F451 Questions

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F451 Questions pt.

1. Beatty wants Montag to burn his house and the books because Beatty wants to anger
Montag. Montag didn’t resist even though he was burning his own home because he felt
free from the things that burdened his life like the tv walls.

2. I think Beatty mockingly tells Montag to pull the trigger either because Beatty
actually wanted to die or because he thought that Montag won’t actually do it. Beatty is
always playing a game of cat and mouse with Montag, but he miscalculated because
Montag ends up pulling the trigger. Montag is justified because he protected his friend
Faber after Beatty found out about the earpiece and Montag also wanted to protect
himself because he was going to get arrested. Another thing to add is that Beatty kept
threatening and pushing Montag to pull the trigger and Montag probably felt like he
had no other choice.

3. The fact that the media was more focused on the chase instead of war being declared
shows that the media wants society to feel safe and not panic. It shows that they only
care about having fun and that there is nothing wrong with the world. The war has
been declared over the radio instead of declared on tv where most people are because
they don’t want the people to pay attention to what’s actually happening around them.

4. The campfire felt different for Montag because it wasn’t burning, it was warming.
Montag is used to using fire as a type of weapon that causes destruction, but in this
case, the fire wasn’t destroying anything it was instead serving as a helpful tool by
keeping the people warm. Montag didn’t know fire could look that way and notices that
the smell is different as well. The voices sound remarkable to Montag because they
were talking about the world and everything and how there was nothing they couldn’t
talk about. This is amazing because the people in the other society would always talk
about the same things and would always repeat each other. The other society was very
shallow resulting in shallow conversations. The people in the other society could only
talk about what they know which is the things around them like tv and materialistic
things. The people here have experience, been around the world and have read books
resulting in deeper conversations and better conversations.

5. Each of the old men have memorized a book. They tell Montag that they have a
special way to make them remember what they read. They plan on passing their
knowledge and books by mouth to future generations and if society still isn’t ready to
listen, then the children will have to wait and continue to pass it on to future
generations until society is ready to listen.
6. As the bombs were being dropped in the city, Montag imagined Mildred in her hotel
room with the bomb gradually getting closer to the building. He imagined her paying
attention to the tv and the families talking. Montag feels very worried for her and wants
to save her and as the bomb struck, he felt a wave of memories of her. He even
remembered where they met which was in Chicago. Montag still cares for her even
though she pulled the alarm.

7. Montag says he will save the quote for the afternoon when he reaches the next
destination. This quote gives a feeling of hope that the knowledge they all have will be
spread to other cities and will be passed onto future generations which will rebuild a
new society. When it says on the other side of the river there was a tree of life, the tree
of life could represent the men who carry valuable knowledge. The fruits could also
symbolize the knowledge that these men hold. When it says the healing of the nations,
this could mean that even though the city and possibly other cities that have been
destroyed, they will be rebuilt to create a new society full of hope and a new and better

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