Q3 Exam Hope-4

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NAME: ___________________________________________________


DIRECTION: Write the letter of the correct answer.
For Numbers 1-4: Identify the correct FITT Goals.
A. Reversibility C. Recovery
B. Progressive D. Specificity
______1. It means the body adapts to the initial over load, the overload must be adjusted and increase gradually.
______2. All gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue exercise.
______3. State that each form of the activity would produce different result.
______4. Adaptation to physical activity occurs gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the regenerate and build.
______6. What does HRF stand for?
A. Healthy Respiratory Function
B. Health-Related Fitness
C. High-Resolution Fluorescence
D. Human Resource Finance
_____7. What is the purpose of self-assessing one's HRF status?
A. To determine if one is eligible for health insurance
B. To identify areas of strength and weakness in one's physical fitness
C. To diagnose health conditions
D. None of the above
_____8. What are some common barriers to physical activity assessment participation?
A. Lack of time C. Lack of access to facilities or equipment
B. Lack of motivation D. All of the above
_____9. What is the importance of identifying barriers to physical activity
assessment participation?
A. To ensure that everyone participates in physical activity assessments
B. To develop strategies to overcome barriers and promote physical activity
C. To diagnose health conditions
D. None of the above
_____9. Which component of physical fitness refers to the physical attributes such
as the cardio-respiratory, muscular strength, and flexibility?
A. Fitness B. Health-related C. emotional related D. Talent-related
_____10. What health- related fitness has the ability of the muscle to generate force?
A. Cardio respiratory Endurance C. Muscular
B. Muscular Strength D. Power
_____11. What do you call the capacity to perform one’s daily tasks without undue fatigue?
A. Physical Fitness B. Running C. Swimming D. Jumping
_____12. Which of the following is a physical fitness test for flexibility?
A. push up C. sit and reach
B. basic plank D. height and weight
_____13. What does FITT stand for?
A. Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type
B. Flexibility, Intensity, Time, Technique
C. Frequency, Intensity, Timing, Training
D. Flexibility, Inclusion, Time, Type

_____14. hat is the purpose of setting FITT goals?

A. To achieve and maintain health-related fitness
B. To increase social support for physical activity
C. To develop culinary skills for healthy cooking
D. To improve financial management skills
_____15. Which of the following principle states that any gains received through
regular physical activity will stop if no longer active in performing the fitness
A. overload B. specificity C. progression D. reversibility
_____16. What is the first element you should set up when planning workout plan? It
refers to how often you exercise?
A. Frequency B. Intensity C. Time D. Type
_____17. What is an example of a setting where an individual can engage in moderate to
vigorous physical activities (MVPA)?
A. Sitting at a desk C. Playing video games
B. Watching TV D. A park
_____18. What is an example of a vigorous physical activity?
A. Sitting and watching TV C. Jogging or running
B. Walking slowly around the house D. Standing still and stretching
_____19. What does MVPA stand for?
A. Moderate Vigorous Physical Activity
B. Minimal Variable Physical Activity
C. Maximum Velocity Power Assessment
D. Multi-Vector Physical Aptitude
_____20. Which of these is a physiological indicator used to monitor participation
in MVPAs?
A. Temperature C. Blood pressure
B. Heart rate D. Flexibility
_____21. What is the abbreviation for Rate of Perceived Exertion?
_____22. What is the primary purpose of monitoring physiological indicators during MVPAs?
A. To win competitions
B. To monitor and adjust participation or effort
C. To improve only the muscle strength
D. To decrease flexibility
_____23. What kind of activity includes resistance training and lifting weights,
causes the body’s muscles to work or hold against an applied force or weight?
A. Aerobic C. Muscle Strengthening
B. Bone Strengthening D. Reaction Time
_____24. What is the relationship between HRF status, physical activity, and diet?
A. There is no relationship between these factors
B. Maintaining a healthy HRF status requires both regular physical activity and
a balanced diet
C. Physical activity is not important in maintaining a healthy HRF status
D. Diet is more important than physical activity
_____25. What are some common barriers to physical activity assessment participation?
A. Lack of time, motivation, or access to facilities or equipment
B. Fear of injury or embarrassment
C. Limited knowledge or understanding of the benefits of physical activity
D. All of the above
_____26. What is the importance of identifying barriers to physical activity assessment
A. To ensure that everyone participates in physical activity
B. To develop strategies to overcome barriers and promote physical activity
C. To diagnose health conditions
D. None of the above
_____27. What is the purpose of the "F" component of FITT?
A. To indicate the type of physical activity
B. To indicate the intensity of physical activity
C. To indicate the number of repetitions of physical activity
D. To indicate the frequency of physical activity
_____28. What is the purpose of the "I" component of FITT?
A. To indicate the type of physical activity
B. To indicate the intensity of physical activity
C. To indicate the number of repetitions of physical activity
D. To indicate the frequency of physical activity
_____29. What are MVPAs?
A. Moderate Vascular Physical Activities
B. Most Valuable Physical Assets
C. Maximum Voluntary Physical Actions
D. None of the above
_____30. How would you define FITT goals and their importance in achieving and
maintaining HRF?
A. FITT goals are irrelevant to achieving and maintaining HRF
B. FITT goals are short-term goals that have no impact on HRF
C. FITT goals are long-term goals that are essential for achieving and maintaining
D. FITT goals are goals that focus on the frequency, intensity, time, and type of physical activity necessary for achieving and
maintaining HRF
_____31. What is an example of an activity that is NOT considered MVPA?
A. Walking to school C. Swimming
B. Riding a bike D. Sitting in a car
_____32. What is an example of a moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPA) that can
be done outdoors?
A. Reading a book C. Riding a bike
B. Playing video games D. Sitting and watching the clouds
_____33. What is the primary reason for monitoring Rate of Perceived Exertion during
A. To determine how tired a person feels
B. To track mental focus during exercise
C. To estimate the intensity of the exercise based on subjective feelings
D. To measure the muscle
_____34. How does heart rate correlate with exercise intensity?
A. Heart rate decreases
B. Heart rate increases as exercise intensity increases
C. Heart rate remains no changes
D. There is no correlation between heart rate and exercise intensity
_____35. How can you apply your knowledge of HRF components to develop a personalized
fitness plan?
A. By focusing on areas of weakness and incorporating exercises that target those
B. By avoiding exercises that challenge areas of weakness to prevent injury
C. By only doing exercises that focus on areas of strength to build confidence
D. None of the above
_____36. How can you apply your knowledge of physical activity and diet to develop a
comprehensive wellness plan?
A. By focusing on physical activity or diet exclusively, without considering the other
B. By integrating physical activity and healthy eating habits into a
comprehensive wellness plan
C. By only focusing on one aspect of wellness, such as mental health or sleep
D. None of the above
_____37. How can lack of social support be a social barrier to physical activity?
A. It can lead to a lack of accountability and motivation to exercise
B. It can result in a lack of access to exercise partners or groups
C. It can make it difficult to find time to exercise
D. All of the above
_____38. A friend asks you to help them assess their health-related fitness. Which
components should you consider?
A. Aerobic capacity C. Body composition
B. Muscle strength D. All of the above
_____39. Which of the following is an example of applying the "Intensity" component of FITT
to achieve and maintain health-related fitness?
A. Walking for 30 minutes every day
B. Running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes every day
C. Practicing yoga for 30 minutes once a week
D. Stretching for 5 minutes before and after exercise
_____40. Which of the following is an example of applying the "Time" component of FITT to
achieve and maintain health-related fitness?
A. Walking for 30 minutes every day
B. Lifting weights for 3 sets
C. Practicing yoga
D. Swimming

Read and analyze the question carefully. (10 points)

As you engage in moderate to vigorous physical activity, you need to observe some personal safety precautions. What is the
importance of doing this?

_____37. What would result if someone applied the "Intensity" component of FITT to their
physical activity plan?
A. Increased strength C. Decreased endurance
B. Decreased weight D. None of the above
_____38. Jane wants to meet the recommended guidelines for moderate to vigorous physical
activities (MVPAs). Which of the following schedules would best meet her needs?
A. Playing basketball for 30 minutes every day
B. Going for a 60-minute brisk walk twice a week
C. Jogging for 30 minutes and swimming for 30 minutes on most days
D. Engaging in yoga for 60 minutes every day
_____39. How would you apply your knowledge of MVPAs to create a safe and supportive
environment for physical education classes?
A. By enforcing strict rules and punishments for misbehavior
B. By encouraging respectful communication and positive reinforcement
C. By assigning physical activities based on students' likes
D. By excluding students who exhibit disruptive behavior
_____40. Which of the following is NOT a benefit of engaging in MVPA?
A. Improved cardiovascular health
B. Improved mental health
C. Increased risk of injury
D. Better academic performance
_____41. How would you apply your knowledge of MVPAs to support a student with a
physical disability in participating in physical activities?
A. By modifying activities to accommodate the student's abilities
B. By discouraging the student from participating in physical activities
C. By telling to other students not to help in performing the physical activities
D. By excluding the student from physical education classes
_____42. Which of the following scenarios BEST demonstrates a student meeting
the learning competency for engaging in MVPAs in a variety of settings both in- and
out of school?
A. Attending physical education classes and playing video games at home
B. Participating in school sports teams and going for bike rides with friends on the weekends
C. Going to the gym and exercising on a stationary bike every day
D. Swimming during summer vacation and skiing during winter break
_____43. How can assessing one's HRF status help identify potential barriers to physical
A. It can reveal areas of weakness or limitation that may impact physical activity participation
B. It can help identify areas of strength that can be utilized in physical activity
C. It can provide a benchmark for tracking progress in physical activity
D. All of the above
_____44. What are some common barriers to physical activity assessment participation?
A. Lack of time, lack of motivation, and lack of access to equipment
B. Lack of interest, lack of knowledge, and lack of social support
C. Lack of equipment, lack of understanding of assessment procedures, and fear of
D. All of the above
_____45. How would you analyze the appropriateness of a FITT goal for an individual based
on their current fitness level?
A. By setting a goal that is too challenging for their fitness level
B. By setting a goal that is too easy for their fitness level
C. By setting a goal that is appropriate for their fitness level and gradually increasing the intensity over time
D. By ignoring the individual's current fitness level when setting a goal
_____46. How would you analyze the effectiveness of a FITT goal in achieving and
maintaining HRF?
A. By setting a goal that is unrealistic and unachievable
B. By setting a goal that is unrelated to HRF
C. By setting a goal that is specific, measurable, and achievable and monitoring progress over time
D. By ignoring the effectiveness of FITT goals
_____47. During a long-distance run, John notices his pace is too fast and he's getting tired
quickly. What should he do to maintain his energy throughout the run?
A. Increase his pace
B. Do not rest for a few minutes
C. Slow down his pace
D. Ignore the feeling and continue at his current pace

_____48. Tarah's heart rate is 180 bpm during a HIIT workout. According to the Borg scale,
her RPE is 17. Should Sarah continue at this intensity?
A. Yes, she is in the appropriate range for her age
B. No, she should lower her intensity to reduce her heart rate
C. Yes, but she should take breaks more frequently
D. Yes, she should continue exercising
_____49. How would you evaluate the impact of social support on an individual's
participation in physical activity?
A. By avoiding social situations that involve physical activity
B. By seeking out social situations that involve physical activity
C. By relying solely on personal motivation to participate in physical activity
D. By ignoring the impact of social support on physical activity participation
_____50. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of goal-setting in achieving one's health
and fitness objectives?
A. By setting difficult to measure
B. By setting specific and measurable goals
C. By setting goals that are unrealistic and unachievable
D. By ignoring the effectiveness of goal-setting
_____51. How would you evaluate the effectiveness of self-assessment in determining one's
HRF status?
A. By comparing self-assessment results with results from a professional assessment
B. By asking friends and family to assess your HRF status
C. By relying to others result
D. By ignoring the results of self-assessment
_____52. Which physiological indicator is the most accurate in determining exercise
A. Heart rate
B. Rate of perceived exertion
C. Pacing
D. All of the above should be considered together
_____53. In a group exercise class, participants have different heart rate responses to the
same activity. What could be a reason for this variation?
A. Differences in individual fitness levels
B. Faulty heart rate monitors
C. Instructor error in guiding the class
D. The activity is not suitable for a group setting
_____54. Which of the following scenarios would require an individual to adjust their
participation or effort during an MVPA?
A. A sudden drop-in heart rate
B. A consistently high RPE
C. Inability to maintain a steady pace
D. All of the above
_____55. How would you create a plan to overcome a lack of motivation as a barrier to
physical activity participation?
A. Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals
B. Decrease access to exercise equipment
C. Develop culinary skills to prepare healthy meals
D. None of the above
_____56. How would you create a FITT goal for an individual looking to maintain their HRF?
A. Perform physical activity once a week
B. Perform physical activity for 5 minutes, 3 days a week
C. Maintain the same frequency, intensity, time, and type of physical activity that has been effective in achieving HRF
D. Ignore the need for physical activity in maintaining HRF
_____57. How would you create a FITT goal for an individual looking to improve their
cardiovascular fitness?
A. Perform highly-intensity exercise every day of the week
B. Perform very low-intensity exercise once a week
C. Perform moderate-intensity exercise for 30 minutes, 5 days a week
D. Perform any type of physical activity for 10 minutes, 3 days a week
_____58. How can you create a strategy for adjusting participation or effort during an MVPA
based on heart rate, RPE, and pacing?
A. Increase intensity when heart rate is too low, reduce intensity when heart rate is
too high, and adjust pacing to maintain energy
B. Ignore heart rate and RPE, focusing only on pacing
C. Increase intensity regardless of heart rate, RPE, or pacing
D. Focus only on heart rate and ignore RPE and pacing
_____59. How can you design a method for teaching individuals to effectively monitor and
adjust their participation or effort during MVPAs based on physiological indicators?
A. Educate individuals on the importance of heart rate, RPE, and pacing, and
provide guidelines for monitoring and adjusting these indicators
B. Focus solely on heart rate and ignore RPE and pacing
C. Instruct individuals to rely on their emotions to determine exercise intensity
D. Encourage individuals to maintain a constant exercise intensity, regardless of
their physiological indicators
_____60. How can you design an exercise program that incorporates monitoring of heart
rate, RPE, and pacing for a beginner?
A. A mix of low-impact aerobic exercises, with target heart rate zones, RPE guidelines, and pacing strategies
B. A high-intensity interval training program with advanced exercises
C. A flexibility and balance-focused program with no reference to heart rate, RPE, or pacing
D. A strength training program that does not incorporate any cardiovascular exercises

Prepared by:

Teacher III

Noted by:

Consolacion, Agoo, La Union


1.Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church. She put on her sandals and grabbed her
sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said, "Good luck. Be careful." Which of the following is explicitly stated in the paragraph?
A. Maria is going to have her first communion
B. Maria is going to see her friend
C. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
D. Maria is always punctual in church services.

2. Read the passage and answer the question. Maria was getting ready to walk to church. She put on her sandals and
grabbed her sling bag. As she was leaving, her mother said, "Good luck. Be careful." Which of the following is implicitly
stated in the paragraph?
A. Maria is going to have her first communion
B. Maria is going to see her friend
C. Maria put on her sandals and grabbed her sling bag.
D. Maria is a churchgoer.

3. What is the meaning of the term "implicit"?

A. Obvious and apparent
B. may be incorrect
C. true in some cases
D. Not expressed clearly

4. Identify explicit information. Maryjane ran down the stairs in her school building. She waited for a tricycle around the
corner, and after a few minutes, she held up her arm to stop the approaching tricycle. When she hopped in, she said,
"Please take me to Doctor's hospital."
A. Maryjane's car was broken
B. Maryjane has not enough money to pay for a taxi.
C. Maryjane was visiting her sick mother.
D. Maryjane waited for a tricycle around the corner

5. Identify the implicit information. Maryjane ran down the stairs in her school building. She waited for a tricycle around
the corner, and after a few minutes, she held up her arm to stop the approaching tricycle. When she hopped in, she said,
"Please take me to Doctor's hospital."
A. Maryjane was visiting a sick relative.
B. Maryjane has not enough money to pay for a taxi.
C. Maryjane's car was broken
D. Maryjane waited for a tricycle around the corner.

6. What is the meaning of the word "claim"?

A. To acquire
B. To assert something
C. To reject
D. To possess

7. Identify explicit information. Marissa held her grandmother's hand as she crossed the busy parking lot. They
walked into a grocery store. Marissa assisted her in selecting the grocery items to be bought. "Here," said grandma, "You
can hold my shopping list."

8. Identify the implicit information. Marissa held her grandmother's hand as she crossed the busy parking lot. They
walked into a grocery store. Marissa assisted her in selecting the grocery items to be bought. "Here," said grandma, "You
can hold my shopping list."
A. Marissa and her grandma went to the grocery store.
B. Marissa was given a choice to pick any items she liked.
C. Grandma needed the assistance of Marissa.
D. Grandma had lots of grocery items to buy.

9. Which among the statements does not express an explicit message

A. Please leave clear directions for the housekeeper, so she knows what needs to be done.
B. Gay marriage is still unacceptable in our culture.
C. You should not support the death penalty as capital punishment.
D. All children, except one, grow up.
Direction: Identify the claim in the text.
1. A writing material such as a notebook can be regarded as valuable because it contains information that
can be used throughout the generation. It became the tool of the writers to record important event, facts and
data that will serve as source of information today and in the future.
Claim: ________________________________________________________
Implicit or Explicit: _____________________________________________
Type of Claim: _________________________________________________
2. The improper disposal of hazardous waste can result in releases of toxins, ecosystem imbalance, increase
human health issues and environmental pollution. We should advocate proper waste disposal to prevent
disastrous consequences and save lives.
Claim: _________________________________________________________
Type of Claim:___________________________________________________
3. Renting a house is a better option than owning it since it helps to avoid the hassles of processing land titles,
the cost of house construction and the payments of taxes.
Claim: _________________________________________________________
Type of Claim: __________________________________________________

ATTENDANCE: March 16, 2024













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