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Leslie Morelia Quispe Mamani

FULL NAME:…………………………………………………………………………..

Complete the conversations with the present perfect or the simple past
has jake met
1 A: (jake/meet) …………………………………….our new teacher?
he has
B: Yes, ……………… he met
He (meet)………………. Her in the office this morning.
has beth seen
2 A: (Beth /see) …………………………………the new language lab?
she hasn´t
B: no, ………………………… saw
But she (see)……………….. the library.
have your classmates spoken
3 A: (your classmates/ speak) …………………………….with the school director?
they have
B: yes, …………………… spoke
They (speak)……………….with her yesterday.
have they been
4 A:(they / be) ………………………………….to this class before?
they haven´t They’re new at this school.
B: no, ………………..
did you eat
5 A: (you /eat) ……………………………… the new school restaurant?
I didn´t.
B: no, …………….. Is it good?
Complete each statement or question with for and since

1. That film has played at the Metroplex………… two weeks.
2. I’ve been in the ticket line……………..6:30

3. Have you been here …………… more than hour?

4. I’ve loved animated movies…………

since I was a child

since last Tuesday.

5. The Taking Parrot has been available on DVD………..

Read the article and answer the questions.

1. Research has found that tv and movie violence can hurt children. What are
some ways that viewing violence can affect children?
one study showed that children who watch violent TV programs when they were 8 years
old were more likely to behave aggressively age 18

2. What kinds of programs and movies are most harmful?

two kinds of programs and movies encourage aggressive behavior in young children
more than others : realistic violent action programs and movies violent cartoons

3. Some studies show that viewing violence can have long-term effects, lasting for
many years. What are some of the effects that studies have shown?
violent movies and TV shows can affect children´s attitudes towards violence in the world
around them,childrenwho watch a lot of violence if children find violence normal.

4. What bad “message” can come from violent programs and movies?

violent crimes aren´t sorry their actions and don´t face consequences or punishment

5. What suggestions does the article make to help parents prevent the bad effects
of violent TV programs and movies in very young children? In older children?
we can try to limit the number pf hours they spend watching it and when children have seen a
violence film it´s important to discuss it with them


Listen and complete the sentences

1. Ted’s late because he……………………………….…..
got stuck in traffic
2. Maude probably …………………………………..…..…
couldn´t find a parking space
3. They’re going to be late because they ……………………..
missed the bus
4. First, they …………………………………. take a taxi
Then they probably …………………..
Write five sentences about violence in movies and on TV. Explain why
some people think it’s harmful and why others think it isn’t.
1. ……………………………………………………………………………………
Some see violence in movies and TV as desensitization, but others consider it a
realistic representation of society.
Violence in the media can be artistic expression, but it also risks glorifying
2. ……………………………………………………………………………………
aggressive acts.
While some fear it may negatively influence behavior, others see it as
3. ……………………………………………………………………………………
a way to raise social awareness.
Parental regulation is crucial regarding violent content, but excessive
4. ……………………………………………………………………………………
protection may limit freedom of expression.
The controversy over violence in the media raises important
5. ……………………………………………………………………………………
questions about the responsibility of creators and freedom of expression.

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