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Magi Astrology

Lesson 11. Additional Notes About Aspects

Planetary Eclipse
● Aka occultation.
● Two planets make both a conjunction and a parallel.
● They visually appear along a line and so overlap each other.
● More powerful than just a combination of a conjunction and a
A Bi-Level Enhancement
● Two planets are in a parallel or a contraparallel byt also make
another aspect in longitude (say, a trine).
● A very special blessing.
Equal-Degree Aspects
● Two planets have exactly same degree (and any number of
minutes) in any sign of the zodiac.
● Any multiple of 30 aspect.
● By far the most important.
● The more such aspects a person has, the more likely he or she
will achieve unusual success and fame.
● Aspects of Saturn aren’t considered.
A Magi Pyramid
● Three or more planets are in the same degree of declination.
● Doesn’t matter North or South.
● Saturn, Mars and Mercury aren’t taken into account.
Aspects of the Sun
● They are the most crucial.
● They determine the kind of day it really is.
● They show the primary inner desires of the person born on that
A Bidirectional Aspect
● Created by two planets, of which one is retrograde and the
other one is direct.
● Aka mutually applying aspect.
● Quincunx is a very positive aspect if it is bidirectional.
● All bidirectional aspects have a more positive influence than
ordinary aspects.
More About Quincunx
● A bidirectional quincunx where Uranus or Jupiter is applying
toward another planet is an equivalent of a Super Aspect.
● The same can be said about bidirectional quincunxes involving
Sun-Jupiter, Sun-Uranus, Sun-Neptune, or Sun-Pluto.
● For all these quincunxes to be considered equal to Super
Aspects, the orb should be 2.30.
● Many different aspects can become significantly more important
when they are bidirectional and within a 2.30 orb.
There Are No Bad Aspects
● The enhancement aspects are very helpful.
● All the other multiples of 30 are merely helpful.
● All aspects are signs of uncommon abilities and skills.
● The more talented the person is, the more aspects he or she
has, and the more exact they are.
Turbulent Aspects
● Squares, oppositions, and quincunxes of Saturn.
● They are to be avoided.
● The symbolism of planets in such aspects is negated.
● The negative attributes of Saturn are emphasized.
Personal vs Historical Aspects
● A personal aspect is an aspect in a natal chart of a person.
● A historic aspect exists when something happens (e.g. a
marriage or a company formation).
● In personal aspects interpretation there is no negatization,
everything is considered as a talent or an ability. The better
symbolism of Saturn should be used.
● Historical turbulent aspects should be avoided.

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