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BEng Final Year project

Investegating into
defects of Plastic
manufacturing by
injection modeling
ABSTRACT Utilizing a comprehensive examination
Investigating common defects in approach to assess various stages of the
injection-molded plastic components. injection molding process.
Identifying root causes, such as material Employing statistical analysis and
issues or process parameters. experimental design to identify trends
Proposing mitigation strategies to and correlations between process
enhance product quality and reduce parameters and defect occurrence.
defects. Implementing advanced imaging
techniques, such as microscopy or X-ray
analysis, to visualize and analyze defects
at a microscopic level.

Introduction to the importance of plastic RESULTS
components in modern manufacturing
industries. Check the car's body and paint for any
Overview of the injection molding damage or suspicious signs of repair. Also,
process as a widely used method for check the smoothness and color of the car's
plastic component production. paint to ensure that the car has not been in
Explanation of the significance of an accident or altered.
identifying and mitigating defects to
ensure product quality and cost- 5

4 Check vehicle docRecap of the key findings

regarding common defects in injection-
DISCUSSION molded plastic components and their root
Analysis of the identified defects in Emphasis on the importance of implementing
relation to their impact on product effective mitigation strategies to enhance
quality and manufacturing efficiency. product quality and reduce production costs.
Comparison of different mitigation Conclusion with a call to action for
strategies and their effectiveness in manufacturers to prioritize defect prevention
addressing specific defects. and continuous improvement initiatives in
Discussion on the potential implications their injection molding processes to remain
of defect mitigation on overall competitive in the industry..
production costs and competitiveness in
the market.

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