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Q# Explain learning resources and its types?

Learning resources:

Learning resources are those device and procedures that help to make teaching and learning more
interesting, more simulating, more reinforcing and more effective.

Examples of learning resources:

 Text book, models , boards

 Workbook , charts, real objects
 Computer, flannel boards
 Television, slides and film strips
 Programed material,
 Maps, chalk, posters,
 Flat pictures, cartoons

Learning resources in Teaching and learning process:

Teaching or learning material resources are designed mainly to support teaching and learning in
different contexts.

The major purpose of learning and teaching resources is to provide a source of learning experience
that is effective enough to invoke interaction among students and teachers in the learning or teaching
process ( Savery,2015)

Any effective learning resource has the ability to help the students in the process learning and broaden
the learning experience of student along with meeting the learning needs of students.

Effective usage of proper learning resources help the student to construct more than superficial
knowledge that is building in depth knowledge on a particular subject and also developing there
individual learning strategies , values attitude and generic skills. It is important to use proper learning
resources in the teaching process in order to build a solid foundation for life long learning.

Types of learning resources( from notes)

The end

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