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The following is a curated list of law journals catering to various branches of law across
different jurisdictions. It originates from bookmarks and links I had collected over the years,
scattered in different bookmarks of Google Accounts. The compilation aims to serve as a
valuable resource for law students seeking to broaden their understanding and delve deeper
into specific areas of legal study.

While I have tried to include accurate links to each journal (which were working at some point
of time), it's important to note that some of the links provided may lead to outdated bookmarks
or websites that have undergone changes since then.

These journals cover a diverse array of legal topics, providing opportunities for students to
engage with current debates, research findings, and emerging trends shaping the legal world.

Whether you are interested in international law, constitutional law, criminal law, or any other
branch of legal study, I hope this compilation is valuable. Please note that inclusion in this list
does not constitute any kind of order, and hence, this list may not have all the best journals
for sure.

Happy reading!

Rohit Jain, March 29, 2024

Corporate Law:
1. Harvard Law Review
2. Stanford Law Review
3. Yale Law Journal
4. Columbia Law Review
5. The Business Lawyer

Criminal Law:
6. American Criminal Law Review
7. Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology
8. Stanford Journal of Criminal Law and Policy

Constitutional Law:
9. Journal of Constitutional Law
10. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review
11. Supreme Court Review
12. Constitutional Studies

Intellectual Property Law:

13. Stanford Technology Law Review
14. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
15. Yale Journal of Law and Technology
16. Journal of Intellectual Property Law
17. Intellectual Property Journal

18. International Law:

19. American Journal of International Law
20. Yale Journal of International Law
21. European Journal of International Law

Tax Law:
22. Harvard Journal on Legislation
23. Yale Journal of Regulation
24. Tax Notes

Employment Law:
25. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender
26. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism
27. Labour Law Journal

Health Law:
28. Journal of Law, Medicine & Ethics
29. Yale Journal of Health Policy, Law, and Ethics
30. Journal of Health Law
31. Health Affairs

Family Law:
32. Columbia Journal of Gender and Law

Rohit Jain, March 29, 2024

33. Family Law Quarterly
34. Yale Journal of Law and Feminism
35. Journal of Family Law
36. Harvard Journal of Law & Gender

Human Rights Law:

37. Human Rights Quarterly
38. Yale Human Rights and Development Law Journal
39. Harvard Human Rights Journal
40. Journal of Human Rights
41. Columbia Human Rights Law Review

Real Estate Law:

42. Harvard Journal of Real Estate Law
43. Real Estate Law Journal

Administrative Law:
44. Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy
45. Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization
46. Administrative Law Review
47. Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems

Securities Law

48. Securities Regulation Law Journal

49. Harvard Business Law Review
50. Columbia Law Review
51. Stanford Law Review

Education Law:
52. Harvard Educational Review
53. Yale Law & Policy Review
54. Journal of Law and Education
55. Education Law Journal
56. Journal of Education Policy

Immigration Law:
57. Harvard Latino Law Review
58. Stanford Law & Policy Review

Competition/ Antitrust Law:

59. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
60. Columbia Law Review
61. Stanford Law Review
62. Antitrust Law Journal

Sports Law
63. Harvard Journal of Sports & Entertainment Law
64. Fordham Intellectual Property, Media & Entertainment Law Journal
65. Villanova Sports & Entertainment Law Journal

Rohit Jain, March 29, 2024

Military Law:

66. Military Law Review

67. Harvard National Security Journal
68. Yale Journal of Law & the Humanities
69. National Security Law Journal
70. Journal of National Security Law & Policy

Cyber Law:
71. Harvard Journal of Law & Technology
72. Stanford Technology Law Review
73. Journal of Internet Law
74. Berkeley Technology Law Journal

Journals published out of/ focused on Asia and Africa:

75. Journal of African Law
76. African Journal of Criminology and Justice Studies
77. Nigerian Journal of Constitutional Law
78. Journal of Comparative Law in Africa
79. Journal of Asian and African Studies
80. Asian Journal of Comparative Law
81. Journal of East Asia and International Law
82. Indian Journal of Constitutional Law
83. Journal of South Asian Law
84. Singapore Journal of Legal Studies
85. Hong Kong Law Journal
86. Journal of Chinese Law
87. Malaysian Journal of Law and Society
88. Pakistan Journal of Women's Studies: Alam-e-Niswan
89. Bangladesh Journal of Law

Rohit Jain, March 29, 2024

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