

Small Intestines, circulation of the Denying the right to live. Insecurity and fear of
lymph love. Inability to digest

Lumbar spine

Large intestine, input of the An urgent need for love and a need for solitude.
inguinal canal Insecurity

LZ Appendix, abdomen, thigh Blockage in the pain of the childhood. See no end

The sexual. organs, uterus,

L3 Sexual abuse. Guilt Hatred of himself.
bladder, knees

Prostate, lower muscle of the Rejection of the sexuality. Financial Insecurity.

u back, sciatic nerve Fear of cancer. Feel powerless.

Insecurity. Difficulty of communication. Anger.

LS Leg, ankles, feet
Inability to live the pleasure.


Sacrum Bones of the hips, buttocks Loss of power. Old anger tenacious.

Lack of personal balance. To cling. Blame

Coccyx Rectum, anus
themselves. Remain Attached toan old sentence


The main parts of the brain can be described as follows:

Amygdala - The amygdala is a group of neurones the cerveau in the form ofamande (hence its name)
located at the pole rostral of the lobe temporal, in front of the.hippocampeltis part of systeme limbique and
isinvolved in the emotions particularly in the peur and the .agression

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 37

Cerebellum - A part of the brain located at the lower rear of the skull and connected to the Medulla
oblongata. This structure of the two hemispheres coordinates the balance and muscle movements. Lesions of
the Cerebellum cause major disturbances of balance and the motor coordination.

GYRUS CINGULATE- the cingulate gyrus is a gyrus of the limbic lobe of the cortex cerebral. It is located on
the face of medial hemispheres, above the corps calleux. It works as an integral part of the limbic system
which is involved in the creation and management of emotions, learning and memory. It is also involved in
the control of breathing

RETICULAR FOEMATION - The reticulate system integrates the sensations that reach the brain. He plays
a liaison role between the responses from the nervous system of the willingness and that of the vegetative
nervous system, autonomous. The reticulated also allows the coordination and synthesis of actions ina
general way. This anatomical area also allows the creation and regulation of the tonus of posture (organization
of the
muscular tension of an individual to enable him to maintain itself in upright position). Finally, it intervenes in
the sleep state {VIGILANCE)

BASAL GANGLIA- An area of motor control of the brain. The lymph nodes of the base are bundles of
nerve cells (neurons) located deep in the brain that help to control voluntary movements. In the disorders
of movement such as Huntington disease (a progressive disorder involving the degeneration of nerve cells in
the brain), there is a premature deterioration of nerve cells in the basal ganglia. Parkinson's disease is
caused by the degeneration dopamine-producing cells in the basal ganglia. Dopamine is a
neurotransmitter important which stimulates the nerves in the ganglia of the base. When the nerve cells in
the basal ganglia do not operate correctly, the symptoms of Parkinson's disease arise: tremor, slow, and

HIPPOCAMPUS: The hippocampus is a structure of the cerveau of the mammiferes. It is particularly

in systeme limbique and plays a central role in the memoire and spatial navigation. Among the rights and
the primate, it is located in the lobe temporal median, under the surface of the cortex, such as the cortex with
which it is in close relationship, it is a structure pair, present in a symmetrical manner in each hemisphere
Three main functions of the Hippocampus emerged through the literature ofrecent decades:

• The inhibition of behavior -This theory is still controversial and was then justified by two major
observations: on the one hand, the animals with damage to the hippocampus had trends to be
hyperactive. On the other hand, these animals also had difficulties to retain the tasks involved
inhibitory responses, particularly when the animal had to remain silent
• Thememory
• Spatial navigation.
• Historically, one of the first theories on the function of the hippocampus was to associate it with the
.olfactionThe responses of the hippocampus in olfactory system continue to be investigated, including
for their involvement in the memory of the odours

HYPOTHALAMUS -The hypotalamus is the functional floor the highest in the vegetative nervous system
(vegetative brain). Located in the base of the brain, itis in connection:

\ j ► At the top, with the limbic lobe (instinctive brain) and areas pre- Front-end (character expression). It exists
at this level and through the hypothalamus, an important beam of association which connects the
telencephalon to the reticulate substance the brainstem (median harness of the telencephalon).

► At the bottom, with the vegetative nuclei of the reticulate substance of the brainstem (nuclei para-friendly).
It is at this level that will establish the balances neuro - vegetative and their pathology (sympathicotonie
and parasympathicotonie).
Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 38
In addition, under the hypothalamus and in close anatomic relationship physiological and with him, is located
the pituitary gland (relations neuro-endocrine by hypothalamic neurotransmitter).The functions of
the'hypothalamusare multiple and concern:

• The movements of water intra and extra- cell

• The metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids,
• Thermal regulation
• The regulation of the emotionalism
• The sexual functions
• TheSleep.

CEREBROSPINAL FLUID· «C» is the clear fluid and in aqueous which circulates within and around the
brain and the spinal cord. The fluid cerebra-spinal normal contains chemicals, such as glucose and proteins
and, sometimes, a little of red blood cells or white. The brain and the spinal cord bathe in the fluid cerebra-
0 and are protected and nourished by him.

BRAIN LOBES• the four external lobes, located immediately under the os of the crane are, from front to rear:

• The lobe frontal, located just behind the front above the yeux;
• The lobe temporal, located above theoreille back slightly and below of the frontal lobe;
• The lobe parietal, located in the rear of the frontal lobe;
• The lobe occipital, located at the level of the,occiputthat is tosay the rearmost part of the crane.

FRONTAL LOBE· the frontal lobes occupy the summit in the nerve hierarchy. In front of the area psycho
driving The frontal lobe intervenes essentially in the planification, the langage and
the mouvementvoluntary. Significant destruction of the frontal lobe is reflected bya intellectual deficit and by
disorders of the behavior.

'·-' The parietal lobe·the parietal lobe is considered as a heteromodal associative cortex. That plays an
important role in the integration of information from different sensory modalities (vision, touch, hearing).
This area of the brain is particularly involved in the perception of space and in the attention and more
particularly, the parietal cortex superior is involved in the dorsal pathway of the visual system and in the
control. Visuo-motor of movements, mainly eye movements.

TEMPORAL LOBE• the temporal lobe is a region of the cerveau vertebres located behind the'os temporal
(the OS located behind the tempes], in the side and bottom of the brain. It is an important area for
many functions cognitives, including the ,auditionthe langage and the memoire and the vision complex forms.

OCCIPITAL LOBE· The occipital lobe is a region of the brain of the vertebrates. It is located at the rear of
the head, side of the parietal lobe and the temporal lobe. The occipital lobe is the visual center. It allows the
recognition of the orientations and the contours of the images in relation to the first treatment of visual
analysis carried out in the area of Brodmann. The cortex dedicated to the visual analysis extends to the
parietal and temporal lobes.
(._ ,
MEDULLA OBLONGATA-the medulla oblongata (or medulla oblongata, or elongated marrow, or
myelencephalon) is the lower part of the brainstem (the most caudal) in vertebrates. It is located above the
spinal cord and against the cerebellum. This part of the brain controls the autonomic functions of the body,
and transmits the information in the nerves via the spinal cord brain. Itsstructure is very similar to that of the
spinal cord with the gray substance in the center and the white to the outside. In the human being it is the
center of the homeostasis

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 39

Role of the medulla oblongata
' ' • The transmission of information between the brain and the spinal cord;
• The control of autonomous functions: breathing, heart beat, esophagus""
• The control ofreflex functions ofaerial and digestive tracks: swallowing, sneezing,,, cough vomiting""
• The auditory localization: the offsets in the space of the air
• The control of the posture, as a relay of extrapyramidal pathwaysLIMBICSYSTEM -The limbic
system is a group of structures of the brain playing a very important role in the behavior and, in
various emotions as fear, aggression as well as the training of the memory. The limbic system
affects the
endocrine system and the autonomic nervous system. It consists of several subcortical structures
located around the thalamus:hippocampe : Involved in the formation of the memoire long a
• amygdale: Involved in aggression and fear;
• cingulate gyrus
• fornix;
• hypothalamus.

THALAMUS -The thalamus serves as the general relay to all forms of sensitivity.
The excitation of the various regions of the thalamus allows to obtain all the emotional reactions, that they be
somatic (Cree, tremor... triggered by the intermediary of the gray nuclei engines) or visceral.

CORPUS CALLOSUM - the corpus callosum (or corpus callosum) is a commissure (means of Union
between two parties) transverse cerveau. It is a beam ofaxones (nerve fiber which corresponds to the
extension Long, thin cylindrical and of the cell body of a neuron (nerve cell)) interconnecting the two
hemispheres cerebraux. It is the most important of the commissure brain because it links the four lobes of the
brain between them (frontal lobes temporal, parietal, and occipitaux left and right). The corpus callosum
therefore ensures the transfer of information between the two hemispheres and thus their coordination.


In vertebrates, one distinguishes the chemical classes:

• The dertved hormones ofamines, which are formed of a single amino acid (tyrosine or
tryptophan), but under a derived form. Examples: catecholamines and thyroxine.
• The Peptide hormones; which are chains of amino acids, therefore of proteins, called peptides to
the shorter. Examples of hormones to basis of oligopeptides: the TRH and vasopressin. Examples of
type hormones proteins: the insulin and growth hormone.
• The Steroid hormones, which are of steroids derivatives of cholesterol. The main sources are the
cortico-Adrenal gland and the gonads. Examples of steroid hormones: estrogen, testosterone and
cortisol. The hormones of the sterol type such as the calcitriol are a peer system.
• The Hormones to basis of lipids and phospholipids are derived from lipid as linoleic acid
and phospholipid as arachidonic acid.The eYcosanoYdes form the main class, among which the most
studied are the prostaglandins.
• Hypothalamic hormones
o A hormone release of growth hormone(GHRH)
o Corticoliberine or hormone ofliberation of the adrenocorticotropic hormone (HRC)
o Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (FSH/LH-RH)
Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 40
o Thyreoliberine or thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH)
o Somatostatin
n o Dopamine
• Pituitaiy Hormones
o The hormones ante pituitaiy-
o Adrenocorticotropic hormone or adrenocorticotropin (ACTH)
o Growth hormone or somatotrophin (Gil)
o Follicle-stimulatinghormone (FSH)
o Luteinizing hormone (LH)
o Thyrotropin-releasing hormone or thyroidstimulating hormone (TSH)
o Msh (MSH)
o Prolactin (PRL)
o 8-lipotropine
o 8-endorphin, see endorphin
:) • Post hormones pituitaiy-
o Oxytocin
o Vasopressin hormone or anti-diuretic (ADH)
o Dopamine
o Factor ofrelease of prolactin (PRF)
• Gonadal hormones
o Females: ovaries
o Estrogen or estrogen-progesterone -inhibin -Relaxin
o Males: testes
o Testosterone -inhibin -antimullerienne hormone
• Thyroid hormones
o Triiodothyronine (T3)
o Tetraiodothyronine or thyroxine (T4)
C o Calcitonin
• Parathyroid hormone
o Parathyroid hormone (PTH)
• Adrenal hormones
o Cortex
• Cortisol
• Androgens: sulphate of dihydroepiandrosterone (DHEAS) and
dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA)
• Aldosterone
o Medulla
• Adrenaline
• Noradrenaline
• Pancreatic hormones
o Glucagon
o Insulin
'-.: o Somatostatin
o Pancreatic polypeptide
• Renal hormones
o Eiythropoietin (EPO)
o Renin
• Digestive hormones

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o Gastrin
o Secretin
'' o Cholecystokinin
o Insulinotropic peptide dependent glucose (GIP)
o Somatostatin
o Ghrelin
• Hepatic hormones
o Angiotensin
o Hepcidine
o IGF-1 (Insulin-like growth factor)
o IGF-2
• Thymic hormones
o Thymopoietine
• The epiphyseal hormones
o Melatonin
• Placental hormones
o Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG)
o Estrogen or estrogen
o Progesterone
• Hormone human placenta lactogen
(HPL) o Relaxin
• Cardiac hormones
o Factor of atrial natriuretic (NAF)
• Adipocyte hormones (adipocytes are of cells present in the tissus adipeux, specialized in the
storage of thegraisse.)
o Leptin -adiponectin -Resistin
I ,
. '-



Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 42

Teeth Components Positive emotions Emotions

1- Third molar (top right) Heart, duodenum Joy Rejection

Wisdom Tooth Love Resentment,

Family problems

2 - Second Pancreas, SeW-esteem Low self-

molar (Top Stomach Order esteem

Right Depression
Bladder Safety
{_ )


3 - First Molar Liver, Determination Anger

(Top Right Kidneys Resolution Lack offlexibility

Pancreas, stomach Attention Pride

Humor Disrespect

4 - Second molar Right Lung Passion Monotony

(Top Right) Large intestine Determination Possessiveness

:.J Small intestine Balance Revenge

Gallbladder Ego Criticism


5 - First premo-school Right Lung Excitation, Penalty

(top right) determination
Pancreas, large Conviction
intestine, stomach Self-esteem
Penalty of Love


6-CANINE Liver Spirit of decision Anger

''•·.., (Top Right) Heart Compassion Regret

Gallbladder Joy Family problems

Pride Rejection

7 - Second incisive Right Kidney Affection Lack offlexibility

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictly prohibited without permission 43

(Top Right) Bladder Privacy The problems ofEgo

" The urogenital Order Disorganization


8 - First Right Kidney Clarity Disrespect

incisive (Top Bladder Acceptance Emotional crises

Right) The urogenital Survival Stubbornness

9 - First Left kidney, Acceptance Lack offlexibility

incisive (Top Bladder Privacy The problems of ego

\i" Left) The urogenital Order Fear of survival

10 - Second incisive Left kidney Comfort Love own

(Top Left) Bladder Survival Stubbornness

The urogenital Privacy Suppression

Avoidance of the intimacy

11-CANINE Liver Resolution Anger

(Top Left) Heart Determination Regret

The bile duct Love Sadness

Approval Resentment


12 - First Molar Left Lung Excitement Grief

(Top Left) Liver, pancreas, large Spirit of decision Control

intestine, stomach
Judgment Monotony

Happiness Depression


13 - Second molar Left lung. Liver, large Enthusiasm Intolerance

intestine, small
(Top Left) intestine, gallbladder, Determination Negativity

·--) duodenum Balance Afraid

Assimilation Malaise


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictiy prohibited without permission 44

14 - First Molar Liver, kidneys, Determination Auto locking
spleen, stomach
(Top Left Comfort Regret
Peace Agitation

Affection Pride rejection

15 - 2nd molar Rate Selflove Antagonism

(Top Left) Stomach, Bladder Calm Emotional conflict

Safety Lack oflove own

,. : 16 - Third molar Heart, jejunum, ileum Compassion Leak

(Top Left] Joy Resentment

Wisdom Tooth) Love Rejection

17 - Third molar Heart, liver, jejunum Joy Depression

(Bottom Left) Love Family problems

Wisdom Tooth Determination Guilt

Decision Regret

18- 2nd Pancreas Passion Anger, grief

,'·) molar Stomach Excitement Handling

(Bottom Left] Bladder Assimilation Focus on the self

19 - First Molar Lung Enthusiasm Penalty of love

(Bottom Left) Large intestine Balance Control

Spirit Revenge

Excess of criticism

20 - Second Rate Peace Conviction

molar (Bottom Stomach Happiness Agitation

Left] Calm Emotional conflicts

21- First Molar Spleen, liver, Selflove Anger

pancreas, stomach
(Bottom Left] Enthusiasm Lack of love of self, resentment,

Humor Regret


Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictiy prohibited without permission 45

22-CANINE Liver, lungs, Determination Resentment
,. ', } (Bottom Left)
pancreas, biliary tract
Excitement Disorganization

Judgment Lack ofapprovaI


23 - Second incisive Right Kidney, Comfort Suppression

(Bottom Left) Bladder Privacy Pride

The urogenital Affection Sense of sexual dissatisfaction


0 24 - First Right Kidney, Acceptance Lack offlexibility

Bladder, the
incisive (Bottom urogenital Privacy Anger

Right) Order Emotional

25 - First Right Clarity Disrespect

incisive Kidney Acceptance Stubbornness

(Bottom Right) Bladder Survival Sexual problems

The urogenital
26 - Second incisive Right Kidney, Bladder Attention Disorganization
(At the bottom right The urogenital Privacy Lack of flexibility
Order Lack of harmony

27- CANINE Liver, lungs, Judgment pride, Anger

pancreas, gallbladder Spirit of decision,
(Bottom Right) compassion, joy Regret



Family problems

28 - First Molar Pancreas, liver, Determination Judgment

stomach, pylorus
(Bottom Right) Self-esteem Insecurity

Affection Low self-esteem


29 - Second molar Right lung, liver, Passion Control

intestine, small
(Bottom Right) intestine, gallbladder, Determination Revenge
duodenum Balance Ruthless

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictiy prohibited without permission 46

Ego Handling

•. Lack of flexibility

30 - First Large intestine Passion Anti-social

Molar (Bottom Ileocecal region Balance Pessimism

Right) Spirit Grief

Fear of the Future

31 - 2nd molar Lungs Excitement Depression

:) (Bottom Right) Large intestine Balance Guilt

Ileocecal region Passion Lack of openness


32 - Third molar Heart Joy Family problems

(Bottom Right) Ileum Love Resentment

Wisdom Tooth Ileocecal region Compassion Leak




1. RIFE THERAPY: Royal Raymond Rife

• Great contribution to medical microscopy
• BIO: https:/
• BIO: htt;ps:// Enderlein
• The concepts of pleomorphism and symbiosis are in the current perspective inseparable from the
name of the great researcher and microbiologist, Professor Dr. Giinther Enderlein (1872-

•htt;ps: //
3. BLOOD SOMATIDE: Gaston Naessens
• Develop the concept of Somatide Biology
• BIO:
4. ORGONE: Willhem Reich

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictiy prohibited without permission 47

- .,--)
• The basis for his work was the book by the French researcher A Bechamp, titled "Microzymas".
It described that a microorganism can, under precisely determined preconditions, occur in
diverse developmental stages and, especially also in diversified forms, without the loss of its
specific characteristics. The microorganism may vary from the smallest rungs of electron
microscopic magnitude up to the large, multinucleic and highly developed stages, such as of
bacteria and fungi.
9. SCALAR ENERGY: Nikola Tesla
• Father of Scalar energy
• BIO: Mora
10. HOMOTOXICOLOGY: Heinrich Reckeweg (1877-1944)
• Develop the concept of Homotoxicology, the science of toxins and their removal from the human
• BIO:

11. HOMEOPATHY: Samuel Hahnemann, in full Christian Friedrich Samuel Hahnemann, (born April 10,
1755, died July 2, 1843, Paris, France),
• German physician, founder of the system of therapeutics known as homeopathy.

12. DNA: James Watson and Francis Crick

• Discover:
\.( 13. TELOMERE: Nobels 2009: Elizabeth H. Blackbum, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak
• Discover "how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"

14. Lakovsky
15. Planck
16. Bill Nelson
17. Joseph Scogna
18. C-SCAN : Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer
• Developed the New German New Medicine
• BIO:

19. Pointzero
20. Schuman
21. FRACTAL - Benoit Mandelbrot
22. VACCINES- Edward Jenner

Version 24/01/2019 Reproduction strictiy prohibited without permission 48

•The founder of vaccinology in the West in 1796, after he inoculated a 13 year-old-boy with
vaccinia virus (cowpox), and demonstrated immunity to smallpox. In 1798, the first smallpox
vaccine was developed.
• The first vaccine created in a laboratory was Louis Pasteur's 1879 vaccine for chicken cholera.
23. Biofeedback
25. STRESS - Hans Selye
• Hans Hugo Bruno Selye was a Canadian endocrinologist of Hungarian origin and Hungarian
ethnicity. Selye did much important factual work on the hypothetical nonspecific response of
the organism to stressors. Some commentators considered him the first to demonstrate the
physiological existence and effects of stress. Dr. Nelson worked with him in Ohio and Montreal
to develop a newstyle of medicine based on stress. This, paired with his observation that people
with different diseases exhibit similar symptoms, led to his description of the effects of "noxious
\_ !
agents" as he at first called it He later coined the term "stress", which has been accepted into the
lexicon of various other languages. Selye wrote The Stress of Life (1956), From dream to
discovery; on being a scientist (1964) and Stress without Distress (1974). Heworked as a
professor and director of the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the Universite
de Montreal. In 1968 he was made a Companion of the Order of Canada.
26. VITAMIN C -Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, a Hungarian physiologist who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology
or Medicine in 1937 for discovering vitamin C, worked with Dr. Nelson on the Trivector Theory
and the electron transport chains. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi de Nagyrapolt (September 16, 1893 -
October 22, 1986) In 1937, he received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "For his
discoveries inconnection with the biological combustion process with special reference to vitamin C
and the catalysis of fumaric acid". In 1938, he began work on the biophysics of muscle movement
He found that muscles contain actin, which when combined with the protein myosin and the
,, energy source ATP, contract muscle fibers.



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