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1. A body of knowledge regarding crime as a social phenomenon.

A. Criminal psychology C. Criminal
B. Criminal law D. Criminology
2. Absence of a complaining victim in the typology of crime is classified as public order
crime or?
A. Crime against person C. Physical crime
B. Victimless crime D. Public scandal
3. A crime that is committed in the shortest possible time such as libel.
A. Acquisitive crime C. Seasonal crime
B. Extinctive crime D. Instant crime
4. Are those who commit due to less physical stamina and less self-control
A. Criminoloid C. Criminal by passion
B. Pseudo criminals D. Born criminaL

5. A state of normlessness as proposed by Durkheim that describes France during its

trying times.
A. Strain theory C. Labeling theory
B. Anomie theory D. Chicago area project
6. A sub-discipline of criminology which focuses on victims of crime.
A. Penology C. Criminal profiling
B. Criminal psychology D. Victimology
7. A theory that is based on utilitarian concept of free will and greatest good of the
greatest number.
A. Classical school C. Free will theory
B. Deterrence theory D. Hedonist theory
8. A type of crime in which the end result is destructive
A. Acquisitive crime C. Extinctive crime
B. Seasonal crime D. Static crime
9. A voice of reason bidding oneself to avoid evil and do good.
A. Virtue C. Value
B. Dignity D. Conscience

10. It is a branch of sociology that studies the characteristics of human populations

A. Demography C. Sociology
B. Anthropology D. Criminology

11. It is the study of human society, its origin, structure, functions and direction
A. Psychology C. Criminology
B. Sociology D. Anthropology

12. It is the study of the formation of the skull in relation to the behavior of the


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A. Phrenology C. Entomology
B. Criminology D. Anthropology
13. Science concerned with improving the quality of human off springs.
A. Genetics C. Eugenics
B. Criminology D. Heredity
14. Study of criminality in relation to spatial distribution in a community.
A. Criminal epidemiology C. Criminal demography
B. Criminal psychology D. Criminal determinism
15. Study of human mind in relation to criminality
A. Criminal demography C. Criminal physical anthropology
B. Criminal psychiatry D. Criminal psychology
16. The following are the characteristics of criminology EXCEPT
A. Nationality C. Flexible
B. Dynamic D. Applied science
17. The basis of criminal liability is human freewill and the purpose of the penalty is
A. Classical theory C. Multiple factor theory
B. Neo-classical theory D. Positivist theory

18. The following are the classification of criminals by Cesare Lombroso except one
A. Born criminals C. Pseudo criminals
B. Criminal by passion D. Deficient criminals
19. The primary advocate of the Positivist School in Criminology.
A. Cesare Becarria C. Edwin Sutherland
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Leonard Keeler
20. The principle that events including criminal behavior that has sufficient causes.
A. Positivism C. Determinism
B. Atavism D. Narcissism
21. The principle which states that man by nature always tries to maximize pleasure
and avoid pain.
A. Utopia C. Socialism
B. Hedonism D. Atavism

22. The purpose of penalty in the Positivist School of Criminology.

A. Retribution C. Rejection
B. Reformation D. Restitution
23. This theory believes that punishment should fit the criminal and not the crime
A. Positivist theory C. Classical theory
B. Neo-classical theory D. Differential association theory
24. This theory postulates that the ordinary routines of life present opportunities for
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A. Functionalist theory C. Rational choice theory

B. Routine activities theory D. Control theory
25. This theory puts the focus on the process of naming behaviors and the people that
perform them.
A. Functionalist theory C. Rational choice theory
B. Anomie theory D. Labeling theory
26. This type of physique has relatively predominant muscles, bones and motor organs
of the body.
A. Viscerotonic C. Endomorphic
B. Mesomorphic D. Ectomorphic

27. What law created the board of criminology in the Philippines?

A. RA 5606 C. RA 6506
B. RA 6560 D. RA 8551
28. What theory considers crime as a natural social phenomenon?
A. Somatotyping Theory C. Anomie Theory
B. Differential Association Theory D. Psychoanalytical Theory
29. Which is an attempt at scientific analysis of the study of causes or reasons for
A. Penology C. Criminal Psychology
B. Sociology of Law D. Criminal Etiology
30. Who is a person who kills three or more persons in three or more separate events?
A. Serial Killer C. Mass murderer
B. Spree Killer D. Homicidal

31. This school of criminology was established based on philosophy of utilitarianism.

It was particularly founded by Cesare Beccaria Bonesana. This was known as the
classical school. What is that treatise on the legal reform that became the pillar of the
A. Classical School D. Essay on Crimes and
B. Positivist School Punishment
C. Essay on Crimes
32. This book contains all of the Stigmata of a potential criminal written by Lombroso
on his medical studies in the inmate of the different prison.
A. The Criminal Mind C. Atavism
B. Atavistic D. The Criminal Man
33. Crime is caused by the rational effort of man to augment his pleasure and to
minimize his pains is a notion coming from:
A. Positivist school C. Chicago school
B. Classical school D. Neo-classical school
34. All of the following are the description of a criminal man according to Lombroso
except one:
A. Symmetry of the Face C. Abnormal Dentition
B. Excessive length of Arms D. Defects of the Thorax
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35. Which of the following is not true about the principles of Positivism?
A. Stated that criminality is C. Imposition of deterrence
inherited D. Understanding criminality
B. Criminal behavior is caused by through the study of human
internal factors behavior

36. All of the following except one are the indicative of criminal tendency according to
the criminal anthropology of Cesare Lombroso.
A. Measurement of the hairline C. Measurement of the check bones
B. Measurement of the jaw D. Measurement of the cleft palate
37. Cesare Lombroso was considered as the father of Modern Criminology and the
father of the Italian school of Criminology. Which of the following is not part of his
A. Identifying the three types of C. He was the one who wrote
criminal “The Criminal Mind”
B. He took a scientific approach in D. None of these
the study of crime
38. Attempting to provide a scientific analysis of the causes of crime is a function of
criminal etiology as one of the principal divisions of criminology. What division is
treating youthful offenders?
A. Criminal etiology C. Sociology of law
B. Criminal sociology D. Penology
39. Which of the following is not included in the coverage of criminology in terms of
theoretical field of study?
A. Sociology of crime C. Meaning of crime
B. Causes of crime D. Community reaction to crime
40. Which is not true about Criminology?
A. Considered as an applied science C. Study of crime as a social
B. It is stable and it varies from phenomenon
one time and place to another D. None of these
41. In the Criminal Justice System, government must keep within the framework of
laws that protect individual rights. Who among these people is being process in the
said system?
A. The offended party C. Justice
B. Law D. Accused
42. The following are those something that are left by the perpetrator in the scene of
crime which was commonly termed as physical evidence, except:
A. Witness C. Cadaver
B. Kerosene D. Prints
43. It is concomitant with the advancement of other sciences that has been applied to
it. The statement best describes:
A. Dynamic C. Social condition
B. Criminology D. Criminalistics
44. All but one is the task of the Criminal Justice System.
A. Save life and property B. Enforce the law
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C. Removing dangerous in the D. Rehabilitating offenders

45. Ex post facto law is one of the constitution rights of every Filipino people which
means that, a person should not be put into jeopardy where there is no effective law
forbidding the particular act, except:
A. the suspect was not yet C. retroactive effect
arrested D. all of these
B. the law is in favor to the offender
46. The earliest broad laws existing, these addicts are based on a retributive system of
“an eye for an eye”, “a tooth for a tooth”.
A. Lex Taliones C. Code of Kalantiao
B. Code of Hammurabi D. Political Crime
47. Commonly known as “Victimless Crime”.
A. Occasional crime C. Public order crime
B. Political crime D. Conventional crime
48. The machinery of a state of government which enforces the rules of conduct
necessary to protect life, liberty and property and maintain peace and order.
A. Criminal Justice System C. Criminal Justice
B. Criminal Justice Education D. Criminal Justice Research

49. All of the following except one are the concept drawn by Lombroso in his Positivist
A. Psychiatry C. Physiognomy
B. Society Darwinism D. Eugenics
50. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.
A. Freewill C. Positivism
B. Somatology D. Atavism
51. A body of knowledge regarding delinquency and crime as a social phenomenon.
A. Crime C. Sociology
B. Criminology D. Offense

52. It may also refer to the study of crimes and criminals and the attempt of analyzing
scientifically their causes and control and the treatment of criminals.
A. Crime C. Sociology
B. Criminology D. Offense
53. Its is primarily based on the examination if the relationship of demographic and
group varieties to crime.
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology
54. The study of crime focused on the group of people and society as a whole.
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology


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55. The science of behavior and mental processes of the criminal. It is focused in the
individual criminal behavior-how it is acquired, evoked, maintained, modified.
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology
56. The science that deals with the study of crime through forensic psychiatry, the
study of criminal behavior in terms of motives and drives that strongly relies on the
individual. (Psychoanalytic Theory-Sigmund Freud-traditional view).
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology
57. It also explains that criminality is acting out of uncontrollable animalistic,
unconscious, or biological urges (modern view).
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology
58. The scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
A. Criminal Behavior or Criminal C. Penology or Correction
Etiology D. None of these
B. Sociology of Law
59. The study of crime must always be in relation with the existing criminal law in the
A. An applied science C. Dynamic
B. Social Science D. Nationalistic
60. Criminology changes as social condition changes. That means the progress of
criminology is concordant with the advancement of other science that have been
applied to it.
A. An applied science C. Dynamic
B. Social Science D. Nationalistic
61. In as much as crime is a societal creation and that it exist in a society, its study
must be considered a part of social science.
A. An applied science C. Dynamic
B. Social Science D. Nationalistic

62. Anthropology, psychology, sociology and other natural sciences may be applied in
the study of the causes of crime, while chemistry, medicine, physics, mathematics,
etc. may be utilized in crime detection.
A. An applied science C. Dynamic
B. Social Science D. Nationalistic

63. An anti-social act; an act that is Injurious, detrimental or harmful to the norms of
society; they are unacceptable acts in its social definition.
A. Crime C. Offense
B. Felony D. Misdemeanor
64. Is an act or omission that is punishable by special penal laws (a special law is a
statute enacted by congress, penal in character, which is not an amendment to the
Revised Penal Code) such as Republic Acts, Presidential Decrees, Executive Orders,
Memorandum Circulars, Ordinance and Rules and Regulations.
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A. Crime C. Offense
B. Felony D. Misdemeanor
65. Is an act or mission that is punishable by the Revised Penal Code, the criminal law
in the Philippines.
A. Crime C. Offense
B. Felony D. Misdemeanor
66. Acts that are in violation of simple rules and regulations usually referring to acts
committed by minor offenders.
A. Crime C. Offense
B. Felony D. Misdemeanor
67. The crime is when the result of criminal act is destruction.
A. Acquisitive C. Seasonal
B. Extinctive D. Situational

68. Are those that are committed only at certain period of the year?
A. Acquisitive C. Seasonal
B. Extinctive D. Situational

69. Crime is one which when omitted, the offender requires something as
consequences of his criminal acts.
A. Acquisitive C. Seasonal
B. Extinctive D. Situational

70. Are those that are committed only when given a situation conducive to its
A. Acquisitive C. Seasonal
B. Extinctive D. Situational

71. Are those committed with intent; offender is in full possession of his mental
A. Rational C. Crimes by passion
B. Irrational D. Crimes by imitation
72. Are those crimes committed because of the fit of great emotions?
A. Rational C. Crimes by passion
B. Irrational D. Crimes by imitation
73. Are crimes committed by merely duplication of what was done by others?
A. Rational C. Crimes by passion
B. Irrational D. Crimes by imitation
74. CRIMES are committed without intent, offender does not know the nature of his
A. Rational C. Crimes by passion
B. Irrational D. Crimes by imitation


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75. Refers to crimes committed through rendition of a service to satisfy desire of

A. Rational C. Crimes by passion
B. Service Crime D. Crimes by imitation
76. Are those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by reward or promise?
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
77. Are those who continue to commit crime because of deficiency of intelligence and
lack of self-control?
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals

78. Are those who commit crimes due to aggressiveness?

A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
79. Are criminals who are normal in behavior but defective in their socialization
process or development?
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals

80. Is one who commits crime acted in consonance of deliberated thinking? He plans
the crime ahead of time. They are targeted offenders.
A. Active criminals C. Chronic criminals
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
81. Are those who commit crime due to aggressiveness.
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
82. Are those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by reward or promise.
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
83. Are criminals who are normal in behavior but defective in their socialization
process or development.
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
84. Is a person who, with in a period of ten years from the date of his release or last
conviction of the crimes of serious physical injuries, robbery, estafa, or falsification, is
found guilty of any of the said crimes or a third time offender.
A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
85. Is one who, at the time of his for one crime, shall have been previously convicted
by final judgement of another crime embraced in the same title of the Revised Penal
A. Recidivist B. Criminoloid
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C. Occasional criminal D. Pseudo-criminals

86. He advocated the “Human Ecology Theory”, the study of the interrelationship of
people in their environment.
A. David Emile Durkheim C. Ernest Kretshmer
B. Sigmund Freud D. Robert Ezra Park
87. He advocated the “Anomie Theory”, the theory that focused on the sociological
point of the positivist school, which explains that the absence of norms in a society
provides a setting conductive to crimes and other anti-social acts.
A. David Emile Durkheim C. Ernest Kretshmer
B. Sigmund Freud D. Robert Ezra Park
88. The idea of somatotyping was originated from the work of a German Psychiatrist,
? who distinguished three principal types of physique.
A. David Emile Durkheim C. Ernest Kretshmer
B. Sigmund Freud D. Robert Ezra Park
89. A type of body physique with relatively predominance of soft, roundness
throughout the regions of the body. They have low specific gravity. Persons with
typically relaxed and comfortable disposition.
A. Endomorphy C. Ectomorphy
B. Mesomorphy D. None of these
90. Athletic type, predominance of muscle, bone, and connective tissue, normally
heavy, hard and firm, sting and tough. They are the people who are routinely active
and aggressive, and they are most likely to commit crimes.
A. Endomorphy C. Ectomorphy
B. Mesomorphy D. None of these
91. Thin physique, flat chest, delicacy through the body, slender, poorly muscled.
They tend to look more fatigue and withdrawn.
A. Endomorphy C. Ectomorphy
B. Mesomorphy D. None of these
92. It is the killing of four or more victims at one location with one event.
A. Serial Murder C. Spree Murder
B. Mass Murder D. Murder
93. The killing of in two or more locations with almost no time break between
A. Serial Murder C. Spree Murder
B. Mass Murder D. Murder
94. Is the unlawful killing of human being with malice and with the “act of violence”.
A. Serial Murder C. Spree Murder
B. Mass Murder D. Murder
95. An act involving killing of several victims in three or more separate incidents over
a week, a month or year.
A. Serial Murder C. Spree Murder
B. Mass Murder D. Murder
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96. Those who live in cultures which violence is an acceptable problem mechanism.
A. Culturally Violent Offenders C. Pathological Violent Offenders
B. Criminally Violent Offenders D. Situational Violent Offenders
97. Those who use violence as a means to accomplish criminal acts.
A. Culturally Violent Offenders C. Pathological Violent Offenders
B. Criminally Violent Offenders D. Situational Violent Offenders
98. Those who commit acts of violence on rare occasions, often under provocations.
They are the criminals “by passion”.
A. Culturally Violent Offenders C. Pathological Violent Offenders
B. Criminally Violent Offenders D. Situational Violent Offenders
99. Those who commit violent crimes due to mental disturbances.
A. Culturally Violent Offenders C. Pathological Violent Offenders
B. Criminally Violent Offenders D. Situational Violent Offenders
100. An attack or assault of an adult against the defenseless or people who cannot
defend themselves, usually by a parent to a child.
A. Child Abuse C. Child Trafficking
B. Child Neglect D. Child Prostitution
101. What division of criminology attempts to scientifically analyze the correctional
methods and processes as effective controls of crime? This explains the process of
rehabilitation of the offender and the stages that tend to divert his character from
being a law-abiding citizen in the society.
A. Victimology C. Sociology of Laws
B. Penology/ Corrections D. Criminal Etiology

102. This generally referred to as a person who practices his profession in criminology.
He has the degree in Criminology, passed the examination for Criminologist and is
registered as such by the board.
A. Criminalist C. Registered Criminologist
B. Board Passer D. Criminology Exam Passer
103. Positivist greatly differ frim classical criminologist for the reason that:
A. Deterrence is the best justification for punishment that prevents the society
from committing crimes
B. Human beings have free will and the actions they undertake are the result of
their own choice.
C. Every person is rational
D. Offenders were not entirely responsible for their own crimes.
104. Which of the following can be a good example of a white-collar crime?
A. A Mayor committing corruption
B. A fisherman steals money from his neighbor
C. An unemployed person snatching the cellular phone of a stranger
D. An ordinary person shot his friend with a firearm after arguing of a certain
105. The proponents of Neo-Classical believes that children, insane, and lunatics
should not be punished and regarded as criminal die to the reason that:
A. They are special people that need special consideration
B. They cannot calculate pleasure and pain
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C. They are influence by sociological factors such as bad neighborhood

D. They are people with physical and mental abnormalities
106. What term refers to the study of the relationship between criminality and
A. Criminal epidemiology C. Criminal psychiatry
B. Criminal demography D. Criminal ecology
107. Maria, a young business executive at a prestigious firm has an iPhone 5 in her
car. One night, getting home late from work, she parks on street in front of her
apartment and rushes in to change clothes for an appointment. Running late, Maria
doesn’t take to lock the car before going inside. In fifteen minutes, which takes her to
clean up, changes clothes, and get back to her car, someone opens the car door and
steals her iPhone 5. The role of Maria in the crime is embodied in the study of:
A. Criminal etiology C. Penology/ Correction
B. Sociology of laws D. Victimology
108. An act or omission in violation of a public law forbidding or commanding it.
A. Criminal C. Criminology
B. Crime D. Criminalist
109. The primitive part of the individual’s mental make-up present at birth. It is
governed by the “Pleasure principle” represents the unconscious biological drives for
A. Superego C. Spirit
B. Ego D. Id
110. The sensible and responsible part of an individual personality and is governed by
the Reality Principle.
A. Superego C. Spirit
B. Ego D. Id
111. A crimes that are committed when members of a group are prevented from
achieving their fullest potential because racism, sexism, or some status bias.
A. Crimes of repression C. Crimes of passion
B. Crimes of national security D. None of these
112. A crime that violates the moral order but in which there is no actual victim or
A. Extinctive crime C. Static crime
B. Seasonal crime D. Victimless crime
113. A crime committed only in one place
A. Static crime C. Extinctive crime
B. Seasonal crime D. None of these
114. It is committed only during a certain period of the year.
A. Static crime C. Extinctive crime
B. Seasonal crime D. Acquisitive crime
115. The offender acquires something
A. Static crime C. Extinctive crime
B. Seasonal crime D. Acquisitive crime
116. A type of crime in which the end result is destruction
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A. Static crime C. Extinctive crime

B. Seasonal crime D. Acquisitive crime
117. A type of physique have relatively predominant muscles, bones, and motor
organs of the body.
A. Viscerotonic C. Endomorphic
B. Mesomorphic D. Ectomorphic
118. The mental capacity distinguish night form wrong.
A. Ethics C. Morality
B. Discernment D. imbecile
119. It refers to the conscience of man
A. ego C. spirit
B. id D. superego
120. It is the most basic social institution and is the most potentially effective agency
of social control.
A. Church C. Family
B. Community D. school
121. The primary advocate of the Positivist School of Criminology.
A. August Comti C. Cesare Beccaria
B. Cesare Lombroso D. Henry Goddar

122. A person who has violated the penal law and has been found guilty in court.
A. Accused C. Criminal
B. Suspect D. Parolee
123. The society’s prime instrument for making known what acts are crimes and what
sanctions may be applied to those who commit acts defined as crimes.
A. Ethics C. Law
B. Conduct D. Justice
124. It refers to any person who has passed the licensure examination for
criminologist and is registered as such by the Board of Criminology.
A. Criminalist C. Criminology graduates
B. Law enforcer D. Criminologist
125. This means the study of criminology includes not only the study of crimes and
criminal behavior but also the reaction of society towards crime and criminal behavior.
A. Dynamic C. Nationalistic
B. A social science D. An interdisciplinary act
126. It means that the study of crime varies from one place to place.
A. Criminology is social science C. Criminology is interdisciplinary
B. Criminology is relative D. Criminology is an applied science
127. The study of criminology changes as social condition changes. This means that
criminology is:


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A. Dynamic C. Being relative

B. A social science D. An applied science
128. The knowledge obtained in the study of crimes and criminal behaviors used to
resolve the crime problem and treatment of criminals. This statement applies to
criminology as:
A. A social science C. An applied science
B. Being dynamic D. Being relative
129. The following are the natural sciences that may be applied in criminology, except
A. Psychology C. Sociology
B. Medicine D. Anthropology
130. Which is not goal of studying criminology?
A. To understand criminal behavior C. To control criminal behavior
B. To predict criminal behavior D. None of these
131. The following are studies of criminology except:
A. Theology C. Education
B. Geology D. Public administration
132. A method to study the personally and development of mental and moral faculties
based on external shape of the skull.
A. Radiology C. Craniology
B. Phrenology D. Cranioscopy
133. A forcible sex involving multiple attacker.
A. Gang Rape C. Group Rape
B. Mass Rape D. None of the above
134. It refers to those who continue to commit acts for such diverse reasons due to
deficiency to intelligence and lack of control.
A. Accidental criminal C. Acute criminal
B. Habitual criminal D. None of the above
135. It is committed in the shortest possible time.
A. Quick crime C. Inevitable crime
B. Fast crime D. Instant crime
136. The killing of a large number of people in a single incident by an offender who
typically does not seek concealment or scape.
A. Mass murder C. Murder
B. Serial murder D. Multiple counts of murder
137. Acts that are outlawed because they violate basic moral values such as rape
murder assault and robbery.
A. Mean Rea C. Both A and B
B. Mala In Se D. None of these
138. It refers to criminal intent.
A. Mala Prohibita C. Mean Rea
B. Guilty Mind D. Both B and C


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139. It is committed by an offender who does not know the nature and quality of his
act on account of the disease of the mind.
A. Consummated crime C. Irrational crime
B. Hate crime D. Rational crime
140. It refers to those who commit criminal acts as result of un anticipated
A. Acute criminal C. Habitual criminal
B. Accidental criminal D. Chronic criminal
141. Is one who commits crime acted in consonance of deliberated thinking? He plans
the crime ahead of time. They are targeted offenders.
A. Active criminals C. Chronic criminals
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
142. A crime that violates the moral order but in which there is no actual victim or
A. Extinctive crime C. Static crime
B. Seasonal crime D. Victimless crime
143. A type of body physique with relatively predominance of soft, roundness
throughout the regions of the body. They have low specific gravity. Persons with
typically relaxed and comfortable disposition.
A. Endomorphy C. Ectomorphy
B. Mesomorphy D. None of these
144. Is one who, at the time of his for one crime, shall have been previously convicted
by final judgement of another crime embraced in the same title of the Revised Penal
A. Recidivist C. Occasional criminal
B. Criminoloid D. Pseudo-criminals
145. It also explains that criminality is acting out of uncontrollable animalistic,
unconscious, or biological urges (modern view).
A. Sociological Criminology C. Psychiatric Criminology
B. Psychological Criminology D. Environmental Criminology
146. The scientific analysis of the causes of crime.
A. Criminal Behavior or Criminal C. Penology or Correction
Etiology D. None of these
B. Sociology of Law

147. It may also refer to the study of crimes and criminals and the attempt of
analyzing scientifically their causes and control and the treatment of criminals.
A. Crime C. Sociology
B. Criminology D. Offense
148. The science of classifying human physical characteristics.
A. Freewill C. Positivism
B. Somatology D. Atavism


SY 2023-2024

149. Are those who commit crimes due to aggressiveness?

A. Active criminals C. Socialized delinquent
B. Passive inadequate criminals D. Habitual criminals
150. He advocated the “Anomie Theory”, the theory that focused on the sociological
point of the positivist school, which explains that the absence of norms in a society
provides a setting conductive to crimes and other anti-social acts.
A. David Emile Durkheim C. Ernest Kretshmer
B. Sigmund Freud D. Robert Ezra Park


SY 2023-2024

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