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TABLE OF CONTENT............................................................................................................ii

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION..............................................................................................1

1.1 Background..........................................................................................................................1
1.2 Identification Of Problem..................................................................................................2
1.3 Research Question ..............................................................................................................2
1.4 Objectives Of The Research ..............................................................................................2
1.5 Signification Of The Study.................................................................................................3

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ...............................................................................4

2.1 Defition Of Figurative Language.......................................................................................4

2.2 Kinds Of Figurative Language..........................................................................................4
2.3 Emotions..............................................................................................................................9
2.5 Webtoon.............................................................................................................................14
2.5 Line Webtoon ...................................................................................................................15
2.6 Meaning .............................................................................................................................16

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHDODOLOGY.............................................................17

3.1 Research Design................................................................................................................17
3.2 Research Object................................................................................................................17
3.3 Research Instrument.........................................................................................................18
3.4 Data Collection Procedure...............................................................................................19
3.5 Data Anaylsis.....................................................................................................................19


1.1 Background Of The Study

Literature is some written works that in every written works have moral value
delivered by creative ways and artistic language. Literature works include poem, short story,
novel, script of role play, comic, etc.

Comic is one of literary works which contains pictures/visual art illustration and
conversation for a whole story, it could be formed as a printed book or online web comic

Nowadays, in digital era, People mostly like reading comic by web comic online
because it is very practical, no need to buy it, no need to go to book store, no need to bring
comic book with difficulty. Just by phone, people can access the comic web easily. So many
web comics are available for example : webtoon, manga, manhwa, etc. In this research,
writter is going to use webtoon apps as a line web comic that writter choose because webtoon
has colourful visual arts in the story and also because it’s easier to be accessed. In this
webtoon, the writter choose one tittle comic that is “ ghost teathre “ comic, a reason why the
writter choose this tittle because ghost teathre story has meaningful parts story inside and it’s
very applicable in this life. It’s fiction but has very related moral lessons for our better life.
Shortly, ghost teller comic is about people’s remorse after die. Some souls that are bottled up
in this world and refused to go to after dying life. So many reasons about mistakes that make
them still hanging around in this world. That’s why from their mistakes we learn how to way
this life better and avoid some regretness.

But, if we want to get what the real moral lessons fully without any doubts we must
anaylze figurative language of that story. But what figurative language means ? Figurative
language is some art language appears in every literary works language characteristic, it’s
when there are some words which doesn’t tell the real meaning of it or we can call literary

meaning. We need to analyze to know the real meaning of it and for more we need to know
what categorizes of this figurative language, what it is as personifiction, simile, methaphor, or
others. What is function of it ? by analyzing these figurative language so we can know what
the moral lesson in the story without any doubts.

Some researchers in the previous study have already researched about figurative
language, but only in this research the writter use another literary work which is different
with others previous study. Then, in the previous study the writter couldn’t find that
researchers told about what categorized feeling in every figurative language that they have
analyzed. So, in this research the writtter will take the feelings in every figurative language
appearing as the new analysing.

1.2 Identification of the Problem

The scope of this research is focus on figurative language in ghost teathre webtoon. It
analyzes the kind of figurative language in the story and to be more spesific it will analyze
the emotions which appears in every sentences of figuratives language such as love, grief,
envy, and happiness as the gap of the some previous study.

1.3 Research Question

1. What kinds of figurative language which are found in ghost teathre webtoon ?
2. Which kinds of figurative language which are dominant in ghost teathre
webtoon ?
3. What emotions/feelings which show expression of each figurative language in
ghost teathre webtoon ?

1.4 Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this research is based on the research question. The function of the
objectives of this research is to analyze figuarive language in ghost teathre webtoon. The goal
of this study is to answer the research questions that are formulated below :

1. To find out the kind of figurative language which are found in ghost teathre webtoon.
2. To find out the kind of figurative language which are dominant in ghost teathre
3. To find out the emotions which show expression of each figurative language in ghost
teathre webtoon.

1.5 Signification of The Study

There are some significances of the study such as :

1. For the researcher herself, the researcher are able to understand the figurative
language in a full story and for the future work If the researcher is going to be a
teacher it’s very usefull because it will be taught in the high school especially.
2. For the readers can get interpretation of meaning figurative language itself so that
they can get full moral lesson of the story.



2.1 Definition of Figurative Language

There are so many definition of figurative language available. So many experts

deliver their own point of view about figurative language. Keraf ( 2006 ) says that figurative
language is the style of showing idea through language characteristically which shows the
writter’s spirit and identify ( p. 113 ). So, the speaker’s personality and expression can be
shown by figurative language.

Gluckberg ( 2001 ) says that figurative language has distinctive meaning from the
exact meaning. Colston ( 2015 ) supported Glucksberg’s statement which saying that
figurative language shows the figurative meaning through the real meaning ( p.1 ).

Meanwhile, Lazar ( 2003 ) says that “ Figurative language is included a “ carrying

across” from one thing to another thing” ( p.3 ). A 2000 review by Croft, Steven and Helen in
Literature, Criticism, and Style ( as cited by Kairunnissa, 2016 ) expresses that figurative
language is a symbol which can not be interpreted directly. Then, Figurative language is
called as figurative of speech, rhetorical figure, and metaphorical language.

Based on some defitions above, the writer can summarize that figurative language is a
beautiful language to express a message of someone in a unique way. It has the true meaning
which is implicity in that words. We need to do some analysis to know what is the real
meaning from it’s figurative language. It can be done by learning first kind of figurative

2.2 Kinds of Figurative Language

In fact, there are so many figurative language exist. Here are 14 figurative language
which put in this research.

1. Simile

Simile is a comparison between 2 things which no relationship each other. According
to Keraf ( 2009 : 138 ). “ Simile is comparition that have an explicit character.
Explicit here mean that directly comparing thing that similar with other, Indicates by
the word or phrase such as like, as, than, similar, resemble or seems. Reaske ( 1966:41
) said “ a simile calls attention to be comparison through the use of word “ like “ or “
as “.

Based on the statement, writer concludes that simile is one kind of figurative language
which there are 2 things compared in one sentence and use the words like or as. But the 2
comparison don’t have any similarities each other.

For example : “ your smile like the moon light “

In the example use “like” as the connective. 2 words are compared “ your smile “ and “
moon light “. It means that someone’s smile is beautiful like moon light in the night sky.

2. Methapor
“ Methapor is a figure of speech which compares 2 things directly without
using like, as or similar to “ ( Keraf 2009 : 139 ). Reaske ( 1966:36 ) also said that “
methapor is figure of speech which compares one thing to another directly “.

Example : He is the most handsome boy in my class

It means that he is the most handsome boy in my class compare with others boy in my

3. Hyperbole
States by Keraf ( 2009 : 135 ) “ Hyperbole is figure of speech which contains a
point statement of exaggeration as it is. So, the sentence of hyperbole is overstatement
than what the real is. This can attract attention from reader or listener. It’s stated by
Reaske, ( 1966 : 34 ), “ Hyperbole is figure of speech which employs exaggeration “.
Exampe : I will love you for a thousand years”. We can underline that the words “
thousand years “ is an overstatement because it’s imposible to us can alive until
thousand years.

4. Personification
Keraf ( 2009 : 140 ) said that “ personification is the figurative language that
describe a non-life things or non human object abstraction or ideas able to act like
human being”. Meanwhile according to Reaske ( 1966:88 ) personification is a
prosses turning an human character to non human, abstraction, an ideas.
Personification can make the object can do something like human does, the object
could be animal, natural phenomenon, or things.

Example : “ The moon smiles to me “

In the example we see that actually the moon cann’t smile, smiling is the
characteristic of human.

5. Onomatopoeia
The using of words which are similar to the sound of the things. For example :
meow for cat and moo for cow.

6. Apostrophe
Apostrophe is defined as an addressing someone absent or something absent,
dead, or non human but seem like it’s there and true. Apostrophe is also a form of
personification in which non-human or in animate thing is directly addressed as if it
were human or animate.
For example : Oh nature, thou art my goodness
Blows wind ! blows

7. Symbol
Symbol is defined as something that means more than what it is. Symbol
maybe best understood as an implied metaphor. For example is in Emily Dickinson
poem entitled “I heard a fly buzz when I died”. The use of symbol in this poem is in
the first line of the first stanza: I heard a fly buzz when I died The bold word “fly” is a
symbol of death. The central image of the fly could most likely be connected with
death and decay.

8. Allegory

Allegory is a narrative or a description that has meaning beneath the surface
one. Allegory is a description that has another meaning. The meaning beneath is
different from its description. This is the example in “after great pain a formal feeling
comes” in the first stanza:The nerves sit ceremonious , like tombs The stiff heart
questions was it he that bore And yesterday or centuries before

The turn to allegory in Emily Dickinson comes from a sense of inner division caused
by “great pain” which then makes each part of the body act separately and
independently. At a formal level, the poem moves in out of allegory, while also using
simile, as with the appearance of the word “like”. Indeed the poem never moves from
the figurative, while also suggesting that the allegory is part of an ongoing narrative,
as indicated by the word “yesterday”, it is structured by words which associate with
each other: „formal‟, „ceremonious‟, and „stiff‟ (the machinery will not work easily-
but the word also suggest the stiffness of the death).

9. Paradox
Paradox is an apparent contradiction that is nevertheless something true. It
may be either situation or statement. Paradox is the statement seemingly self-
contradiction or opposed to what is commonly held to be true but which nevertheless
contains a truth. This example is in a poem entitled “There is a certain slant of
light”:The use of paradox is in the first line of second stanza: Heavenly Hurt, it gives
us It is paradoxical statement that is contradictory, but in fact in the heaven isn‟t any
hurts or an affliction. There are any happiness in the heaven.

10. Understatement
Understatement is saying less than one means that may exist in what are said
or merely in how one says it. Understatement is the opposite of overstatement. As the
researcher has already noted that overstatement is saying more, while understatement
is saying less than what the words means. For example is in “This is my letter to the
world” in the third lines of the first stanza: The simple news that nature told Here,
dickinson‟s messages are complex and profound but usually conveyed in simple
language, which tends to create an enigmatic effect. This message she is passing on
the world is of the grandeur, mystery and beauty of nature, and is in accord with the
romantic bent of much of her poems

11. Irony
Irony is the opposite of what one means. An author employs the device for
irony effect, letting the reader into the author‟s confidence, and revealing him as an
inventor who is often at or loss for matter to sustain his plot and undecided about how
to continue it. For example: The truth must dazzle gradually In this line Dickinson
uses verbal irony. She may not have really been thinking that the truth should dazzle
but that it should be told in a way that they could understand.

12. Idiom
Idiom constitutes a group of word or expression with a meaning that cannot be
determined from the real meaning of word that is put together (Lazar, 2003, p.3).
For examples: Kick the bucket –Die.
This sentence is idiom because the meaning of this sentence is different from the
literal meaning.
Hang in there –Do not give up.
This sentence is idiom because the meaning of this sentence is different from the
literal meaning.

13. Litotes
Litotes constitutes understatement expressions or phrases that areused to say
negative or sarcasmthing that is not like the real situation (Keraf, 2006, p.113)For
examples:This is my little house. In fact, her house is big. This statement is litotes
because it is an understatement expression that is different from the fact.My
bedroom is dirty. In fact, her/his bedroom is clean and tidy. This statement is litotes
because it is an understatement expression that is different from the fact.

14. Metonymy
Keraf (2006)states that metonymy is figure of speech that used word closely
associated with another word”(p. 142). Metonymy is a close relationship which uses
the name of things, a person, or characteristic as something itself.For
examples:Univerity of Muhammadiyah Malangis a white campus.Gili Trawangan is
located in Lombok.

15. Oxymoron
Oxymoron constitutes figure of speech in which opposite sentence or
expression is put together to give an opposite effect (Keraf, 2006, p. 136).For
examples: You need to confirmed rumor in this situation. This sentence is oxymoron
because there are two opposite wordswhich are “confirmed” and “rumor”.She tells a
serious joke. This sentence is oxymoron because there are two opposite wordswhich
are “serious” and “joke”.

16. Synecdoche
Keraf (2006) explain sthat synecdoche constitutes a figurative languagethat
usespart in order to claimthe wholepartwhich was called Pars Pro Toto.
Synecdochealso constitutesa figurative language that usesthe whole things to claimits
half part which was called Totem ProParte (p. 142).For examples:I haven't seen his
nose until the end of the day. This statement is a synecdoche (Pars Pro Toto) because
"his nose" is a hint to describehis whole body.University of Muhammadiyah
Malanggot a gold medal in the debate competition.This statement isa
synecdoche(Totem ProParte)because not all the students atMuhammadiyah Malang
University are the winnersof the debate competition.

2.3 Emotions

2.3.1 Basic Emotions

During the 1970s, psychologist Paul Eckman identified six basic emotions that he
suggested were universally experienced in all human cultures. The emotions he identified
were happiness, sadness, disgust, fear, surprise, and anger. He later expanded his list of basic
emotions to include such things as pride, shame, embarrassment, and excitement.

2.3.2 Combining Emotions

Psychologist Robert Plutchik put forth a "wheel of emotions" that worked something
like the color wheel. Emotions can be combined to form different feelings, much like colors
can be mixed to create other shades.

According to this theory, the more basic emotions act something like building blocks.
More complex, sometimes mixed emotions, are blendings of these more basic ones. For
example, basic emotions such as joy and trust can be combined to create love.

2.3.3 Kinds of expression

 Happiness

Of all the different types of emotions, happiness tends to be the one that people strive
for the most. Happiness is often defined as a pleasant emotional state that is characterized by
feelings of contentment, joy, gratification, satisfaction, and well-being.

This type of emotion is sometimes expressed through:

 Facial expressions: such as smiling

 Body language: such as a relaxed stance
 Tone of voice: an upbeat, pleasant way of speaking

While happiness is considered one of the basic human emotions, the things we think
will create happiness tend to be heavily influenced by culture. For example, pop culture
influences tend to emphasize that attaining certain things such as buying a home or having a
high-paying job will result in happiness.

 Sadness

Sadness is another type of emotion often defined as a transient emotional state

characterized by feelings of disappointment, grief, hopelessness, disinterest, and dampened

Like other emotions, sadness is something that all people experience from time to
time. In some cases, people can experience prolonged and severe periods of sadness that can
turn into depression. Sadness can be expressed in a number of ways including:

 Crying
 Dampened mood
 Lethargy
 Quietness
 Withdrawal from others

The type and severity of sadness can vary depending upon the root cause, and how people
cope with such feelings can also differ.

 Fear

Fear is a powerful emotion that can also play an important role in survival. When you
face some sort of danger and experience fear, you go through what is known as the fight or
flight response.

Your muscles become tense, your heart rate and respiration increase, and your mind
becomes more alert, priming your body to either run from the danger or stand and fight.5

This response helps ensure that you are prepared to effectively deal with threats in
your environment. Expressions of this type of emotion can include:

 Facial expressions: such as widening the eyes and pulling back the chin
 Body language: attempts to hide or flea from the threat
 Physiological reactions: such as rapid breathing and heartbeat

 Disgust

Disgust is another of the original six basic emotions described by Eckman. Disgust can be
displayed in a number of ways including:

 Body language: turning away from the object of disgust

 Physical reactions: such as vomiting or retching
 Facial expressions: such as wrinkling the nose and curling the upper lip

This sense of revulsion can originate from a number of things, including an unpleasant taste,
sight, or smell. Researchers believe that this emotion evolved as a reaction to foods that

might be harmful or fatal. When people smell or taste foods that have gone bad, for example,
disgust is a typical reaction.

 Anger

Anger can be a particularly powerful emotion characterized by feelings of hostility,

agitation, frustration, and antagonism towards others. Like fear, anger can play a part in your
body's fight or flight response.

When a threat generates feelings of anger, you may be inclined to fend off the danger and
protect yourself. Anger is often displayed through:

 Facial expressions: such as frowning or glaring

 Body language: such as taking a strong stance or turning away
 Tone of voice: such as speaking gruffly or yelling
 Physiological responses: such as sweating or turning red
 Aggressive behaviors: such as hitting, kicking, or throwing objects

While anger is often thought of as a negative emotion, it can sometimes be a good thing. It
can be constructive in helping clarify your needs in a relationship, and it can also motivate
you to take action and find solutions to things that are bothering you.

 Surprise

Surprise is another one of the six basic types of human emotions originally
described by Eckman. Surprise is usually quite brief and is characterized by a
physiological startle response following something unexpected.

This type of emotion can be positive, negative, or neutral. An unpleasant surprise, for
example, might involve someone jumping out from behind a tree and scaring you as you walk
to your car at night.

An example of a pleasant surprise would be arriving home to find that your closest
friends have gathered to celebrate your birthday. Surprise is often characterized by:

 Facial expressions: such as raising the brows, widening the eyes, and opening the

 Physical responses: such as jumping back
 Verbal reactions: such as yelling, screaming, or gasping

Surprise is another type of emotion that can trigger the fight or flight response. When
startled, people may experience a burst of adrenaline that helps prepare the body to either
fight or flee.

Other Types of Emotions

The six basic emotions described by Eckman are just a portion of the many different types of
emotions that people are capable of experiencing. Eckman's theory suggests that these core
emotions are universal throughout cultures all over the world.

However, other theories and new research continue to explore the many different types of
emotions and how they are classified. Eckman later added a number of other emotions to his
list but suggested that unlike his original six emotions, not all of these could necessarily be
encoded through facial expressions. Some of the emotions he later identified included:

 Amusement
 Contempt
 Contentment
 Embarrassment
 Excitement
 Guilt
 Pride in achievement
 Relief
 Satisfaction
 Shame

Other Theories of Emotion

As with many concepts in psychology, not all theorists agree on how to classify
emotions or what the basic emotions actually are. While Eckman's theory is one of the best
known, other theorists have proposed their own ideas about what emotions make up the core
of the human experience.

For example, some researchers have suggested that there are only two or three basic
emotions. Others have suggested that emotions exist in something of a hierarchy. Primary
emotions such as love, joy, surprise, anger, and sadness can then be further broken down into
secondary emotions. Love, for example, consists of secondary emotions, such as affection
and longing.

These secondary emotions might then be broken down still further into what are
known as tertiary emotions. The secondary emotion of affection includes tertiary emotions,
such as liking, caring, compassion, and tenderness.

2.4 Webtoon

Webtoon is a kind of webcomic that comes from South Korea.A 2016 review by Lyou
and Lee in The Studies of Korean Literature (as cited by Jang& Song, 2017 p. 174) explains
that webtoon is one of Korean pop cultures that represents digital Korean culture which is
consumed globally with the increaseof global digital networks. Webtoon is also known as
online comicor digital comic or internet comic or webmic. Lynn (2016) explains that
webtoon is a combination of web and cartoon, and was coined when Korea created
webcomics. In other words, webtoon is a free digital comicor cartoon that can be found in a
digital platform. Webtoon is being popularized by Daum and Naver (Korean web portals). In
July 2004, Naver launched a global webtoon named Line Webtoon. Earlier, in January 2014,
Daum globally released webtoon named Kakao’s Daum webtoon. From those
moments,webtoon becomes a huge platform that has many readers(Young, 2016).

2.5 Line webtoon

In July 2014,Naver launched a global webtoon named Line Webtoon. Line

webtoonplatformwas createdby JunKoo Kim.In the world’s youth,Line webtoon becomes a

popular thing. Line webtoon is a service platform where the readers can find a new webtoon
continuously (Kim, 2015).Kim (2015) states that Line webtoon is a free application or service
or platform where readers can discover new webcomic content regularly that is available on
web, iOS and, android. (Theicon could be seen in appendix1 2.1 The icon of Line
webtoon)Based on Line webtoon (March, 2019),there are 25 webtoons that have been
uploaded in Line webtoon application and Line webtoon application also provides many
facilities to make the readers easiertouse this application,which are:

2.5.1 Genres

Based onLine webtoon(March, 2019), there are 14 genres in Line Webtoon English
version such asromance, drama, fantasy, comedy, thriller, action, horror, slice of life, heart-
warming, superhero, sports,sci-fi, informative and historical.

2.5.2 Schedule

Line webtoon has a schedule to publish the webtoons. The schedule startsfrom
Monday to Sunday. Accordingly, thereaders will know the schedule of their favorite's

2.5.3 Coins

For the readers who wantto see the preview of their favorite webtoons, they can use
their coins to buy the preview episode. Then, the readers can read their favorite webtoons
earlier before the publication's date. Based on Line webtoon application (March, 2019), for
the readers who want to buy the preview episode,they need to buy coins whether to
purchasethe coins via cellphone creditor credit card.The price of 10 coins is $ 0.99(US)and
the price for 50 coins is$4.99(US). For one preview episode, the readers need 5 coins to buy
the episode.

2.5.4 Ranking Line

webtoon provides rankings for the popular webtoon in Line webtoon.Line Webtoon
also provides rankingsfor every genre of the webtoons.

2.5.5 Fan Translation

Fan translation is a webtoon that has been translated by webtoon readers. Based on
Line webtoon application(March, 2019), there are 32 languages in fan translation which
areArabic, Bengali, Bulgarian, Chinese, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Flipino,
French, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Lithuanian, Malay, Mongolian,
Persian, Polish, Portuguese (BR), Portuguese (EU), Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish,
Thai,Turkish, Ukrainian, and Vietnamese.

2.5.6 Language

There are four language sin the language setting of Line webtoon which are English,
Bahasa Indonesia, China, and Thailand (Line Webtoon, March, 2019). The readers can use
any language they want but sometimes webtoon that is created by Indonesian creator isnot
available in the English version.

2.6 Meaning

According to Perrine (1969), there are two kinds of meaning, which

are:2.5.1DenotationDenotation is a meaning of a dictionary or a word,for example; the word
"home"means a place where someone lives (Perrine, 1969, p.38). Ahmed (2008) states that
culturally-bound is denotative meaning. It means that denotative meaning is unchangeable.

2.6.2 Connotation

Connotation is what it provides beyond what it expresses. It is overtones of meaning

for example; the word "home" means love, comfort, and family (Perrine, 1969, p.38). Ahmed
(2008) states that connotative meaning tends to change from time to timeand from society to
society. It means that connotative meaning is changeable in every culture. To a high level, the
connotative meaning is independent from the denotative meaning. It means that some words
are said to have no denotative meaning (only have connotative meaning) such as "hurray" or
"boo" which only express someone's feelings.

2.6.7 Ghost Teathre Webtoon

Ghost teathre webtoon is a webtoon written by Lico. It’s about an actress Rahee Ku
who got car’s accident so she cann’t show any expression on her face. There is no hope until
she finds a ghost teathre which she become a media for dying souls to act their regretness in
life and also ask forgiveness.



In this chapter, the researcher presents five topics. The five topics are Research
Design, Research Object, Research Instrument, Data Collection Procedure, and Data

3.1 Research Design

Research design is researcher's strategies of how to proceed in order to obtain a

perspective of certain community or phenomenon from its situation (Ary, Jacobs, &
Sorensen, 2006, p. 426). Ahuja (2010) also states that research design is the plan, structure,
strategy, and investigation concaved to obtain the search question and control variance. In

other words, research design is a plan or strategy or outline that guides the data collection and
analysis in research.

According to Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2006), there are two main types of research
design which are quantitative and qualitative." Quantitative research uses objective
measurement to gather numeric data that are used to answer questions or test of the
predetermined hypotheses. It generally requires a well-controlled setting. Qualitative
research, in contrast, focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the
human participants in natural settings. It does not begin with formal hypotheses, but it may
result in hypotheses as the study unfolds" (Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010, p.22). In this
research, the researcher used the qualitative research design to conducting this research and to
analyzing the data in ghost teathre webtoon.

3.2 Research Object

In this study, the researcher takes Ghost Teathre Webtoon written by Lico as the
research object. The episode that will be analyzed 1-50 pages and it will be validated by
English lecture in FKIP UNIB who is expert in this side. This webtoon has been already read
by 385.4000 people with 9.79 rating.

The reason why writer takes this webtoon as the research object because this webtoon
is suitable enough for learners and full of life lesson which it could be interesting to anaylze
the figurative language itself. Beside we learn about the figurative language as a teacher
trainer and we also learn so many messages there. If the writer success in analyzing this
webtoon so that the reader can know fully what lesson in this comic without any doubts
caused by connotation meaning.

Then, in this “z” generation. Many young people especially students are interested in
reading comic online. It’s very usefull to them for understanding the figurative language
through web comic instead of very hard to just be taught the defition and some example of
figurative language without knowing the context of using it. While we know that young
people ( senior high school students ) need to master figurative language as their english
lesson in class.

3.3 Research Instrument

A 2006 review by Eladio (as cited by Trigueros, 2017) explains that research
instrument is a tool that must fit to the research objectives. In line, Creswell (2012) stated that
research instrument is a tool for examining, measuring or documenting data in a study
especially in quantitative data. The instrument can be a test, a questionnaire, a tally sheet, a
log, an observational checklist, an inventory or an instrument of evaluation (p.151). In other
words, research instrument constitutes a tool to measure or collect the data in a research. In
this research, the researcher used document analysis as the research instrument in Ghost
taethre webtoon's research.

In 1985, Lincon and Guba introduced the concept of human as an instrument to

indicate the aspects in qualitative inquiry research. The researcher needs human instrument
because it constitutes a flexible instrument that can capture complexity of the human
experience which capable of adapting and responding to the environment. Human instrument
is also suitable for qualitative research that studies human experiences and situation (Ary,
Jacobs, & Sorensen, 2010, p. 424). However, in this current research, human instrument was
integrated into the direct involvement of the researcher.

Ary, Jacobs, & Sorensen (2006) stated that document or artifact analysis is data
collection strategy to gain an understanding of the phenomenon under a study. The
documents may be personal

(autobiographies, diaries, and letters), official (files, reports, memoranda, and minutes), and
documents of popular culture (books, films, and videos). Document analysis can be in the
form of written, text-based artifacts (textbooks, novels, journals, meeting minutes, logs,
announcements, policy statements, newspapers, transcripts, birth certificates, marriage
records, budgets, letters, e-mail messages, etc.) or of non written records (photographs,
audiotapes, videotapes, computer images, websites, musical performances, televised political
speeches, YouTube videos, virtual world settings, etc.) (p. 442). In this research, the
researcher used Ghost teathre webtoon or web comic as the document that the researcher

3.4 Data Collection Procedure

The procedures of analysing ghost teathre webtoon are :

- Choose the ghost teatre webtoon as the object researcher in google.
- Read and Understandign ghost teathre webtoon
- Make notes if there are connotation sentence
- Identify the sentences as what kind of figurative language
- Validate the data with the expert lecture in this side.

3.5 Data Analysis

After the data had been obtained from data sources, the data were analyzed through
the following procedures:

 Classifying and identifying the data based on the types and meanings as the table below:

Table 3.1. The types of figurative language found in Ghost Teathre Webtoon

No Sentence/Phrase Episode Slide Types Meaning

Table 3.2 The meanings of figurative language found in Ghost Teathre Webtoon

Eps Simile Methapor Personification Metonyme Hyperbole,


Table 3.3 The emotions/feeling of figurative language found in Ghost Teathre Webtoon

Figr. Langu Happy Sad Anger Loved Envy, etc

 Validating the data
The data will be validated with English lecture of English Dapartment Students
Association in UNIB who are expert in this literature studies, especially on figurative
language side.
 Making Conclusion
The conclusion will be explained based on the findings of this analysis.


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