Adaptogenic Milk

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It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men. Frederick Douglas

Copyright 2017 Raymond Peat P.O. Box 5764 Eugene OR 97405 September 2017

Not for republication without written permission.

It was in that pseudoscientific environment,

Adaptogenic Milk with the guidance of corporate lobbies, that the
dietary recommendations of the U.S. Department
There are different ways of adapting to an of Agriculture were developed, starting just before
environmental challenge: becoming less, or becom- the beginning of the 20th century and culminating
ing more, reducing our needs, or increasing our in the 1990s in the Food Guide Pyramid, which
abilities. The creative insights of individuals have
recommended, for example, 6 to 11 servings of
accumulated as a culture, and the cultural generali- grain, and 2 to 3 servings of milk, cheese, or
zations have provided adaptive advantages. Our yogurt. During the great depression, their income-
bodies are constantly having experiences, and
ranked diets probably helped to prevent some
generalizing from them in the way they respond; deficiency diseases, but the main effect of the
these generalized responses can limit or expand our government's nutritional guidance has been to
vitality. These generalizations are expressed in our
reinforce the medical establishment's view that
anatomy, physiology, and ecosystems, with changes disease is caused primarily by heredity and germs,
in immunity, metabolism, gene expression, and
and not by environmental factors such as malnu-
behavior. trition and pollution.
The dominant reductionist philosophy of
science denies that generalization is an objective
process, and has strenuously attacked the idea that Defining the organism and the
intention or purpose guides biological, biochemical environment in accord with its ideol-
and genetic changes. To the extent that objective ogy of mechanistic reductionism,
meanmg is absent, the ideology of Popperian official science has radically misrep-
methodological individualism can be resented the nature of organismic
imposed. Applied to the theory of food and nutri- adaptation.
tion, this ideology insists that our nutritional
requirements are genetically determined. At the end of the second world war, a neigh-
In medicine, through most of the 20th century, bor of ours returned from the Pacific with malaria,
this meant that a pregnant woman's nutrition was and he found the symptoms were prevented when
said to be relevant only to her personal health, and he drank goat milk regularly. To continue receiv-
not to the fate of the developing baby. When a ing disability payments he had to have periodic
woman's toxemic pregnancy produced a defective examinations, and during one of his hospital visits
baby, the official explanation was that the baby's he had an episode of fever. His family brought
genetic defects caused the toxemia. The research him the goat milk that he would have normally
that showed that the infant's brain development and been drinking, but the hospital wouldn't permit
its future health and longevity were determined by him to drink it. The fever worsened, and he died
the quality of the mother's nutrition was ignored, in the hospital. A few years later, medical journals
denied, and suppressed by official, state licensed began investigating why people who drank milk
medicine. were resistant to malaria; experiments showed

that rats infected with the parasite were protected to questions about the safety of grains as if their
by a milk diet (Maegraith et al, 1952). religion were being criticized.
Some people theorized that milk contained The image of an Egyptian pyramid is an
something that killed the parasites, or lacked appropriate symbol for a food guide that encour-
something that the parasites needed to survive. 65 ages a disproportionate consumption of grains.
years later, the issue is still being discussed. Another interesting symbol was the presence of
George Plimpton as the figurehead for the Anti-
Dairy Coalition's ''NotMilk" campaign. "The
Questions of health are necessarily coalition, including its spokes-Jeremiah, George
questions about the deteriorating Plimpton, would have you believe that milk
environment. causes heart disease, cancer, infections, asthma,
allergies and tuberculosis" (Lemonick,
One of the reasons that conventional science 1998). From 1953 until his death in 2003, Plimp-
couldn't build on the knowledge of ordinary people ton was editor of the CIA-funded Paris Review,
is that it was blindly committed to the idea that an their "agent of influence" for cultural change.
ordinary diet containing all of the "essential nutri- In the 1950s I saw research showing that
ents" was adequate, that it was perfect, even if it infant mortality varied directly with the price of
was associated with a high incidence of infectious milk. More recent research suggests that such an
and degenerative diseases, since those diseases effect can still be seen in many low-income
were the result of defective genes or known patho- countries. There is pressure to eliminate federal
gens or still undiscovered pathogens. Defining the subsidies for milk production. That would
organism and the environment in accord with its undoubtedly reduce milk consumption, which is
ideology of mechanistic reductionism, official already declining faster in children than in adults,
science has radically misrepresented the nature of and the per capita consumption in the US is now
organismic adaptation. less than one glass per day. US subsidies for
Maybe it wasn't that milk was therapeutic, but grains and soybeans are now 20 times greater
that the standard "adequate" diets were than for milk.
pathogenic. Phosphate, which predominates in
grains, beans, nuts, meats, and fish, increases our
production of parathyroid hormone, while calcium
The cells of the mammary gland, in
and magnesium inhibit its production. This rece1v1ng substances from the
hormone, which increases with age, suppresses blood, are selective in what they
immunity, and in excess it causes insomnia, accept, allowing nutrients and
seizures, dementia, psychosis, cancer, heart disease,
protective substances to be concen-
respiratory distress and pulmonary hypertension,
osteoporosis, sarcopenia, histamine release, inflam- trated, and reducing the concentra-
mation and soft tissue calcification, and many other tion of many toxins that the blood
problems. Drinking milk lowers parathyroid has absorbed from the intestine.
hormone, relative to the diets that chronically
stimulate its production. There has been very little Norman Pirie, a famous biochemist and
attention given to the optimal level of parathy- virologist, wrote a book pointing out that leaves
roid hormone, as opposed to the "normal range." are vastly better protein sources than grains.
Empires, from the Pharaohs' to the present, "Advocacy of leaf protein as a human food is
have been based on a grain economy, which made based on the undisputed fact that forage crops
it easy to concentrate wealth and power. As a (such as luceme) give a greater yield of protein
result, a grain-based diet is woven into the culture than other types of crops. Even with conventional
of empire so deeply and complexly that it can food crops there is more protein in the leafy parts
hardly be examined impartially. Many people react than in the seeds or tubs [tubers] that are usually
harvested." (Pirie, 1942, 1971). He wasn't able to

persuade any government or large corporation to linked with lignin, making it especially resistant to
develop a process for large scale extraction of food enzymic breakdown. The rumen supports the
protein from foliage, but his work helped to clarify growth of a complex culture of bacteria, fungi,
the ecological and economic contexts of nutrition, and protozoa, that can break down cellulose,
and there is increasing interest in using waste lignin, and protein, when the right organisms are
foliage instead of soybeans as a protein supplement present, and their enzymes aren't poisoned. This
in animal feed. system of microorganisms converts the cellulose,
lignin, and protein into a nutritious mixture of
sugar, fat (97% saturated), peptides, and biomass,
Phosphate, which predominates in which is released into the intestine to be digested,
grains, beans, nuts, meats, and fish, by processes similar to those of other animals.
increases our production of parathy- The presence of the bacteria that hydrogenate
roid hormone, while calcium and PUF A is essential, since the high PUF A content of
magnesium inhibit its production. leaves and grains would stop the breakdown of the
plant proteins, but these bacteria themselves are
susceptible to PUFA toxicity (Maia, et al., 2010).
Leaves contain many substances that can be The blood and the liver act as a buffer
harmful and that interfere with the digestion of between the intestine and the various specialized
protein and other nutrients, for example tannins and tissues and organs, with the serum albumin having
polyunsaturated fatty acids. The basic process of a major function in binding and transporting a
extraction that Pirie suggested was grinding, press- variety of nutrients and potential toxins. (In milk,
ing, and precipitating the protein with heat. With lactalbumin and other proteins have analogous
that process, much of the protein remained in a binding functions.) Between the blood and the
form that can't be digested by people. Using a tissue cells, the extracellular matrix and the
process similar to the fermentation of cabbage into lymphatic system form the crucial environment
sauerkraut, green foliage such as cornstalks, grass, for the cells, the real milieu interieur, through
and alfalfa can be stored as silage for use as animal which they can communicate with each other,
feed during the winter. Besides losing some of the with some independence from exterior problem-
nutritional value, the formation of lactic acid in atic situations. In this permissive medium, their
silage limits the amount that can be used by intrinsic tendencies can be expressed.
ruminants, since lactate, like tannins and PUFA,
poisons some of the enzymic processes of the
rumen, the organ that makes it possible for The plant substances that are
ruminants such as cows, sheep, goats, camels, and destroyed in the rumen-tannins,
llamas to efficiently assimilate the nutrients of lignin, and PUFA-are cumulatively
indigestible plant materials
Artificial rumens have been designed to convert
toxic to the intestine. Besides being
waste foliage into food for humans, but so far, nearly free of these, milk contains
ruminant animals are the most efficient means of substances that promote the absorp-
producing a non-toxic food--milk--from leaves. tion of essential nutrients ...
Calculations of the production costs of different
types of food usually neglect the cost of environ- The cells of the mammary gland, in receiving
mental degradation, soil loss from plowing, nitrate substances from the blood, are selective in what
pollution of water, air pollution, long range health they accept, allowing nutrients and protective
effects, etc. Perennial forage crops such as alfalfa substances to be concentrated, and reducing the
can reduce direct costs of production (tillage and concentration of many toxins that the blood has
fertilizer) and indirect costs of pollution. absorbed from the intestine. For example, the
The insoluble proteins of leaves are enclosed in fungal toxin found in wheat and bread,
the fibrous cell walls, in which the cellulose is

ochratoxin, is reduced by 75-80% between the expression of the organism's unity and vitality,
blood and the milk (Mufioz, et al., 2014). and with its sensory systems, it integrates metabo-
Although milk has some of the properties of the lism, body composition and internal environment
other body fluids, blood and lymph, its functions with the external environment.
begin in the digestive system, with an instructive In these experiments, single substances
and supportive action, preparing the intestine's -progesterone, glucose, or glycine which was
defenses against the environment. The plant converted into glucose (Zamenhof and Ahmad,
substances that are destroyed in the 1979)-increased brain growth, by increasing
rumen-tannins, lignin, and PUFA-are either the supply of energy or the ability to use
cumulatively toxic to the intestine. Besides being energy effectively. Milk provides lactose, which is
nearly free of these, milk contains substances metabolized quickly into glucose, and small
that promote the absorption of essential nutri- amounts of other substances, including progester-
ents, though it might be better to think of it as one and thyroid hormone, that favor its efficient
providing nutrients without things that injure the use. During the time when young mammals are
intestine and interfere with the absorption of nutri- being nursed, their brain growth is extremely fast,
ents. For example, lactose has the reputation of continuing the rapid intrauterine brain growth,
increasing the absorption of calcium and zinc when those same substances were provided.
(especially in people who are lactose intolerant),
but ordinary sucrose or fructose has a similar effect, ... drinking milk almost daily, rather
at least when compared to the alternative carbohy-
than "less than four times a week,"
drate, starch (Artus, 1975).
Natural starches are always associated with the
reduced vascular dementia by 65°/o
plant's defensive substances, as well as with nutri-
ents, and those defensive chemicals are often Computers are said to "process information,"
specific inhibitors of animals' digestive enzymes. and nervous systems are often analyzed as if they
When a food isn't quickly digested by the animal, it were computers; however, nervous systems, like
supports the growth of bacteria in the intestine. In living systems in general, process substance
grains, the starches are likely to be associated with meaningfully, not just information. Every nervous
storage proteins (such as gluten), lignin and cellu- system, every bit of living stuff, exists as part of a
lose, and polyunsaturated fats, and these are bigger life supporting system, or "ecosystem," and
harmful to the intestinal cells, apart from their the larger system is shaped by the way its compo-
interference with the process of digestion and nents process substance. V .I. Vernadsky empha-
assimilation of nutrients. Any food that provides sized the importance of high-metabolizing brains
simple nutrients, without causing inflammation and for the stability of the Biosphere which sustains
blocking enzymes, will support the animal's normal them. As the Noosphere concept, based on
development, without activating stress responses. Vernadsky's work, was developed and popular-
When the organism is free from threats and ized by Teilhard de Chardin it took on an abstract
stresses, with a permissive milieu interieur, and is quality that has obscured Vernadsky's sense of
able to just "be itself," what does it do? The urgency in recognizing our shared metabolisms
integral nature of the animal involves a defining throughout the Biosphere. Questions of health are
field, a shaping influence, and it's this field that necessarily questions about the deteriorating
organizes developmental and transgenerational environment.
changes in form and function such as those seen in There have been several studies showing that
Marion Diamond's study in rats, in the 1960s, drinking milk protects against dementia or milder
under the influence of stressful or enriched environ- "cognitive impairment" (Kliem and Givens, 2011;
ments, and hormones. In her studies, and in Zamen- Crichton, et al., 2010; Chan, et al., 2013;
hof s experiments with chickens, in an optimized Ahmadian-Attari, et al., 2014; Ozawa, et al.,
environment the brain developed to a degree previ- 2014). For example, drinking milk almost daily,
ously unknown in those animals. The brain is an rather than "less than four times a week,"

reduced vascular dementia by 65% (Yamada, et The obesity epidemic that began about 40
al., 2003). When animals are exposed to pollution, years ago in the US has paralleled the decreasing
their fats accumulate oil soluble toxins, such as milk consumption. Studies in both animals and
DDT and dioxins, and in those situations low-fat humans have shown that a moderate increase in
milk will be safer than full-fat milk or cheese. calcium and vitamin D reduces obesity and
Nevertheless, milk fat generally contains a lower increases the metabolic rate, and a fair amount is
level of toxins than body fat and fat meats. Histori- kno/wn about the mechanisms involved. Several
cally, cow's milk has been an important factor in studies have found that milk drinkers are less
protecting children from radioactive isotopes such likely to be overweight than milk avoiders. In
as strontium-90, since the ratio of calcium to stron- middle age, milk avoiders gain weight steadily,
tium is increased as the contaminated forage or while those drinking milk regularly lose a small
grain is processed by the cow. amount of weight (Davies, et al., 2000;
Many doctors are telling their patients that Teegarden, 2003; Heaney, 2003; Zemel, 2003).
drinking milk will cause kidney stones or will The reduction of parathyroid hormone by
calcify their arteries. It's actually a low intake of increased calcium and vitamin D is closely related
calcium that increases the risk of kidney stones: to reduced obesity, and to the health problems
"Higher dietary calcium from nondairy or dairy associated with obesity-hypertension, insulin
sources is independently associated with a lower resistance, heart arrhythmias, depression, and
kidney stone risk" (Taylor and Curtain, 2013). The various inflammatory conditions.
main mechanism involves the harmful effects of Surgeons will say many things to get custom-
the parathyroid hormone, and the fact that this ers, but one website promoting removal of
hormone is inhibited by increased intake of calcium enlarged parathyroid glands makes the interesting
(Bergenfelz,et al.,1993), magnesium,and vitamin D. comment that they see an average of three women
per day who are going bald from hyperparathy-
roidism. "The longer they have hyperparathyroid-
... the per capita [milk] consumption in ism the more hair they lose" [https://
the US is now less than one glass per day.] .
••• In vitro experiments with hair follicles show
US subsidies for grains and soybeans are that parathyroid hormone ends the growth cycle.
now 20 times greater than for milk. Prostaglandin D2, associated with hair loss, is
released from mast cells, and parathyroid
hormone is an activator of mast cell
A deficiency of these has consequences much
degranulation. Hair growth has a 24 hour cycle,
worse than kidney stones. When vitamin D or
and the long cycle of hair shedding and renewal
calcium is deficient, or when phosphate is exces-
seems to be regulated by the genes involved in the
sive, and in hypoglycemia and stress (Ljunghall, et
daily cycle (Lin, et al., 2009). It's possible that the
al., 1984), parathyroid hormone increases. This can
daily cycle of parathyroid hormone is responsible
lead to softening of bones, and hardening of soft
for progressive hair loss, as it is for progressive
tissues, especially arteries, sometimes brain, skin
loss of calcium from the bones; many people
and other organs. Parathyroid hormone increases
notice a copious loss of hair mainly in the
blood pressure, even before the calcium stiffening
morning. If this is the case, then a glass of milk at
is detected. During the night, parathyroid hormone
bedtime might have the same protective effect on
usually rises (Radjaipour 1986; Logue 1989, 1990;
hair loss that it has on bone loss.
Fraser, 1998), and especially during aging, this
Hair loss, like obesity or hypertension, should
causes a significant loss of calcium from the bones.
be taken seriously, as an indication of a systemic
Having a large part of the day's calcium at bedtime
metabolic problem. The metabolism of the hair
reduces the nocturnal rise of PTH and calcium loss
follicle contains clues to aging, tissue
from bones (Ohgitani, et al., 1997; Mortis, et al.,
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