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Summary of activities for 2024

 Jati Diri 2024 Transition Program:

 Theme: Entrepreneurship, inspired by the study of Abd Rahman bin Auf.

 Duration: Two-week full-day program, starting after the Aidilfitri Holiday (beginning
on April 22nd).

 Modified based on feedback from subject teachers for a more concentrated format.

 Cross-Curricular Project (PBL):

 Scheduled for May 2024 during Jati Diri Month/Weeks.

 Additional PBL projects for Primary 4 & 5 on August 12th, and Secondary 2 and JHSA
coursework on September 12th, alongside JSLA coursework.

 Training Initiatives:

 "Fikrah Adni" and "Thinking Classroom" training sessions in April 2024, based on the
HR timetable.

 Aimed at enhancing teaching methodologies and promoting critical thinking skills

among educators and students.

 Adni International Student Conference 2024 (AISC 2024):

 Dates: July 24th to 28th.

 Provides a platform for international students to exchange ideas, collaborate on

projects, and foster cultural understanding.

 Technology Integration in the Classroom:

 All PBL secondary documentation accessible online.

 Usage of iPads in classrooms focused on gamification activities and drilling for core
subjects (languages & mathematics).

 Specific progress indicators set for monitoring purposes.

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