Plant Kingdom Masterclassinbiology

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& Masterclass in BIOLOGY

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E s s e n t ia l e : P l a n t K in g d o m

Identify the incorrect statement regarding

I ntroduction classification of plants given by George Bentham and
Joseph Dalton Hooker:
P Regarding artificial system of classification of living 1. It is a natural system of classification.
2. It totally disregarded the external characters and did
organisms: not include them to classify plants
I: It is the most acceptable system for classification of 3. It used internal features like structure, anatomy,
living organisms. embryology and phytochemistry.
II: The vegetative characters are more easily affected by 4. It was based on natural affinities among the organisms.
1 .1 is correct and II is incorrect j j j j The given figure shows the phylogenetic evolution
2. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
of plants with A, B, C and D representing common
3 .1 is incorrect and II is correct
ancestors in the lineage. Identify A, B, C and D:
4. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I

The system of classification of plants given by

Carolus Linnaeus was: flowering plants

1. an artificial system based mainly on the androecium

2. a natural system based on large number of natural horsetails \ pteridophytes
affinities between flowering plants.
3. was a phylogenetic system based on evolutionary
4. was a chemotaxonomic system based on structure of
homologous proteins.
green algae

In numerical taxonomy:
I. computers are used and all the observable characters
are taken into consideration. chromophytes
II. hundreds of characters can be considered together and
each character is given equal importance.
1. Only I is correct
cyanobacteria bifiagef!' • protozoan
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct A B C D
4. both I and II are incorrect 1. Vascular Seed Green Land
plants plants plants plants
2. Land Green Seed Vascular
plants plants plants plants
3. Green Land Vascular Seed
plants plants plants plants
4. Seed Vascular Land Green
plants plants plants plants

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E s s e n t ia l e : P l a n t K in g d o m

Match each item in Column I with one in Column II Consider the following statements regarding green
and select the correct match as your answer from the algae:
coders given:_____________________________________ I. Pigments are located in definite plastids
[COLUMN I II. Most have pyrenoids in chloroplasts
COLUMN II III. Cell wall has an inner layer of pectose and outer layer
[Feature used] of cellulose
A. [Artificial P. Evolutionary relationships 1. Only I and II are correct
2. Only I and III are correct
B. [Phylogenetic Q. Gross morphological characters 3. Only II and III are correct
C. IChemotaxonomy R. Chemical constituents of plants 4 . 1, II and III are correct
Chromosome number, structure
D. Cytotaxonomy S.
and behaviour 11 Which of the following is not a green alga?
o llothrix 2. Chara
3. Volvox 4. Ectocarpus
P Q S R Charophytes are the only living algae that share
distinctive derived traits with land plants that other algae
R S P Q don’t. All the following will be examples of such derived
4. S R Q P traits except:
1. Rings of cellulose-synthesizing proteins
2. Structure of flagellated sperms
3. Formation of a phragmoplast
4. Presence of chlorophyll a and b
Fusion of two gametes which are dissimilar in size is The form and size of algae is highly variable. Which
:ermed as of the following will not be true?
1. Oogamy 2. Isogamy I. Volvox is a colonial alga.
3. Anisogamy 4. Zoogamy II. Ulothrix and Spirogyra do not form filaments.
III. Kelps form massive plants bodies._________
S Cyanobacteria are classified under 1. Only II 2. Only III
1. Protista 2. Plantae 3. Both I and II 4. Both II and III
3. Monera 4. Algae
| f f | Consider the given statements regarding patterns of
The earliest land plants lacked true roots. What may life cycle in living organisms:
have enabled them the most to colonize land? I. In haplontic life cycles, zygotes are the only diploid
1. Symbiotic associations with fungi cells; mitosis occurs only in the diploid phase.
2. Prostrate thalloid body II. In diplontic life cycles, gametes are usually the only
3. Motile antherozoids capable of reaching the egg haploid cells, and mitosis usually occurs only in the
through water haploid phase.
4. Parasitic and saprophytic modes of nutrition III. In haplo-diplontic life cycle, alternation of
generations is marked and mitosis occurs in both haploid
and diploid phases.
1. Only III is correct 2. Both I and II are correct
3. All are correct 4. All are incorrect

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15 Identify the incorrectly matched pair: Which of the following is not an example of an
Alga Sexual reproduction edible alga?
I. Ulothrix Isogamous; non-flagellated gametes 1. Porphyra 2. Laminaria
II. Spirogyra Isogamous; flagellated gametes 3. Sargassum 4. Amanita
III. Udorina Anisogamous
Consider the two statements regarding Chlorella:
IV. Fucus Oogamous
Statement I: It is single-celled green algae.
1. Only III Statement II: It is used as a food supplement.
2 .1, II and III
1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
3. Only I and II 4. Only III and IV
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3. Statement I and Statement II are correct
ffflj Consider the given statements:
4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
I: Algin is a hydrocolloid derived from brown algae
II: Carrageen is a hydrocolloid derived from green algae
III: Agar is a complex polysaccharide derived from red C hlorophyceae
algae, Gelidium and Gracilaria
1 .1 is correct; II is incorrect; III is incorrect
Which of the following will not be true for members
2 . 1 is incorrect; II is correct; III is correct
3 . 1 is incorrect; II is correct; III is incorrect of Chlorophyceae?
4 . 1 is correct; II is incorrect; III is correct 1. The photosynthetic pigments are located within
definite chloroplasts.
Match each item in Column I with one in Column II 2. Choloroplast are discoid in shape in all members of
and select the correct answer from the codes given: Chlorophyceae.
COLUMN 3. Most of the members have one or more storage bodies
COLUMN II called pyrenoids, containing proteins besides starch,
located in the chloroplasts.
a. It is created by photosynthesis and is made 4. Some green algae may store food in the form of oil
up of P(1 3)-glucan with (3(1 -►6)-branches droplets.
B. b. An a-linked glucose polymer with a Which of the following feature given in column I is
degree of branching intermediatexbetween
Laminarin not correctly matched with its correct description given in
amylopectin and glycogen
Column II with respect to members of Chlorophyceae?
C.Mannitol c. A sugar alcohol, an isomer of sorbitol
Main photosynthetic
A B C 1. Chlorophyll a, b
1. a b c Inner layer of cellulose and outer
2. a c b 2. Cell wall
layer of pectose
3. b a c 3. Stored food Starch
4. c b a Flagellar number
4. 2-8. unequal, basal
and insertion

All the following are examples of members of

Chlorophyceae except:
1. Ectocarpus 2. Chlamydomanas
3. Chara 4. Ulothrix

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E s s e n t ia l e : P l a n t K in g d o m

All the following statements will be true for brown

P haeophyceae algae except:
1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, c, fucoxanthin
j Regarding the size and form of brown algae: 2. Food is stored as complex carbohydrates which may be
in the form of Laminarin or Mannitol
I Ectocarpus is profusely branched and may reach a 3. Vegetative cells have chitinous wall usually covered on
■eight of 100 meters.
the outside by a gelatinous coating of algin
II. Kelps are simple branched filamentous brown algae.
4. Flagellar number and insertions are 2, unequal and
I Both I and II are incorrect
2. Only I is incorrect
2. Only I is correct In brown algae:
- Both I and II are correct
I. Asexual reproduction is by biflagellate zoospores that
Match each item in column I with one in Column II are pear shaped and have two unequal and laterally
attached flagella.
select the correct answer from the codes given below: II. The gametes are pyriform [pear shaped] and bear two
Green alga Feature laterally attached flagella.
Chlamydomanas a. Spiral chloroplasts 1. Both I and II are incorrect
b. Coenobium with two kinds of 2. Only I is incorrect
3 Volvox
cells 3. Only I is correct
Hydrodictyon c. Palmella stage 4. Both I and II are correct
D. Spirogyra d. Non motile colony The leaf like photosynthetic organ in the body of a
_ ides:
A typical brown alga is called as:
1. Frond
1. a d b c 2. Stipe
2. a b c d 3. Holdfast
3. c b a d 4. Rhizoid
4. c d a b
Aplanogametes [gametes that do not have flagella]
are the special features of:
1. Spirogyra and Zygnema
2. Spirogyra and Vaucheria
3. Ulothrix and Zygnema
4. Chlamydomanas and Ulothrix

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§3f§ All the following belong to Phaeophyceae except: Ilf! Sexual reproduction is oogamous and accompanied
1. Dictyota by complete post-fertilization developments in the
2. Porphyra members of:
3. Fucus 1. Chlorophyceae
4. Sargassum 2. Phaeophyceae
3. Rhodophyceae
4. Both Chlorophyceae and Phaeophyceae
R hodophyceae
All the following are members of rhodophyceae

Identify the incorrect statement regarding algae; except:

1. Polysiphonia
1. Algae contain chlorophyll 2. Laminaria
2. Algae are autotrophic 3. Gracilaria
3. Body of an alga is composed of pseudoparenchyma 4. Gelidium
and hyphae
4. Cell wall of an alga is composed of true cellulose. Which of the following is expected to be found in

All the following statements will be true for brown deepest waters?
1. Red algae
algae except: 2. Green algae
1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, d and phycoerythrin. 3. Brown algae
2. Food is stored as floridean starch. 4. Blue green algae
3. Vegetative cells have wall made of cellulose, pectin
and polysuphate esters.
4. Flagellar number and insertions are 2, equal and apical. B ryophytes
In the given diagram of the green alga Chara, the
A plant shows thallus level of organization. It shows
parts labeled A and B respectively are called :
Central rhizoids and is haploid. It needs water to complete its life
cylindrical cell
cycle because the male gametes are motile. Identify the
group to which it belongs to.
1. Pteridophytes
2. Gymnosperms
3. Monocots
4. Bryophytes

Antheridium of bryophytes produce

1. Non-motile
2. Uni-flagellate
3. Biflagellate
4. Ciliate

Bryophytes are attached to the substratum by

1. Nucule and Globule
2. Globule and Nucule rhizoids that are:
3. Antheridium and Archegonium 1. Unicellular 2. Multicellular
4. Archegonium and Antheridium 3. Acellular 4. Unicellular or multicellular

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E s s e n t ia l e : P l a n t K in g d o m

Ecologically important first colonizers of rocks are: The bryophytes are also called as the amphibians of
1. Lichens plants kingdom mainly because:
2. Algae 1. they respire through the moist epidermis
3. Gymnosperms 2. they depend on water for sexual reproduction
4. Angiosperms 3. they require more water than most plants
4. they lack true roots
All the following are characteristics of bryophytes
The economic importance of bryophytes include:
1. spore producing I. A moss provides peat used as a packing material
2. dominant gametophyte II. They are early colonizers of land in ecological
3. lignified tissues succession
4. producing antheridium and archegonium III. They can decompose rocks
IV. They can prevent soil erosion
What is not true regarding bryophytes? 1. Only I, II and III
1. Zygote undergoes reduction division immediately 2. Only I, III and IV
2. Sporophyte is not free living 3. Only II, III and IV
3. Haploid spores are produced by meiosis 4 .1, II, III and IV
4. The sex organs are multi-cellular
Consider the two statements:
The bryophyte with most economic importance will Statement I: Bryophytes usually occur in damp, humid
be: and shaded localities and are not truly ‘successful’ on
1. peat moss land.
2. liverwort Statement II: They are dependent on water for sexual
3. hornwort reproduction.
4. Polytrichum 1. Statement I is correct and Statement II is incorrect
2. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct and
43 The structure marked as “b” can be used for: Statement II explains Statement I
3. Statement I is incorrect and Statement II is correct
4. Both Statement I and Statement II are correct but
Statement II does not explain Statement I:
1. Photosynthesis How many of the given features will be true for
|2. Attachment
3. Buoyancy brown algae:
4. Reproduction I. Presence of xanthophylls
II. A gelatinous coating of algin on cell wall
III. A centrally placed vacuole in plastids
IV. Ribbon shaped biflagellate zoospores
1. 1
2. 2
3. 3

E s s e n t ia l e : P l a n t K in g d o m

Which of the following statement will not be true Regarding Marchantia:

regarding bryophytes? I. The thallus is dorsi-ventral and closely appressed to the
1. They are dependent on water for sexual reproduction. substrate.
2. Archegonium is flask shaped and produces multiple II. The plant is monoecious.
eggs. 1. Both I and II are incorrect
3. Sporophyte is attached to the photosynthetic 2. Only I is incorrect
gametophytes and derives nourishment from it. 3. Only I is correct
4. The antherozoids are released into water. 4. Both I and II are correct

In liverworts:
L iverworts I. Asexual reproduction is not seen.
II. Sexual reproduction takes place by multicellular
What is the function of the gemmae produced by gemmae.
1. Both I and II are incorrect
some liverworts? 2. Only I is incorrect
1. a water gathering structure 3. Only I is correct
2. a light gathering structure 4. Both I and II are correct
3. a sexual structure
4. an asexual structure
M osses

Protonema is
1. Haploid and is found in mosses
2. Diploid and is found is liverworts
3. Diploid and is found in pteridophytes
4. Haploid and is found in pteridophytes

What is not true for mosses?

1. Sporophyte is less elaborate than liverworts
2. Protonema stage develops directly from a spore
3. Leafy stage develops from a secondary protonema as a
lateral bud
1. Female thallus of Marchantia 4. They are attached to soil through multicellular and
2. Male thallus of Marchantia branched rhizoids
3. Female thallus of Funaria
4. Male thallus of Funaria Red algae photosynthesize at ocean depths greater

The term ‘seaweeds’ is used to describe several than any other group of algae and hence can be found in
deepest waters because they
macroscopic, multicellular marine algal species belonging 1. contain a higher concentration of chlorophyll
to: 2. have an extremely large surface area to capture the
I. Chlorophyceae little amount of light that reaches them
II. Phaeophyceae 3. contain the pigment phycoerythrin
III. Rhodophyceae 4. periodically float to the surface and intercept light, then
1 .1 and II only move back to the ocean floor
2 .1 and III only
3. II and III only
4 . 1, II and III

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Vegetative reproduction in mosses is by: In the given diagram of Funaria, what are A, B, C
Fragmentation and budding in secondary protonema and D respectively?
2. Only budding in secondary protonema sporogonium

3. Adventitious roots and budding in secondary 1. Sporophyte, Gametophyte, Female

branch, Male branch !j1
2. Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Female A

- Fragmentation and budding in sporophyte II—— seta

branch, Male branch 1

In the life cycle of a moss, the sporphytic generation 3. Sporophyte, Gametophyte, Male
branch, Female branch ■msi
:s represented by all the following except: 4. Gametophyte, Sporophyte, Male B
1. Oospore branch, Female branch
2. Spore [, r "
3. Sporogonium
Spore mother cell Sporophyte is differentiated into a foot, a seta and a
capsule in:
| The given figure represents the life cycle of a
I. Liverworts
Typical: II. Mosses
1. Only I 2. Only II
3. Both I and II 4. Neither I nor II
Sporophyte ;/%
V* \ The given figure represents:


Embryo / • • • •
irl . .
archegonium Archegonial
■: head
A «•
i Germinating m


1. Equisetum, a horsetail where A is macrophyll and B is

1. Gymnosperm microphyll
2. Angiosperm 2. Sphagnum, peat moss where A is microphyll and B is
3. Bryophyte macrophyll
4. Pteridophyte 3. Equisetum, a horsetail where A is archegonial branch
and B is antheridial branch
4. Sphagnum, peat moss where A is archegonial branch
and B is antheridial branch

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[33 All the following bryophytes are ‘Mosses’ except: Evolutionarily, the first terrestrial plants to possess
1. Funaria vascular tissues are:
2. Marchantia 1. Bryophytes
3. Polytrichum 2. Pteridophytes
4. Sphagnum 3. Gnetales
4. Cycads
Consider the given statements regarding Mosses:
I. Protonema is a gametophyte stage that is creeping, Consider the following two statements:
green, branched and frequently filamentous. I. The spread of living pteridophytes is restricted to
II. Leafy stage bears sex organs and is attached to the soil narrow geographical regions
through multicellular and branched rhizoids. II. They are the first terrestrial plants to possess vascular
III. Sex organs are produced at the apex of the leafy tissues
shoot. 1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
IV. They have an elaborate mechanism of spore dispersal. 2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
1. Only I, II and III are correct 3 . 1 is true but II is false
2. Only I, III and IV are correct 4 . 1 is false but II is true
3. Only II, III and IV are correct
4 . 1, II, III and IV are correct Which of the following does not belong to the class
1. Dryopteris
P teridophytes 2. Adiantum
3. Pteris
A prothallus is 4. Lycopodium
1. A structure in pteridophytes formed before the thallus B7I1 Identify the incorrect statement:
2. A sporophytic free living structure formed in 1. As compared to the bryophytes, pteridophytes have
pteridophytes sporophyte as the main plant body
3. A gametophyte free living structure formed in 2. Pteridophyte sporophyte has well differentiated true
pteridophytes roots, stem and leaves
3. Selaginella has macrophylls like ferns
4. A primitive structure formed after fertilization in
pteriodophytes 4. In sporophyte of ferns, leaf-like appendages called
sporophylls subtend sporangia
fflftj Identify the incorrectly matched comparison between
iverworts and mosses:
Character Liverworts Mosses
Thalloid and
1. Gametophyte Leafy and radial
Unicellular, mosdy Multicellular,
2. Rhizoids
unbranched generally branched
Mostly absent or Distinct and well
3. Protonema
small developed
4. Elaters Absent Present

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j Consider the following statements: 73 The given diagram shows :

r .eridophytes are the first terrestrial plants to possess
iscular bundles.
1. An alga that lacks flagellated cells
'•lain plant body in pteridophytes is sporophyte which
2. A liverwort
i.rrerentiated into true stem and leaves.
3. A heterosporous pteridophyte
Genera like Selaginella and Salvinia are
4. A gymnosperm with non motile
■-:h of the above statements are true?
1 and II only
- 1 and III only
C and III only m ] Consider the given statements regarding certain
- !. II and III pteridophytes:
Statement I: In Selaginella and Equisetum, sporophylls
m - he given structure belongs to: may form distinct compact structures called strobili or
Statement II: Selaginella and Salvinia are heterosporous.
1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
Peristom e
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
3. Statement I and Statement II are correct
4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect

Consider the two statements:

Assertion: Heterospory in some pteridophytes paved the
way for the evolution of seeds in higher plants.
Reason: The megaspores and microspores in
heterosporous ferns give rise to female and male
gametophytes respectively.
1. Both Assertion and Reason are true and Reason
correctly explains the Assertion.
■a gametophytic generation in the life cycle of a fern 2. Both Assertion and Reason are true but Reason does
_ ' - sporophytic generation in the life cycle of a fern not correctly explain the Assertion.
"a gametophytic generation in the life cycle of a moss 3. Assertion is true and Reason is false.
- ' a sporophytic generation in the life cycle of a moss 4. Assertion is false and Reason is true.

G ymnosperms
Plants of this group are diploid and well adapted to
extreme conditions. They grow bearing sporophylls in
compact structures called cones. The group in reference is
1. Monocots 2. Dicots
3. Pteridophytes 4. Gymnosperms

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The giant Redwood tree (Sequoia sempervirens) is Which of the following regarding Cycas is incorrect?
a/an 1. Pinnate leaves persist for a few years
1. Angiosperm 2. Male and female cones are born on different plants
2. Free fern 3. Coralloid roots are in association with cynobacteria
3. Pteridophyte 4. Homosporous gymnosperm
4. Gymnosperm
In gymnosperms, the ovules are:
Which of the following Greek root word means
1. not enclosed by any ovary wall before and after
"naked" and hence gives name to plants like cycas and fertilization
pines? 2. not enclosed by any ovary wall only before fertilization
1. angeion 3. not enclosed by any ovary wall only after fertilization
2. sperm 4. enclosed by an ovary wall before and after fertilization
3. gymnos
4. gynos

The term ‘strobilus’ in a gymnosperm defines a:

1. collection of megasporophylls
2. collection of microsporophylls
3. site of sporangial development
4. collection of megasporophylls, microsporophylls
and/or a site of sporangial development 1. Obligate association with mycorrhiza
2. Unbranched stems
Female sex organs of gymnosperms are called: 3. Male and female strobili on the same plant
4. Leaves in fascicles
1. Archegonia
2. Female strobili Consider the given two statements:
3. Megasporangium
4. Megasporophyll Statement I: In Cycas, the pinnate leaves persist for a few
Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes, in Statement II: In conifers, the needle-like leaves reduce the
surface area helping to reduce water loss.
1. Statement I is correct but Statement II is incorrect
1. the male and female gametophytes do not have an
2. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is correct
independent existence
3. Statement I and Statement II are correct
2. the vascular tissue is poorly developed 4. Statement I and Statement II are incorrect
3. the reproduction is dependent on water in most cases
4. the plants bodies are clearly differentiated into root, IThe given diagram shows:
stem and leaves

Identify the correct statement regarding Marchantia: 1. Male thallus of T

1. Multicellular rhizoids help in anchorage and absorption Marchantia
of water through their capillary action. 2. Female thallus of \i
2. Reproductive organs are borne on antheridiophores and Marchantia
archegoniophores that arise from the apical notches of 3. Sphagnum
male and female thalli respectively. sporophyte
3. The antheridiophore has an umbrella shaped structure 4. Sphagnum
which bears antheridia. gametophyte
4. The archegoniophores have flattened, more or less
convex head or receptacle.

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The given pattern of life cycle will be seen in:

A ngiosperms
In angiosperms:
I. The dicots are characterized by seeds having two
cotyledons, reticulate venation and trimerous flowers,
n. The monocots are characterized by single
cotyledonous seed, parallel venation and tetramerous or
pentamerous flowers.
1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
3. Both I and II are correct
4 Both I and II are incorrect

P lant life cycles and

3. Ectocarpus 4. Polysiphonia
The life cycle of Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia and kelps
The given pattern of life cycle will be seen in:

gam etes q
Identify the parts labeled as 1, 2 and 3 in prothallus
o .o o
:: the fern:


1. Spirogyra 2. Fucus
3. Ectocarpus 4. Polysiphonia

1 Archegonium Antheridium Multicellular rhizoids
2 Antheridium Archegonium Multicellular rhizoids
: Archegonium Antheridium Unicellular rhizoids
- Antheridium Archegonium Unicellular rhizoids

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The given pattern of life cycle will be seen in: R H In Haplontic life cycle:
I. Sporophytic generation is represented only by the one-
individuals celled zygote.
. , 0 s's (gametophytes)
II. Meiosis in zygote results in the formation of haploid
III. The dominant photosynthetic stage is the free living
spores ,s's gametophyte
0 gametes
a . .S„ {f , C 1. Only I is correct
-V~. • if .4-*'
fertilization v
2. Only I and III are correct
m 3. Only II is correct
o zygote
4. I, II and III are correct

IPff Examine the figures A, B, C and D. In which one of

individual the four options all the items, A, B, C and D are correct ?

1. Spirogyra 2. Fucus
3. Chlamydomanas 4. Polysiphonia i
Which of the following terms is not correctly ■f T\ V
Juvenile sporophyte of the life cycle of
1. Protonema
Gametophyte stage in the life of a fern
2. Prothallus
or other pteridophyte
The female sex organ in mosses,
3. Archegonium
liverworts, ferns, and most conifers
Sporangia-bearing structure densely
4. Strobilus B
aggregated along a stem

BTa Read the following five statements (I - V) and

answer as asked next to them.
I. In Equisetum the female gametophyte is retained on the
parent sporophyte
II. In Ginkgo male gametophyte is not independent
III. The sporophyte in Riccia is more developed than that
in Polytrichum
IV. Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous
V. The spores of slime molds lack cell walls
How many of the above statements are correct ? Options :
1. Three 2. Four A B C D
3. One 4. Two 1. Equisetum Ginkgo Selaginella Lycopodium
2. Selaginella Equisetum Salvima Ginkgo
3. Funaria Adiantum Salvinia Riccia
4. Chara Marchantia Fucus Pinus


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E ssentiale : P lant K ingdom

Regarding plants exhibiting diplontic life cycle: A plant has a dominant, independent,
1. Gametophyte is the dominant photosynthetically photosynthetic, thalloid or erect phase as a haploid
independent phase. gametophyte which alternates with the short-lived,
2. The sporophytic stage is represented by the single to multicellular sporophyte totally or partially dependent on
:ew-celled diploid sporophyte. the gametophyte for its anchorage and nutrition. This
3. All seed bearing plants follow this pattern with some plant most likely belongs to:________________________
variations. 1. Red algae 2. Bryophytes
4. Most algae follow this type of life cycle. 3. Pteridophytes 4. Gymnosperms

100 A plant has a diploid sporophyte as the dominant, The given figure represents the life cycle of:
independent, photosynthetic, vascular body. It alternates Bisexual
with multicellular, saprophytic/autotrophic, independent
but short-lived haploid gametophyte. This plant most
iikely belongs to: Isospores( I I ) f n ) ( n ) ( n )
1. Red algae
2. Bryophytes
M e io s is \ \ I /
(in gametangia)
of spore mother cells (2n) \A 1 /
in sporangium
3. Pteridophytes j^Fertili:
4. Gymnosperms Sporophyte Zygote (first cell of sporophyte)

101 The type of life cycle followed by: Sporophyte embryo

i. Spirogyra is haplontic
II. Fucus is diplontic 1. a homosporous plant with bisexual gametophytes
III. Ectocarpus, Polysiphonia and kelps is haplo-diplontic 2. a heterosporous plant with bisexual gametophytes
1. Only I and II are correct 3. a homosporous plant with unisexual gametophytes
2. Only I and III are correct 4. a heterosporous plant with unisexual gametophytes
3. Only II and III are correct
4 .1, II and III are correct 105 What is not correct regarding resemblances between
gymnosperms and angiosperms?
102 Which of the following is not true regarding 1. Well developed vascular system with xylem and
comparison between the gymnosperms Pinus and Cycas? phloem
Character Pinus Cycas 2. Development of flowers for the purpose of
1- symbiotic association Mycorrhiza Cynobacteria 3. Microspores develop into a pollen tube
4. Post fertilization development of endosperm for
2. Stem Branched Unbranched nourishment of embryo
3. Reproductive parts Dioecious Monoecious
Fall off
Scale leaves as branches Persistent, protective

. Masterclass In BIOLOGY
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106 Identify the incorrectly matched row: The given figure represents the life cycle of a
Character Gymnosperm Angiosperm typical:
1. Xylem Tracheids only
2. Water only Various
Female Relatively large with 8-nucleate
gametophyte distinct Archegonia embryo sac MACROSPORE
A Endosperm Haploid Triploid "MOTHER CELL"

107 Unlike bryophytes and pteridophytes, in MEIOSIS

gymnosperms: MEIOSIS SEED D
1. there is development of ovule and later the seed ANTIPODAL
II. pollen tubes carry male gametes to archegonia EGG ■ KT NUCLEI - V TUBE CELL
III. gametophytes do not have an independent free living
existence 1. Only I and II are correct POLLEN GRAIN

2. Only I and III are correct POLLEN TUBE


3. Only II and III are correct POLLEN TUBE

4 . 1, II and III are correct TUBE NUCLEUS

1. Gymnosperm 2. Angiosperm
3. Bryophyte 4. Pteridophyte


M asterclass in BIOLOGY
powered by V / n e e t ^ P
Iris : P lant K ingdom

The leaf-like photosynthetic organ in brown algae is Which of the following is not seen in red algae?
called as: 1. 2 unequal flagella
1. Holdfast 2. Cellulose cell wall
2. Stipe 3. Phycoerythrin
3. Frond 4. Floridean starch
4. Rhizoid
Which of the following would not be true regarding
I Which of the following classes of algae store food importance of algae?
that is chemically very similar to amylopectin and 1. They increase level of dissolved oxygen in water
glycogen? 2. Many can be used as food source
1. Chlorophyceae 3. They are the source of most antibiotics known to man
2. Phaeophyceae 4. Products like hydrocolloids [algin] and agar are useful
3. Rhodophyceae to man
4. All algae
Identify the incorrect statement regarding red algae:
The cell wall polysaccharides of some red algae are
1. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, c and phycocyanin
the source of: 2. Stored food is floridean starch
1. a sugar substitute 3. Cellulosic cell wall with pectin and polysulfate esters
2. a source of salt 4. Absent flagellar insertions
3. glucose for the study of photosynthesis
4. agar for growing bacteria and other organisms Gracilaria and Gelidium, that are source of Agar,
belong to:
jj Oogamous sexual reproduction is seen in: 1. Chlorophyceae
1. Ulothrix 2. Rliodophyceae
2. Spirogyra 3. Phaeophyceae
3. Udorina 4. Fungi
4. Fucus
3 An example of colonial alga is:
’ Which of the following is not true regarding algae? 1. Volvox
1. Thallophytes that contain chlorophyll 2. Ulothrix
2. Autotrophic 3. Spirogyra
3. Body made of pseudo-parenchyma 4. Chlorella
4. Cellulosic cell wall
Mannitol is a sugar alcohol. It is stored as food in
The gametes are pyriform and bear two laterally 1. Fucus
attached flagella in: 2. Gracillaria
1. Chlorophyceae 3. Chara
2. Phaeophyceae 4. Porphyra
3. Rhodophyceae
4. All algae Chi a, Chi d and phycoerythrin occur in
1. Chlorophyceae
| Sexual reproduction takes place through non 2. Bacillariophyceae
flagellated gametes that are similar in size in: 3. Cyanophyceae
1. Ulothrix 4. Rhodophyceae
2. Spirogyra
3. Volvox
4. Fucus

Masterclass in BIOLOGY
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I r is : P l a n t K in g d o m

Which one of the following statements is wrong? A difference between a gymnosperm and an
1. Laminaria and Sargassum are used as food. angiosperm would be:
2. Algae increase the level of dissolved oxygen in the 1. Lack of a flower
immediate environment. 2. Undeveloped vascular tissue
3. Algin is obtained from red algae, and carrageenan from 3. Xylem is mainly composed of vessels and phloem
brown algae. contains companion cell in angiosperms
4. Agar-agar is obtained from Gelidium and Gracilaria. 4. Microspore grows into a pollen tube

Which of the following pairs is of unicellular algae? In bryophytes and pteridophytes, transport of male
1. Gelidium and Gracilaria gametes requires
2. Anabaena and Volvox 1. insects
3. Chlorella and Spirulina 2. birds
4. Laminaria and Sargassum 3. water
4. wind
ffH Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of
Examine the figure given below and select the right
1. Marchantia
2. Fucus option giving all the four parts (a, b, c and d) correctly
3. Funaria identified.
4. Chlamydomonas

ffgf A species of red algae has been discovered near

Bahamas at a depth of more than 260 m. This unusual
feat is possible because this alga:
1. lacks pigmentation and functions heterotrophically as
parasite on other plants
2. has significant amount of phycoerythrin in addition to
chlorophyll a and d
3. unlike other red algae has flagellated gametes
4. it has large number of root like rhizoids enabling it to
attach to a deep substratum

Which of the following is not true for the green alga (a) (b) (c) (d)
1. Archegoniophore Female thallus Gemma cup Rhizoids
1. Unbranched, filamentous and commonly found in 2. Archegoniophore Female thallus Bud Foot
stagnant fresh water bodies. 3. Seta Sporophyte Protonema Rhizoids
2. The filament is composed of large number of long, 4. Antheridiophore Male thallus Globule Roots
cylindrical cells placed one above the other in a single
row. Gemmae are present in:
3. The cells are characterised by long spiral ribbon­
1. Some Gymnosperms
shaped chloroplasts with several pyrenoids. 2. Some Liverworts
4. There are multiple small vacuoles in each cell.
3. Mosses
4. Pteridophytes

m Masterclass in BIOLOGY
powered by V * neem$P I r is : P l a n t K in g d o m

J In a moss, the sporophyte Select the mismatch -

1 Manufactures food for itself, as well as for the 1. Pinus - Dioecious
pametophyte 2. Cycas - Dioecuous
1 Arises from a spore produced from gametophyte 3. Salvinia - Heterosporous
: Is partially parasitic on the gametophyte 4. Equisetum - Homosporous
- Produces gametes that give rise to the gametophyte
Pollen chamber present in gymnosperms represents
J Read the following statements (A-E) and answer the
1. Microsporangium
: aestion which follows them. 2. Pollen grain cell where sperms are formed
A) In liverworts, mosses, and ferns gametophytes are 3. Opening of megagametophyte for passage of pollen
'ree-living tube to egg
5 Gymnosperms and some ferns are heterosporous 4. Cavity in nucellus for resting pollen grains after
I Sexual reproduction in Fucus, Volvox and Albugo is pollination
. rgamous
D i The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than UTS In which one of the following, male and female
a: in mosses gametophytes do not have free living independent
£ Both, Pinus and Marchantia, are dioecious existence
- aw many of the above statements are correct?________ 1. Polytrichum
I Two 2. Three 2. Cedrus
3. Four 4. One 3. P teris
4. Funaria
Sphagnum can be distinguished from mosses by all
The gymnosperms, Pines, are unique because they
"r following characteristics except:
The stem has no rhizoids produce:
- Leaves have green and hyaline cells 1. leaves in fascicles
The sex organs do not limit the indefinite growth of the 2. true leaves
~ :-:n axis 3. cones
- “ he capsule is borne on seta 4. archegonia

j Which of the following statement is correct? The microstrobilus in gymnosperms represents the:
Ovules are not enclosed by ovary wall in gymnosperms 1. "female" cone
_ Selaginella is heterosporous, while Salvinia is 2. megasporangium-bearing cone
: ~osporous 3. pollen-bearing cone
Horsetails are gymnosperms 4. none of these
- Stems are usually unbranched in both Cycas and
~-:drus Identify the incorrect statement regarding
gymnosperms in general:
Conifers are adapted to tolerate extreme 1. They are heterosporous
■ vonmental conditions because of 2. Megaspore mother cell is differentiated from a cell in
presence of vessels 2. broad hardy leaves the nucellus
3. Multicellular female gametophyte is retained on the
5_perficial stomata 4. thick cuticle
4. The male gametophyte has a large number of cells

Masterclass in BIOLOGY
powered by y,*neetB^P I ris : P lant K ingdom

In contrast to conifers, gnetophytes produce: Which set contains flagellated male gametes?
1. Simple pollen strobili and simple seed strobili 1. Spirogyra, Anthoceros and Funaria
2. Simple pollen strobili and compound seed strobili 2. Zygnema, Saprolegnia and Hydrilla
3. Compound pollen strobili and simple seed strobili 3. Fucus, Marsilea and Calotropis
4. Compound pollen strobili and compound seed strobili 4. Riccia, Dryopteris and Cycas

36 Life cycle of Ectoccirpus and Fucus respectively are: Consider the following two statements:
1. Haplontic, Diplontic 2. Diplontic, Haplodiplontic I. In Selaginella and Salvia, development of zygotes into
4. Haplodiplontic, young embryos takes place within the female
3. Haplodiplontic, Diplondc gametophyte.
II. Selaginella and Salvia are homosporous pteridophytes
Prothallus is a: 1. Both I and II are correct and II explains I
2. Both I and II are correct but II does not explain I
1. Multicellular, free-living, mostly photosynthetic 3 .1 is true but II is false
thalloid gametophyte in pteridophytes 4 . 1 is false but II is true
2. Multicellular, free-living, mostly photosynthetic
thalloid sporophyte in pteridophytes Porphyra, Sargassum and Laminaria are all:
3. Multicellular, free-living, non photosynthetic thalloid
gametophyte in pteridophytes I. brown algae
4. Multicellular, free-living, mostly photosynthetic well II. marine edible algae
differentiated sporophyte in pteridophytes 1. Only I is correct
2. Only II is correct
Consider the following four statements whether they 3. Both I and II are correct
4. Both I and II are incorrect
are correct or wrong,
(A) The sporophyte in liverworts is more elaborate than An important feature of bryophytes is that the
that in mosses.
(B) Salvinia is heterosporous. embryonic development of the zygote takes place in the:
(C) The life-cycle in all seed-bearing plants is diplontic. 1. Sporangium 2. Archegonium
(D) In Pinus, male and female cones are borne on 3. Protonema 4. Antheridium
different trees.
The two wrong statements together are________________ The correct description of zoospores involved in
1. (A) and (C) 2. (A) and (D) asexual reproduction in most brown algae will be:
3. (B) and (C) 4. (A) and (B) 1. Biflagellate, pear-shaped, lateral unequal flagella
2. Biflagellate, pear-shaped, apical equal flagella
Which one of the following is a correct statement? 3. Biflagellate, lens-shaped, lateral unequal flagella
1. Pteridophyte gametophyte has a protonemal and leafy 4. Biflagellate, lens-shaped, apical equal flagella
2. In gymnosperms, female gametophyte is free-living
3. Antheridiophores and archegoniophores are present in
4. Origin of seed habit can be traced in pteridophytes

40 Strobili or cones are found in:

1. Pteris 2. Marchantia
3. Equisetum 4. Salvinia

E ssentiale: P lant K ingdom - A nswer K ey

I ris: P lant K ingdom - A nswer K ey

1. (3) 2. (3) 3. (4) (3) 6. (2) 7. (2) 8. (1) 9. (3) 10. (1)
11. (2) 12. (1) 13. (1) (3) 16. (3) 17. (4) 18. (2) 19. (4) 20. (3)
21. (3) 22. (1) 23. (2) (2) 26. (4) 27. (1) 28. (4) 29. (1) 30. (4)
31. (2) 32. (1) 33. (3) (4) 36. (3) 37. (1) 38. (2) 39. (4) 40. (3)
41. (4) 42. (3) 43. (2) in

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