The Cosmic Reward Connection

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The Cosmic Reward Connection

“sign compatibility” “astrology”

This blessed astrology connection is often found between couples who are either successfully married or
otherwise committed to being together. Our Cosmic Reward Card is often someone with whom we are
destined to be with, usually later in our life. It doesn’t have to be in the later years of our life, but usually,
this is the time in our life when we have completed much of our own personal transformation and have
gotten to know just what things and people make us the most happy.

The partner who is receiving this blessing and reward energy from the other partner will be affected the
most, just how the receiving partner will experience this connection will be directly affected by his or her
attitude and the measure of his or her own consciousness about their life.

If he or she is someone who has learned a lot about themselves, both their gifts and challenges, then he
or she will probably experience the person flowing cosmic reward energy as an important blessing in their
life that he or she derives much pleasure and happiness from.

If, on the other hand, the receiving person of the cosmic reward energy is still getting to know themselves
and hasn’t yet dealt with the challenges and changes that are represented by the Pluto Card in the Life
Spread, he or she probably finds the person flowing cosmic reward energy to be a great challenge in his
or her life, someone who seems to confront them often, or remind them of what they may become, but
are not….yet.

It is important for the receiving person of the cosmic reward energy to become familiar with the meaning
of his or her Pluto Card and how that represents some of the internal changes that he or she will have to
make in this lifetime in order to fully understand their relationship with the person flowing the cosmic
reward energy.

The Pluto and Cosmic Reward Card are closely related, one precedes the other. It is after we have met
the challenge implied by our lifetime Pluto Card that our Cosmic Reward Card is able to manifest its
fullest blessings in our life.

The person flowing the cosmic reward energy is influenced by this connection in that he or she is
encouraged to give of themselves to the other partner. They naturally want to give to and share with the
other partner all of the things that they feel are blessings in their own life.

This giving can help create a powerful bond of mutual generosity and appreciation between them, which
can become one of the foundations for a beautiful and long lasting marriage or other relationship.
However, for this to happen, the person receiving the cosmic reward energy must express the
appreciation they feel for their partner’s contribution.
The Cosmic Reward connection implies that this may be more difficult to do if the person receiving the
cosmic reward energy is still wrestling with some of his or her own basic personal issues. However, they
may sense the importance of their partner anyway and be acting on instinct in their attraction for their

It really doesn’t matter in one way of looking at it - if they stay together long enough, these blessings are
guaranteed to show up and become a positive influence in their relationship. This is one of those
connections that is like a fine wine - the older it is, the better it is.

In its highest expression, the Cosmic Reward connection can make us feel truly blessed by the universe
and give us a sense that we are in the perfect place and time for our highest good. It can help us feel that
everything is as it should be and that nothing that occurs in our life is without a perfect and loving
purpose. We feel more connected to everything, especially the cosmic rhythm and timing of the universe
and have experiences that remind us that we are blessed in every way.

So, this is the potential this relationship has if the receiving person of the cosmic reward energy allows
these influences to be appreciated. And remember that with this connection, time is always on their side.
The longer they remain together, the better it will be.

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