RPP Tekanan

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Lesson Plan Title

RPP Tekanan

Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan: Learning Tekanan

Grade: 8 (IPA students) Subject: Science

Learning Objectives:

1. Understand the concept of tekanan (pressure) and its importance in

various contexts.
2. Identify different factors affecting pressure.
3. Apply knowledge of pressure to real-life situations.
4. Develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Standards for the state of Indonesia:

1. Understand the concept of pressure and its effects on objects and

substances (Standard
2. Investigate and explain the relationship between pressure, force, and
area (Standard
3. Apply the principles of pressure to various situations and phenomena

Duration: 3 sessions (45 minutes each)

Session 1: Introduction to Tekanan

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Objective: Understand the concept and importance of tekanan (pressure).


1. Begin the lesson by engaging students with a short video or real-life

demonstration showcasing different examples of pressure, such as
squeezing a rubber ball or popping a balloon. (10 minutes)
2. Introduce the term "tekanan" and its definition. Discuss the importance
of pressure in everyday life, including examples like hydraulic systems,
water pressure, and air pressure. (10 minutes)
3. Conduct a hands-on activity where students form groups and are given
materials like syringes, water, and balloons. Instruct them to explore and
observe how pressure is created and changed by manipulating these
materials. Encourage them to record their observations and discuss their
findings as a class. (15 minutes)
4. Conclude the session by summarizing the key points discussed. Leave
the students with a question to ponder until the next session, such as
"How does pressure affect our daily lives?" (5 minutes)

Session 2: Factors Affecting Pressure

Objective: Identify different factors affecting pressure. Standards:,


1. Begin the session by reviewing the previous session's question and

allowing students to share their thoughts and ideas. Facilitate a brief
discussion on the impact of pressure in their daily lives. (5 minutes)
2. Introduce the factors that affect pressure, such as force, area, and
altitude. Explain how these factors influence pressure and provide real-life

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examples to reinforce understanding. (10 minutes)
3. Conduct a hands-on activity where students work in pairs to investigate
the effect of force and area on pressure. Provide them with materials like
wooden boards, weights, and pressure sensors. Instruct them to measure
and compare the pressure exerted by different weights on the boards of
varying sizes. Encourage them to record their measurements and
observations. (20 minutes)
4. Allow students to share their findings and discuss the relationship
between force, area, and pressure as a class. Facilitate a debate or a
group discussion on the impact of altitude on pressure, highlighting its
relevance in aviation. (10 minutes)
5. Summarize the key concepts covered and assign a small homework
task where students need to find examples of pressure in different
industries or professions. (5 minutes)

Session 3: Applying Pressure to Real-life Situations

Objective: Apply knowledge of pressure to real-life situations. Standards:,


1. Begin the session by reviewing the previous session's homework task.

Allow students to share their examples and discuss the application of
pressure in various industries, such as construction, scuba diving, and
meteorology. (10 minutes)
2. Introduce a problem-solving activity where students are divided into
groups. Provide them with a scenario that requires them to apply their
knowledge of pressure to find a solution. For example, they could be given
a scenario where they need to design a hydraulic car jack to lift a heavy
vehicle. Encourage creative thinking and collaboration within the groups.
(20 minutes)
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3. Allow each group to present their solution, explaining the principles of
pressure they applied and how it would work in practice. Facilitate a class
discussion, comparing and evaluating the different designs and solutions
presented. (15 minutes)
4. Conclude the session by summarizing the key learning points and
highlighting the importance of pressure in solving real-life problems. (5


1. Formative assessment: Observe students' engagement and

participation during hands-on activities, group discussions, and
2. Summative assessment: Assign a short quiz or project where students
need to explain the concept of pressure, identify factors affecting
pressure, and provide examples of pressure in different contexts.

Extension Activities:

1. Organize a field trip to a local industry or facility where students can

observe firsthand how pressure is utilized in various applications.
2. Assign a research project where students explore the impact of
pressure on natural phenomena, such as volcanic eruptions or
atmospheric pressure changes.

By designing this lesson plan, I have aligned the activities with specific
standards for the state of Indonesia while ensuring the lesson is engaging,
hands-on, and unique. The use of videos, demonstrations, hands-on
activities, and problem-solving tasks will enhance students' understanding
of tekanan and its applications in real-life scenarios.

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